blob: 84fcfbd43d32064dcd529df924a9b965f8a68e5a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import static;
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import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
import android.view.DisplayCutout;
* Container class for all the window frames that affect how windows are laid out.
* TODO(b/111611553): Investigate which frames are still needed and which are duplicates
public class WindowFrames {
private static final StringBuilder sTmpSB = new StringBuilder();
* In most cases, this is the area of the entire screen.
* TODO(b/111611553): The name is unclear and most likely should be swapped with
* {@link #mDisplayFrame}
* TODO(b/111611553): In some cases, it also includes top insets, like for IME. Determine
* whether this is still necessary to do.
public final Rect mParentFrame = new Rect();
* The entire screen area of the {@link ActivityStack} this window is in. Usually equal to the
* screen area of the device.
* TODO(b/111611553): The name is unclear and most likely should be swapped with
* {@link #mParentFrame}
public final Rect mDisplayFrame = new Rect();
* Legacy stuff. Generally equal to the content frame expect when the IME for older apps
* displays hint text.
public final Rect mVisibleFrame = new Rect();
* The area not occupied by the status and navigation bars. So, if both status and navigation
* bars are visible, the decor frame is equal to the stable frame.
public final Rect mDecorFrame = new Rect();
* Equal to the decor frame if the IME (e.g. keyboard) is not present. Equal to the decor frame
* minus the area occupied by the IME if the IME is present.
public final Rect mContentFrame = new Rect();
* The display frame minus the stable insets. This value is always constant regardless of if
* the status bar or navigation bar is visible.
public final Rect mStableFrame = new Rect();
* Similar to {@link #mDisplayFrame}
* TODO: Why is this different than mDisplayFrame
final Rect mContainingFrame = new Rect();
* "Real" frame that the application sees, in display coordinate space.
final Rect mFrame = new Rect();
* The last real frame that was reported to the client.
final Rect mLastFrame = new Rect();
private boolean mFrameSizeChanged = false;
// Frame that is scaled to the application's coordinate space when in
// screen size compatibility mode.
final Rect mCompatFrame = new Rect();
* Whether the parent frame would have been different if there was no display cutout.
private boolean mParentFrameWasClippedByDisplayCutout;
* Part of the display that has been cut away. See {@link DisplayCutout}.
WmDisplayCutout mDisplayCutout = WmDisplayCutout.NO_CUTOUT;
* The last cutout that has been reported to the client.
private WmDisplayCutout mLastDisplayCutout = WmDisplayCutout.NO_CUTOUT;
private boolean mDisplayCutoutChanged;
* Insets that determine the area covered by the stable system windows. These are in the
* application's coordinate space (without compatibility scale applied).
final Rect mStableInsets = new Rect();
final Rect mLastStableInsets = new Rect();
private boolean mStableInsetsChanged;
* Insets that determine the actually visible area. These are in the application's
* coordinate space (without compatibility scale applied).
final Rect mVisibleInsets = new Rect();
final Rect mLastVisibleInsets = new Rect();
private boolean mVisibleInsetsChanged;
* Insets that are covered by system windows (such as the status bar) and
* transient docking windows (such as the IME). These are in the application's
* coordinate space (without compatibility scale applied).
final Rect mContentInsets = new Rect();
final Rect mLastContentInsets = new Rect();
private boolean mContentInsetsChanged;
private final Rect mTmpRect = new Rect();
private boolean mContentChanged;
public WindowFrames() {
public WindowFrames(Rect parentFrame, Rect displayFrame, Rect contentFrame,
Rect visibleFrame, Rect decorFrame, Rect stableFrame) {
setFrames(parentFrame, displayFrame, contentFrame, visibleFrame, decorFrame,
public void setFrames(Rect parentFrame, Rect displayFrame,
Rect contentFrame, Rect visibleFrame, Rect decorFrame, Rect stableFrame) {
public void setParentFrameWasClippedByDisplayCutout(
boolean parentFrameWasClippedByDisplayCutout) {
mParentFrameWasClippedByDisplayCutout = parentFrameWasClippedByDisplayCutout;
boolean parentFrameWasClippedByDisplayCutout() {
return mParentFrameWasClippedByDisplayCutout;
public void setDisplayCutout(WmDisplayCutout displayCutout) {
mDisplayCutout = displayCutout;
* @return true if the width or height has changed since last reported to the client.
private boolean didFrameSizeChange() {
return (mLastFrame.width() != mFrame.width()) || (mLastFrame.height() != mFrame.height());
* Calculate the insets for the type
* {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#TYPE_DOCK_DIVIDER}
* @param cutoutInsets The insets for the cutout.
void calculateDockedDividerInsets(Rect cutoutInsets) {
// For the docked divider, we calculate the stable insets like a full-screen window
// so it can use it to calculate the snap positions.
InsetUtils.insetsBetweenFrames(mDisplayFrame, mTmpRect, mStableInsets);
// The divider doesn't care about insets in any case, so set it to empty so we don't
// trigger a relayout when moving it.
mDisplayCutout = WmDisplayCutout.NO_CUTOUT;
* Calculate the insets for a window.
* @param windowsAreFloating Whether the window is in a floating task such as pinned or
* freeform
* @param inFullscreenContainer Whether the window is in a container that takes up the screen's
* entire space
* @param windowBounds The bounds for the window
void calculateInsets(boolean windowsAreFloating, boolean inFullscreenContainer,
Rect windowBounds) {
// Override right and/or bottom insets in case if the frame doesn't fit the screen in
// non-fullscreen mode.
boolean overrideRightInset = !windowsAreFloating && !inFullscreenContainer
&& mFrame.right > windowBounds.right;
boolean overrideBottomInset = !windowsAreFloating && !inFullscreenContainer
&& mFrame.bottom > windowBounds.bottom;
overrideRightInset ? windowBounds.right : mFrame.right,
overrideBottomInset ? windowBounds.bottom : mFrame.bottom);
InsetUtils.insetsBetweenFrames(mTmpRect, mContentFrame, mContentInsets);
InsetUtils.insetsBetweenFrames(mTmpRect, mVisibleFrame, mVisibleInsets);
InsetUtils.insetsBetweenFrames(mTmpRect, mStableFrame, mStableInsets);
* Scales all the insets by a specific amount.
* @param scale The amount to scale the insets by.
void scaleInsets(float scale) {
void offsetFrames(int layoutXDiff, int layoutYDiff) {
mFrame.offset(layoutXDiff, layoutYDiff);
mContentFrame.offset(layoutXDiff, layoutYDiff);
mVisibleFrame.offset(layoutXDiff, layoutYDiff);
mStableFrame.offset(layoutXDiff, layoutYDiff);
* Updates info about whether the size of the window has changed since last reported.
* @return true if info about size has changed since last reported.
boolean setReportResizeHints() {
mContentInsetsChanged |= !mLastContentInsets.equals(mContentInsets);
mVisibleInsetsChanged |= !mLastVisibleInsets.equals(mVisibleInsets);
mStableInsetsChanged |= !mLastStableInsets.equals(mStableInsets);
mFrameSizeChanged |= didFrameSizeChange();
mDisplayCutoutChanged |= !mLastDisplayCutout.equals(mDisplayCutout);
return mContentInsetsChanged || mVisibleInsetsChanged
|| mStableInsetsChanged || mFrameSizeChanged
|| mDisplayCutoutChanged;
* Resets the insets changed flags so they're all set to false again. This should be called
* after the insets are reported to client.
void resetInsetsChanged() {
mContentInsetsChanged = false;
mVisibleInsetsChanged = false;
mStableInsetsChanged = false;
mFrameSizeChanged = false;
mDisplayCutoutChanged = false;
* Copy over inset values as the last insets that were sent to the client.
void updateLastInsetValues() {
mLastDisplayCutout = mDisplayCutout;
* Sets the last content insets as (-1, -1, -1, -1) to force the next layout pass to update
* the client.
void resetLastContentInsets() {
mLastContentInsets.set(-1, -1, -1, -1);
* Sets whether the content has changed. This means that either the size or parent frame has
* changed.
public void setContentChanged(boolean contentChanged) {
mContentChanged = contentChanged;
* @see #setContentChanged(boolean)
boolean hasContentChanged() {
return mContentChanged;
public void writeToProto(@NonNull ProtoOutputStream proto, long fieldId) {
final long token = proto.start(fieldId);
mParentFrame.writeToProto(proto, PARENT_FRAME);
mContentFrame.writeToProto(proto, CONTENT_FRAME);
mDisplayFrame.writeToProto(proto, DISPLAY_FRAME);
mVisibleFrame.writeToProto(proto, VISIBLE_FRAME);
mDecorFrame.writeToProto(proto, DECOR_FRAME);
mContainingFrame.writeToProto(proto, CONTAINING_FRAME);
mFrame.writeToProto(proto, FRAME);
mDisplayCutout.getDisplayCutout().writeToProto(proto, CUTOUT);
mContentInsets.writeToProto(proto, CONTENT_INSETS);
mVisibleInsets.writeToProto(proto, VISIBLE_INSETS);
mStableInsets.writeToProto(proto, STABLE_INSETS);
public void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix) {
pw.println(prefix + "Frames: containing="
+ mContainingFrame.toShortString(sTmpSB)
+ " parent=" + mParentFrame.toShortString(sTmpSB));
pw.println(prefix + " display=" + mDisplayFrame.toShortString(sTmpSB));
pw.println(prefix + " content=" + mContentFrame.toShortString(sTmpSB)
+ " visible=" + mVisibleFrame.toShortString(sTmpSB));
pw.println(prefix + " decor=" + mDecorFrame.toShortString(sTmpSB));
pw.println(prefix + "mFrame=" + mFrame.toShortString(sTmpSB)
+ " last=" + mLastFrame.toShortString(sTmpSB));
pw.println(prefix + " cutout=" + mDisplayCutout.getDisplayCutout()
+ " last=" + mLastDisplayCutout.getDisplayCutout());
pw.print(prefix + "Cur insets: content=" + mContentInsets.toShortString(sTmpSB)
+ " visible=" + mVisibleInsets.toShortString(sTmpSB)
+ " stable=" + mStableInsets.toShortString(sTmpSB));
pw.println(prefix + "Lst insets: content=" + mLastContentInsets.toShortString(sTmpSB)
+ " visible=" + mLastVisibleInsets.toShortString(sTmpSB)
+ " stable=" + mLastStableInsets.toShortString(sTmpSB));
String getInsetsInfo() {
return "ci=" + mContentInsets.toShortString()
+ " vi=" + mVisibleInsets.toShortString()
+ " si=" + mStableInsets.toShortString();
String getInsetsChangedInfo() {
return "contentInsetsChanged=" + mContentInsetsChanged
+ " " + mContentInsets.toShortString()
+ " visibleInsetsChanged=" + mVisibleInsetsChanged
+ " " + mVisibleInsets.toShortString()
+ " stableInsetsChanged=" + mStableInsetsChanged
+ " " + mStableInsets.toShortString()
+ " displayCutoutChanged=" + mDisplayCutoutChanged;