blob: 716e1272f87191eea81feb5fbbf31a3e9f9eeb03 [file] [log] [blame]
precision mediump float;
// The actual wallpaper texture.
uniform sampler2D uTexture;
// The 85th percenile for the luminance histogram of the image (a value between 0 and 1).
// This value represents the point in histogram that includes 85% of the pixels of the image.
uniform float uPer85;
// Reveal is the animation value that goes from 1 (the image is hidden) to 0 (the image is visible).
uniform float uReveal;
// The opacity of locked screen (constant value).
uniform float uAod2Opacity;
varying vec2 vTextureCoordinates;
* Calculates the relative luminance of the pixel.
vec3 luminosity(vec3 color) {
float lum = 0.2126 * color.r + 0.7152 * color.g + 0.0722 * color.b;
return vec3(lum);
vec4 transform(vec3 diffuse) {
// Getting the luminance for this pixel
vec3 lum = luminosity(diffuse);
* while the reveal > per85, it shows the luminance image (B&W image)
* then when moving passed that value, the image gets colored.
float trans = smoothstep(0., uPer85, uReveal);
diffuse = mix(diffuse, lum, trans);
// 'lower' value represents the capped 'reveal' value to the range [0, per85]
float selector = step(uPer85, uReveal);
float lower = mix(uReveal, uPer85, selector);
* Remaps image:
* - from reveal=1 to reveal=per85 => lower=per85, diffuse=luminance
* That means that remaps black and white image pixel
* from a possible values of [0,1] to [per85, 1] (if the pixel is darker than per85,
* it's gonna be black, if it's between per85 and 1, it's gonna be gray
* and if it's 1 it's gonna be white).
* - from reveal=per85 to reveal=0 => lower=reveal, 'diffuse' changes from luminance to color
* That means that remaps each image pixel color (rgb)
* from a possible values of [0,1] to [lower, 1] (if the pixel color is darker than 'lower',
* it's gonna be 0, if it's between 'lower' and 1, it's gonna be remap to a value
* between 0 and 1 and if it's 1 it's gonna be 1).
* - if reveal=0 => lower=0, diffuse=color image
* The image is shown as it is, colored.
vec3 remaps = smoothstep(lower, 1., diffuse);
// Interpolate between diffuse and remaps using reveal to avoid over saturation.
diffuse = mix(diffuse, remaps, uReveal);
* Fades in the pixel value:
* - if reveal=1 => fadeInOpacity=0
* - from reveal=1 to reveal=per85 => 0<=fadeInOpacity<=1
* - if reveal>per85 => fadeInOpacity=1
float fadeInOpacity = 1. - smoothstep(uPer85, 1., uReveal);
diffuse *= uAod2Opacity * fadeInOpacity;
return vec4(diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b, 1.);
void main() {
// gets the pixel value of the wallpaper for this uv coordinates on screen.
vec4 fragColor = texture2D(uTexture, vTextureCoordinates);
gl_FragColor = transform(fragColor.rgb);