blob: b0d8813576537659212cd4abe2a3bfebd989e590 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.DisplayInfo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
* The DisplayModeDirector is responsible for determining what modes are allowed to be
* automatically picked by the system based on system-wide and display-specific configuration.
public class DisplayModeDirector {
private static final String TAG = "DisplayModeDirector";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final int MSG_ALLOWED_MODES_CHANGED = 1;
// Special ID used to indicate that given vote is to be applied globally, rather than to a
// specific display.
private static final int GLOBAL_ID = -1;
// What we consider to be the system's "default" refresh rate.
private static final float DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE = 60f;
// The tolerance within which we consider something approximately equals.
private static final float EPSILON = 0.001f;
private final Object mLock = new Object();
private final Context mContext;
private final DisplayModeDirectorHandler mHandler;
// A map from the display ID to the collection of votes and their priority. The latter takes
// the form of another map from the priority to the vote itself so that each priority is
// guaranteed to have exactly one vote, which is also easily and efficiently replaceable.
private final SparseArray<SparseArray<Vote>> mVotesByDisplay;
// A map from the display ID to the supported modes on that display.
private final SparseArray<Display.Mode[]> mSupportedModesByDisplay;
// A map from the display ID to the default mode of that display.
private final SparseArray<Display.Mode> mDefaultModeByDisplay;
private final AppRequestObserver mAppRequestObserver;
private final SettingsObserver mSettingsObserver;
private final DisplayObserver mDisplayObserver;
private Listener mListener;
public DisplayModeDirector(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Handler handler) {
mContext = context;
mHandler = new DisplayModeDirectorHandler(handler.getLooper());
mVotesByDisplay = new SparseArray<>();
mSupportedModesByDisplay = new SparseArray<>();
mDefaultModeByDisplay = new SparseArray<>();
mAppRequestObserver = new AppRequestObserver();
mSettingsObserver = new SettingsObserver(context, handler);
mDisplayObserver = new DisplayObserver(context, handler);
* Tells the DisplayModeDirector to update allowed votes and begin observing relevant system
* state.
* This has to be deferred because the object may be constructed before the rest of the system
* is ready.
public void start() {
synchronized (mLock) {
// We may have a listener already registered before the call to start, so go ahead and
// notify them to pick up our newly initialized state.
* Calculates the modes the system is allowed to freely switch between based on global and
* display-specific constraints.
* @param displayId The display to query for.
* @return The IDs of the modes the system is allowed to freely switch between.
public int[] getAllowedModes(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
SparseArray<Vote> votes = getVotesLocked(displayId);
Display.Mode[] modes = mSupportedModesByDisplay.get(displayId);
Display.Mode defaultMode = mDefaultModeByDisplay.get(displayId);
if (modes == null || defaultMode == null) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Asked about unknown display, returning empty allowed set! (id="
+ displayId + ")");
return new int[0];
return getAllowedModesLocked(votes, modes, defaultMode);
private SparseArray<Vote> getVotesLocked(int displayId) {
SparseArray<Vote> displayVotes = mVotesByDisplay.get(displayId);
final SparseArray<Vote> votes;
if (displayVotes != null) {
votes = displayVotes.clone();
} else {
votes = new SparseArray<>();
SparseArray<Vote> globalVotes = mVotesByDisplay.get(GLOBAL_ID);
if (globalVotes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < globalVotes.size(); i++) {
int priority = globalVotes.keyAt(i);
if (votes.indexOfKey(priority) < 0) {
votes.put(priority, globalVotes.valueAt(i));
return votes;
private int[] getAllowedModesLocked(@NonNull SparseArray<Vote> votes,
@NonNull Display.Mode[] modes, @NonNull Display.Mode defaultMode) {
int lowestConsideredPriority = Vote.MIN_PRIORITY;
while (lowestConsideredPriority <= Vote.MAX_PRIORITY) {
float minRefreshRate = 0f;
float maxRefreshRate = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
int height = Vote.INVALID_SIZE;
int width = Vote.INVALID_SIZE;
for (int priority = Vote.MAX_PRIORITY;
priority >= lowestConsideredPriority;
priority--) {
Vote vote = votes.get(priority);
if (vote == null) {
// For refresh rates, just use the tightest bounds of all the votes
minRefreshRate = Math.max(minRefreshRate, vote.minRefreshRate);
maxRefreshRate = Math.min(maxRefreshRate, vote.maxRefreshRate);
// For display size, use only the first vote we come across (i.e. the highest
// priority vote that includes the width / height).
if (height == Vote.INVALID_SIZE && width == Vote.INVALID_SIZE
&& vote.height > 0 && vote.width > 0) {
width = vote.width;
height = vote.height;
// If we don't have anything specifying the width / height of the display, just use the
// default width and height. We don't want these switching out from underneath us since
// it's a pretty disruptive behavior.
if (height == Vote.INVALID_SIZE || width == Vote.INVALID_SIZE) {
width = defaultMode.getPhysicalWidth();
height = defaultMode.getPhysicalHeight();
int[] availableModes =
filterModes(modes, width, height, minRefreshRate, maxRefreshRate);
if (availableModes.length > 0) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Found available modes=" + Arrays.toString(availableModes)
+ " with lowest priority considered "
+ Vote.priorityToString(lowestConsideredPriority)
+ " and constraints: "
+ "width=" + width
+ ", height=" + height
+ ", minRefreshRate=" + minRefreshRate
+ ", maxRefreshRate=" + maxRefreshRate);
return availableModes;
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Couldn't find available modes with lowest priority set to "
+ Vote.priorityToString(lowestConsideredPriority)
+ " and with the following constraints: "
+ "width=" + width
+ ", height=" + height
+ ", minRefreshRate=" + minRefreshRate
+ ", maxRefreshRate=" + maxRefreshRate);
// If we haven't found anything with the current set of votes, drop the current lowest
// priority vote.
// If we still haven't found anything that matches our current set of votes, just fall back
// to the default mode.
return new int[] { defaultMode.getModeId() };
private int[] filterModes(Display.Mode[] supportedModes,
int width, int height, float minRefreshRate, float maxRefreshRate) {
ArrayList<Display.Mode> availableModes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Display.Mode mode : supportedModes) {
if (mode.getPhysicalWidth() != width || mode.getPhysicalHeight() != height) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Discarding mode " + mode.getModeId() + ", wrong size"
+ ": desiredWidth=" + width
+ ": desiredHeight=" + height
+ ": actualWidth=" + mode.getPhysicalWidth()
+ ": actualHeight=" + mode.getPhysicalHeight());
final float refreshRate = mode.getRefreshRate();
// Some refresh rates are calculated based on frame timings, so they aren't *exactly*
// equal to expected refresh rate. Given that, we apply a bit of tolerance to this
// comparison.
if (refreshRate < (minRefreshRate - EPSILON)
|| refreshRate > (maxRefreshRate + EPSILON)) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Discarding mode " + mode.getModeId()
+ ", outside refresh rate bounds"
+ ": minRefreshRate=" + minRefreshRate
+ ", maxRefreshRate=" + maxRefreshRate
+ ", modeRefreshRate=" + refreshRate);
final int size = availableModes.size();
int[] availableModeIds = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
availableModeIds[i] = availableModes.get(i).getModeId();
return availableModeIds;
* Gets the observer responsible for application display mode requests.
public AppRequestObserver getAppRequestObserver() {
// We don't need to lock here because mAppRequestObserver is a final field, which is
// guaranteed to be visible on all threads after construction.
return mAppRequestObserver;
* Sets the listener for changes to allowed display modes.
public void setListener(@Nullable Listener listener) {
synchronized (mLock) {
mListener = listener;
* Print the object's state and debug information into the given stream.
* @param pw The stream to dump information to.
public void dump(PrintWriter pw) {
synchronized (mLock) {
pw.println(" mSupportedModesByDisplay:");
for (int i = 0; i < mSupportedModesByDisplay.size(); i++) {
final int id = mSupportedModesByDisplay.keyAt(i);
final Display.Mode[] modes = mSupportedModesByDisplay.valueAt(i);
pw.println(" " + id + " -> " + Arrays.toString(modes));
pw.println(" mDefaultModeByDisplay:");
for (int i = 0; i < mDefaultModeByDisplay.size(); i++) {
final int id = mDefaultModeByDisplay.keyAt(i);
final Display.Mode mode = mDefaultModeByDisplay.valueAt(i);
pw.println(" " + id + " -> " + mode);
pw.println(" mVotesByDisplay:");
for (int i = 0; i < mVotesByDisplay.size(); i++) {
pw.println(" " + mVotesByDisplay.keyAt(i) + ":");
SparseArray<Vote> votes = mVotesByDisplay.valueAt(i);
for (int p = Vote.MAX_PRIORITY; p >= Vote.MIN_PRIORITY; p--) {
Vote vote = votes.get(p);
if (vote == null) {
pw.println(" " + Vote.priorityToString(p) + " -> " + vote);
private void updateVoteLocked(int priority, Vote vote) {
updateVoteLocked(GLOBAL_ID, priority, vote);
private void updateVoteLocked(int displayId, int priority, Vote vote) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.i(TAG, "updateVoteLocked(displayId=" + displayId
+ ", priority=" + Vote.priorityToString(priority)
+ ", vote=" + vote + ")");
if (priority < Vote.MIN_PRIORITY || priority > Vote.MAX_PRIORITY) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Received a vote with an invalid priority, ignoring:"
+ " priority=" + Vote.priorityToString(priority)
+ ", vote=" + vote, new Throwable());
final SparseArray<Vote> votes = getOrCreateVotesByDisplay(displayId);
Vote currentVote = votes.get(priority);
if (vote != null) {
votes.put(priority, vote);
} else {
if (votes.size() == 0) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.i(TAG, "No votes left for display " + displayId + ", removing.");
private void notifyAllowedModesChangedLocked() {
if (mListener != null && !mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_ALLOWED_MODES_CHANGED)) {
// We need to post this to a handler to avoid calling out while holding the lock
// since we know there are things that both listen for changes as well as provide
// information. If we did call out while holding the lock, then there's no guaranteed
// lock order and we run the real of risk deadlock.
Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_ALLOWED_MODES_CHANGED, mListener);
private SparseArray<Vote> getOrCreateVotesByDisplay(int displayId) {
int index = mVotesByDisplay.indexOfKey(displayId);
if (mVotesByDisplay.indexOfKey(displayId) >= 0) {
return mVotesByDisplay.get(displayId);
} else {
SparseArray<Vote> votes = new SparseArray<>();
mVotesByDisplay.put(displayId, votes);
return votes;
* Listens for changes to display mode coordination.
public interface Listener {
* Called when the allowed display modes may have changed.
void onAllowedDisplayModesChanged();
private static final class DisplayModeDirectorHandler extends Handler {
DisplayModeDirectorHandler(Looper looper) {
super(looper, null, true /*async*/);
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
Listener listener = (Listener) msg.obj;
private static final class Vote {
public static final int PRIORITY_USER_SETTING = 0;
// We split the app request into two priorities in case we can satisfy one desire without
// the other.
public static final int PRIORITY_APP_REQUEST_REFRESH_RATE = 1;
public static final int PRIORITY_APP_REQUEST_SIZE = 2;
public static final int PRIORITY_LOW_POWER_MODE = 3;
// Whenever a new priority is added, remember to update MIN_PRIORITY and/or MAX_PRIORITY as
// appropriate, as well as priorityToString.
public static final int MIN_PRIORITY = PRIORITY_USER_SETTING;
public static final int MAX_PRIORITY = PRIORITY_LOW_POWER_MODE;
* A value signifying an invalid width or height in a vote.
public static final int INVALID_SIZE = -1;
* The requested width of the display in pixels, or INVALID_SIZE;
public final int width;
* The requested height of the display in pixels, or INVALID_SIZE;
public final int height;
* The lowest desired refresh rate.
public final float minRefreshRate;
* The highest desired refresh rate.
public final float maxRefreshRate;
public static Vote forRefreshRates(float minRefreshRate, float maxRefreshRate) {
return new Vote(INVALID_SIZE, INVALID_SIZE, minRefreshRate, maxRefreshRate);
public static Vote forSize(int width, int height) {
return new Vote(width, height, 0f, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
private Vote(int width, int height,
float minRefreshRate, float maxRefreshRate) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.minRefreshRate = minRefreshRate;
this.maxRefreshRate = maxRefreshRate;
public static String priorityToString(int priority) {
switch (priority) {
return Integer.toString(priority);
public String toString() {
return "Vote{"
+ "width=" + width
+ ", height=" + height
+ ", minRefreshRate=" + minRefreshRate
+ ", maxRefreshRate=" + maxRefreshRate
+ "}";
private final class SettingsObserver extends ContentObserver {
private final Uri mRefreshRateSetting =
private final Uri mLowPowerModeSetting =
private final Context mContext;
private final float mDefaultPeakRefreshRate;
SettingsObserver(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Handler handler) {
mContext = context;
mDefaultPeakRefreshRate = (float) context.getResources().getInteger(
public void observe() {
final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver();
cr.registerContentObserver(mRefreshRateSetting, false /*notifyDescendants*/, this,
cr.registerContentObserver(mLowPowerModeSetting, false /*notifyDescendants*/, this,
synchronized (mLock) {
public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri, int userId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mRefreshRateSetting.equals(uri)) {
} else if (mLowPowerModeSetting.equals(uri)) {
private void updateLowPowerModeSettingLocked() {
boolean inLowPowerMode = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
Settings.Global.LOW_POWER_MODE, 0 /*default*/) != 0;
final Vote vote;
if (inLowPowerMode) {
vote = Vote.forRefreshRates(0f, 60f);
} else {
vote = null;
updateVoteLocked(Vote.PRIORITY_LOW_POWER_MODE, vote);
private void updateRefreshRateSettingLocked() {
float peakRefreshRate = Settings.System.getFloat(mContext.getContentResolver(),
Vote vote = Vote.forRefreshRates(0f, peakRefreshRate);
updateVoteLocked(Vote.PRIORITY_USER_SETTING, vote);
public void dumpLocked(PrintWriter pw) {
pw.println(" SettingsObserver");
pw.println(" mDefaultPeakRefreshRate: " + mDefaultPeakRefreshRate);
final class AppRequestObserver {
private SparseArray<Display.Mode> mAppRequestedModeByDisplay;
AppRequestObserver() {
mAppRequestedModeByDisplay = new SparseArray<>();
public void setAppRequestedMode(int displayId, int modeId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
setAppRequestedModeLocked(displayId, modeId);
private void setAppRequestedModeLocked(int displayId, int modeId) {
final Display.Mode requestedMode = findModeByIdLocked(displayId, modeId);
if (Objects.equals(requestedMode, mAppRequestedModeByDisplay.get(displayId))) {
final Vote refreshRateVote;
final Vote sizeVote;
if (requestedMode != null) {
mAppRequestedModeByDisplay.put(displayId, requestedMode);
float refreshRate = requestedMode.getRefreshRate();
refreshRateVote = Vote.forRefreshRates(refreshRate, refreshRate);
sizeVote = Vote.forSize(requestedMode.getPhysicalWidth(),
} else {
refreshRateVote = null;
sizeVote = null;
updateVoteLocked(displayId, Vote.PRIORITY_APP_REQUEST_REFRESH_RATE, refreshRateVote);
updateVoteLocked(displayId, Vote.PRIORITY_APP_REQUEST_SIZE, sizeVote);
private Display.Mode findModeByIdLocked(int displayId, int modeId) {
Display.Mode[] modes = mSupportedModesByDisplay.get(displayId);
if (modes == null) {
return null;
for (Display.Mode mode : modes) {
if (mode.getModeId() == modeId) {
return mode;
return null;
public void dumpLocked(PrintWriter pw) {
pw.println(" AppRequestObserver");
pw.println(" mAppRequestedModeByDisplay:");
for (int i = 0; i < mAppRequestedModeByDisplay.size(); i++) {
final int id = mAppRequestedModeByDisplay.keyAt(i);
final Display.Mode mode = mAppRequestedModeByDisplay.valueAt(i);
pw.println(" " + id + " -> " + mode);
private final class DisplayObserver implements DisplayManager.DisplayListener {
// Note that we can never call into DisplayManager or any of the non-POD classes it
// returns, while holding mLock since it may call into DMS, which might be simultaneously
// calling into us already holding its own lock.
private final Context mContext;
private final Handler mHandler;
DisplayObserver(Context context, Handler handler) {
mContext = context;
mHandler = handler;
public void observe() {
DisplayManager dm = mContext.getSystemService(DisplayManager.class);
dm.registerDisplayListener(this, mHandler);
// Populate existing displays
SparseArray<Display.Mode[]> modes = new SparseArray<>();
SparseArray<Display.Mode> defaultModes = new SparseArray<>();
DisplayInfo info = new DisplayInfo();
Display[] displays = dm.getDisplays();
for (Display d : displays) {
final int displayId = d.getDisplayId();
modes.put(displayId, info.supportedModes);
defaultModes.put(displayId, info.getDefaultMode());
synchronized (mLock) {
final int size = modes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
mSupportedModesByDisplay.put(modes.keyAt(i), modes.valueAt(i));
mDefaultModeByDisplay.put(defaultModes.keyAt(i), defaultModes.valueAt(i));
public void onDisplayAdded(int displayId) {
public void onDisplayRemoved(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
public void onDisplayChanged(int displayId) {
private void updateDisplayModes(int displayId) {
Display d = mContext.getSystemService(DisplayManager.class).getDisplay(displayId);
if (d == null) {
// We can occasionally get a display added or changed event for a display that was
// subsequently removed, which means this returns null. Check this case and bail
// out early; if it gets re-attached we'll eventually get another call back for it.
DisplayInfo info = new DisplayInfo();
boolean changed = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
if (!Arrays.equals(mSupportedModesByDisplay.get(displayId), info.supportedModes)) {
mSupportedModesByDisplay.put(displayId, info.supportedModes);
changed = true;
if (!Objects.equals(mDefaultModeByDisplay.get(displayId), info.getDefaultMode())) {
changed = true;
mDefaultModeByDisplay.put(displayId, info.getDefaultMode());
if (changed) {