blob: d7b74df0a5e6ab00a77304b56bd5ce6ab59dcdb5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import android.annotation.CallbackExecutor;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* Media Router 2 allows applications to control the routing of media channels
* and streams from the current device to remote speakers and devices.
// TODO: Add method names at the beginning of log messages. (e.g. updateControllerOnHandler)
// Not only MediaRouter2, but also to service / manager / provider.
// TODO: ensure thread-safe and document it
public class MediaRouter2 {
private static final String TAG = "MR2";
private static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);
private static final Object sRouterLock = new Object();
private static MediaRouter2 sInstance;
private final Context mContext;
private final IMediaRouterService mMediaRouterService;
private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<RouteCallbackRecord> mRouteCallbackRecords =
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<ControllerCallbackRecord> mControllerCallbackRecords =
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<ControllerCreationRequest> mControllerCreationRequests =
new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final String mPackageName;
final Map<String, MediaRoute2Info> mRoutes = new HashMap<>();
final RoutingController mSystemController;
private RouteDiscoveryPreference mDiscoveryPreference = RouteDiscoveryPreference.EMPTY;
// TODO: Make MediaRouter2 is always connected to the MediaRouterService.
Client2 mClient;
private Map<String, RoutingController> mRoutingControllers = new ArrayMap<>();
private AtomicInteger mControllerCreationRequestCnt = new AtomicInteger(1);
final Handler mHandler;
private boolean mShouldUpdateRoutes;
private volatile List<MediaRoute2Info> mFilteredRoutes = Collections.emptyList();
private volatile OnGetControllerHintsListener mOnGetControllerHintsListener;
* Gets an instance of the media router associated with the context.
public static MediaRouter2 getInstance(@NonNull Context context) {
Objects.requireNonNull(context, "context must not be null");
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new MediaRouter2(context.getApplicationContext());
return sInstance;
private MediaRouter2(Context appContext) {
mContext = appContext;
mMediaRouterService = IMediaRouterService.Stub.asInterface(
mPackageName = mContext.getPackageName();
mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
List<MediaRoute2Info> currentSystemRoutes = null;
RoutingSessionInfo currentSystemSessionInfo = null;
try {
currentSystemRoutes = mMediaRouterService.getSystemRoutes();
currentSystemSessionInfo = mMediaRouterService.getSystemSessionInfo();
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to get current system's routes / session info", ex);
if (currentSystemRoutes == null || currentSystemRoutes.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Null or empty currentSystemRoutes. Something is wrong.");
if (currentSystemSessionInfo == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Null currentSystemSessionInfo. Something is wrong.");
for (MediaRoute2Info route : currentSystemRoutes) {
mRoutes.put(route.getId(), route);
mSystemController = new SystemRoutingController(currentSystemSessionInfo);
* Returns whether any route in {@code routeList} has a same unique ID with given route.
* @hide
public static boolean checkRouteListContainsRouteId(@NonNull List<MediaRoute2Info> routeList,
@NonNull String routeId) {
for (MediaRoute2Info info : routeList) {
if (TextUtils.equals(routeId, info.getId())) {
return true;
return false;
* Registers a callback to discover routes and to receive events when they change.
* <p>
* If the specified callback is already registered, its registration will be updated for the
* given {@link Executor executor} and {@link RouteDiscoveryPreference discovery preference}.
* </p>
public void registerRouteCallback(@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull RouteCallback routeCallback,
@NonNull RouteDiscoveryPreference preference) {
Objects.requireNonNull(executor, "executor must not be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(routeCallback, "callback must not be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(preference, "preference must not be null");
RouteCallbackRecord record = new RouteCallbackRecord(executor, routeCallback, preference);
// It can fail to add the callback record if another registration with the same callback
// is happening but it's okay because either this or the other registration should be done.
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
if (mClient == null) {
Client2 client = new Client2();
try {
mMediaRouterService.registerClient2(client, mPackageName);
mClient = client;
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "registerRouteCallback: Unable to register client.", ex);
if (mClient != null && updateDiscoveryPreferenceIfNeededLocked()) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.setDiscoveryRequest2(mClient, mDiscoveryPreference);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "registerRouteCallback: Unable to set discovery request.");
* Unregisters the given callback. The callback will no longer receive events.
* If the callback has not been added or been removed already, it is ignored.
* @param routeCallback the callback to unregister
* @see #registerRouteCallback
public void unregisterRouteCallback(@NonNull RouteCallback routeCallback) {
Objects.requireNonNull(routeCallback, "callback must not be null");
if (!mRouteCallbackRecords.remove(
new RouteCallbackRecord(null, routeCallback, null))) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring unknown callback");
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
if (mClient != null) {
if (updateDiscoveryPreferenceIfNeededLocked()) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.setDiscoveryRequest2(mClient, mDiscoveryPreference);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "unregisterRouteCallback: Unable to set discovery request.");
if (mRouteCallbackRecords.size() == 0) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to unregister media router.", ex);
mShouldUpdateRoutes = true;
mClient = null;
private boolean updateDiscoveryPreferenceIfNeededLocked() {
RouteDiscoveryPreference newDiscoveryPreference = new RouteDiscoveryPreference.Builder( -> record.mPreference).collect(
if (Objects.equals(mDiscoveryPreference, newDiscoveryPreference)) {
return false;
mDiscoveryPreference = newDiscoveryPreference;
mShouldUpdateRoutes = true;
return true;
* Gets the unmodifiable list of {@link MediaRoute2Info routes} currently
* known to the media router.
* <p>
* {@link MediaRoute2Info#isSystemRoute() System routes} such as phone speaker,
* Bluetooth devices are always included in the list.
* Please note that the list can be changed before callbacks are invoked.
* </p>
* @return the list of routes that contains at least one of the route features in discovery
* preferences registered by the application
public List<MediaRoute2Info> getRoutes() {
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
if (mShouldUpdateRoutes) {
mShouldUpdateRoutes = false;
List<MediaRoute2Info> filteredRoutes = new ArrayList<>();
for (MediaRoute2Info route : mRoutes.values()) {
if (route.isSystemRoute()
|| route.hasAnyFeatures(mDiscoveryPreference.getPreferredFeatures())) {
mFilteredRoutes = Collections.unmodifiableList(filteredRoutes);
return mFilteredRoutes;
* Registers a callback to get updates on creations and changes of
* {@link RoutingController routing controllers}.
* If you register the same callback twice or more, it will be ignored.
* @param executor the executor to execute the callback on
* @param callback the callback to register
* @see #unregisterControllerCallback
public void registerControllerCallback(@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull RoutingControllerCallback callback) {
Objects.requireNonNull(executor, "executor must not be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(callback, "callback must not be null");
ControllerCallbackRecord record = new ControllerCallbackRecord(executor, callback);
if (!mControllerCallbackRecords.addIfAbsent(record)) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring the same controller callback");
* Unregisters the given callback. The callback will no longer receive events.
* If the callback has not been added or been removed already, it is ignored.
* @param callback the callback to unregister
* @see #registerControllerCallback
public void unregisterControllerCallback(@NonNull RoutingControllerCallback callback) {
Objects.requireNonNull(callback, "callback must not be null");
if (!mControllerCallbackRecords.remove(new ControllerCallbackRecord(null, callback))) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring unknown controller callback");
* Sets an {@link OnGetControllerHintsListener} to send hints when creating a
* {@link RoutingController}. To send the hints, listener should be set <em>BEFORE</em> calling
* {@link #requestCreateController(MediaRoute2Info)}.
* @param listener A listener to send optional app-specific hints when creating a controller.
* {@code null} for unset.
public void setOnGetControllerHintsListener(@Nullable OnGetControllerHintsListener listener) {
mOnGetControllerHintsListener = listener;
* Requests the media route provider service to create a {@link RoutingController}
* with the given route.
* @param route the route you want to create a controller with.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given route is
* {@link MediaRoute2Info#isSystemRoute() system route}
* @see RoutingControllerCallback#onControllerCreated
* @see RoutingControllerCallback#onControllerCreationFailed
public void requestCreateController(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info route) {
Objects.requireNonNull(route, "route must not be null");
if (route.isSystemRoute()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create a route controller with "
+ "a system route. Use getSystemController().");
// TODO: Check the given route exists
final int requestId;
requestId = mControllerCreationRequestCnt.getAndIncrement();
ControllerCreationRequest request = new ControllerCreationRequest(requestId, route);
OnGetControllerHintsListener listener = mOnGetControllerHintsListener;
Bundle controllerHints = null;
if (listener != null) {
controllerHints = listener.onGetControllerHints(route);
if (controllerHints != null) {
controllerHints = new Bundle(controllerHints);
Client2 client;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
client = mClient;
if (client != null) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.requestCreateSession(client, route, requestId, controllerHints);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to request to create controller.", ex);
MediaRouter2.this, null, requestId));
* Gets a {@link RoutingController} which can control the routes provided by system.
* e.g. Phone speaker, wired headset, Bluetooth, etc.
* <p>
* Note: The system controller can't be released. Calling {@link RoutingController#release()}
* will be ignored.
* <p>
* This method will always return the same instance.
public RoutingController getSystemController() {
return mSystemController;
* Gets the list of currently non-released {@link RoutingController routing controllers}.
* <p>
* Note: The list returned here will never be empty. The first element in the list is
* always the {@link #getSystemController() system controller}.
public List<RoutingController> getControllers() {
List<RoutingController> result = new ArrayList<>();
result.add(0, mSystemController);
Collection<RoutingController> controllers;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
controllers = mRoutingControllers.values();
if (controllers != null) {
return result;
* Sends a media control request to be performed asynchronously by the route's destination.
* @param route the route that will receive the control request
* @param request the media control request
* @hide
//TODO: Discuss what to use for request (e.g., Intent? Request class?)
//TODO: Provide a way to obtain the result
public void sendControlRequest(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info route, @NonNull Intent request) {
Objects.requireNonNull(route, "route must not be null");
Objects.requireNonNull(request, "request must not be null");
Client2 client;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
client = mClient;
if (client != null) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.sendControlRequest(client, route, request);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to send control request.", ex);
* Requests a volume change for the route asynchronously.
* <p>
* It may have no effect if the route is currently not selected.
* </p>
* @param volume The new volume value between 0 and {@link MediaRoute2Info#getVolumeMax}.
* @hide
public void requestSetVolume(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info route, int volume) {
Objects.requireNonNull(route, "route must not be null");
Client2 client;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
client = mClient;
if (client != null) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.requestSetVolume2(client, route, volume);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to send control request.", ex);
void addRoutesOnHandler(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
// TODO: When onRoutesAdded is first called,
// 1) clear mRoutes before adding the routes
// 2) Call onRouteSelected(system_route, reason_fallback) if previously selected route
// does not exist anymore. => We may need 'boolean MediaRoute2Info#isSystemRoute()'.
List<MediaRoute2Info> addedRoutes = new ArrayList<>();
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
for (MediaRoute2Info route : routes) {
mRoutes.put(route.getId(), route);
if (route.hasAnyFeatures(mDiscoveryPreference.getPreferredFeatures())) {
mShouldUpdateRoutes = true;
if (addedRoutes.size() > 0) {
void removeRoutesOnHandler(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
List<MediaRoute2Info> removedRoutes = new ArrayList<>();
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
for (MediaRoute2Info route : routes) {
if (route.hasAnyFeatures(mDiscoveryPreference.getPreferredFeatures())) {
mShouldUpdateRoutes = true;
if (removedRoutes.size() > 0) {
void changeRoutesOnHandler(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
List<MediaRoute2Info> changedRoutes = new ArrayList<>();
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
for (MediaRoute2Info route : routes) {
mRoutes.put(route.getId(), route);
if (route.hasAnyFeatures(mDiscoveryPreference.getPreferredFeatures())) {
if (changedRoutes.size() > 0) {
* Creates a controller and calls the {@link RoutingControllerCallback#onControllerCreated}.
* If the controller creation has failed, then it calls
* {@link RoutingControllerCallback#onControllerCreationFailed}.
* <p>
* Pass {@code null} to sessionInfo for the failure case.
void createControllerOnHandler(@Nullable RoutingSessionInfo sessionInfo, int requestId) {
ControllerCreationRequest matchingRequest = null;
for (ControllerCreationRequest request : mControllerCreationRequests) {
if (request.mRequestId == requestId) {
matchingRequest = request;
if (matchingRequest != null) {
MediaRoute2Info requestedRoute = matchingRequest.mRoute;
if (sessionInfo == null) {
// TODO: We may need to distinguish between failure and rejection.
// One way can be introducing 'reason'.
} else if (!sessionInfo.getSelectedRoutes().contains(requestedRoute.getId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "The session does not contain the requested route. "
+ "(requestedRouteId=" + requestedRoute.getId()
+ ", actualRoutes=" + sessionInfo.getSelectedRoutes()
+ ")");
} else if (!TextUtils.equals(requestedRoute.getProviderId(),
sessionInfo.getProviderId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "The session's provider ID does not match the requested route's. "
+ "(requested route's providerId=" + requestedRoute.getProviderId()
+ ", actual providerId=" + sessionInfo.getProviderId()
+ ")");
if (sessionInfo != null) {
RoutingController controller = new RoutingController(sessionInfo);
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
mRoutingControllers.put(controller.getId(), controller);
void updateControllerOnHandler(RoutingSessionInfo sessionInfo) {
if (sessionInfo == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "updateControllerOnHandler: Ignoring null sessionInfo.");
if (sessionInfo.isSystemSession()) {
// The session info is sent from SystemMediaRoute2Provider.
RoutingController systemController = getSystemController();
RoutingController matchingController;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
matchingController = mRoutingControllers.get(sessionInfo.getId());
if (matchingController == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "updateControllerOnHandler: Matching controller not found. uniqueSessionId="
+ sessionInfo.getId());
RoutingSessionInfo oldInfo = matchingController.getRoutingSessionInfo();
if (!TextUtils.equals(oldInfo.getProviderId(), sessionInfo.getProviderId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "updateControllerOnHandler: Provider IDs are not matched. old="
+ oldInfo.getProviderId() + ", new=" + sessionInfo.getProviderId());
void releaseControllerOnHandler(RoutingSessionInfo sessionInfo) {
if (sessionInfo == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "releaseControllerOnHandler: Ignoring null sessionInfo.");
final String uniqueSessionId = sessionInfo.getId();
RoutingController matchingController;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
matchingController = mRoutingControllers.get(uniqueSessionId);
if (matchingController == null) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "releaseControllerOnHandler: Matching controller not found. "
+ "uniqueSessionId=" + sessionInfo.getId());
RoutingSessionInfo oldInfo = matchingController.getRoutingSessionInfo();
if (!TextUtils.equals(oldInfo.getProviderId(), sessionInfo.getProviderId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "releaseControllerOnHandler: Provider IDs are not matched. old="
+ oldInfo.getProviderId() + ", new=" + sessionInfo.getProviderId());
boolean removed;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
removed = mRoutingControllers.remove(uniqueSessionId, matchingController);
if (removed) {
private List<MediaRoute2Info> filterRoutes(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes,
RouteDiscoveryPreference discoveryRequest) {
route -> route.hasAnyFeatures(discoveryRequest.getPreferredFeatures()))
private void notifyRoutesAdded(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
for (RouteCallbackRecord record: mRouteCallbackRecords) {
List<MediaRoute2Info> filteredRoutes = filterRoutes(routes, record.mPreference);
if (!filteredRoutes.isEmpty()) {
() -> record.mRouteCallback.onRoutesAdded(filteredRoutes));
private void notifyRoutesRemoved(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
for (RouteCallbackRecord record: mRouteCallbackRecords) {
List<MediaRoute2Info> filteredRoutes = filterRoutes(routes, record.mPreference);
if (!filteredRoutes.isEmpty()) {
() -> record.mRouteCallback.onRoutesRemoved(filteredRoutes));
private void notifyRoutesChanged(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
for (RouteCallbackRecord record: mRouteCallbackRecords) {
List<MediaRoute2Info> filteredRoutes = filterRoutes(routes, record.mPreference);
if (!filteredRoutes.isEmpty()) {
() -> record.mRouteCallback.onRoutesChanged(filteredRoutes));
private void notifyControllerCreated(RoutingController controller) {
for (ControllerCallbackRecord record: mControllerCallbackRecords) {
() -> record.mControllerCallback.onControllerCreated(controller));
private void notifyControllerCreationFailed(MediaRoute2Info route) {
for (ControllerCallbackRecord record: mControllerCallbackRecords) {
() -> record.mControllerCallback.onControllerCreationFailed(route));
private void notifyControllerUpdated(RoutingController controller) {
for (ControllerCallbackRecord record: mControllerCallbackRecords) {
() -> record.mControllerCallback.onControllerUpdated(controller));
private void notifyControllerReleased(RoutingController controller) {
for (ControllerCallbackRecord record: mControllerCallbackRecords) {
() -> record.mControllerCallback.onControllerReleased(controller));
* Callback for receiving events about media route discovery.
public static class RouteCallback {
* Called when routes are added. Whenever you registers a callback, this will
* be invoked with known routes.
* @param routes the list of routes that have been added. It's never empty.
public void onRoutesAdded(@NonNull List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {}
* Called when routes are removed.
* @param routes the list of routes that have been removed. It's never empty.
public void onRoutesRemoved(@NonNull List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {}
* Called when routes are changed. For example, it is called when the route's name
* or volume have been changed.
* @param routes the list of routes that have been changed. It's never empty.
public void onRoutesChanged(@NonNull List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {}
* Callback for receiving a result of {@link RoutingController} creation and updates.
public static class RoutingControllerCallback {
* Called when the {@link RoutingController} is created.
* A {@link RoutingController} can be created by calling
* {@link #requestCreateController(MediaRoute2Info)}, or by the system.
* @param controller the controller to control routes
public void onControllerCreated(@NonNull RoutingController controller) {}
* Called when the controller creation request failed.
* @param requestedRoute the route info which was used for the creation request
public void onControllerCreationFailed(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info requestedRoute) {}
* Called when the controller is updated.
* @param controller the updated controller. Can be the system controller.
* @see #getSystemController()
public void onControllerUpdated(@NonNull RoutingController controller) {}
* Called when a routing controller is released. It can be released in two cases:
* <ul>
* <li>When {@link RoutingController#release()} is called.</li>
* <li>When the remote session in the provider is destroyed.</li>
* </ul>
* {@link RoutingController#isReleased()} will always return {@code true}
* for the {@code controller} here.
* @see RoutingController#release()
* @see RoutingController#isReleased()
// TODO: Add tests for checking whether this method is called.
// TODO: When service process dies, this should be called.
public void onControllerReleased(@NonNull RoutingController controller) {}
* A listener interface to send an optional app-specific hints when creating the
* {@link RoutingController}.
public interface OnGetControllerHintsListener {
* Called when the {@link MediaRouter2} is about to request
* the media route provider service to create a controller with the given route.
* The {@link Bundle} returned here will be sent to media route provider service as a hint.
* <p>
* To send hints when creating the controller, set the listener before calling
* {@link #requestCreateController(MediaRoute2Info)}. The method will be called
* on the same thread which calls {@link #requestCreateController(MediaRoute2Info)}.
* @param route The route to create controller with
* @return An optional bundle of app-specific arguments to send to the provider,
* or null if none. The contents of this bundle may affect the result of
* controller creation.
* @see MediaRoute2ProviderService#onCreateSession(String, String, long, Bundle)
Bundle onGetControllerHints(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info route);
* A class to control media routing session in media route provider.
* For example, selecting/deselcting/transferring routes to session can be done through this
* class. Instances are created by {@link #requestCreateController(MediaRoute2Info)}.
public class RoutingController {
private final Object mControllerLock = new Object();
private RoutingSessionInfo mSessionInfo;
private volatile boolean mIsReleased;
RoutingController(@NonNull RoutingSessionInfo sessionInfo) {
mSessionInfo = sessionInfo;
* @return the ID of the controller
public String getId() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
return mSessionInfo.getId();
* @return the control hints used to control routing session if available.
public Bundle getControlHints() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
return mSessionInfo.getControlHints();
* @return the unmodifiable list of currently selected routes
public List<MediaRoute2Info> getSelectedRoutes() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
return getRoutesWithIdsLocked(mSessionInfo.getSelectedRoutes());
* @return the unmodifiable list of selectable routes for the session.
public List<MediaRoute2Info> getSelectableRoutes() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
return getRoutesWithIdsLocked(mSessionInfo.getSelectableRoutes());
* @return the unmodifiable list of deselectable routes for the session.
public List<MediaRoute2Info> getDeselectableRoutes() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
return getRoutesWithIdsLocked(mSessionInfo.getDeselectableRoutes());
* @return the unmodifiable list of transferrable routes for the session.
public List<MediaRoute2Info> getTransferrableRoutes() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
return getRoutesWithIdsLocked(mSessionInfo.getTransferrableRoutes());
* Returns true if this controller is released, false otherwise.
* If it is released, then all other getters from this instance may return invalid values.
* Also, any operations to this instance will be ignored once released.
* @see #release
public boolean isReleased() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
return mIsReleased;
* Selects a route for the remote session. The given route must satisfy all of the
* following conditions:
* <ul>
* <li>ID should not be included in {@link #getSelectedRoutes()}</li>
* <li>ID should be included in {@link #getSelectableRoutes()}</li>
* </ul>
* If the route doesn't meet any of above conditions, it will be ignored.
* @see #getSelectedRoutes()
* @see #getSelectableRoutes()
* @see RoutingControllerCallback#onControllerUpdated
public void selectRoute(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info route) {
Objects.requireNonNull(route, "route must not be null");
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
if (mIsReleased) {
Log.w(TAG, "selectRoute() called on released controller. Ignoring.");
List<MediaRoute2Info> selectedRoutes = getSelectedRoutes();
if (checkRouteListContainsRouteId(selectedRoutes, route.getId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring selecting a route that is already selected. route=" + route);
List<MediaRoute2Info> selectableRoutes = getSelectableRoutes();
if (!checkRouteListContainsRouteId(selectableRoutes, route.getId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring selecting a non-selectable route=" + route);
Client2 client;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
client = mClient;
if (client != null) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.selectRoute(client, getId(), route);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to select route for session.", ex);
* Deselects a route from the remote session. The given route must satisfy all of the
* following conditions:
* <ul>
* <li>ID should be included in {@link #getSelectedRoutes()}</li>
* <li>ID should be included in {@link #getDeselectableRoutes()}</li>
* </ul>
* If the route doesn't meet any of above conditions, it will be ignored.
* @see #getSelectedRoutes()
* @see #getDeselectableRoutes()
* @see RoutingControllerCallback#onControllerUpdated
public void deselectRoute(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info route) {
Objects.requireNonNull(route, "route must not be null");
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
if (mIsReleased) {
Log.w(TAG, "deselectRoute() called on released controller. Ignoring.");
List<MediaRoute2Info> selectedRoutes = getSelectedRoutes();
if (!checkRouteListContainsRouteId(selectedRoutes, route.getId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring deselecting a route that is not selected. route=" + route);
List<MediaRoute2Info> deselectableRoutes = getDeselectableRoutes();
if (!checkRouteListContainsRouteId(deselectableRoutes, route.getId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring deselecting a non-deselectable route=" + route);
Client2 client;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
client = mClient;
if (client != null) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.deselectRoute(client, getId(), route);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to remove route from session.", ex);
* Transfers to a given route for the remote session. The given route must satisfy
* all of the following conditions:
* <ul>
* <li>ID should not be included in {@link #getSelectedRoutes()}</li>
* <li>ID should be included in {@link #getTransferrableRoutes()}</li>
* </ul>
* If the route doesn't meet any of above conditions, it will be ignored.
* @see #getSelectedRoutes()
* @see #getTransferrableRoutes()
* @see RoutingControllerCallback#onControllerUpdated
public void transferToRoute(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info route) {
Objects.requireNonNull(route, "route must not be null");
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
if (mIsReleased) {
Log.w(TAG, "transferToRoute() called on released controller. Ignoring.");
List<MediaRoute2Info> selectedRoutes = getSelectedRoutes();
if (checkRouteListContainsRouteId(selectedRoutes, route.getId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring transferring to a route that is already added. route="
+ route);
List<MediaRoute2Info> transferrableRoutes = getTransferrableRoutes();
if (!checkRouteListContainsRouteId(transferrableRoutes, route.getId())) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring transferring to a non-transferrable route=" + route);
Client2 client;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
client = mClient;
if (client != null) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.transferToRoute(client, getId(), route);
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to transfer to route for session.", ex);
* Release this controller and corresponding session.
* Any operations on this controller after calling this method will be ignored.
* The devices that are playing media will stop playing it.
// TODO: Add tests using {@link MediaRouter2Manager#getActiveSessions()}.
public void release() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
if (mIsReleased) {
Log.w(TAG, "release() called on released controller. Ignoring.");
mIsReleased = true;
Client2 client;
boolean removed;
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
removed = mRoutingControllers.remove(getId(), this);
client = mClient;
if (removed) { -> notifyControllerReleased(RoutingController.this));
if (client != null) {
try {
mMediaRouterService.releaseSession(client, getId());
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to notify of controller release", ex);
public String toString() {
// To prevent logging spam, we only print the ID of each route.
List<String> selectedRoutes = getSelectedRoutes().stream()
List<String> selectableRoutes = getSelectableRoutes().stream()
List<String> deselectableRoutes = getDeselectableRoutes().stream()
List<String> transferrableRoutes = getTransferrableRoutes().stream()
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder()
.append("RoutingController{ ")
.append(", selectedRoutes={")
.append(", selectableRoutes={")
.append(", deselectableRoutes={")
.append(", transferrableRoutes={")
.append(" }");
return result.toString();
* TODO: Change this to package private. (Hidden for debugging purposes)
* @hide
public RoutingSessionInfo getRoutingSessionInfo() {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
return mSessionInfo;
void setRoutingSessionInfo(@NonNull RoutingSessionInfo info) {
synchronized (mControllerLock) {
mSessionInfo = info;
// TODO: This method uses two locks (mLock outside, sLock inside).
// Check if there is any possiblity of deadlock.
private List<MediaRoute2Info> getRoutesWithIdsLocked(List<String> routeIds) {
List<MediaRoute2Info> routes = new ArrayList<>();
synchronized (sRouterLock) {
// TODO: Maybe able to change using
for (String routeId : routeIds) {
MediaRoute2Info route = mRoutes.get(routeId);
if (route != null) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(routes);
class SystemRoutingController extends RoutingController {
SystemRoutingController(@NonNull RoutingSessionInfo sessionInfo) {
public void release() {
// Do nothing. SystemRoutingController will never be released
public boolean isReleased() {
// SystemRoutingController will never be released
return false;
final class RouteCallbackRecord {
public final Executor mExecutor;
public final RouteCallback mRouteCallback;
public final RouteDiscoveryPreference mPreference;
RouteCallbackRecord(@Nullable Executor executor, @NonNull RouteCallback routeCallback,
@Nullable RouteDiscoveryPreference preference) {
mRouteCallback = routeCallback;
mExecutor = executor;
mPreference = preference;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof RouteCallbackRecord)) {
return false;
return mRouteCallback == ((RouteCallbackRecord) obj).mRouteCallback;
public int hashCode() {
return mRouteCallback.hashCode();
final class ControllerCallbackRecord {
public final Executor mExecutor;
public final RoutingControllerCallback mControllerCallback;
ControllerCallbackRecord(@NonNull Executor executor,
@NonNull RoutingControllerCallback controllerCallback) {
mControllerCallback = controllerCallback;
mExecutor = executor;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof ControllerCallbackRecord)) {
return false;
return mControllerCallback
== ((ControllerCallbackRecord) obj).mControllerCallback;
public int hashCode() {
return mControllerCallback.hashCode();
final class ControllerCreationRequest {
public final MediaRoute2Info mRoute;
public final int mRequestId;
ControllerCreationRequest(int requestId, @NonNull MediaRoute2Info route) {
mRoute = route;
mRequestId = requestId;
class Client2 extends IMediaRouter2Client.Stub {
public void notifyRestoreRoute() throws RemoteException {}
public void notifyRoutesAdded(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
MediaRouter2.this, routes));
public void notifyRoutesRemoved(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
MediaRouter2.this, routes));
public void notifyRoutesChanged(List<MediaRoute2Info> routes) {
MediaRouter2.this, routes));
public void notifySessionCreated(@Nullable RoutingSessionInfo sessionInfo, int requestId) {
MediaRouter2.this, sessionInfo, requestId));
public void notifySessionInfoChanged(@Nullable RoutingSessionInfo sessionInfo) {
MediaRouter2.this, sessionInfo));
public void notifySessionReleased(RoutingSessionInfo sessionInfo) {
MediaRouter2.this, sessionInfo));