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page.title=Engage Your Community
page.metaDescription=Building a community has many benefits, including improving your app and bringing users back to it.
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<img src="{@docRoot}images/gp-engage-9.jpg" style="width:300px;">
Building a community has many benefits, including improving your apps and
bringing users back to them. Using social media, groups, and forum tools will
help you build a rapport with your audience that will drive loyalty and
There are many tactics to bring users back to your apps. In addition to app
updates that users want to check out, you can also use communities to
announce game tournaments, new content, promotions, and other great content.
Any reason to go back to your app is a great post to share with your
Learn more about how to <a href="{@docRoot}distribute/users/build-community.html">build and manage a community</a>.
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<h1 id="related-resources">
Related Resources
<div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-13" data-query=
"collection:distribute/engage/community" data-sortorder="-timestamp"
data-cardsizes="9x3" data-maxresults="6">