blob: 0852025486ce93e13a886d74cfde8a1ca8f2685c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.view.Surface;
import java.lang.AutoCloseable;
import java.util.List;
* <p>The CameraDevice class is an interface to a single camera connected to an
* Android device, allowing for fine-grain control of image capture and
* post-processing at high frame rates.</p>
* <p>Your application must declare the
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#CAMERA Camera} permission in its manifest
* in order to access camera devices.</p>
* <p>A given camera device may provide support at one of two levels: limited or
* full. If a device only supports the limited level, then Camera2 exposes a
* feature set that is roughly equivalent to the older
* {@link android.hardware.Camera Camera} API, although with a cleaner and more
* efficient interface. Devices that implement the full level of support
* provide substantially improved capabilities over the older camera
* API. Applications that target the limited level devices will run unchanged on
* the full-level devices; if your application requires a full-level device for
* proper operation, declare the "android.hardware.camera2.full" feature in your
* manifest.</p>
* @see CameraManager#openCamera
* @see android.Manifest.permission#CAMERA
public interface CameraDevice extends AutoCloseable {
* Create a request suitable for a camera preview window. Specifically, this
* means that high frame rate is given priority over the highest-quality
* post-processing. These requests would normally be used with the
* {@link #setRepeatingRequest} method.
* @see #createCaptureRequest
public static final int TEMPLATE_PREVIEW = 1;
* Create a request suitable for still image capture. Specifically, this
* means prioritizing image quality over frame rate. These requests would
* commonly be used with the {@link #capture} method.
* @see #createCaptureRequest
public static final int TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE = 2;
* Create a request suitable for video recording. Specifically, this means
* that a stable frame rate is used, and post-processing is set for
* recording quality. These requests would commonly be used with the
* {@link #setRepeatingRequest} method.
* @see #createCaptureRequest
public static final int TEMPLATE_RECORD = 3;
* Create a request suitable for still image capture while recording
* video. Specifically, this means maximizing image quality without
* disrupting the ongoing recording. These requests would commonly be used
* with the {@link #capture} method while a request based on
* {@link #TEMPLATE_RECORD} is is in use with {@link #setRepeatingRequest}.
* @see #createCaptureRequest
public static final int TEMPLATE_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT = 4;
* A basic template for direct application control of capture
* parameters. All automatic control is disabled (auto-exposure, auto-white
* balance, auto-focus), and post-processing parameters are set to preview
* quality. The manual capture parameters (exposure, sensitivity, and so on)
* are set to reasonable defaults, but should be overriden by the
* application depending on the intended use case.
* @see #createCaptureRequest
public static final int TEMPLATE_MANUAL = 5;
* Get the static properties for this camera. These are identical to the
* properties returned by {@link CameraManager#getCameraProperties}.
* @return the static properties of the camera.
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @see CameraManager#getCameraProperties
public CameraProperties getProperties() throws CameraAccessException;
* <p>Set up a new output set of Surfaces for the camera device.</p>
* <p>The configuration determines the set of potential output Surfaces for
* the camera device for each capture request. A given request may use all
* or a only some of the outputs. This method must be called before requests
* can be submitted to the camera with {@link #capture capture},
* {@link #captureBurst captureBurst},
* {@link #setRepeatingRequest setRepeatingRequest}, or
* {@link #setRepeatingBurst setRepeatingBurst}.</p>
* <p>Surfaces suitable for inclusion as a camera output can be created for
* various use cases and targets:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>For drawing to a {@link android.view.SurfaceView SurfaceView}: Set
* the size of the Surface with
* {@link android.view.SurfaceHolder#setFixedSize} to be one of the
* supported
* {@link CameraProperties#SCALER_AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_SIZES processed sizes}
* before calling {@link android.view.SurfaceHolder#getSurface}.</li>
* <li>For accessing through an OpenGL texture via a
* {@link SurfaceTexture}: Set the size of
* the SurfaceTexture with
* {@link} to be one
* of the supported
* {@link CameraProperties#SCALER_AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_SIZES processed sizes}
* before creating a Surface from the SurfaceTexture with
* {@link Surface#Surface}.</li>
* <li>For recording with {@link}: Call
* {@link} after configuring
* the media codec to use one of the
* {@link CameraProperties#SCALER_AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_SIZES processed sizes}
* </li>
* <li>For recording with {@link}: TODO</li>
* <li>For efficient YUV processing with {@link android.renderscript}:
* Create a RenderScript
* {@link android.renderscript.Allocation Allocation} with a supported YUV
* type, the IO_INPUT flag, and one of the supported
* {@link CameraProperties#SCALER_AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_SIZES processed sizes}. Then
* obtain the Surface with
* {@link android.renderscript.Allocation#getSurface}.</li>
* <li>For access to uncompressed, JPEG, or raw sensor data in the
* application: Create a {@link} object with the
* desired {@link CameraProperties#SCALER_AVAILABLE_FORMATS image format},
* and a size from the matching
* {@link CameraProperties#SCALER_AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_SIZES processed},
* {@link CameraProperties#SCALER_AVAILABLE_JPEG_SIZES jpeg}, or
* {@link CameraProperties#SCALER_AVAILABLE_RAW_SIZES raw} sizes. Then
* obtain a Surface from it.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>This function can take several hundred milliseconds to execute, since
* camera hardware may need to be powered on or reconfigured.</p>
* <p>To change the configuration after requests have been submitted to the
* device, the camera device must be idle. To idle the device, stop any
* repeating requests with {@link #stopRepeating stopRepeating}, and then
* call {@link #waitUntilIdle waitUntilIdle}.</p>
* <p>Using larger resolution outputs, or more outputs, can result in slower
* output rate from the device.</p>
* @param outputs the new set of Surfaces that should be made available as
* targets for captured image data.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the set of output Surfaces do not
* meet the requirements
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device is not idle, or has
* encountered a fatal error
public void configureOutputs(List<Surface> outputs) throws CameraAccessException;
* <p>Create a {@link CaptureRequest} initialized with template for a target
* use case. The settings are chosen to be the best options for the specific
* camera device, so it is not recommended to reuse the same request for a
* different camera device; create a request for that device and override
* the settings as desired, instead.</p>
* @param templateType An enumeration selecting the use case for this
* request; one of the CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_ values.
* @return a filled-in CaptureRequest, except for output streams.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the templateType is not in the list
* of supported templates.
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed or the
* device has encountered a fatal error.
public CaptureRequest createCaptureRequest(int templateType)
throws CameraAccessException;
* <p>Submit a request for an image to be captured by this CameraDevice.</p>
* <p>The request defines all the parameters for capturing the single image,
* including sensor, lens, flash, and post-processing settings.</p>
* <p>Each request will produce one {@link CaptureResult} and produce new
* frames for one or more target Surfaces, as defined by the request's .</p>
* <p>Multiple requests can be in progress at once. They are processed in
* first-in, first-out order, with minimal delays between each
* capture. Requests submitted through this method have higher priority than
* those submitted through {@link #setRepeatingRequest} or
* {@link #setRepeatingBurst}, and will be processed as soon as the current
* repeat/repeatBurst processing completes.</p>
* @param request the settings for this capture.
* @param listener the callback object to notify once this request has been
* processed. If null, no metadata will be produced for this capture,
* although image data will still be produced.
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed or the
* device has encountered a fatal error.
* @see #captureBurst
* @see #setRepeatingRequest
* @see #setRepeatingBurst
public void capture(CaptureRequest request, CaptureListener listener)
throws CameraAccessException;
* <p>Submit a list of requests to be captured in sequence as a burst. The
* burst will be captured in the minimum amount of time possible, and will
* not be interleaved with requests submitted by other capture or repeat
* calls.</p>
* <p>The requests will be captured in order, each capture producing one
* {@link CaptureResult} and frames for one or more
* target {@link android.view.Surface surfaces}.</p>
* <p>The main difference between this method and simply calling
* {@link #capture} repeatedly is that this method guarantees that no
* other requests will be interspersed with the burst.</p>
* @param requests the list of settings for this burst capture.
* @param listener the callback object to notify each time one of the
* requests in the burst has been processed. If null, no metadata will be
* produced for any requests in this burst, although image data will still
* be produced.
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed or the
* device has encountered a fatal error.
* @see #capture
* @see #setRepeatingRequest
* @see #setRepeatingBurst
public void captureBurst(List<CaptureRequest> requests,
CaptureListener listener) throws CameraAccessException;
* <p>Request endlessly repeating capture of images by this
* CameraDevice.</p>
* <p>With this method, the CameraDevice will continually capture
* images using the settings in the provided {@link
* CaptureRequest}, at the maximum rate possible.</p>
* <p>Repeat requests have lower priority than those submitted
* through {@link #capture} or {@link #captureBurst}, so if
* capture() is called when a repeating request is active, the
* capture request will be processed before any further repeating
* requests are processed.<p>
* <p>Repeating requests are a simple way for an application to maintain a
* preview or other continuous stream of frames, without having to submit
* requests through {@link #capture} at video rates.</p>
* <p>To stop the repeating capture, call {@link #stopRepeating}</p>
* <p>Calling repeat will replace a burst set up by {@link
* #setRepeatingBurst}, although any in-progress burst will be
* completed before the new repeat request will be used.</p>
* @param request the request to repeat indefinitely
* @param listener the callback object to notify every time the
* request finishes processing. If null, no metadata will be
* produced for this stream of requests, although image data will
* still be produced.
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer
* connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed or the
* device has encountered a fatal error.
* @see #capture
* @see #captureBurst
* @see #setRepeatingBurst
public void setRepeatingRequest(CaptureRequest request, CaptureListener listener)
throws CameraAccessException;
* <p>Request endlessly repeating capture of a sequence of images by this
* CameraDevice.</p>
* <p>With this method, the CameraDevice will continually capture images,
* cycling through the settings in the provided list of
* {@link CaptureRequest CaptureRequests}, at the maximum rate possible.</p>
* <p>If a request is submitted through {@link #capture} or
* {@link #captureBurst}, the current repetition of the request list will be
* completed before the higher-priority request is handled. This guarantees
* that the application always receives a complete repeat burst captured in
* minimal time, instead of bursts interleaved with higher-priority
* captures, or incomplete captures.</p>
* <p>Repeating burst requests are a simple way for an application to
* maintain a preview or other continuous stream of frames where each
* request is different in a predicatable way, without having to submit
* requests through {@link #capture} at video rates.</p>
* <p>To stop the repeating capture, call {@link #stopRepeating}. Any
* ongoing burst will still be completed, however.</p>
* <p>Calling repeatBurst will replace a repeating request set up by
* {@link #setRepeatingRequest}, although any in-progress capture will be completed
* before the new repeat burst will be used.</p>
* @param requests the list of requests to cycle through indefinitely.
* @param listener the callback object to notify each time one of the
* requests in the repeating bursts has finished processing. If null, no
* metadata will be produced for this stream of requests, although image
* data will still be produced.
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed or the
* device has encountered a fatal error.
* @see #capture
* @see #captureBurst
* @see #setRepeatingRequest
public void setRepeatingBurst(List<CaptureRequest> requests, CaptureListener listener)
throws CameraAccessException;
* <p>Cancel any ongoing repeating capture set by either
* {@link #setRepeatingRequest setRepeatingRequest} or
* {@link #setRepeatingBurst}. Has no effect on requests submitted through
* {@link #capture capture} or {@link #captureBurst captureBurst}.</p>
* <p>Any currently in-flight captures will still complete, as will any
* burst that is mid-capture. To ensure that the device has finished
* processing all of its capture requests and is in idle state, use the
* {@link #waitUntilIdle waitUntilIdle} method.</p>
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed or the
* device has encountered a fatal error.
* @see #setRepeatingRequest
* @see #setRepeatingBurst
* @see #waitUntilIdle
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed, the
* device has encountered a fatal error, or if there is an active repeating
* request or burst.
public void stopRepeating() throws CameraAccessException;
* <p>Wait until all the submitted requests have finished processing</p>
* <p>This method blocks until all the requests that have been submitted to
* the camera device, either through {@link #capture capture},
* {@link #captureBurst captureBurst},
* {@link #setRepeatingRequest setRepeatingRequest}, or
* {@link #setRepeatingBurst setRepeatingBurst}, have completed their
* processing.</p>
* <p>Once this call returns successfully, the device is in an idle state,
* and can be reconfigured with {@link #configureOutputs configureOutputs}.</p>
* <p>This method cannot be used if there is an active repeating request or
* burst, set with {@link #setRepeatingRequest setRepeatingRequest} or
* {@link #setRepeatingBurst setRepeatingBurst}. Call
* {@link #stopRepeating stopRepeating} before calling this method.</p>
* @throws CameraAccessException if the camera device is no longer connected
* @throws IllegalStateException if the camera device has been closed, the
* device has encountered a fatal error, or if there is an active repeating
* request or burst.
public void waitUntilIdle() throws CameraAccessException;
* Set the error listener object to call when an asynchronous error
* occurs. The errors reported here are only device-wide errors; errors
* about individual requests or frames are reported through
* {@link CaptureListener#onCaptureFailed}.
* @param listener the ErrorListener to send asynchronous error
* notifications to. Setting this to null will stop notifications about
* asynchronous errors.
public void setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener);
* Close the connection to this camera device. After this call, all calls to
* the camera device interface will throw a {@link IllegalStateException},
* except for calls to close().
* @throws Exception
public void close() throws Exception;
// TODO: We should decide on the behavior of in-flight requests should be on close.
* A listener for receiving metadata about completed image captures. The
* metadata includes, among other things, the final capture settings and the
* state of the control algorithms.
public interface CaptureListener {
* <p>Called when a capture request has been processed by a
* {@link CameraDevice}.</p>
* @param camera The CameraDevice sending the callback.
* @param request The request that was given to the CameraDevice
* @param result The output metadata from the capture, including the
* final capture parameters and the state of the camera system during
* capture.
* @see #capture
* @see #captureBurst
* @see #setRepeatingRequest
* @see #setRepeatingBurst
public void onCaptureComplete(CameraDevice camera,
CaptureRequest request, CaptureResult result);
* <p>Called instead of onCaptureComplete when the camera device failed
* to produce a CaptureResult for the request. Other requests are
* unaffected, and some or all image buffers from the capture may have
* been pushed to their respective output streams.</p>
* @param camera The CameraDevice sending the callback.
* @param request The request that was given to the CameraDevice
* @see #capture
* @see #captureBurst
* @see #setRepeatingRequest
* @see #setRepeatingBurst
public void onCaptureFailed(CameraDevice camera,
CaptureRequest request);
* <p>A listener for asynchronous errors from the camera device. Errors
* about specific {@link CaptureRequest CaptureRequests} are sent through
* the capture {@link CaptureListener#onCaptureFailed listener}
* interface. Errors reported through this listener affect the device as a
* whole.</p>
public interface ErrorListener {
* <p>This camera device has been disconnected by the camera
* service. Any attempt to call methods on this CameraDevice will throw
* a {@link CameraAccessException}. The disconnection could be due to a
* change in security policy or permissions; the physical disconnection
* of a removable camera device; or the camera being needed for a
* higher-priority use case.</p>
* <p>There may still be capture completion or camera stream listeners
* that will be called after this error is received.</p>
public static final int DEVICE_DISCONNECTED = 1;
* <p>The camera device has encountered a fatal error. Any attempt to
* call methods on this CameraDevice will throw a
* {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException}.</p>
* <p>There may still be capture completion or camera stream listeners
* that will be called after this error is received.</p>
* <p>The application needs to re-open the camera device to use it
* again.</p>
public static final int DEVICE_ERROR = 2;
* <p>The camera service has encountered a fatal error. Any attempt to
* call methods on this CameraDevice in the future will throw a
* {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException}.</p>
* <p>There may still be capture completion or camera stream listeners
* that will be called after this error is received.</p>
* <p>The device may need to be shut down and restarted to restore
* camera function, or there may be a persistent hardware problem.</p>
public static final int SERVICE_ERROR = 3;
* The method to call when a camera device has encountered an error.
* @param camera The device reporting the error
* @param error The error code, one of the ErrorListener.ERROR_ values.
public void onCameraDeviceError(CameraDevice camera, int error);