blob: 3576b6bb42368ef7de5274193af15c82546550a1 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.ComponentName;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* Used to sort resolved activities in {@link ResolverListController}.
abstract class AbstractResolverComparator implements Comparator<ResolvedComponentInfo> {
protected AfterCompute mAfterCompute;
* Callback to be called when {@link #compute(List)} finishes. This signals to stop waiting.
public interface AfterCompute {
public void afterCompute();
public void setCallBack(AfterCompute afterCompute) {
mAfterCompute = afterCompute;
* Computes features for each target. This will be called before calls to {@link
* #getScore(ComponentName)} or {@link #compare(Object, Object)}, in order to prepare the
* comparator for those calls. Note that {@link #getScore(ComponentName)} uses {@link
* ComponentName}, so the implementation will have to be prepared to identify a {@link
* ResolvedComponentInfo} by {@link ComponentName}.
public abstract void compute(List<ResolvedComponentInfo> targets);
* Returns the score that was calculated for the corresponding {@link ResolvedComponentInfo}
* when {@link #compute(List)} was called before this.
public abstract float getScore(ComponentName name);
* Reports to UsageStats what was chosen.
// TODO(b/129014961) Move implemetation here and make final.
public abstract void updateChooserCounts(String packageName, int userId, String action);
* Updates the model used to rank the componentNames.
* <p>Default implementation does nothing, as we could have simple model that does not train
* online.
* @param componentName the component that the user clicked
public void updateModel(ComponentName componentName) {
* Called when the {@link ResolverActivity} is destroyed.
public abstract void destroy();