blob: aef9386755d7a6f1ab0320eea27a9dd3b5ff407b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import android.content.Context;
import android.system.OsConstants;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
import android.util.Base64;
import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
public class NetdEventListenerServiceTest {
private static final String EXAMPLE_IPV4 = "";
private static final String EXAMPLE_IPV6 = "2001:db8:1200::2:1";
private static final byte[] MAC_ADDR =
{(byte)0x84, (byte)0xc9, (byte)0xb2, (byte)0x6a, (byte)0xed, (byte)0x4b};
NetdEventListenerService mService;
ConnectivityManager mCm;
public void setUp() {
NetworkCapabilities ncWifi = new NetworkCapabilities();
NetworkCapabilities ncCell = new NetworkCapabilities();
mCm = mock(ConnectivityManager.class);
when(mCm.getNetworkCapabilities(new Network(100))).thenReturn(ncWifi);
when(mCm.getNetworkCapabilities(new Network(101))).thenReturn(ncCell);
mService = new NetdEventListenerService(mCm);
public void testWakeupEventLogging() throws Exception {
final int BUFFER_LENGTH = NetdEventListenerService.WAKEUP_EVENT_BUFFER_LENGTH;
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
final String iface = "wlan0";
final byte[] mac = MAC_ADDR;
final String srcIp = "";
final String dstIp = "";
final String srcIp6 = "2001:db8:4:fd00:a585:13d1:6a23:4fb4";
final String dstIp6 = "2001:db8:4006:807::200a";
final int sport = 2356;
final int dport = 13489;
final int v4 = 0x800;
final int v6 = 0x86dd;
final int tcp = 6;
final int udp = 17;
final int icmp6 = 58;
// Baseline without any event
String[] baseline = listNetdEvent();
int[] uids = {10001, 10002, 10004, 1000, 10052, 10023, 10002, 10123, 10004};
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[0], v4, tcp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[1], v6, udp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[2], v6, udp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[3], v4, icmp6, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[4], v6, tcp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[5], v4, tcp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[6], v6, udp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[7], v6, tcp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent(iface, uids[8], v6, udp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
String[] events2 = remove(listNetdEvent(), baseline);
int expectedLength2 = uids.length + 1; // +1 for the WakeupStats line
assertEquals(expectedLength2, events2.length);
assertStringContains(events2[0], "WakeupStats");
assertStringContains(events2[0], "wlan0");
assertStringContains(events2[0], "0x800");
assertStringContains(events2[0], "0x86dd");
for (int i = 0; i < uids.length; i++) {
String got = events2[i+1];
assertStringContains(got, "WakeupEvent");
assertStringContains(got, "wlan0");
assertStringContains(got, "uid: " + uids[i]);
int uid = 20000;
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH * 2; i++) {
long ts = now + 10;
wakeupEvent(iface, uid, 0x800, 6, mac, srcIp, dstIp, 23, 24, ts);
String[] events3 = remove(listNetdEvent(), baseline);
int expectedLength3 = BUFFER_LENGTH + 1; // +1 for the WakeupStats line
assertEquals(expectedLength3, events3.length);
assertStringContains(events2[0], "WakeupStats");
assertStringContains(events2[0], "wlan0");
for (int i = 1; i < expectedLength3; i++) {
String got = events3[i];
assertStringContains(got, "WakeupEvent");
assertStringContains(got, "wlan0");
assertStringContains(got, "uid: " + uid);
uid = 45678;
wakeupEvent(iface, uid, 0x800, 6, mac, srcIp, dstIp, 23, 24, now);
String[] events4 = remove(listNetdEvent(), baseline);
String lastEvent = events4[events4.length - 1];
assertStringContains(lastEvent, "WakeupEvent");
assertStringContains(lastEvent, "wlan0");
assertStringContains(lastEvent, "uid: " + uid);
public void testWakeupStatsLogging() throws Exception {
final byte[] mac = MAC_ADDR;
final String srcIp = "";
final String dstIp = "";
final String srcIp6 = "2401:fa00:4:fd00:a585:13d1:6a23:4fb4";
final String dstIp6 = "2404:6800:4006:807::200a";
final int sport = 2356;
final int dport = 13489;
final long now = 1001L;
final int v4 = 0x800;
final int v6 = 0x86dd;
final int tcp = 6;
final int udp = 17;
final int icmp6 = 58;
wakeupEvent("wlan0", 1000, v4, tcp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("rmnet0", 10123, v4, tcp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", 1000, v4, udp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("rmnet0", 10008, v4, tcp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", -1, v6, icmp6, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", 10008, v4, tcp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("rmnet0", 1000, v4, tcp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", 10004, v4, udp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", 1000, v6, tcp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", 0, v6, udp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", -1, v6, icmp6, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("rmnet0", 10052, v4, tcp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", 0, v6, udp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("rmnet0", 1000, v6, tcp, mac, srcIp6, dstIp6, sport, dport, now);
wakeupEvent("wlan0", 1010, v4, udp, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
String got = flushStatistics();
String want = String.join("\n",
"dropped_events: 0",
"events <",
" if_name: \"\"",
" link_layer: 2",
" network_id: 0",
" time_ms: 0",
" transports: 0",
" wakeup_stats <",
" application_wakeups: 3",
" duration_sec: 0",
" ethertype_counts <",
" key: 2048",
" value: 4",
" >",
" ethertype_counts <",
" key: 34525",
" value: 1",
" >",
" ip_next_header_counts <",
" key: 6",
" value: 5",
" >",
" l2_broadcast_count: 0",
" l2_multicast_count: 0",
" l2_unicast_count: 5",
" no_uid_wakeups: 0",
" non_application_wakeups: 0",
" root_wakeups: 0",
" system_wakeups: 2",
" total_wakeups: 5",
" >",
"events <",
" if_name: \"\"",
" link_layer: 4",
" network_id: 0",
" time_ms: 0",
" transports: 0",
" wakeup_stats <",
" application_wakeups: 2",
" duration_sec: 0",
" ethertype_counts <",
" key: 2048",
" value: 5",
" >",
" ethertype_counts <",
" key: 34525",
" value: 5",
" >",
" ip_next_header_counts <",
" key: 6",
" value: 3",
" >",
" ip_next_header_counts <",
" key: 17",
" value: 5",
" >",
" ip_next_header_counts <",
" key: 58",
" value: 2",
" >",
" l2_broadcast_count: 0",
" l2_multicast_count: 0",
" l2_unicast_count: 10",
" no_uid_wakeups: 2",
" non_application_wakeups: 1",
" root_wakeups: 2",
" system_wakeups: 3",
" total_wakeups: 10",
" >",
"version: 2\n");
assertEquals(want, got);
public void testDnsLogging() throws Exception {
dnsEvent(100, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 0, 3456);
dnsEvent(100, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 0, 267);
dnsEvent(100, EVENT_GETHOSTBYNAME, 22, 1230);
dnsEvent(100, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 3, 45);
dnsEvent(100, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 1, 2111);
dnsEvent(100, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 0, 450);
dnsEvent(100, EVENT_GETHOSTBYNAME, 200, 638);
dnsEvent(100, EVENT_GETHOSTBYNAME, 178, 1300);
dnsEvent(101, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 0, 56);
dnsEvent(101, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 0, 78);
dnsEvent(101, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 0, 14);
dnsEvent(101, EVENT_GETHOSTBYNAME, 0, 56);
dnsEvent(101, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 0, 78);
dnsEvent(101, EVENT_GETADDRINFO, 0, 14);
String got = flushStatistics();
String want = String.join("\n",
"dropped_events: 0",
"events <",
" if_name: \"\"",
" link_layer: 4",
" network_id: 100",
" time_ms: 0",
" transports: 2",
" dns_lookup_batch <",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 2",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 2",
" event_types: 2",
" getaddrinfo_error_count: 0",
" getaddrinfo_query_count: 0",
" gethostbyname_error_count: 0",
" gethostbyname_query_count: 0",
" latencies_ms: 3456",
" latencies_ms: 267",
" latencies_ms: 1230",
" latencies_ms: 45",
" latencies_ms: 2111",
" latencies_ms: 450",
" latencies_ms: 638",
" latencies_ms: 1300",
" return_codes: 0",
" return_codes: 0",
" return_codes: 22",
" return_codes: 3",
" return_codes: 1",
" return_codes: 0",
" return_codes: 200",
" return_codes: 178",
" >",
"events <",
" if_name: \"\"",
" link_layer: 2",
" network_id: 101",
" time_ms: 0",
" transports: 1",
" dns_lookup_batch <",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 2",
" event_types: 1",
" event_types: 1",
" getaddrinfo_error_count: 0",
" getaddrinfo_query_count: 0",
" gethostbyname_error_count: 0",
" gethostbyname_query_count: 0",
" latencies_ms: 56",
" latencies_ms: 78",
" latencies_ms: 14",
" latencies_ms: 56",
" latencies_ms: 78",
" latencies_ms: 14",
" return_codes: 0",
" return_codes: 0",
" return_codes: 0",
" return_codes: 0",
" return_codes: 0",
" return_codes: 0",
" >",
"version: 2\n");
assertEquals(want, got);
public void testConnectLogging() throws Exception {
final int OK = 0;
Thread[] logActions = {
// ignored
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.EALREADY, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.EALREADY, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.EINPROGRESS, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(101, OsConstants.EINPROGRESS, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
connectEventAction(101, OsConstants.EINPROGRESS, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
// valid latencies
connectEventAction(100, OK, 110, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(100, OK, 23, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(100, OK, 45, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(101, OK, 56, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(101, OK, 523, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
connectEventAction(101, OK, 214, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
connectEventAction(101, OK, 67, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
// errors
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.EPERM, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(101, OsConstants.EPERM, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.EAGAIN, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.EACCES, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(101, OsConstants.EACCES, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(101, OsConstants.EACCES, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.EADDRINUSE, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(101, OsConstants.ETIMEDOUT, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.ETIMEDOUT, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
connectEventAction(100, OsConstants.ETIMEDOUT, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV6),
connectEventAction(101, OsConstants.ECONNREFUSED, 0, EXAMPLE_IPV4),
for (Thread t : logActions) {
for (Thread t : logActions) {
String got = flushStatistics();
String want = String.join("\n",
"dropped_events: 0",
"events <",
" if_name: \"\"",
" link_layer: 4",
" network_id: 100",
" time_ms: 0",
" transports: 2",
" connect_statistics <",
" connect_blocking_count: 3",
" connect_count: 6",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 1",
" value: 1",
" >",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 11",
" value: 1",
" >",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 13",
" value: 1",
" >",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 98",
" value: 1",
" >",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 110",
" value: 2",
" >",
" ipv6_addr_count: 1",
" latencies_ms: 23",
" latencies_ms: 45",
" latencies_ms: 110",
" >",
"events <",
" if_name: \"\"",
" link_layer: 2",
" network_id: 101",
" time_ms: 0",
" transports: 1",
" connect_statistics <",
" connect_blocking_count: 4",
" connect_count: 6",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 1",
" value: 1",
" >",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 13",
" value: 2",
" >",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 110",
" value: 1",
" >",
" errnos_counters <",
" key: 111",
" value: 1",
" >",
" ipv6_addr_count: 5",
" latencies_ms: 56",
" latencies_ms: 67",
" latencies_ms: 214",
" latencies_ms: 523",
" >",
"version: 2\n");
assertEquals(want, got);
Thread connectEventAction(int netId, int error, int latencyMs, String ipAddr) {
return new Thread(() -> {
try {
mService.onConnectEvent(netId, error, latencyMs, ipAddr, 80, 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
void dnsEvent(int netId, int type, int result, int latency) throws Exception {
mService.onDnsEvent(netId, type, result, latency, "", null, 0, 0);
void wakeupEvent(String iface, int uid, int ether, int ip, byte[] mac, String srcIp,
String dstIp, int sport, int dport, long now) throws Exception {
String prefix = NetdEventListenerService.WAKEUP_EVENT_IFACE_PREFIX + iface;
mService.onWakeupEvent(prefix, uid, ether, ip, mac, srcIp, dstIp, sport, dport, now);
void asyncDump(long durationMs) throws Exception {
final long stop = System.currentTimeMillis() + durationMs;
final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("/dev/null"));
new Thread(() -> {
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < stop) {
// TODO: instead of comparing textpb to textpb, parse textpb and compare proto to proto.
String flushStatistics() throws Exception {
IpConnectivityMetrics metricsService =
new IpConnectivityMetrics(mock(Context.class), (ctx) -> 2000);
metricsService.mNetdListener = mService;
StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(buffer);
metricsService.impl.dump(null, writer, new String[]{"flush"});
byte[] bytes = Base64.decode(buffer.toString(), Base64.DEFAULT);
IpConnectivityLog log = IpConnectivityLog.parseFrom(bytes);
for (IpConnectivityEvent ev : {
if (ev.getConnectStatistics() == null) {
// Sort repeated fields of connect() events arriving in non-deterministic order.
Comparator.comparingInt((p) -> p.key));
return log.toString();
String[] listNetdEvent() throws Exception {
StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(buffer);
return buffer.toString().split("\\n");
static <T> T[] remove(T[] array, T[] filtered) {
List<T> c = Arrays.asList(filtered);
int next = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (c.contains(array[i])) {
array[next++] = array[i];
return Arrays.copyOf(array, next);