blob: 11fc9031da3b1329868ede06fdcafb23b1c62d71 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <linux/input.h>
namespace android {
// Follows the W3 spec for gamepad buttons and their corresponding mapping into
// Linux keycodes. Note that gamepads are generally not very well standardized
// and various controllers will result in different buttons. This mapping tries
// to be reasonable.
// W3 Button spec:
// Standard gamepad keycodes are added plus 2 additional buttons (e.g. Stadia
// has "Assistant" and "Share", PS4 has the touchpad button).
// To generate this list, PS4, XBox, Stadia and Nintendo Switch Pro were tested.
static const int GAMEPAD_KEY_CODES[19] = {
// Right-side buttons. A/B/X/Y or circle/triangle/square/X or similar
BTN_A, // "South", A, GAMEPAD and SOUTH have the same constant
BTN_B, // "East", BTN_B, BTN_EAST have the same constant
BTN_X, // "West", Note that this maps to X and NORTH in constants
BTN_Y, // "North", Note that this maps to Y and WEST in constants
BTN_TL, // "Left Bumper" / "L1" - Nintendo sends BTN_WEST instead
BTN_TR, // "Right Bumper" / "R1" - Nintendo sends BTN_Z instead
// For triggers, gamepads vary:
// - Stadia sends analog values over ABS_GAS/ABS_BRAKE and sends
// TriggerHappy3/4 as digital presses
// - PS4 and Xbox send analog values as ABS_Z/ABS_RZ
// - Nintendo Pro sends BTN_TL/BTN_TR (since bumpers behave differently)
// As placeholders we chose the stadia trigger-happy values since TL/TR are
// sent for bumper button presses
BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4, // "Left Trigger" / "L2"
BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3, // "Right Trigger" / "R2"
BTN_SELECT, // "Select/Back". Often "options" or similar
BTN_START, // "Start/forward". Often "hamburger" icon
BTN_THUMBL, // "Left Joystick Pressed"
BTN_THUMBR, // "Right Joystick Pressed"
// For DPads, gamepads generally only send axis changes
// on ABS_HAT0X and ABS_HAT0Y.
KEY_UP, // "Digital Pad up"
KEY_DOWN, // "Digital Pad down"
KEY_LEFT, // "Digital Pad left"
KEY_RIGHT, // "Digital Pad right"
BTN_MODE, // "Main button" (Stadia/PS/XBOX/Home)
BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1, // Extra button: "Assistant" for Stadia
BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2, // Extra button: "Share" for Stadia
// Defines information for an axis.
struct Axis {
int number;
int rangeMin;
int rangeMax;
// List of all axes supported by a gamepad
static const Axis GAMEPAD_AXES[] = {
{ABS_X, 0, 254}, // Left joystick X
{ABS_Y, 0, 254}, // Left joystick Y
{ABS_RX, 0, 254}, // Right joystick X
{ABS_RY, 0, 254}, // Right joystick Y
{ABS_Z, 0, 254}, // Left trigger
{ABS_RZ, 0, 254}, // Right trigger
{ABS_HAT0X, -1, 1}, // DPad X
{ABS_HAT0Y, -1, 1}, // DPad Y
} // namespace android