blob: ae78336347940543ce50598229aab3f7cc9876ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.DynamicAnimation;
import androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.FloatPropertyCompat;
* Matrix whose scale properties can be animated using physics animations, via the {@link #SCALE_X}
* and {@link #SCALE_Y} FloatProperties.
* This is useful when you need to perform a scale animation with a pivot point, since pivot points
* are not supported by standard View scale operations but are supported by matrices.
* NOTE: DynamicAnimation assumes that all custom properties are denominated in pixels, and thus
* considers 1 to be the smallest user-visible change for custom properties. This means that if you
* animate {@link #SCALE_X} and {@link #SCALE_Y} to 3f, for example, the animation would have only
* three frames.
* To work around this, whenever animating to a desired scale value, animate to the value returned
* by {@link #getAnimatableValueForScaleFactor} instead. The SCALE_X and SCALE_Y properties will
* convert that (larger) value into the appropriate scale factor when scaling the matrix.
public class AnimatableScaleMatrix extends Matrix {
* The X value of the scale.
* NOTE: This must be set or animated to the value returned by
* {@link #getAnimatableValueForScaleFactor}, not the desired scale factor itself.
public static final FloatPropertyCompat<AnimatableScaleMatrix> SCALE_X =
new FloatPropertyCompat<AnimatableScaleMatrix>("matrixScaleX") {
public float getValue(AnimatableScaleMatrix object) {
return getAnimatableValueForScaleFactor(object.mScaleX);
public void setValue(AnimatableScaleMatrix object, float value) {
object.setScaleX(value * DynamicAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_SCALE);
* The Y value of the scale.
* NOTE: This must be set or animated to the value returned by
* {@link #getAnimatableValueForScaleFactor}, not the desired scale factor itself.
public static final FloatPropertyCompat<AnimatableScaleMatrix> SCALE_Y =
new FloatPropertyCompat<AnimatableScaleMatrix>("matrixScaleY") {
public float getValue(AnimatableScaleMatrix object) {
return getAnimatableValueForScaleFactor(object.mScaleY);
public void setValue(AnimatableScaleMatrix object, float value) {
object.setScaleY(value * DynamicAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_SCALE);
private float mScaleX = 1f;
private float mScaleY = 1f;
private float mPivotX = 0f;
private float mPivotY = 0f;
* Return the value to animate SCALE_X or SCALE_Y to in order to achieve the desired scale
* factor.
public static float getAnimatableValueForScaleFactor(float scale) {
return scale * (1f / DynamicAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_SCALE);
public void setScale(float sx, float sy, float px, float py) {
mScaleX = sx;
mScaleY = sy;
mPivotX = px;
mPivotY = py;
super.setScale(mScaleX, mScaleY, mPivotX, mPivotY);
public void setScaleX(float scaleX) {
mScaleX = scaleX;
super.setScale(mScaleX, mScaleY, mPivotX, mPivotY);
public void setScaleY(float scaleY) {
mScaleY = scaleY;
super.setScale(mScaleX, mScaleY, mPivotX, mPivotY);
public void setPivotX(float pivotX) {
mPivotX = pivotX;
super.setScale(mScaleX, mScaleY, mPivotX, mPivotY);
public void setPivotY(float pivotY) {
mPivotY = pivotY;
super.setScale(mScaleX, mScaleY, mPivotX, mPivotY);
public float getScaleX() {
return mScaleX;
public float getScaleY() {
return mScaleY;
public float getPivotX() {
return mPivotX;
public float getPivotY() {
return mPivotY;