blob: ba36c370fb0b42ecfcaac501cbe29b60bc18012b [file] [log] [blame]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "avcdec_lib.h"
#define CLIP_RESULT(x) if((uint)x > 0xFF){ \
x = 0xFF & (~(x>>31));}
/* (blkwidth << 2) + (dy << 1) + dx */
static void (*const ChromaMC_SIMD[8])(uint8 *, int , int , int , uint8 *, int, int , int) =
/* Perform motion prediction and compensation with residue if exist. */
void InterMBPrediction(AVCCommonObj *video)
AVCMacroblock *currMB = video->currMB;
AVCPictureData *currPic = video->currPic;
int mbPartIdx, subMbPartIdx;
int ref_idx;
int offset_MbPart_indx = 0;
int16 *mv;
uint32 x_pos, y_pos;
uint8 *curL, *curCb, *curCr;
uint8 *ref_l, *ref_Cb, *ref_Cr;
uint8 *predBlock, *predCb, *predCr;
int block_x, block_y, offset_x, offset_y, offsetP, offset;
int x_position = (video->mb_x << 4);
int y_position = (video->mb_y << 4);
int MbHeight, MbWidth, mbPartIdx_X, mbPartIdx_Y, offset_indx;
int picWidth = currPic->pitch;
int picHeight = currPic->height;
int16 *dataBlock;
uint32 cbp4x4;
uint32 tmp_word;
tmp_word = y_position * picWidth;
curL = currPic->Sl + tmp_word + x_position;
offset = (tmp_word >> 2) + (x_position >> 1);
curCb = currPic->Scb + offset;
curCr = currPic->Scr + offset;
predBlock = video->pred + 84;
predCb = video->pred + 452;
predCr = video->pred + 596;
predBlock = curL;
predCb = curCb;
predCr = curCr;
GetMotionVectorPredictor(video, false);
for (mbPartIdx = 0; mbPartIdx < currMB->NumMbPart; mbPartIdx++)
MbHeight = currMB->SubMbPartHeight[mbPartIdx];
MbWidth = currMB->SubMbPartWidth[mbPartIdx];
mbPartIdx_X = ((mbPartIdx + offset_MbPart_indx) & 1);
mbPartIdx_Y = (mbPartIdx + offset_MbPart_indx) >> 1;
ref_idx = currMB->ref_idx_L0[(mbPartIdx_Y << 1) + mbPartIdx_X];
offset_indx = 0;
ref_l = video->RefPicList0[ref_idx]->Sl;
ref_Cb = video->RefPicList0[ref_idx]->Scb;
ref_Cr = video->RefPicList0[ref_idx]->Scr;
for (subMbPartIdx = 0; subMbPartIdx < currMB->NumSubMbPart[mbPartIdx]; subMbPartIdx++)
block_x = (mbPartIdx_X << 1) + ((subMbPartIdx + offset_indx) & 1); // check this
block_y = (mbPartIdx_Y << 1) + (((subMbPartIdx + offset_indx) >> 1) & 1);
mv = (int16*)(currMB->mvL0 + block_x + (block_y << 2));
offset_x = x_position + (block_x << 2);
offset_y = y_position + (block_y << 2);
x_pos = (offset_x << 2) + *mv++; /*quarter pel */
y_pos = (offset_y << 2) + *mv; /*quarter pel */
//offset = offset_y * currPic->width;
//offsetC = (offset >> 2) + (offset_x >> 1);
offsetP = (block_y * 80) + (block_x << 2);
LumaMotionComp(ref_l, picWidth, picHeight, x_pos, y_pos,
/*comp_Sl + offset + offset_x,*/
predBlock + offsetP, 20, MbWidth, MbHeight);
offsetP = (block_y << 2) * picWidth + (block_x << 2);
LumaMotionComp(ref_l, picWidth, picHeight, x_pos, y_pos,
/*comp_Sl + offset + offset_x,*/
predBlock + offsetP, picWidth, MbWidth, MbHeight);
offsetP = (block_y * 24) + (block_x << 1);
ChromaMotionComp(ref_Cb, picWidth >> 1, picHeight >> 1, x_pos, y_pos,
/*comp_Scb + offsetC,*/
predCb + offsetP, 12, MbWidth >> 1, MbHeight >> 1);
ChromaMotionComp(ref_Cr, picWidth >> 1, picHeight >> 1, x_pos, y_pos,
/*comp_Scr + offsetC,*/
predCr + offsetP, 12, MbWidth >> 1, MbHeight >> 1);
offsetP = (block_y * picWidth) + (block_x << 1);
ChromaMotionComp(ref_Cb, picWidth >> 1, picHeight >> 1, x_pos, y_pos,
/*comp_Scb + offsetC,*/
predCb + offsetP, picWidth >> 1, MbWidth >> 1, MbHeight >> 1);
ChromaMotionComp(ref_Cr, picWidth >> 1, picHeight >> 1, x_pos, y_pos,
/*comp_Scr + offsetC,*/
predCr + offsetP, picWidth >> 1, MbWidth >> 1, MbHeight >> 1);
offset_indx = currMB->SubMbPartWidth[mbPartIdx] >> 3;
offset_MbPart_indx = currMB->MbPartWidth >> 4;
/* used in decoder, used to be if(!encFlag) */
/* transform in raster scan order */
dataBlock = video->block;
cbp4x4 = video->cbp4x4;
/* luma */
for (block_y = 4; block_y > 0; block_y--)
for (block_x = 4; block_x > 0; block_x--)
if (cbp4x4&1)
itrans(dataBlock, predBlock, predBlock, 20);
if (cbp4x4&1)
itrans(dataBlock, curL, curL, picWidth);
cbp4x4 >>= 1;
dataBlock += 4;
predBlock += 4;
curL += 4;
dataBlock += 48;
predBlock += 64;
curL += ((picWidth << 2) - 16);
/* chroma */
picWidth = (picWidth >> 1);
for (block_y = 2; block_y > 0; block_y--)
for (block_x = 2; block_x > 0; block_x--)
if (cbp4x4&1)
ictrans(dataBlock, predCb, predCb, 12);
if (cbp4x4&1)
ictrans(dataBlock, curCb, curCb, picWidth);
cbp4x4 >>= 1;
dataBlock += 4;
predCb += 4;
curCb += 4;
for (block_x = 2; block_x > 0; block_x--)
if (cbp4x4&1)
ictrans(dataBlock, predCr, predCr, 12);
if (cbp4x4&1)
ictrans(dataBlock, curCr, curCr, picWidth);
cbp4x4 >>= 1;
dataBlock += 4;
predCr += 4;
curCr += 4;
dataBlock += 48;
predCb += 40;
predCr += 40;
curCb += ((picWidth << 2) - 8);
curCr += ((picWidth << 2) - 8);
SaveNeighborForIntraPred(video, offset);
return ;
/* preform the actual motion comp here */
void LumaMotionComp(uint8 *ref, int picwidth, int picheight,
int x_pos, int y_pos,
uint8 *pred, int pred_pitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int dx, dy;
uint8 temp[24][24]; /* for padding, make the size multiple of 4 for packing */
int temp2[21][21]; /* for intermediate results */
uint8 *ref2;
dx = x_pos & 3;
dy = y_pos & 3;
x_pos = x_pos >> 2; /* round it to full-pel resolution */
y_pos = y_pos >> 2;
/* perform actual motion compensation */
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
{ /* fullpel position *//* G */
if (x_pos >= 0 && x_pos + blkwidth <= picwidth && y_pos >= 0 && y_pos + blkheight <= picheight)
ref += y_pos * picwidth + x_pos;
FullPelMC(ref, picwidth, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight);
CreatePad(ref, picwidth, picheight, x_pos, y_pos, &temp[0][0], blkwidth, blkheight);
FullPelMC(&temp[0][0], 24, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight);
} /* other positions */
else if (dy == 0)
{ /* no vertical interpolation *//* a,b,c*/
if (x_pos - 2 >= 0 && x_pos + 3 + blkwidth <= picwidth && y_pos >= 0 && y_pos + blkheight <= picheight)
ref += y_pos * picwidth + x_pos;
HorzInterp1MC(ref, picwidth, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight, dx);
else /* need padding */
CreatePad(ref, picwidth, picheight, x_pos - 2, y_pos, &temp[0][0], blkwidth + 5, blkheight);
HorzInterp1MC(&temp[0][2], 24, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight, dx);
else if (dx == 0)
{ /*no horizontal interpolation *//* d,h,n */
if (x_pos >= 0 && x_pos + blkwidth <= picwidth && y_pos - 2 >= 0 && y_pos + 3 + blkheight <= picheight)
ref += y_pos * picwidth + x_pos;
VertInterp1MC(ref, picwidth, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight, dy);
else /* need padding */
CreatePad(ref, picwidth, picheight, x_pos, y_pos - 2, &temp[0][0], blkwidth, blkheight + 5);
VertInterp1MC(&temp[2][0], 24, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight, dy);
else if (dy == 2)
{ /* horizontal cross *//* i, j, k */
if (x_pos - 2 >= 0 && x_pos + 3 + blkwidth <= picwidth && y_pos - 2 >= 0 && y_pos + 3 + blkheight <= picheight)
ref += y_pos * picwidth + x_pos - 2; /* move to the left 2 pixels */
VertInterp2MC(ref, picwidth, &temp2[0][0], 21, blkwidth + 5, blkheight);
HorzInterp2MC(&temp2[0][2], 21, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight, dx);
else /* need padding */
CreatePad(ref, picwidth, picheight, x_pos - 2, y_pos - 2, &temp[0][0], blkwidth + 5, blkheight + 5);
VertInterp2MC(&temp[2][0], 24, &temp2[0][0], 21, blkwidth + 5, blkheight);
HorzInterp2MC(&temp2[0][2], 21, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight, dx);
else if (dx == 2)
{ /* vertical cross */ /* f,q */
if (x_pos - 2 >= 0 && x_pos + 3 + blkwidth <= picwidth && y_pos - 2 >= 0 && y_pos + 3 + blkheight <= picheight)
ref += (y_pos - 2) * picwidth + x_pos; /* move to up 2 lines */
HorzInterp3MC(ref, picwidth, &temp2[0][0], 21, blkwidth, blkheight + 5);
VertInterp3MC(&temp2[2][0], 21, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight, dy);
else /* need padding */
CreatePad(ref, picwidth, picheight, x_pos - 2, y_pos - 2, &temp[0][0], blkwidth + 5, blkheight + 5);
HorzInterp3MC(&temp[0][2], 24, &temp2[0][0], 21, blkwidth, blkheight + 5);
VertInterp3MC(&temp2[2][0], 21, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight, dy);
{ /* diagonal *//* e,g,p,r */
if (x_pos - 2 >= 0 && x_pos + 3 + (dx / 2) + blkwidth <= picwidth &&
y_pos - 2 >= 0 && y_pos + 3 + blkheight + (dy / 2) <= picheight)
ref2 = ref + (y_pos + (dy / 2)) * picwidth + x_pos;
ref += (y_pos * picwidth) + x_pos + (dx / 2);
DiagonalInterpMC(ref2, ref, picwidth, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight);
else /* need padding */
CreatePad(ref, picwidth, picheight, x_pos - 2, y_pos - 2, &temp[0][0], blkwidth + 5 + (dx / 2), blkheight + 5 + (dy / 2));
ref2 = &temp[2 + (dy/2)][2];
ref = &temp[2][2 + (dx/2)];
DiagonalInterpMC(ref2, ref, 24, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight);
return ;
void CreateAlign(uint8 *ref, int picwidth, int y_pos,
uint8 *out, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int i, j;
int offset, out_offset;
uint32 prev_pix, result, pix1, pix2, pix4;
out_offset = 24 - blkwidth;
switch (((uint32)ref)&0x3)
case 1:
ref += y_pos * picwidth;
offset = picwidth - blkwidth - 3;
for (j = 0; j < blkheight; j++)
pix1 = *ref++;
pix2 = *((uint16*)ref);
ref += 2;
result = (pix2 << 8) | pix1;
for (i = 3; i < blkwidth; i += 4)
pix4 = *((uint32*)ref);
ref += 4;
prev_pix = (pix4 << 24) & 0xFF000000; /* mask out byte belong to previous word */
result |= prev_pix;
*((uint32*)out) = result; /* write 4 bytes */
out += 4;
result = pix4 >> 8; /* for the next loop */
ref += offset;
out += out_offset;
case 2:
ref += y_pos * picwidth;
offset = picwidth - blkwidth - 2;
for (j = 0; j < blkheight; j++)
result = *((uint16*)ref);
ref += 2;
for (i = 2; i < blkwidth; i += 4)
pix4 = *((uint32*)ref);
ref += 4;
prev_pix = (pix4 << 16) & 0xFFFF0000; /* mask out byte belong to previous word */
result |= prev_pix;
*((uint32*)out) = result; /* write 4 bytes */
out += 4;
result = pix4 >> 16; /* for the next loop */
ref += offset;
out += out_offset;
case 3:
ref += y_pos * picwidth;
offset = picwidth - blkwidth - 1;
for (j = 0; j < blkheight; j++)
result = *ref++;
for (i = 1; i < blkwidth; i += 4)
pix4 = *((uint32*)ref);
ref += 4;
prev_pix = (pix4 << 8) & 0xFFFFFF00; /* mask out byte belong to previous word */
result |= prev_pix;
*((uint32*)out) = result; /* write 4 bytes */
out += 4;
result = pix4 >> 24; /* for the next loop */
ref += offset;
out += out_offset;
void CreatePad(uint8 *ref, int picwidth, int picheight, int x_pos, int y_pos,
uint8 *out, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int x_inc0, x_mid;
int y_inc, y_inc0, y_inc1, y_mid;
int i, j;
int offset;
if (x_pos < 0)
x_inc0 = 0; /* increment for the first part */
x_mid = ((blkwidth + x_pos > 0) ? -x_pos : blkwidth); /* stopping point */
x_pos = 0;
else if (x_pos + blkwidth > picwidth)
x_inc0 = 1; /* increasing */
x_mid = ((picwidth > x_pos) ? picwidth - x_pos - 1 : 0); /* clip negative to zero, encode fool proof! */
else /* normal case */
x_inc0 = 1;
x_mid = blkwidth; /* just one run */
/* boundary for y_pos, taking the result from x_pos into account */
if (y_pos < 0)
y_inc0 = (x_inc0 ? - x_mid : -blkwidth + x_mid); /* offset depending on x_inc1 and x_inc0 */
y_inc1 = picwidth + y_inc0;
y_mid = ((blkheight + y_pos > 0) ? -y_pos : blkheight); /* clip to prevent memory corruption */
y_pos = 0;
else if (y_pos + blkheight > picheight)
y_inc1 = (x_inc0 ? - x_mid : -blkwidth + x_mid); /* saturate */
y_inc0 = picwidth + y_inc1; /* increasing */
y_mid = ((picheight > y_pos) ? picheight - 1 - y_pos : 0);
else /* normal case */
y_inc1 = (x_inc0 ? - x_mid : -blkwidth + x_mid);
y_inc0 = picwidth + y_inc1;
y_mid = blkheight;
/* clip y_pos and x_pos */
if (y_pos > picheight - 1) y_pos = picheight - 1;
if (x_pos > picwidth - 1) x_pos = picwidth - 1;
ref += y_pos * picwidth + x_pos;
y_inc = y_inc0; /* start with top half */
offset = 24 - blkwidth; /* to use in offset out */
blkwidth -= x_mid; /* to use in the loop limit */
if (x_inc0 == 0)
for (j = 0; j < blkheight; j++)
if (j == y_mid) /* put a check here to reduce the code size (for unrolling the loop) */
y_inc = y_inc1; /* switch to lower half */
for (i = x_mid; i > 0; i--) /* first or third quarter */
*out++ = *ref;
for (i = blkwidth; i > 0; i--) /* second or fourth quarter */
*out++ = *ref++;
out += offset;
ref += y_inc;
for (j = 0; j < blkheight; j++)
if (j == y_mid) /* put a check here to reduce the code size (for unrolling the loop) */
y_inc = y_inc1; /* switch to lower half */
for (i = x_mid; i > 0; i--) /* first or third quarter */
*out++ = *ref++;
for (i = blkwidth; i > 0; i--) /* second or fourth quarter */
*out++ = *ref;
out += offset;
ref += y_inc;
return ;
void HorzInterp1MC(uint8 *in, int inpitch, uint8 *out, int outpitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight, int dx)
uint8 *p_ref;
uint32 *p_cur;
uint32 tmp, pkres;
int result, curr_offset, ref_offset;
int j;
int32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5;
int32 r13, r6;
p_cur = (uint32*)out; /* assume it's word aligned */
curr_offset = (outpitch - blkwidth) >> 2;
p_ref = in;
ref_offset = inpitch - blkwidth;
if (dx&1)
dx = ((dx >> 1) ? -3 : -4); /* use in 3/4 pel */
p_ref -= 2;
r13 = 0;
for (j = blkheight; j > 0; j--)
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
r0 = p_ref[0];
r1 = p_ref[2];
r0 |= (r1 << 16); /* 0,c,0,a */
r1 = p_ref[1];
r2 = p_ref[3];
r1 |= (r2 << 16); /* 0,d,0,b */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
r2 = *(p_ref += 4); /* move pointer to e */
r3 = p_ref[2];
r2 |= (r3 << 16); /* 0,g,0,e */
r3 = p_ref[1];
r4 = p_ref[3];
r3 |= (r4 << 16); /* 0,h,0,f */
r4 = r0 + r3; /* c+h, a+f */
r5 = r0 + r1; /* c+d, a+b */
r6 = r2 + r3; /* g+h, e+f */
r5 >>= 16;
r5 |= (r6 << 16); /* e+f, c+d */
r4 += r5 * 20; /* c+20*e+20*f+h, a+20*c+20*d+f */
r4 += 0x100010; /* +16, +16 */
r5 = r1 + r2; /* d+g, b+e */
r4 -= r5 * 5; /* c-5*d+20*e+20*f-5*g+h, a-5*b+20*c+20*d-5*e+f */
r4 >>= 5;
r13 |= r4; /* check clipping */
r5 = p_ref[dx+2];
r6 = p_ref[dx+4];
r5 |= (r6 << 16);
r4 += r5;
r4 += 0x10001;
r4 = (r4 >> 1) & 0xFF00FF;
r5 = p_ref[4]; /* i */
r6 = (r5 << 16);
r5 = r6 | (r2 >> 16);/* 0,i,0,g */
r5 += r1; /* d+i, b+g */ /* r5 not free */
r1 >>= 16;
r1 |= (r3 << 16); /* 0,f,0,d */ /* r1 has changed */
r1 += r2; /* f+g, d+e */
r5 += 20 * r1; /* d+20f+20g+i, b+20d+20e+g */
r0 >>= 16;
r0 |= (r2 << 16); /* 0,e,0,c */ /* r0 has changed */
r0 += r3; /* e+h, c+f */
r5 += 0x100010; /* 16,16 */
r5 -= r0 * 5; /* d-5e+20f+20g-5h+i, b-5c+20d+20e-5f+g */
r5 >>= 5;
r13 |= r5; /* check clipping */
r0 = p_ref[dx+3];
r1 = p_ref[dx+5];
r0 |= (r1 << 16);
r5 += r0;
r5 += 0x10001;
r5 = (r5 >> 1) & 0xFF00FF;
r4 |= (r5 << 8); /* pack them together */
*p_cur++ = r4;
r1 = r3;
r0 = r2;
p_cur += curr_offset; /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset; /* ref_offset = inpitch-blkwidth; */
if (r13&0xFF000700) /* need clipping */
/* move back to the beginning of the line */
p_ref -= (ref_offset + blkwidth); /* input */
p_cur -= (outpitch >> 2);
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
for (; (uint32)p_ref < tmp;)
r0 = *p_ref++;
r1 = *p_ref++;
r2 = *p_ref++;
r3 = *p_ref++;
r4 = *p_ref++;
/* first pixel */
r5 = *p_ref++;
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + p_ref[dx] + 1);
pkres = (result >> 1) ;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *p_ref++;
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + p_ref[dx] + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
pkres |= (result << 8);
/* third pixel */
r1 = *p_ref++;
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + p_ref[dx] + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
pkres |= (result << 16);
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *p_ref++;
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + p_ref[dx] + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
pkres |= (result << 24);
*p_cur++ = pkres; /* write 4 pixels */
p_ref -= 5; /* offset back to the middle of filter */
p_cur += curr_offset; /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset; /* move to the next line */
p_ref -= 2;
r13 = 0;
for (j = blkheight; j > 0; j--)
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
r0 = p_ref[0];
r1 = p_ref[2];
r0 |= (r1 << 16); /* 0,c,0,a */
r1 = p_ref[1];
r2 = p_ref[3];
r1 |= (r2 << 16); /* 0,d,0,b */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
r2 = *(p_ref += 4); /* move pointer to e */
r3 = p_ref[2];
r2 |= (r3 << 16); /* 0,g,0,e */
r3 = p_ref[1];
r4 = p_ref[3];
r3 |= (r4 << 16); /* 0,h,0,f */
r4 = r0 + r3; /* c+h, a+f */
r5 = r0 + r1; /* c+d, a+b */
r6 = r2 + r3; /* g+h, e+f */
r5 >>= 16;
r5 |= (r6 << 16); /* e+f, c+d */
r4 += r5 * 20; /* c+20*e+20*f+h, a+20*c+20*d+f */
r4 += 0x100010; /* +16, +16 */
r5 = r1 + r2; /* d+g, b+e */
r4 -= r5 * 5; /* c-5*d+20*e+20*f-5*g+h, a-5*b+20*c+20*d-5*e+f */
r4 >>= 5;
r13 |= r4; /* check clipping */
r4 &= 0xFF00FF; /* mask */
r5 = p_ref[4]; /* i */
r6 = (r5 << 16);
r5 = r6 | (r2 >> 16);/* 0,i,0,g */
r5 += r1; /* d+i, b+g */ /* r5 not free */
r1 >>= 16;
r1 |= (r3 << 16); /* 0,f,0,d */ /* r1 has changed */
r1 += r2; /* f+g, d+e */
r5 += 20 * r1; /* d+20f+20g+i, b+20d+20e+g */
r0 >>= 16;
r0 |= (r2 << 16); /* 0,e,0,c */ /* r0 has changed */
r0 += r3; /* e+h, c+f */
r5 += 0x100010; /* 16,16 */
r5 -= r0 * 5; /* d-5e+20f+20g-5h+i, b-5c+20d+20e-5f+g */
r5 >>= 5;
r13 |= r5; /* check clipping */
r5 &= 0xFF00FF; /* mask */
r4 |= (r5 << 8); /* pack them together */
*p_cur++ = r4;
r1 = r3;
r0 = r2;
p_cur += curr_offset; /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset; /* ref_offset = inpitch-blkwidth; */
if (r13&0xFF000700) /* need clipping */
/* move back to the beginning of the line */
p_ref -= (ref_offset + blkwidth); /* input */
p_cur -= (outpitch >> 2);
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
for (; (uint32)p_ref < tmp;)
r0 = *p_ref++;
r1 = *p_ref++;
r2 = *p_ref++;
r3 = *p_ref++;
r4 = *p_ref++;
/* first pixel */
r5 = *p_ref++;
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
pkres = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *p_ref++;
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
pkres |= (result << 8);
/* third pixel */
r1 = *p_ref++;
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
pkres |= (result << 16);
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *p_ref++;
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
pkres |= (result << 24);
*p_cur++ = pkres; /* write 4 pixels */
p_ref -= 5;
p_cur += curr_offset; /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset;
return ;
void HorzInterp2MC(int *in, int inpitch, uint8 *out, int outpitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight, int dx)
int *p_ref;
uint32 *p_cur;
uint32 tmp, pkres;
int result, result2, curr_offset, ref_offset;
int j, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5;
p_cur = (uint32*)out; /* assume it's word aligned */
curr_offset = (outpitch - blkwidth) >> 2;
p_ref = in;
ref_offset = inpitch - blkwidth;
if (dx&1)
dx = ((dx >> 1) ? -3 : -4); /* use in 3/4 pel */
for (j = blkheight; j > 0 ; j--)
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
for (; (uint32)p_ref < tmp;)
r0 = p_ref[-2];
r1 = p_ref[-1];
r2 = *p_ref++;
r3 = *p_ref++;
r4 = *p_ref++;
/* first pixel */
r5 = *p_ref++;
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
result2 = ((p_ref[dx] + 16) >> 5);
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + result2 + 1);
pkres = (result >> 1);
/* second pixel */
r0 = *p_ref++;
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
result2 = ((p_ref[dx] + 16) >> 5);
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + result2 + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
pkres |= (result << 8);
/* third pixel */
r1 = *p_ref++;
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
result2 = ((p_ref[dx] + 16) >> 5);
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + result2 + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
pkres |= (result << 16);
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *p_ref++;
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
result2 = ((p_ref[dx] + 16) >> 5);
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + result2 + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
pkres |= (result << 24);
*p_cur++ = pkres; /* write 4 pixels */
p_ref -= 3; /* offset back to the middle of filter */
p_cur += curr_offset; /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset; /* move to the next line */
for (j = blkheight; j > 0 ; j--)
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
for (; (uint32)p_ref < tmp;)
r0 = p_ref[-2];
r1 = p_ref[-1];
r2 = *p_ref++;
r3 = *p_ref++;
r4 = *p_ref++;
/* first pixel */
r5 = *p_ref++;
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
pkres = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *p_ref++;
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
pkres |= (result << 8);
/* third pixel */
r1 = *p_ref++;
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
pkres |= (result << 16);
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *p_ref++;
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
pkres |= (result << 24);
*p_cur++ = pkres; /* write 4 pixels */
p_ref -= 3; /* offset back to the middle of filter */
p_cur += curr_offset; /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset; /* move to the next line */
return ;
void HorzInterp3MC(uint8 *in, int inpitch, int *out, int outpitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight)
uint8 *p_ref;
int *p_cur;
uint32 tmp;
int result, curr_offset, ref_offset;
int j, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5;
p_cur = out;
curr_offset = (outpitch - blkwidth);
p_ref = in;
ref_offset = inpitch - blkwidth;
for (j = blkheight; j > 0 ; j--)
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
for (; (uint32)p_ref < tmp;)
r0 = p_ref[-2];
r1 = p_ref[-1];
r2 = *p_ref++;
r3 = *p_ref++;
r4 = *p_ref++;
/* first pixel */
r5 = *p_ref++;
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
*p_cur++ = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *p_ref++;
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
*p_cur++ = result;
/* third pixel */
r1 = *p_ref++;
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
*p_cur++ = result;
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *p_ref++;
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
*p_cur++ = result;
p_ref -= 3; /* move back to the middle of the filter */
p_cur += curr_offset; /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset;
return ;
void VertInterp1MC(uint8 *in, int inpitch, uint8 *out, int outpitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight, int dy)
uint8 *p_cur, *p_ref;
uint32 tmp;
int result, curr_offset, ref_offset;
int j, i;
int32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r13;
uint8 tmp_in[24][24];
/* not word-aligned */
if (((uint32)in)&0x3)
CreateAlign(in, inpitch, -2, &tmp_in[0][0], blkwidth, blkheight + 5);
in = &tmp_in[2][0];
inpitch = 24;
p_cur = out;
curr_offset = 1 - outpitch * (blkheight - 1); /* offset vertically back up and one pixel to right */
ref_offset = blkheight * inpitch; /* for limit */
curr_offset += 3;
if (dy&1)
dy = (dy >> 1) ? 0 : -inpitch;
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j += 4, in += 4)
r13 = 0;
p_ref = in;
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + ref_offset); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp) /* the loop un-rolled */
r0 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - (inpitch << 1))); /* load 4 bytes */
p_ref += inpitch;
r6 = (r0 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF; /* second and fourth byte */
r0 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref + (inpitch << 1))); /* r1, r7, ref[3] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r0 += r1;
r6 += r7;
r2 = *((uint32*)p_ref); /* r2, r8, ref[1] */
r8 = (r2 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r2 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - inpitch)); /* r1, r7, ref[0] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 += r2;
r7 += r8;
r0 += 20 * r1;
r6 += 20 * r7;
r0 += 0x100010;
r6 += 0x100010;
r2 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - (inpitch << 1))); /* r2, r8, ref[-1] */
r8 = (r2 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r2 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref + inpitch)); /* r1, r7, ref[2] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 += r2;
r7 += r8;
r0 -= 5 * r1;
r6 -= 5 * r7;
r0 >>= 5;
r6 >>= 5;
/* clip */
r13 |= r6;
r13 |= r0;
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref + dy));
r2 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r0 += r1;
r6 += r2;
r0 += 0x10001;
r6 += 0x10001;
r0 = (r0 >> 1) & 0xFF00FF;
r6 = (r6 >> 1) & 0xFF00FF;
r0 |= (r6 << 8); /* pack it back */
*((uint32*)(p_cur += outpitch)) = r0;
p_cur += curr_offset; /* offset to the next pixel */
if (r13 & 0xFF000700) /* this column need clipping */
p_cur -= 4;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
p_ref = in + i;
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + ref_offset); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
{ /* loop un-rolled */
r0 = *(p_ref - (inpitch << 1));
r1 = *(p_ref - inpitch);
r2 = *p_ref;
r3 = *(p_ref += inpitch); /* modify pointer before loading */
r4 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
/* first pixel */
r5 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + p_ref[dy-(inpitch<<1)] + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + p_ref[dy-(inpitch<<1)] + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* third pixel */
r1 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + p_ref[dy-(inpitch<<1)] + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + p_ref[dy-(inpitch<<1)] + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
p_ref -= (inpitch << 1); /* move back to center of the filter of the next one */
p_cur += (curr_offset - 3);
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j += 4, in += 4)
r13 = 0;
p_ref = in;
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + ref_offset); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp) /* the loop un-rolled */
r0 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - (inpitch << 1))); /* load 4 bytes */
p_ref += inpitch;
r6 = (r0 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF; /* second and fourth byte */
r0 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref + (inpitch << 1))); /* r1, r7, ref[3] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r0 += r1;
r6 += r7;
r2 = *((uint32*)p_ref); /* r2, r8, ref[1] */
r8 = (r2 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r2 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - inpitch)); /* r1, r7, ref[0] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 += r2;
r7 += r8;
r0 += 20 * r1;
r6 += 20 * r7;
r0 += 0x100010;
r6 += 0x100010;
r2 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - (inpitch << 1))); /* r2, r8, ref[-1] */
r8 = (r2 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r2 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref + inpitch)); /* r1, r7, ref[2] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 += r2;
r7 += r8;
r0 -= 5 * r1;
r6 -= 5 * r7;
r0 >>= 5;
r6 >>= 5;
/* clip */
r13 |= r6;
r13 |= r0;
r0 &= 0xFF00FF;
r6 &= 0xFF00FF;
r0 |= (r6 << 8); /* pack it back */
*((uint32*)(p_cur += outpitch)) = r0;
p_cur += curr_offset; /* offset to the next pixel */
if (r13 & 0xFF000700) /* this column need clipping */
p_cur -= 4;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
p_ref = in + i;
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + ref_offset); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
{ /* loop un-rolled */
r0 = *(p_ref - (inpitch << 1));
r1 = *(p_ref - inpitch);
r2 = *p_ref;
r3 = *(p_ref += inpitch); /* modify pointer before loading */
r4 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
/* first pixel */
r5 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* third pixel */
r1 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
p_ref -= (inpitch << 1); /* move back to center of the filter of the next one */
p_cur += (curr_offset - 3);
return ;
void VertInterp2MC(uint8 *in, int inpitch, int *out, int outpitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int *p_cur;
uint8 *p_ref;
uint32 tmp;
int result, curr_offset, ref_offset;
int j, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5;
p_cur = out;
curr_offset = 1 - outpitch * (blkheight - 1); /* offset vertically back up and one pixel to right */
ref_offset = blkheight * inpitch; /* for limit */
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j++)
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
p_ref = in++;
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + ref_offset); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
{ /* loop un-rolled */
r0 = *(p_ref - (inpitch << 1));
r1 = *(p_ref - inpitch);
r2 = *p_ref;
r3 = *(p_ref += inpitch); /* modify pointer before loading */
r4 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
/* first pixel */
r5 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* third pixel */
r1 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
p_ref -= (inpitch << 1); /* move back to center of the filter of the next one */
p_cur += curr_offset;
return ;
void VertInterp3MC(int *in, int inpitch, uint8 *out, int outpitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight, int dy)
uint8 *p_cur;
int *p_ref;
uint32 tmp;
int result, result2, curr_offset, ref_offset;
int j, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5;
p_cur = out;
curr_offset = 1 - outpitch * (blkheight - 1); /* offset vertically back up and one pixel to right */
ref_offset = blkheight * inpitch; /* for limit */
if (dy&1)
dy = (dy >> 1) ? -(inpitch << 1) : -(inpitch << 1) - inpitch;
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j++)
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
p_ref = in++;
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + ref_offset); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
{ /* loop un-rolled */
r0 = *(p_ref - (inpitch << 1));
r1 = *(p_ref - inpitch);
r2 = *p_ref;
r3 = *(p_ref += inpitch); /* modify pointer before loading */
r4 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
/* first pixel */
r5 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
result2 = ((p_ref[dy] + 16) >> 5);
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + result2 + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
result2 = ((p_ref[dy] + 16) >> 5);
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + result2 + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* third pixel */
r1 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
result2 = ((p_ref[dy] + 16) >> 5);
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + result2 + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
result2 = ((p_ref[dy] + 16) >> 5);
/* 3/4 pel, no need to clip */
result = (result + result2 + 1);
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
p_ref -= (inpitch << 1); /* move back to center of the filter of the next one */
p_cur += curr_offset;
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j++)
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
p_ref = in++;
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + ref_offset); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
{ /* loop un-rolled */
r0 = *(p_ref - (inpitch << 1));
r1 = *(p_ref - inpitch);
r2 = *p_ref;
r3 = *(p_ref += inpitch); /* modify pointer before loading */
r4 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
/* first pixel */
r5 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* third pixel */
r1 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 512) >> 10;
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
p_ref -= (inpitch << 1); /* move back to center of the filter of the next one */
p_cur += curr_offset;
return ;
void DiagonalInterpMC(uint8 *in1, uint8 *in2, int inpitch,
uint8 *out, int outpitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int j, i;
int result;
uint8 *p_cur, *p_ref, *p_tmp8;
int curr_offset, ref_offset;
uint8 tmp_res[24][24], tmp_in[24][24];
uint32 *p_tmp;
uint32 tmp, pkres, tmp_result;
int32 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5;
int32 r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r13;
ref_offset = inpitch - blkwidth;
p_ref = in1 - 2;
/* perform horizontal interpolation */
/* not word-aligned */
/* It is faster to read 1 byte at time to avoid calling CreateAlign */
/* if(((uint32)p_ref)&0x3)
p_ref = &tmp_in[0][0];
ref_offset = 24-blkwidth;
p_tmp = (uint32*) & (tmp_res[0][0]);
for (j = blkheight; j > 0; j--)
r13 = 0;
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
//r0 = *((uint32*)p_ref); /* d,c,b,a */
//r1 = (r0>>8)&0xFF00FF; /* 0,d,0,b */
//r0 &= 0xFF00FF; /* 0,c,0,a */
/* It is faster to read 1 byte at a time, */
r0 = p_ref[0];
r1 = p_ref[2];
r0 |= (r1 << 16); /* 0,c,0,a */
r1 = p_ref[1];
r2 = p_ref[3];
r1 |= (r2 << 16); /* 0,d,0,b */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
//r2 = *((uint32*)(p_ref+=4));/* h,g,f,e */
//r3 = (r2>>8)&0xFF00FF; /* 0,h,0,f */
//r2 &= 0xFF00FF; /* 0,g,0,e */
/* It is faster to read 1 byte at a time, */
r2 = *(p_ref += 4);
r3 = p_ref[2];
r2 |= (r3 << 16); /* 0,g,0,e */
r3 = p_ref[1];
r4 = p_ref[3];
r3 |= (r4 << 16); /* 0,h,0,f */
r4 = r0 + r3; /* c+h, a+f */
r5 = r0 + r1; /* c+d, a+b */
r6 = r2 + r3; /* g+h, e+f */
r5 >>= 16;
r5 |= (r6 << 16); /* e+f, c+d */
r4 += r5 * 20; /* c+20*e+20*f+h, a+20*c+20*d+f */
r4 += 0x100010; /* +16, +16 */
r5 = r1 + r2; /* d+g, b+e */
r4 -= r5 * 5; /* c-5*d+20*e+20*f-5*g+h, a-5*b+20*c+20*d-5*e+f */
r4 >>= 5;
r13 |= r4; /* check clipping */
r4 &= 0xFF00FF; /* mask */
r5 = p_ref[4]; /* i */
r6 = (r5 << 16);
r5 = r6 | (r2 >> 16);/* 0,i,0,g */
r5 += r1; /* d+i, b+g */ /* r5 not free */
r1 >>= 16;
r1 |= (r3 << 16); /* 0,f,0,d */ /* r1 has changed */
r1 += r2; /* f+g, d+e */
r5 += 20 * r1; /* d+20f+20g+i, b+20d+20e+g */
r0 >>= 16;
r0 |= (r2 << 16); /* 0,e,0,c */ /* r0 has changed */
r0 += r3; /* e+h, c+f */
r5 += 0x100010; /* 16,16 */
r5 -= r0 * 5; /* d-5e+20f+20g-5h+i, b-5c+20d+20e-5f+g */
r5 >>= 5;
r13 |= r5; /* check clipping */
r5 &= 0xFF00FF; /* mask */
r4 |= (r5 << 8); /* pack them together */
*p_tmp++ = r4;
r1 = r3;
r0 = r2;
p_tmp += ((24 - blkwidth) >> 2); /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset; /* ref_offset = inpitch-blkwidth; */
if (r13&0xFF000700) /* need clipping */
/* move back to the beginning of the line */
p_ref -= (ref_offset + blkwidth); /* input */
p_tmp -= 6; /* intermediate output */
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + blkwidth);
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp)
r0 = *p_ref++;
r1 = *p_ref++;
r2 = *p_ref++;
r3 = *p_ref++;
r4 = *p_ref++;
/* first pixel */
r5 = *p_ref++;
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
pkres = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *p_ref++;
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
pkres |= (result << 8);
/* third pixel */
r1 = *p_ref++;
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
pkres |= (result << 16);
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *p_ref++;
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
pkres |= (result << 24);
*p_tmp++ = pkres; /* write 4 pixel */
p_ref -= 5;
p_tmp += ((24 - blkwidth) >> 2); /* move to the next line */
p_ref += ref_offset; /* ref_offset = inpitch-blkwidth; */
/* perform vertical interpolation */
/* not word-aligned */
if (((uint32)in2)&0x3)
CreateAlign(in2, inpitch, -2, &tmp_in[0][0], blkwidth, blkheight + 5);
in2 = &tmp_in[2][0];
inpitch = 24;
p_cur = out;
curr_offset = 1 - outpitch * (blkheight - 1); /* offset vertically up and one pixel right */
pkres = blkheight * inpitch; /* reuse it for limit */
curr_offset += 3;
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j += 4, in2 += 4)
r13 = 0;
p_ref = in2;
p_tmp8 = &(tmp_res[0][j]); /* intermediate result */
p_tmp8 -= 24; /* compensate for the first offset */
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + pkres); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp) /* the loop un-rolled */
/* Read 1 byte at a time is too slow, too many read and pack ops, need to call CreateAlign, */
/*p_ref8 = p_ref-(inpitch<<1); r0 = p_ref8[0]; r1 = p_ref8[2];
r0 |= (r1<<16); r6 = p_ref8[1]; r1 = p_ref8[3];
r6 |= (r1<<16); p_ref+=inpitch; */
r0 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - (inpitch << 1))); /* load 4 bytes */
p_ref += inpitch;
r6 = (r0 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF; /* second and fourth byte */
r0 &= 0xFF00FF;
/*p_ref8 = p_ref+(inpitch<<1);
r1 = p_ref8[0]; r7 = p_ref8[2]; r1 |= (r7<<16);
r7 = p_ref8[1]; r2 = p_ref8[3]; r7 |= (r2<<16);*/
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref + (inpitch << 1))); /* r1, r7, ref[3] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r0 += r1;
r6 += r7;
/*r2 = p_ref[0]; r8 = p_ref[2]; r2 |= (r8<<16);
r8 = p_ref[1]; r1 = p_ref[3]; r8 |= (r1<<16);*/
r2 = *((uint32*)p_ref); /* r2, r8, ref[1] */
r8 = (r2 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r2 &= 0xFF00FF;
/*p_ref8 = p_ref-inpitch; r1 = p_ref8[0]; r7 = p_ref8[2];
r1 |= (r7<<16); r1 += r2; r7 = p_ref8[1];
r2 = p_ref8[3]; r7 |= (r2<<16);*/
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - inpitch)); /* r1, r7, ref[0] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 += r2;
r7 += r8;
r0 += 20 * r1;
r6 += 20 * r7;
r0 += 0x100010;
r6 += 0x100010;
/*p_ref8 = p_ref-(inpitch<<1); r2 = p_ref8[0]; r8 = p_ref8[2];
r2 |= (r8<<16); r8 = p_ref8[1]; r1 = p_ref8[3]; r8 |= (r1<<16);*/
r2 = *((uint32*)(p_ref - (inpitch << 1))); /* r2, r8, ref[-1] */
r8 = (r2 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r2 &= 0xFF00FF;
/*p_ref8 = p_ref+inpitch; r1 = p_ref8[0]; r7 = p_ref8[2];
r1 |= (r7<<16); r1 += r2; r7 = p_ref8[1];
r2 = p_ref8[3]; r7 |= (r2<<16);*/
r1 = *((uint32*)(p_ref + inpitch)); /* r1, r7, ref[2] */
r7 = (r1 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r1 &= 0xFF00FF;
r1 += r2;
r7 += r8;
r0 -= 5 * r1;
r6 -= 5 * r7;
r0 >>= 5;
r6 >>= 5;
/* clip */
r13 |= r6;
r13 |= r0;
/* add with horizontal results */
r10 = *((uint32*)(p_tmp8 += 24));
r9 = (r10 >> 8) & 0xFF00FF;
r10 &= 0xFF00FF;
r0 += r10;
r0 += 0x10001;
r0 = (r0 >> 1) & 0xFF00FF; /* mask to 8 bytes */
r6 += r9;
r6 += 0x10001;
r6 = (r6 >> 1) & 0xFF00FF; /* mask to 8 bytes */
r0 |= (r6 << 8); /* pack it back */
*((uint32*)(p_cur += outpitch)) = r0;
p_cur += curr_offset; /* offset to the next pixel */
if (r13 & 0xFF000700) /* this column need clipping */
p_cur -= 4;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
p_ref = in2 + i;
p_tmp8 = &(tmp_res[0][j+i]); /* intermediate result */
p_tmp8 -= 24; /* compensate for the first offset */
p_cur -= outpitch; /* compensate for the first offset */
tmp = (uint32)(p_ref + pkres); /* limit */
while ((uint32)p_ref < tmp) /* the loop un-rolled */
r0 = *(p_ref - (inpitch << 1));
r1 = *(p_ref - inpitch);
r2 = *p_ref;
r3 = *(p_ref += inpitch); /* modify pointer before loading */
r4 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
/* first pixel */
r5 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r0 + r5);
r0 = (r1 + r4);
result -= (r0 * 5);//result -= r0; result -= (r0<<2);
r0 = (r2 + r3);
result += (r0 * 20);//result += (r0<<4); result += (r0<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
tmp_result = *(p_tmp8 += 24); /* modify pointer before loading */
result = (result + tmp_result + 1); /* no clip */
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* second pixel */
r0 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r1 + r0);
r1 = (r2 + r5);
result -= (r1 * 5);//result -= r1; result -= (r1<<2);
r1 = (r3 + r4);
result += (r1 * 20);//result += (r1<<4); result += (r1<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
tmp_result = *(p_tmp8 += 24); /* intermediate result */
result = (result + tmp_result + 1); /* no clip */
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* third pixel */
r1 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r2 + r1);
r2 = (r3 + r0);
result -= (r2 * 5);//result -= r2; result -= (r2<<2);
r2 = (r4 + r5);
result += (r2 * 20);//result += (r2<<4); result += (r2<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
tmp_result = *(p_tmp8 += 24); /* intermediate result */
result = (result + tmp_result + 1); /* no clip */
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
/* fourth pixel */
r2 = *(p_ref += inpitch);
result = (r3 + r2);
r3 = (r4 + r1);
result -= (r3 * 5);//result -= r3; result -= (r3<<2);
r3 = (r5 + r0);
result += (r3 * 20);//result += (r3<<4); result += (r3<<2);
result = (result + 16) >> 5;
tmp_result = *(p_tmp8 += 24); /* intermediate result */
result = (result + tmp_result + 1); /* no clip */
result = (result >> 1);
*(p_cur += outpitch) = result;
p_ref -= (inpitch << 1); /* move back to center of the filter of the next one */
p_cur += (curr_offset - 3);
return ;
/* position G */
void FullPelMC(uint8 *in, int inpitch, uint8 *out, int outpitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int i, j;
int offset_in = inpitch - blkwidth;
int offset_out = outpitch - blkwidth;
uint32 temp;
uint8 byte;
if (((uint32)in)&3)
for (j = blkheight; j > 0; j--)
for (i = blkwidth; i > 0; i -= 4)
temp = *in++;
byte = *in++;
temp |= (byte << 8);
byte = *in++;
temp |= (byte << 16);
byte = *in++;
temp |= (byte << 24);
*((uint32*)out) = temp; /* write 4 bytes */
out += 4;
out += offset_out;
in += offset_in;
for (j = blkheight; j > 0; j--)
for (i = blkwidth; i > 0; i -= 4)
temp = *((uint32*)in);
*((uint32*)out) = temp;
in += 4;
out += 4;
out += offset_out;
in += offset_in;
return ;
void ChromaMotionComp(uint8 *ref, int picwidth, int picheight,
int x_pos, int y_pos,
uint8 *pred, int pred_pitch,
int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int dx, dy;
int offset_dx, offset_dy;
int index;
uint8 temp[24][24];
dx = x_pos & 7;
dy = y_pos & 7;
offset_dx = (dx + 7) >> 3;
offset_dy = (dy + 7) >> 3;
x_pos = x_pos >> 3; /* round it to full-pel resolution */
y_pos = y_pos >> 3;
if ((x_pos >= 0 && x_pos + blkwidth + offset_dx <= picwidth) && (y_pos >= 0 && y_pos + blkheight + offset_dy <= picheight))
ref += y_pos * picwidth + x_pos;
CreatePad(ref, picwidth, picheight, x_pos, y_pos, &temp[0][0], blkwidth + offset_dx, blkheight + offset_dy);
ref = &temp[0][0];
picwidth = 24;
index = offset_dx + (offset_dy << 1) + ((blkwidth << 1) & 0x7);
(*(ChromaMC_SIMD[index]))(ref, picwidth , dx, dy, pred, pred_pitch, blkwidth, blkheight);
return ;
/* SIMD routines, unroll the loops in vertical direction, decreasing loops (things to be done) */
void ChromaDiagonalMC_SIMD(uint8 *pRef, int srcPitch, int dx, int dy,
uint8 *pOut, int predPitch, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int32 r0, r1, r2, r3, result0, result1;
uint8 temp[288];
uint8 *ref, *out;
int i, j;
int dx_8 = 8 - dx;
int dy_8 = 8 - dy;
/* horizontal first */
out = temp;
for (i = 0; i < blkheight + 1; i++)
ref = pRef;
r0 = ref[0];
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j += 4)
r0 |= (ref[2] << 16);
result0 = dx_8 * r0;
r1 = ref[1] | (ref[3] << 16);
result0 += dx * r1;
*(int32 *)out = result0;
result0 = dx_8 * r1;
r2 = ref[4];
r0 = r0 >> 16;
r1 = r0 | (r2 << 16);
result0 += dx * r1;
*(int32 *)(out + 16) = result0;
ref += 4;
out += 4;
r0 = r2;
pRef += srcPitch;
out += (32 - blkwidth);
// pRef -= srcPitch*(blkheight+1);
ref = temp;
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j += 4)
r0 = *(int32 *)ref;
r1 = *(int32 *)(ref + 16);
ref += 32;
out = pOut;
for (i = 0; i < (blkheight >> 1); i++)
result0 = dy_8 * r0 + 0x00200020;
r2 = *(int32 *)ref;
result0 += dy * r2;
result0 >>= 6;
result0 &= 0x00FF00FF;
r0 = r2;
result1 = dy_8 * r1 + 0x00200020;
r3 = *(int32 *)(ref + 16);
result1 += dy * r3;
result1 >>= 6;
result1 &= 0x00FF00FF;
r1 = r3;
*(int32 *)out = result0 | (result1 << 8);
out += predPitch;
ref += 32;
result0 = dy_8 * r0 + 0x00200020;
r2 = *(int32 *)ref;
result0 += dy * r2;
result0 >>= 6;
result0 &= 0x00FF00FF;
r0 = r2;
result1 = dy_8 * r1 + 0x00200020;
r3 = *(int32 *)(ref + 16);
result1 += dy * r3;
result1 >>= 6;
result1 &= 0x00FF00FF;
r1 = r3;
*(int32 *)out = result0 | (result1 << 8);
out += predPitch;
ref += 32;
pOut += 4;
ref = temp + 4; /* since it can only iterate twice max */
void ChromaHorizontalMC_SIMD(uint8 *pRef, int srcPitch, int dx, int dy,
uint8 *pOut, int predPitch, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int32 r0, r1, r2, result0, result1;
uint8 *ref, *out;
int i, j;
int dx_8 = 8 - dx;
/* horizontal first */
for (i = 0; i < blkheight; i++)
ref = pRef;
out = pOut;
r0 = ref[0];
for (j = 0; j < blkwidth; j += 4)
r0 |= (ref[2] << 16);
result0 = dx_8 * r0 + 0x00040004;
r1 = ref[1] | (ref[3] << 16);
result0 += dx * r1;
result0 >>= 3;
result0 &= 0x00FF00FF;
result1 = dx_8 * r1 + 0x00040004;
r2 = ref[4];
r0 = r0 >> 16;
r1 = r0 | (r2 << 16);
result1 += dx * r1;
result1 >>= 3;
result1 &= 0x00FF00FF;
*(int32 *)out = result0 | (result1 << 8);
ref += 4;
out += 4;
r0 = r2;
pRef += srcPitch;
pOut += predPitch;
void ChromaVerticalMC_SIMD(uint8 *pRef, int srcPitch, int dx, int dy,
uint8 *pOut, int predPitch, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int32 r0, r1, r2, r3, result0, result1;
int i, j;
uint8 *ref, *out;
int dy_8 = 8 - dy;
/* vertical first */
for (i = 0; i < blkwidth; i += 4)
ref = pRef;
out = pOut;
r0 = ref[0] | (ref[2] << 16);
r1 = ref[1] | (ref[3] << 16);
ref += srcPitch;
for (j = 0; j < blkheight; j++)
result0 = dy_8 * r0 + 0x00040004;
r2 = ref[0] | (ref[2] << 16);
result0 += dy * r2;
result0 >>= 3;
result0 &= 0x00FF00FF;
r0 = r2;
result1 = dy_8 * r1 + 0x00040004;
r3 = ref[1] | (ref[3] << 16);
result1 += dy * r3;
result1 >>= 3;
result1 &= 0x00FF00FF;
r1 = r3;
*(int32 *)out = result0 | (result1 << 8);
ref += srcPitch;
out += predPitch;
pOut += 4;
pRef += 4;
void ChromaDiagonalMC2_SIMD(uint8 *pRef, int srcPitch, int dx, int dy,
uint8 *pOut, int predPitch, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int32 r0, r1, temp0, temp1, result;
int32 temp[9];
int32 *out;
int i, r_temp;
int dy_8 = 8 - dy;
/* horizontal first */
out = temp;
for (i = 0; i < blkheight + 1; i++)
r_temp = pRef[1];
temp0 = (pRef[0] << 3) + dx * (r_temp - pRef[0]);
temp1 = (r_temp << 3) + dx * (pRef[2] - r_temp);
r0 = temp0 | (temp1 << 16);
*out++ = r0;
pRef += srcPitch;
pRef -= srcPitch * (blkheight + 1);
out = temp;
r0 = *out++;
for (i = 0; i < blkheight; i++)
result = dy_8 * r0 + 0x00200020;
r1 = *out++;
result += dy * r1;
result >>= 6;
result &= 0x00FF00FF;
*(int16 *)pOut = (result >> 8) | (result & 0xFF);
r0 = r1;
pOut += predPitch;
void ChromaHorizontalMC2_SIMD(uint8 *pRef, int srcPitch, int dx, int dy,
uint8 *pOut, int predPitch, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int i, temp, temp0, temp1;
/* horizontal first */
for (i = 0; i < blkheight; i++)
temp = pRef[1];
temp0 = ((pRef[0] << 3) + dx * (temp - pRef[0]) + 4) >> 3;
temp1 = ((temp << 3) + dx * (pRef[2] - temp) + 4) >> 3;
*(int16 *)pOut = temp0 | (temp1 << 8);
pRef += srcPitch;
pOut += predPitch;
void ChromaVerticalMC2_SIMD(uint8 *pRef, int srcPitch, int dx, int dy,
uint8 *pOut, int predPitch, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int32 r0, r1, result;
int i;
int dy_8 = 8 - dy;
r0 = pRef[0] | (pRef[1] << 16);
pRef += srcPitch;
for (i = 0; i < blkheight; i++)
result = dy_8 * r0 + 0x00040004;
r1 = pRef[0] | (pRef[1] << 16);
result += dy * r1;
result >>= 3;
result &= 0x00FF00FF;
*(int16 *)pOut = (result >> 8) | (result & 0xFF);
r0 = r1;
pRef += srcPitch;
pOut += predPitch;
void ChromaFullMC_SIMD(uint8 *pRef, int srcPitch, int dx, int dy,
uint8 *pOut, int predPitch, int blkwidth, int blkheight)
int i, j;
int offset_in = srcPitch - blkwidth;
int offset_out = predPitch - blkwidth;
uint16 temp;
uint8 byte;
if (((uint32)pRef)&1)
for (j = blkheight; j > 0; j--)
for (i = blkwidth; i > 0; i -= 2)
temp = *pRef++;
byte = *pRef++;
temp |= (byte << 8);
*((uint16*)pOut) = temp; /* write 2 bytes */
pOut += 2;
pOut += offset_out;
pRef += offset_in;
for (j = blkheight; j > 0; j--)
for (i = blkwidth; i > 0; i -= 2)
temp = *((uint16*)pRef);
*((uint16*)pOut) = temp;
pRef += 2;
pOut += 2;
pOut += offset_out;
pRef += offset_in;
return ;