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page.title=Create a Great Listing
page.metaDescription=Make your listing page compelling and integrate it into your marketing campaigns.
page.tags="listing, google play, users, growth"
Your Google Play app listings are a vital part of your app marketing, from
organic traffic or visits you generate through marketing and promotion.
Potential users will quickly move on from a poor listing, so the importance
of having a great one can't be ignored.
<div class="headerLine">
<h1 id="graphics-imagery">
Graphics &amp; Imagery Tips
Be sure to supply a variety of high-quality graphic assets to showcase your
apps or brand on Google Play search results and your product details pages.
These graphic assets are key parts of successful product details pages that
attracts and engages users, so consider having a professional produce them
for you.
<img src="{@docRoot}images/gp-listing-0.jpg" class="border-img">
For most users, the <a href=
"{@docRoot}design/style/iconography.html#launcher">launcher icon</a>
(sometimes referred to as the app icon) is the first impression of your app.
As higher density screens on both phones and tablets gain popularity, it's
important to make sure your launcher icon is crisp and high quality. To do
this, make sure youre including XHDPI (320dpi) and XXHDPI (480dpi) versions
of the icon in your apps. Learn more about <a href=
Making Beautiful Android App Icons</a> from the <a href=
"">Android Developers blog</a>.
<img src="{@docRoot}images/gp-listing-1.png" class="border-img">
Screenshots and videos
Be sure to showcase how your apps look, their important features, and what
makes them different. Showcase any game play, characters, and their
personalities. Some developers build special screens to highlight whats
happening in the screenshot, and extra video footage to highlight the brand.
Get more details <a href=
<img src="{@docRoot}images/gp-listing-2.jpg">
<div class="sidebox-wrapper" style="float:right;">
<div class="sidebox">
<strong>Tip:</strong> If your app runs on both phones and tablets, be
sure to include screenshots from both devices, including both horizontal
and portrait aspect ratios.
Featured image
Choosing the right featured image is important, it needs to convey as much
about the features of your apps and what makes them special as possible,
without being cluttered and confusing. Check out the <a href=
"">Android Developers blog</a> post
for more <a href=
Featured-Image Guidelines</a>.
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<h1 id="localization-tips">
Localization Tips
<div class="sidebox-wrapper" style="float:right;">
<div class="sidebox">
<strong>Tip:</strong> Translate any embedded text, use different imagery
or presentation, and match any marketing promotion to the needs of users
in other markets. For example: Some eastern markets respond to price
points that end in .00 or .05 more than .99.
Many developers start in their country of strength, then expand into new
markets. To help you market your apps more effectively to a global audience,
create <a href=
localized versions of your promotional graphics, screenshots, and videos</a>.
When a user visits your product display pages, Google Play will show the
localized assets that youve provided for that country. Find out more about
<a href="{@docRoot}distribute/users/expand-to-new-markets.html">capitalize on
the growing international audience</a>.
<div style="float:left;">
<img src="{@docRoot}images/gp-listing-3.jpg">
<div class="headerLine clearfloat">
<h1 id="keyword-tips">
Keyword Tips
Think carefully about the keywords you use for your apps. Think about words
that represent the core feature of your apps. Also consider other words that
the user might use to search for your app. For example, if you have a Live
Wallpaper app, you may want to include the term background’. This way, users
who dont yet know the terminology can find your app.
<div class="headerLine">
<h1 id="app-indexing">
Sign Up for App Indexing
App Indexing provides deep links from Google searches to your apps. Get more
details and a link to the sign up page <a href=
<div class="center-img">
<img src="{@docRoot}images/gp-listing-4.jpg">
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<h1 id="education-app">
Education App Tips
If youve an educational app for the K-12 market, include it in Google Play
for Education. Google Play for Education can help your innovative educational
apps gain visibility with the right audiences, without having to knock on
school doors. Learn more about <a href=
"{@docRoot}distribute/googleplay/edu/about.html">Google Play for
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<h1 id="related-resources">Related Resources</h1><hr>
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