blob: f9bf47bb7d08dfc7db265bcf85176aeabb7b842a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License
NOTE: You might also want to edit: core/res/res/values-night/*.xml
<!-- The color of the material notification background -->
<color name="notification_material_background_color">@*android:color/notification_material_background_color</color>
<!-- The color of the legacy notifications with customs backgrounds (gingerbread and lollipop.)
It's fine to override this color since at that point the shade was dark. -->
<color name="notification_legacy_background_color">@*android:color/notification_material_background_color</color>
<!-- The color of the material notification background when dimmed -->
<color name="notification_material_background_dimmed_color">#aa000000</color>
<!-- The color of the dividing line between grouped notifications while . -->
<color name="notification_divider_color">#212121</color>
<!-- The background color of the notification shade -->
<color name="notification_shade_background_color">#181818</color>
<!-- The color of the ripples on the untinted notifications -->
<color name="notification_ripple_untinted_color">#30ffffff</color>
<!-- The "inside" of a notification, reached via longpress -->
<color name="notification_guts_bg_color">@*android:color/notification_material_background_color</color>
<!-- The color of the text inside a notification -->
<color name="notification_primary_text_color">@*android:color/notification_primary_text_color_dark</color>
<color name="notification_guts_selection_bg">#202124</color>
<color name="notification_guts_selection_border">#669DF6</color>
<color name="notification_guts_link_icon_tint">@color/GM2_grey_200</color>
<color name="notification_guts_sub_text_color">@color/GM2_grey_200</color>
<color name="notification_guts_header_text_color">@color/GM2_grey_100</color>
<!-- The color of the background in the top part of QSCustomizer -->
<color name="qs_customize_background">@color/GM2_grey_900</color>
<!-- The color of the background in the bottom part of QSCustomizer -->
<color name="qs_customize_decoration">@color/GM2_grey_800</color>
<!-- The color of the background in the separated list of the Global Actions menu -->
<color name="global_actions_separated_background">@color/GM2_grey_900</color>
<!-- The color of the background in the grid of the Global Actions menu -->
<color name="global_actions_grid_background">@color/GM2_grey_800</color>
<!-- The color of the text in the Global Actions menu -->
<color name="global_actions_text">@color/GM2_grey_200</color>
<!-- The color of the text in the Global Actions menu -->
<color name="global_actions_alert_text">@color/GM2_red_300</color>