blob: 842bbde2a6a67cbc2a314e7ee4fee440331cd447 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of the ustl library, an STL implementation.
// Copyright (C) 2005 by Mike Sharov <>
// This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License.
// ulist.h
#ifndef ULIST_H_54E3B510498982C87A0A1E1932E6729D
#define ULIST_H_54E3B510498982C87A0A1E1932E6729D
#include "uvector.h"
#include "uctralgo.h"
namespace ustl {
/// \class list ulist.h ustl.h
/// \ingroup Sequences
/// \brief Linked list, defined as an alias to \ref vector.
template <typename T>
class list : public vector<T> {
typedef typename vector<T>::size_type size_type;
typedef typename vector<T>::iterator iterator;
typedef typename vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef typename vector<T>::reference reference;
typedef typename vector<T>::const_reference const_reference;
inline list (void) : vector<T> () {}
inline explicit list (size_type n) : vector<T> (n) {}
inline list (size_type n, const T& v) : vector<T> (n, v) {}
inline list (const list<T>& v) : vector<T> (v) {}
inline list (const_iterator i1, const_iterator i2) : vector<T> (i1, i2) {}
inline size_type size (void) const { return (vector<T>::size()); }
inline iterator begin (void) { return (vector<T>::begin()); }
inline const_iterator begin (void) const { return (vector<T>::begin()); }
inline iterator end (void) { return (vector<T>::end()); }
inline const_iterator end (void) const { return (vector<T>::end()); }
inline void push_front (const T& v) { insert (begin(), v); }
inline void pop_front (void) { erase (begin()); }
inline const_reference front (void) const { return (*begin()); }
inline reference front (void) { return (*begin()); }
inline void remove (const T& v) { ::ustl::remove (*this, v); }
inline void unique (void) { ::ustl::unique (*this); }
inline void sort (void) { ::ustl::sort (*this); }
void merge (list<T>& l);
void splice (iterator ip, list<T>& l, iterator first = NULL, iterator last = NULL);
/// Merges the contents with \p l. Assumes both lists are sorted.
template <typename T>
void list<T>::merge (list& l)
list<T>::resize (size() + l.size());
iterator me = merge (begin(), end(), l.begin(), l.end(), begin());
list<T>::resize (distance (begin(), me));
/// Moves the range [first, last) from \p l to this list at \p ip.
template <typename T>
void list<T>::splice (iterator ip, list<T>& l, iterator first, iterator last)
if (!first)
first = l.begin();
if (!last)
last = l.end();
insert (ip, first, last);
l.erase (first, last);
#define deque list ///< list has all the functionality provided by deque
} // namespace ustl