blob: acc8bfbcc9e51373db65bee86f4b62c4d0b183cf [file] [log] [blame]
XML Files
X Collect declared IDs
X Build StringPool
X Flatten
Resource Table Operations
X Build Resource Table (with StringPool) from XML.
X Modify Resource Table.
X - Copy and transform resources.
X - Pre-17/21 attr correction.
X Perform analysis of types.
X Flatten.
X Assign resource IDs.
X Assign public resource IDs.
X Merge resource tables
- Assign private attributes to different typespace.
- Align resource tables
- Collect all resources (ids from layouts).
- Generate resource table from base resources.
- Generate resource table from individual resources of the required type.
- Align resource tables (same type/name = same ID).
Fat Apk
X Collect all resources (ids from layouts).
X Generate resource tables for all configurations.
- Align individual resource tables.
- Merge resource tables.