blob: ddf8dbbcb9535c8564eb86130b2a0d99d2cb092f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Messenger;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
* A Utility class for handling for communicating between bearer-specific
* code and ConnectivityService.
* A bearer may have more than one NetworkAgent if it can simultaneously
* support separate networks (IMS / Internet / MMS Apns on cellular, or
* perhaps connections with different SSID or P2P for Wi-Fi).
* @hide
public abstract class NetworkAgent {
* The {@link Network} corresponding to this object.
private volatile Network mNetwork;
// Whether this NetworkAgent is using the legacy (never unhidden) API. The difference is
// that the legacy API uses NetworkInfo to convey the state, while the current API is
// exposing methods to manage it and generate it internally instead.
// TODO : remove this as soon as all agents have been converted.
private final boolean mIsLegacy;
private final Handler mHandler;
private volatile AsyncChannel mAsyncChannel;
private final String LOG_TAG;
private static final boolean DBG = true;
private static final boolean VDBG = false;
private final ArrayList<Message>mPreConnectedQueue = new ArrayList<Message>();
private volatile long mLastBwRefreshTime = 0;
private static final long BW_REFRESH_MIN_WIN_MS = 500;
private boolean mBandwidthUpdateScheduled = false;
private AtomicBoolean mBandwidthUpdatePending = new AtomicBoolean(false);
// Not used by legacy agents. Non-legacy agents use this to convert the NetworkAgent system API
// into the internal API of ConnectivityService.
private NetworkInfo mNetworkInfo;
* The ID of the {@link NetworkProvider} that created this object, or
* {@link NetworkProvider#ID_NONE} if unknown.
public final int providerId;
private static final int BASE = Protocol.BASE_NETWORK_AGENT;
* Sent by ConnectivityService to the NetworkAgent to inform it of
* suspected connectivity problems on its network. The NetworkAgent
* should take steps to verify and correct connectivity.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_SUSPECT_BAD = BASE;
* Sent by the NetworkAgent (note the EVENT vs CMD prefix) to
* ConnectivityService to pass the current NetworkInfo (connection state).
* Sent when the NetworkInfo changes, mainly due to change of state.
* obj = NetworkInfo
* @hide
public static final int EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED = BASE + 1;
* Sent by the NetworkAgent to ConnectivityService to pass the current
* NetworkCapabilties.
* obj = NetworkCapabilities
* @hide
public static final int EVENT_NETWORK_CAPABILITIES_CHANGED = BASE + 2;
* Sent by the NetworkAgent to ConnectivityService to pass the current
* NetworkProperties.
* obj = NetworkProperties
* @hide
public static final int EVENT_NETWORK_PROPERTIES_CHANGED = BASE + 3;
* Sent by the NetworkAgent to ConnectivityService to pass the current
* network score.
* obj = network score Integer
* @hide
public static final int EVENT_NETWORK_SCORE_CHANGED = BASE + 4;
* Sent by ConnectivityService to the NetworkAgent to inform the agent of the
* networks status - whether we could use the network or could not, due to
* either a bad network configuration (no internet link) or captive portal.
* arg1 = either {@code VALID_NETWORK} or {@code INVALID_NETWORK}
* obj = Bundle containing map from {@code REDIRECT_URL_KEY} to {@code String}
* representing URL that Internet probe was redirect to, if it was redirected,
* or mapping to {@code null} otherwise.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_REPORT_NETWORK_STATUS = BASE + 7;
* Network validation suceeded.
* Corresponds to {@link NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_VALIDATED}.
public static final int VALIDATION_STATUS_VALID = 1;
* Network validation was attempted and failed. This may be received more than once as
* subsequent validation attempts are made.
public static final int VALIDATION_STATUS_NOT_VALID = 2;
// TODO: remove.
/** @hide */
public static final int VALID_NETWORK = 1;
/** @hide */
public static final int INVALID_NETWORK = 2;
* The key for the redirect URL in the Bundle argument of {@code CMD_REPORT_NETWORK_STATUS}.
* @hide
public static String REDIRECT_URL_KEY = "redirect URL";
* Sent by the NetworkAgent to ConnectivityService to indicate this network was
* explicitly selected. This should be sent before the NetworkInfo is marked
* CONNECTED so it can be given special treatment at that time.
* obj = boolean indicating whether to use this network even if unvalidated
* @hide
public static final int EVENT_SET_EXPLICITLY_SELECTED = BASE + 8;
* Sent by ConnectivityService to the NetworkAgent to inform the agent of
* whether the network should in the future be used even if not validated.
* This decision is made by the user, but it is the network transport's
* responsibility to remember it.
* arg1 = 1 if true, 0 if false
* @hide
public static final int CMD_SAVE_ACCEPT_UNVALIDATED = BASE + 9;
* Sent by ConnectivityService to the NetworkAgent to inform the agent to pull
* the underlying network connection for updated bandwidth information.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_REQUEST_BANDWIDTH_UPDATE = BASE + 10;
* Sent by ConnectivityService to the NetworkAgent to request that the specified packet be sent
* periodically on the given interval.
* arg1 = the slot number of the keepalive to start
* arg2 = interval in seconds
* obj = KeepalivePacketData object describing the data to be sent
* Also used internally by ConnectivityService / KeepaliveTracker, with different semantics.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_START_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE = BASE + 11;
* Requests that the specified keepalive packet be stopped.
* arg1 = slot number of the keepalive to stop.
* Also used internally by ConnectivityService / KeepaliveTracker, with different semantics.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_STOP_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE = BASE + 12;
* Sent by the NetworkAgent to ConnectivityService to provide status on a socket keepalive
* request. This may either be the reply to a CMD_START_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE, or an asynchronous
* error notification.
* This is also sent by KeepaliveTracker to the app's {@link SocketKeepalive},
* so that the app's {@link SocketKeepalive.Callback} methods can be called.
* arg1 = slot number of the keepalive
* arg2 = error code
* @hide
public static final int EVENT_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE = BASE + 13;
* Sent by ConnectivityService to inform this network transport of signal strength thresholds
* that when crossed should trigger a system wakeup and a NetworkCapabilities update.
* obj = int[] describing signal strength thresholds.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_SET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_THRESHOLDS = BASE + 14;
* Sent by ConnectivityService to the NeworkAgent to inform the agent to avoid
* automatically reconnecting to this network (e.g. via autojoin). Happens
* when user selects "No" option on the "Stay connected?" dialog box.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_PREVENT_AUTOMATIC_RECONNECT = BASE + 15;
* Sent by the KeepaliveTracker to NetworkAgent to add a packet filter.
* For TCP keepalive offloads, keepalive packets are sent by the firmware. However, because the
* remote site will send ACK packets in response to the keepalive packets, the firmware also
* needs to be configured to properly filter the ACKs to prevent the system from waking up.
* This does not happen with UDP, so this message is TCP-specific.
* arg1 = slot number of the keepalive to filter for.
* obj = the keepalive packet to send repeatedly.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_ADD_KEEPALIVE_PACKET_FILTER = BASE + 16;
* Sent by the KeepaliveTracker to NetworkAgent to remove a packet filter. See
* arg1 = slot number of the keepalive packet filter to remove.
* @hide
public static final int CMD_REMOVE_KEEPALIVE_PACKET_FILTER = BASE + 17;
// STOPSHIP (b/148055573) : remove this before R is released.
private static NetworkScore makeNetworkScore(int score) {
return new NetworkScore.Builder().setLegacyScore(score).build();
/** @hide TODO: remove and replace usage with the public constructor. */
// STOPSHIP (b/148055573) : remove this before R is released.
public NetworkAgent(Looper looper, Context context, String logTag, NetworkInfo ni,
NetworkCapabilities nc, LinkProperties lp, int score) {
this(looper, context, logTag, ni, nc, lp, score, null, NetworkProvider.ID_NONE);
// Register done by the constructor called in the previous line
/** @hide TODO: remove and replace usage with the public constructor. */
// STOPSHIP (b/148055573) : remove this before R is released.
public NetworkAgent(Looper looper, Context context, String logTag, NetworkInfo ni,
NetworkCapabilities nc, LinkProperties lp, int score, NetworkAgentConfig config) {
this(looper, context, logTag, ni, nc, lp, score, config, NetworkProvider.ID_NONE);
// Register done by the constructor called in the previous line
/** @hide TODO: remove and replace usage with the public constructor. */
// STOPSHIP (b/148055573) : remove this before R is released.
public NetworkAgent(Looper looper, Context context, String logTag, NetworkInfo ni,
NetworkCapabilities nc, LinkProperties lp, int score, int providerId) {
this(looper, context, logTag, ni, nc, lp, score, null, providerId);
// Register done by the constructor called in the previous line
/** @hide TODO: remove and replace usage with the public constructor. */
// STOPSHIP (b/148055573) : remove this before R is released.
public NetworkAgent(Looper looper, Context context, String logTag, NetworkInfo ni,
NetworkCapabilities nc, LinkProperties lp, int score, NetworkAgentConfig config,
int providerId) {
this(looper, context, logTag, nc, lp, makeNetworkScore(score), config, providerId, ni,
true /* legacy */);
private static NetworkInfo getLegacyNetworkInfo(final NetworkAgentConfig config) {
// The subtype can be changed with (TODO) setLegacySubtype, but it starts
// with the type and an empty description.
final NetworkInfo ni = new NetworkInfo(config.legacyType, config.legacyType,
config.legacyTypeName, "");
return ni;
* Create a new network agent.
* @param context a {@link Context} to get system services from.
* @param looper the {@link Looper} on which to invoke the callbacks.
* @param logTag the tag for logs
* @param nc the initial {@link NetworkCapabilities} of this network. Update with
* sendNetworkCapabilities.
* @param lp the initial {@link LinkProperties} of this network. Update with sendLinkProperties.
* @param score the initial score of this network. Update with sendNetworkScore.
* @param config an immutable {@link NetworkAgentConfig} for this agent.
* @param provider the {@link NetworkProvider} managing this agent.
public NetworkAgent(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Looper looper, @NonNull String logTag,
@NonNull NetworkCapabilities nc, @NonNull LinkProperties lp,
@NonNull NetworkScore score, @NonNull NetworkAgentConfig config,
@Nullable NetworkProvider provider) {
this(looper, context, logTag, nc, lp, score, config,
provider == null ? NetworkProvider.ID_NONE : provider.getProviderId(),
getLegacyNetworkInfo(config), false /* legacy */);
private static class InitialConfiguration {
public final Context context;
public final NetworkCapabilities capabilities;
public final LinkProperties properties;
public final NetworkScore score;
public final NetworkAgentConfig config;
public final NetworkInfo info;
InitialConfiguration(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull NetworkCapabilities capabilities,
@NonNull LinkProperties properties, @NonNull NetworkScore score,
@NonNull NetworkAgentConfig config, @NonNull NetworkInfo info) {
this.context = context;
this.capabilities = capabilities; = properties;
this.score = score;
this.config = config; = info;
private volatile InitialConfiguration mInitialConfiguration;
private NetworkAgent(@NonNull Looper looper, @NonNull Context context, @NonNull String logTag,
@NonNull NetworkCapabilities nc, @NonNull LinkProperties lp, NetworkScore score,
@NonNull NetworkAgentConfig config, int providerId, @NonNull NetworkInfo ni,
boolean legacy) {
mHandler = new NetworkAgentHandler(looper);
LOG_TAG = logTag;
mIsLegacy = legacy;
mNetworkInfo = new NetworkInfo(ni);
this.providerId = providerId;
if (ni == null || nc == null || lp == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
mInitialConfiguration = new InitialConfiguration(context, new NetworkCapabilities(nc),
new LinkProperties(lp), score, config, ni);
private class NetworkAgentHandler extends Handler {
NetworkAgentHandler(Looper looper) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
if (mAsyncChannel != null) {
log("Received new connection while already connected!");
} else {
if (VDBG) log("NetworkAgent fully connected");
AsyncChannel ac = new AsyncChannel();
ac.connected(null, this, msg.replyTo);
ac.replyToMessage(msg, AsyncChannel.CMD_CHANNEL_FULLY_CONNECTED,
synchronized (mPreConnectedQueue) {
mAsyncChannel = ac;
for (Message m : mPreConnectedQueue) {
if (mAsyncChannel != null) mAsyncChannel.disconnect();
if (DBG) log("NetworkAgent channel lost");
// let the client know CS is done with us.
synchronized (mPreConnectedQueue) {
mAsyncChannel = null;
log("Unhandled Message " + msg);
long currentTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (VDBG) {
log("CMD_REQUEST_BANDWIDTH_UPDATE request received.");
if (currentTimeMs >= (mLastBwRefreshTime + BW_REFRESH_MIN_WIN_MS)) {
mBandwidthUpdateScheduled = false;
if (!mBandwidthUpdatePending.getAndSet(true)) {
} else {
// deliver the request at a later time rather than discard it completely.
if (!mBandwidthUpdateScheduled) {
long waitTime = mLastBwRefreshTime + BW_REFRESH_MIN_WIN_MS
- currentTimeMs + 1;
mBandwidthUpdateScheduled = sendEmptyMessageDelayed(
String redirectUrl = ((Bundle) msg.obj).getString(REDIRECT_URL_KEY);
if (VDBG) {
+ (msg.arg1 == VALID_NETWORK ? "VALID, " : "INVALID, ")
+ redirectUrl);
onValidationStatus(msg.arg1 /* status */, redirectUrl);
onSaveAcceptUnvalidated(msg.arg1 != 0);
onStartSocketKeepalive(msg.arg1 /* slot */, msg.arg2 /* interval */,
(KeepalivePacketData) msg.obj /* packet */);
onStopSocketKeepalive(msg.arg1 /* slot */);
ArrayList<Integer> thresholds =
((Bundle) msg.obj).getIntegerArrayList("thresholds");
// TODO: Change signal strength thresholds API to use an ArrayList<Integer>
// rather than convert to int[].
int[] intThresholds = new int[(thresholds != null) ? thresholds.size() : 0];
for (int i = 0; i < intThresholds.length; i++) {
intThresholds[i] = thresholds.get(i);
onAddKeepalivePacketFilter(msg.arg1 /* slot */,
(KeepalivePacketData) msg.obj /* packet */);
onRemoveKeepalivePacketFilter(msg.arg1 /* slot */);
* Register this network agent with ConnectivityService.
* @return the Network associated with this network agent (which can also be obtained later
* by calling getNetwork() on this agent).
public Network register() {
if (VDBG) log("Registering NetworkAgent");
final ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) mInitialConfiguration.context
mNetwork = cm.registerNetworkAgent(new Messenger(mHandler),
new NetworkInfo(,, mInitialConfiguration.capabilities,
mInitialConfiguration.score, mInitialConfiguration.config, providerId);
mInitialConfiguration = null; // All this memory can now be GC'd
return mNetwork;
* @return The Network associated with this agent, or null if it's not registered yet.
public Network getNetwork() {
return mNetwork;
private void queueOrSendMessage(int what, Object obj) {
queueOrSendMessage(what, 0, 0, obj);
private void queueOrSendMessage(int what, int arg1, int arg2) {
queueOrSendMessage(what, arg1, arg2, null);
private void queueOrSendMessage(int what, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj) {
Message msg = Message.obtain();
msg.what = what;
msg.arg1 = arg1;
msg.arg2 = arg2;
msg.obj = obj;
private void queueOrSendMessage(Message msg) {
synchronized (mPreConnectedQueue) {
if (mAsyncChannel != null) {
} else {
* Must be called by the agent when the network's {@link LinkProperties} change.
* @param linkProperties the new LinkProperties.
public void sendLinkProperties(@NonNull LinkProperties linkProperties) {
queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_PROPERTIES_CHANGED, new LinkProperties(linkProperties));
* Inform ConnectivityService that this agent has now connected.
public void setConnected() {
if (mIsLegacy) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Legacy agents can't call setConnected.");
mNetworkInfo.setDetailedState(NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED, null, null);
queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, mNetworkInfo);
* Unregister this network agent.
* This signals the network has disconnected and ends its lifecycle. After this is called,
* the network is torn down and this agent can no longer be used.
public void unregister() {
if (mIsLegacy) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Legacy agents can't call unregister.");
mNetworkInfo.setDetailedState(NetworkInfo.DetailedState.DISCONNECTED, null, null);
queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, mNetworkInfo);
* Change the legacy subtype of this network agent.
* This is only for backward compatibility and should not be used by non-legacy network agents,
* or agents that did not use to set a subtype. As such, only TYPE_MOBILE type agents can use
* this and others will be thrown an exception if they try.
* @deprecated this is for backward compatibility only.
* @param legacySubtype the legacy subtype.
public void setLegacySubtype(final int legacySubtype, @NonNull final String legacySubtypeName) {
if (mIsLegacy) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Legacy agents can't call setLegacySubtype.");
mNetworkInfo.setSubtype(legacySubtype, legacySubtypeName);
queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, mNetworkInfo);
* Set the ExtraInfo of this network agent.
* This sets the ExtraInfo field inside the NetworkInfo returned by legacy public API and the
* broadcasts about the corresponding Network.
* This is only for backward compatibility and should not be used by non-legacy network agents,
* who will be thrown an exception if they try. The extra info should only be :
* <ul>
* <li>For cellular agents, the APN name.</li>
* <li>For ethernet agents, the interface name.</li>
* </ul>
* @deprecated this is for backward compatibility only.
* @param extraInfo the ExtraInfo.
public void setLegacyExtraInfo(@Nullable final String extraInfo) {
if (mIsLegacy) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Legacy agents can't call setLegacyExtraInfo.");
queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, mNetworkInfo);
* Must be called by the agent when it has a new NetworkInfo object.
* @hide TODO: expose something better.
@UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.P, trackingBug = 115609023)
public void sendNetworkInfo(NetworkInfo networkInfo) {
if (!mIsLegacy) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only legacy agents can call sendNetworkInfo.");
queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, new NetworkInfo(networkInfo));
* Must be called by the agent when the network's {@link NetworkCapabilities} change.
* @param networkCapabilities the new NetworkCapabilities.
public void sendNetworkCapabilities(@NonNull NetworkCapabilities networkCapabilities) {
mLastBwRefreshTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
new NetworkCapabilities(networkCapabilities));
* Must be called by the agent to update the score of this network.
* @param score the new score.
public void sendNetworkScore(@NonNull final NetworkScore score) {
queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_SCORE_CHANGED, score);
* Must be called by the agent to indicate this network was manually selected by the user.
* This should be called before the NetworkInfo is marked CONNECTED so that this
* Network can be given special treatment at that time. If {@code acceptUnvalidated} is
* {@code true}, then the system will switch to this network. If it is {@code false} and the
* network cannot be validated, the system will ask the user whether to switch to this network.
* If the user confirms and selects "don't ask again", then the system will call
* {@link #saveAcceptUnvalidated} to persist the user's choice. Thus, if the transport ever
* calls this method with {@code acceptUnvalidated} set to {@code false}, it must also implement
* {@link #saveAcceptUnvalidated} to respect the user's choice.
* @hide should move to NetworkAgentConfig.
public void explicitlySelected(boolean acceptUnvalidated) {
explicitlySelected(true /* explicitlySelected */, acceptUnvalidated);
* Must be called by the agent to indicate whether the network was manually selected by the
* user. This should be called before the network becomes connected, so it can be given
* special treatment when it does.
* If {@code explicitlySelected} is {@code true}, and {@code acceptUnvalidated} is {@code true},
* then the system will switch to this network. If {@code explicitlySelected} is {@code true}
* and {@code acceptUnvalidated} is {@code false}, and the network cannot be validated, the
* system will ask the user whether to switch to this network. If the user confirms and selects
* "don't ask again", then the system will call {@link #saveAcceptUnvalidated} to persist the
* user's choice. Thus, if the transport ever calls this method with {@code explicitlySelected}
* set to {@code true} and {@code acceptUnvalidated} set to {@code false}, it must also
* implement {@link #saveAcceptUnvalidated} to respect the user's choice.
* If {@code explicitlySelected} is {@code false} and {@code acceptUnvalidated} is
* {@code true}, the system will interpret this as the user having accepted partial connectivity
* on this network. Thus, the system will switch to the network and consider it validated even
* if it only provides partial connectivity, but the network is not otherwise treated specially.
* @hide should move to NetworkAgentConfig.
public void explicitlySelected(boolean explicitlySelected, boolean acceptUnvalidated) {
explicitlySelected ? 1 : 0,
acceptUnvalidated ? 1 : 0);
* Called when ConnectivityService has indicated they no longer want this network.
* The parent factory should (previously) have received indication of the change
* as well, either canceling NetworkRequests or altering their score such that this
* network won't be immediately requested again.
public void onNetworkUnwanted() {
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onNetworkUnwanted. */
protected void unwanted() {
* Called when ConnectivityService request a bandwidth update. The parent factory
* shall try to overwrite this method and produce a bandwidth update if capable.
public void onBandwidthUpdateRequested() {
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onBandwidthUpdateRequested. */
protected void pollLceData() {
* Called when the system determines the usefulness of this network.
* The system attempts to validate Internet connectivity on networks that provide the
* {@link NetworkCapabilities#NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET} capability.
* Currently there are two possible values:
* {@code VALIDATION_STATUS_VALID} if Internet connectivity was validated,
* {@code VALIDATION_STATUS_NOT_VALID} if Internet connectivity was not validated.
* This may be called multiple times as network status changes, or if there are multiple
* subsequent attempts to validate connectivity that fail.
* @param status one of {@code VALIDATION_STATUS_VALID} or {@code VALIDATION_STATUS_NOT_VALID}.
* @param redirectUrl If Internet connectivity is being redirected (e.g., on a captive portal),
* this is the destination the probes are being redirected to, otherwise {@code null}.
public void onValidationStatus(int status, @Nullable String redirectUrl) {
networkStatus(status, redirectUrl);
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onValidationStatus */
protected void networkStatus(int status, String redirectUrl) {
* Called when the user asks to remember the choice to use this network even if unvalidated.
* The transport is responsible for remembering the choice, and the next time the user connects
* to the network, should explicitlySelected with {@code acceptUnvalidated} set to {@code true}.
* This method will only be called if {@link #explicitlySelected} was called with
* {@code acceptUnvalidated} set to {@code false}.
* @param accept whether the user wants to use the network even if unvalidated.
public void onSaveAcceptUnvalidated(boolean accept) {
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onSaveAcceptUnvalidated */
protected void saveAcceptUnvalidated(boolean accept) {
* Requests that the network hardware send the specified packet at the specified interval.
* @param slot the hardware slot on which to start the keepalive.
* @param intervalSeconds the interval between packets
* @param packet the packet to send.
public void onStartSocketKeepalive(int slot, int intervalSeconds,
@NonNull KeepalivePacketData packet) {
Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(CMD_START_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE, slot, intervalSeconds,
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onStartSocketKeepalive */
protected void startSocketKeepalive(Message msg) {
onSocketKeepaliveEvent(msg.arg1, SocketKeepalive.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED);
* Requests that the network hardware stop a previously-started keepalive.
* @param slot the hardware slot on which to stop the keepalive.
public void onStopSocketKeepalive(int slot) {
Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(CMD_STOP_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE, slot, 0, null);
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onStopSocketKeepalive */
protected void stopSocketKeepalive(Message msg) {
onSocketKeepaliveEvent(msg.arg1, SocketKeepalive.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED);
* Must be called by the agent when a socket keepalive event occurs.
* @param slot the hardware slot on which the event occurred.
* @param event the event that occurred.
public void sendSocketKeepaliveEvent(int slot, int event) {
queueOrSendMessage(EVENT_SOCKET_KEEPALIVE, slot, event);
/** @hide TODO delete once callers have moved to sendSocketKeepaliveEvent */
public void onSocketKeepaliveEvent(int slot, int reason) {
sendSocketKeepaliveEvent(slot, reason);
* Called by ConnectivityService to add specific packet filter to network hardware to block
* replies (e.g., TCP ACKs) matching the sent keepalive packets. Implementations that support
* this feature must override this method.
* @param slot the hardware slot on which the keepalive should be sent.
* @param packet the packet that is being sent.
public void onAddKeepalivePacketFilter(int slot, @NonNull KeepalivePacketData packet) {
Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(CMD_ADD_KEEPALIVE_PACKET_FILTER, slot, 0, packet);
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onAddKeepalivePacketFilter */
protected void addKeepalivePacketFilter(Message msg) {
* Called by ConnectivityService to remove a packet filter installed with
* {@link #addKeepalivePacketFilter(Message)}. Implementations that support this feature
* must override this method.
* @param slot the hardware slot on which the keepalive is being sent.
public void onRemoveKeepalivePacketFilter(int slot) {
Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(CMD_REMOVE_KEEPALIVE_PACKET_FILTER, slot, 0, null);
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onRemoveKeepalivePacketFilter */
protected void removeKeepalivePacketFilter(Message msg) {
* Called by ConnectivityService to inform this network transport of signal strength thresholds
* that when crossed should trigger a system wakeup and a NetworkCapabilities update.
* @param thresholds the array of thresholds that should trigger wakeups.
public void onSignalStrengthThresholdsUpdated(@NonNull int[] thresholds) {
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onSetSignalStrengthThresholds */
protected void setSignalStrengthThresholds(int[] thresholds) {
* Called when the user asks to not stay connected to this network because it was found to not
* provide Internet access. Usually followed by call to {@code unwanted}. The transport is
* responsible for making sure the device does not automatically reconnect to the same network
* after the {@code unwanted} call.
public void onAutomaticReconnectDisabled() {
/** @hide TODO delete once subclasses have moved to onAutomaticReconnectDisabled */
protected void preventAutomaticReconnect() {
/** @hide */
protected void log(String s) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "NetworkAgent: " + s);