blob: 30bffc45c9f948331b6c72a6a6cee2594d28b2ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.camera2;
import android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraMetadataNative;
* <p>The results of a single image capture from the image sensor.</p>
* <p>Contains the final configuration for the capture hardware (sensor, lens,
* flash), the processing pipeline, the control algorithms, and the output
* buffers.</p>
* <p>CaptureResults are produced by a {@link CameraDevice} after processing a
* {@link CaptureRequest}. All properties listed for capture requests can also
* be queried on the capture result, to determine the final values used for
* capture. The result also includes additional metadata about the state of the
* camera device during the capture.</p>
public final class CaptureResult extends CameraMetadata {
private final CameraMetadataNative mResults;
private final CaptureRequest mRequest;
private final int mSequenceId;
* Takes ownership of the passed-in properties object
* @hide
public CaptureResult(CameraMetadataNative results, CaptureRequest parent, int sequenceId) {
if (results == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("results was null");
if (parent == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parent was null");
mResults = results;
mRequest = parent;
mSequenceId = sequenceId;
public <T> T get(Key<T> key) {
return mResults.get(key);
* Get the request associated with this result.
* <p>Whenever a request is successfully captured, with
* {@link CameraDevice.CaptureListener#onCaptureCompleted},
* the {@code result}'s {@code getRequest()} will return that {@code request}.
* </p>
* <p>In particular,
* <code><pre>cameraDevice.capture(someRequest, new CaptureListener() {
* {@literal @}Override
* void onCaptureCompleted(CaptureRequest myRequest, CaptureResult myResult) {
* assert(myResult.getRequest.equals(myRequest) == true);
* }
* };
* </code></pre>
* </p>
* @return The request associated with this result. Never {@code null}.
public CaptureRequest getRequest() {
return mRequest;
* Get the frame number associated with this result.
* <p>Whenever a request has been processed, regardless of failure or success,
* it gets a unique frame number assigned to its future result/failure.</p>
* <p>This value monotonically increments, starting with 0,
* for every new result or failure; and the scope is the lifetime of the
* {@link CameraDevice}.</p>
* @return int frame number
public int getFrameNumber() {
* The sequence ID for this failure that was returned by the
* {@link CameraDevice#capture} family of functions.
* <p>The sequence ID is a unique monotonically increasing value starting from 0,
* incremented every time a new group of requests is submitted to the CameraDevice.</p>
* @return int The ID for the sequence of requests that this capture result is a part of
* @see CameraDevice.CaptureListener#onCaptureSequenceCompleted
public int getSequenceId() {
return mSequenceId;
* The key entries below this point are generated from metadata
* definitions in /system/media/camera/docs. Do not modify by hand or
* modify the comment blocks at the start or end.
* <p>
* A color transform matrix to use to transform
* from sensor RGB color space to output linear sRGB color space
* </p>
* <p>
* This matrix is either set by HAL when the request
* android.colorCorrection.mode is not TRANSFORM_MATRIX, or
* directly by the application in the request when the
* android.colorCorrection.mode is TRANSFORM_MATRIX.
* </p><p>
* In the latter case, the HAL may round the matrix to account
* for precision issues; the final rounded matrix should be
* reported back in this matrix result metadata.
* </p>
public static final Key<Rational[]> COLOR_CORRECTION_TRANSFORM =
new Key<Rational[]>("android.colorCorrection.transform", Rational[].class);
* <p>
* Gains applying to Bayer color channels for
* white-balance
* </p>
* <p>
* The 4-channel white-balance gains are defined in
* the order of [R G_even G_odd B], where G_even is the gain
* for green pixels on even rows of the output, and G_odd
* is the gain for greenpixels on the odd rows. if a HAL
* does not support a separate gain for even/odd green channels,
* it should use the G_even value,and write G_odd equal to
* G_even in the output result metadata.
* </p><p>
* This array is either set by HAL when the request
* android.colorCorrection.mode is not TRANSFORM_MATRIX, or
* directly by the application in the request when the
* android.colorCorrection.mode is TRANSFORM_MATRIX.
* </p><p>
* The ouput should be the gains actually applied by the HAL to
* the current frame.
* </p>
public static final Key<float[]> COLOR_CORRECTION_GAINS =
new Key<float[]>("android.colorCorrection.gains", float[].class);
* <p>
* The ID sent with the latest
* </p>
* <p>
* Must be 0 if no
* by HAL. Always updated even if AE algorithm ignores the
* trigger
* </p>
* @hide
public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_ID =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.aePrecaptureId", int.class);
* <p>
* List of areas to use for
* metering
* </p>
* <p>
* Each area is a rectangle plus weight: xmin, ymin,
* xmax, ymax, weight. The rectangle is defined inclusive of the
* specified coordinates.
* </p><p>
* The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
* with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
* ( - 1,
* - 1) being the
* bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array. The weight
* should be nonnegative.
* </p><p>
* If all regions have 0 weight, then no specific metering area
* needs to be used by the HAL. If the metering region is
* outside the current android.scaler.cropRegion, the HAL
* should ignore the sections outside the region and output the
* used sections in the frame metadata
* </p>
public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AE_REGIONS =
new Key<int[]>("android.control.aeRegions", int[].class);
* <p>
* Current state of AE algorithm
* </p>
* <p>
* Whenever the AE algorithm state changes, a
* MSG_AUTOEXPOSURE notification must be send if a
* notification callback is registered.
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_AE_STATE =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.aeState", int.class);
* <p>
* Whether AF is currently enabled, and what
* mode it is set to
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_AF_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.afMode", int.class);
* <p>
* List of areas to use for focus
* estimation
* </p>
* <p>
* Each area is a rectangle plus weight: xmin, ymin,
* xmax, ymax, weight. The rectangle is defined inclusive of the
* specified coordinates.
* </p><p>
* The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
* with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
* ( - 1,
* - 1) being the
* bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array. The weight
* should be nonnegative.
* </p><p>
* If all regions have 0 weight, then no specific focus area
* needs to be used by the HAL. If the focusing region is
* outside the current android.scaler.cropRegion, the HAL
* should ignore the sections outside the region and output the
* used sections in the frame metadata
* </p>
public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AF_REGIONS =
new Key<int[]>("android.control.afRegions", int[].class);
* <p>
* Current state of AF algorithm
* </p>
* <p>
* Whenever the AF algorithm state changes, a
* MSG_AUTOFOCUS notification must be send if a notification
* callback is registered.
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_AF_STATE =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.afState", int.class);
* <p>
* The ID sent with the latest
* </p>
* <p>
* Must be 0 if no CAMERA2_TRIGGER_AUTOFOCUS trigger
* received yet by HAL. Always updated even if AF algorithm
* ignores the trigger
* </p>
* @hide
public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_ID =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.afTriggerId", int.class);
* <p>
* Whether AWB is currently setting the color
* transform fields, and what its illumination target
* is
* </p>
* <p>
* [BC - AWB lock,AWB modes]
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_AWB_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.awbMode", int.class);
* <p>
* List of areas to use for illuminant
* estimation
* </p>
* <p>
* Only used in AUTO mode.
* </p><p>
* Each area is a rectangle plus weight: xmin, ymin,
* xmax, ymax, weight. The rectangle is defined inclusive of the
* specified coordinates.
* </p><p>
* The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
* with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
* ( - 1,
* - 1) being the
* bottom-right pixel in the active pixel array. The weight
* should be nonnegative.
* </p><p>
* If all regions have 0 weight, then no specific metering area
* needs to be used by the HAL. If the metering region is
* outside the current android.scaler.cropRegion, the HAL
* should ignore the sections outside the region and output the
* used sections in the frame metadata
* </p>
public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS =
new Key<int[]>("android.control.awbRegions", int[].class);
* <p>
* Current state of AWB algorithm
* </p>
* <p>
* Whenever the AWB algorithm state changes, a
* MSG_AUTOWHITEBALANCE notification must be send if a
* notification callback is registered.
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_AWB_STATE =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.awbState", int.class);
* <p>
* Overall mode of 3A control
* routines
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.control.mode", int.class);
* <p>
* Operation mode for edge
* enhancement
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> EDGE_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.edge.mode", int.class);
* <p>
* Select flash operation mode
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> FLASH_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.flash.mode", int.class);
* <p>
* Current state of the flash
* unit
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> FLASH_STATE =
new Key<Integer>("android.flash.state", int.class);
* <p>
* GPS coordinates to include in output JPEG
* </p>
public static final Key<double[]> JPEG_GPS_COORDINATES =
new Key<double[]>("android.jpeg.gpsCoordinates", double[].class);
* <p>
* 32 characters describing GPS algorithm to
* include in EXIF
* </p>
public static final Key<String> JPEG_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD =
new Key<String>("android.jpeg.gpsProcessingMethod", String.class);
* <p>
* Time GPS fix was made to include in
* </p>
public static final Key<Long> JPEG_GPS_TIMESTAMP =
new Key<Long>("android.jpeg.gpsTimestamp", long.class);
* <p>
* Orientation of JPEG image to
* write
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> JPEG_ORIENTATION =
new Key<Integer>("android.jpeg.orientation", int.class);
* <p>
* Compression quality of the final JPEG
* image
* </p>
* <p>
* 85-95 is typical usage range
* </p>
public static final Key<Byte> JPEG_QUALITY =
new Key<Byte>("android.jpeg.quality", byte.class);
* <p>
* Compression quality of JPEG
* thumbnail
* </p>
public static final Key<Byte> JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY =
new Key<Byte>("android.jpeg.thumbnailQuality", byte.class);
* <p>
* Resolution of embedded JPEG
* thumbnail
* </p>
public static final Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size> JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE =
new Key<android.hardware.camera2.Size>("android.jpeg.thumbnailSize", android.hardware.camera2.Size.class);
* <p>
* Size of the lens aperture
* </p>
* <p>
* Will not be supported on most devices. Can only
* pick from supported list
* </p>
public static final Key<Float> LENS_APERTURE =
new Key<Float>("android.lens.aperture", float.class);
* <p>
* State of lens neutral density
* filter(s)
* </p>
* <p>
* Will not be supported on most devices. Can only
* pick from supported list
* </p>
public static final Key<Float> LENS_FILTER_DENSITY =
new Key<Float>("android.lens.filterDensity", float.class);
* <p>
* Lens optical zoom setting
* </p>
* <p>
* Will not be supported on most devices.
* </p>
public static final Key<Float> LENS_FOCAL_LENGTH =
new Key<Float>("android.lens.focalLength", float.class);
* <p>
* Distance to plane of sharpest focus,
* measured from frontmost surface of the lens
* </p>
* <p>
* Should be zero for fixed-focus cameras
* </p>
public static final Key<Float> LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE =
new Key<Float>("android.lens.focusDistance", float.class);
* <p>
* The range of scene distances that are in
* sharp focus (depth of field)
* </p>
* <p>
* If variable focus not supported, can still report
* fixed depth of field range
* </p>
public static final Key<float[]> LENS_FOCUS_RANGE =
new Key<float[]>("android.lens.focusRange", float[].class);
* <p>
* Whether optical image stabilization is
* enabled.
* </p>
* <p>
* Will not be supported on most devices.
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.lens.opticalStabilizationMode", int.class);
* <p>
* Current lens status
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> LENS_STATE =
new Key<Integer>("android.lens.state", int.class);
* <p>
* Mode of operation for the noise reduction
* algorithm
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.noiseReduction.mode", int.class);
* <p>
* A frame counter set by the framework. This value monotonically
* increases with every new result (that is, each new result has a unique
* frameCount value).
* </p>
* <p>
* Reset on release()
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_FRAME_COUNT =
new Key<Integer>("android.request.frameCount", int.class);
* <p>
* An application-specified ID for the current
* request. Must be maintained unchanged in output
* frame
* </p>
* @hide
public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_ID =
new Key<Integer>("", int.class);
* <p>
* (x, y, width, height).
* </p><p>
* A rectangle with the top-level corner of (x,y) and size
* (width, height). The region of the sensor that is used for
* output. Each stream must use this rectangle to produce its
* output, cropping to a smaller region if necessary to
* maintain the stream's aspect ratio.
* </p><p>
* HAL2.x uses only (x, y, width)
* </p>
* <p>
* Any additional per-stream cropping must be done to
* maximize the final pixel area of the stream.
* </p><p>
* For example, if the crop region is set to a 4:3 aspect
* ratio, then 4:3 streams should use the exact crop
* region. 16:9 streams should further crop vertically
* (letterbox).
* </p><p>
* Conversely, if the crop region is set to a 16:9, then 4:3
* outputs should crop horizontally (pillarbox), and 16:9
* streams should match exactly. These additional crops must
* be centered within the crop region.
* </p><p>
* The output streams must maintain square pixels at all
* times, no matter what the relative aspect ratios of the
* crop region and the stream are. Negative values for
* corner are allowed for raw output if full pixel array is
* larger than active pixel array. Width and height may be
* rounded to nearest larger supportable width, especially
* for raw output, where only a few fixed scales may be
* possible. The width and height of the crop region cannot
* be set to be smaller than floor( activeArraySize.width /
* android.scaler.maxDigitalZoom ) and floor(
* activeArraySize.height / android.scaler.maxDigitalZoom),
* respectively.
* </p>
public static final Key<> SCALER_CROP_REGION =
new Key<>("android.scaler.cropRegion",;
* <p>
* Duration each pixel is exposed to
* light.
* </p><p>
* If the sensor can't expose this exact duration, it should shorten the
* duration exposed to the nearest possible value (rather than expose longer).
* </p>
* <p>
* 1/10000 - 30 sec range. No bulb mode
* </p>
public static final Key<Long> SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME =
new Key<Long>("android.sensor.exposureTime", long.class);
* <p>
* Duration from start of frame exposure to
* start of next frame exposure
* </p>
* <p>
* Exposure time has priority, so duration is set to
* max(duration, exposure time + overhead)
* </p>
public static final Key<Long> SENSOR_FRAME_DURATION =
new Key<Long>("android.sensor.frameDuration", long.class);
* <p>
* Gain applied to image data. Must be
* implemented through analog gain only if set to values
* below 'maximum analog sensitivity'.
* </p><p>
* If the sensor can't apply this exact gain, it should lessen the
* gain to the nearest possible value (rather than gain more).
* </p>
* <p>
* ISO 12232:2006 REI method
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_SENSITIVITY =
new Key<Integer>("android.sensor.sensitivity", int.class);
* <p>
* Time at start of exposure of first
* row
* </p>
* <p>
* Monotonic, should be synced to other timestamps in
* system
* </p>
public static final Key<Long> SENSOR_TIMESTAMP =
new Key<Long>("android.sensor.timestamp", long.class);
* <p>
* The temperature of the sensor, sampled at the time
* exposure began for this frame.
* </p><p>
* The thermal diode being queried should be inside the sensor PCB, or
* somewhere close to it.
* </p>
public static final Key<Float> SENSOR_TEMPERATURE =
new Key<Float>("android.sensor.temperature", float.class);
* <p>
* State of the face detector
* unit
* </p>
* <p>
* Whether face detection is enabled, and whether it
* should output just the basic fields or the full set of
* fields. Value must be one of the
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.statistics.faceDetectMode", int.class);
* <p>
* List of unique IDs for detected
* faces
* </p>
* <p>
* Only available if faceDetectMode == FULL
* </p>
public static final Key<int[]> STATISTICS_FACE_IDS =
new Key<int[]>("android.statistics.faceIds", int[].class);
* <p>
* List of landmarks for detected
* faces
* </p>
* <p>
* Only available if faceDetectMode == FULL
* </p>
public static final Key<int[]> STATISTICS_FACE_LANDMARKS =
new Key<int[]>("android.statistics.faceLandmarks", int[].class);
* <p>
* List of the bounding rectangles for detected
* faces
* </p>
* <p>
* Only available if faceDetectMode != OFF
* </p>
public static final Key<[]> STATISTICS_FACE_RECTANGLES =
new Key<[]>("android.statistics.faceRectangles",[].class);
* <p>
* List of the face confidence scores for
* detected faces
* </p>
* <p>
* Only available if faceDetectMode != OFF. The value should be
* meaningful (for example, setting 100 at all times is illegal).
* </p>
public static final Key<byte[]> STATISTICS_FACE_SCORES =
new Key<byte[]>("android.statistics.faceScores", byte[].class);
* <p>
* A low-resolution map of lens shading, per
* color channel
* </p>
* <p>
* Assume bilinear interpolation of map. The least
* shaded section of the image should have a gain factor
* of 1; all other sections should have gains above 1.
* the map should be on the order of 30-40 rows, and
* must be smaller than 64x64.
* </p><p>
* When android.colorCorrection.mode = TRANSFORM_MATRIX, the map
* must take into account the colorCorrection settings.
* </p>
public static final Key<float[]> STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP =
new Key<float[]>("android.statistics.lensShadingMap", float[].class);
* <p>
* The best-fit color channel gains calculated
* by the HAL's statistics units for the current output frame
* </p>
* <p>
* This may be different than the gains used for this frame,
* since statistics processing on data from a new frame
* typically completes after the transform has already been
* applied to that frame.
* </p><p>
* The 4 channel gains are defined in Bayer domain,
* see android.colorCorrection.gains for details.
* </p><p>
* This value should always be calculated by the AWB block,
* regardless of the android.control.* current values.
* </p>
public static final Key<float[]> STATISTICS_PREDICTED_COLOR_GAINS =
new Key<float[]>("android.statistics.predictedColorGains", float[].class);
* <p>
* The best-fit color transform matrix estimate
* calculated by the HAL's statistics units for the current
* output frame
* </p>
* <p>
* The HAL must provide the estimate from its
* statistics unit on the white balance transforms to use
* for the next frame. These are the values the HAL believes
* are the best fit for the current output frame. This may
* be different than the transform used for this frame, since
* statistics processing on data from a new frame typically
* completes after the transform has already been applied to
* that frame.
* </p><p>
* These estimates must be provided for all frames, even if
* capture settings and color transforms are set by the application.
* </p><p>
* This value should always be calculated by the AWB block,
* regardless of the android.control.* current values.
* </p>
public static final Key<Rational[]> STATISTICS_PREDICTED_COLOR_TRANSFORM =
new Key<Rational[]>("android.statistics.predictedColorTransform", Rational[].class);
* <p>
* The HAL estimated scene illumination lighting
* frequency
* </p>
* <p>
* Report NONE if there doesn't appear to be flickering
* illumination
* </p>
public static final Key<Integer> STATISTICS_SCENE_FLICKER =
new Key<Integer>("android.statistics.sceneFlicker", int.class);
* <p>
* Table mapping blue input values to output
* values
* </p>
* <p>
* Tonemapping / contrast / gamma curve for the blue
* channel, to use when android.tonemap.mode is CONTRAST_CURVE.
* </p><p>
* See android.tonemap.curveRed for more details.
* </p>
public static final Key<float[]> TONEMAP_CURVE_BLUE =
new Key<float[]>("android.tonemap.curveBlue", float[].class);
* <p>
* Table mapping green input values to output
* values
* </p>
* <p>
* Tonemapping / contrast / gamma curve for the green
* channel, to use when android.tonemap.mode is CONTRAST_CURVE.
* </p><p>
* See android.tonemap.curveRed for more details.
* </p>
public static final Key<float[]> TONEMAP_CURVE_GREEN =
new Key<float[]>("android.tonemap.curveGreen", float[].class);
* <p>
* Table mapping red input values to output
* values
* </p>
* <p>
* Tonemapping / contrast / gamma curve for the red
* channel, to use when android.tonemap.mode is CONTRAST_CURVE.
* </p><p>
* Since the input and output ranges may vary depending on
* the camera pipeline, the input and output pixel values
* are represented by normalized floating-point values
* between 0 and 1, with 0 == black and 1 == white.
* </p><p>
* The curve should be linearly interpolated between the
* defined points. The points will be listed in increasing
* order of P_IN. For example, if the array is: [0.0, 0.0,
* 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0], then the input->output mapping
* for a few sample points would be: 0 -> 0, 0.15 ->
* 0.25, 0.3 -> 0.5, 0.5 -> 0.64
* </p>
public static final Key<float[]> TONEMAP_CURVE_RED =
new Key<float[]>("android.tonemap.curveRed", float[].class);
public static final Key<Integer> TONEMAP_MODE =
new Key<Integer>("android.tonemap.mode", int.class);
* <p>
* This LED is nominally used to indicate to the user
* that the camera is powered on and may be streaming images back to the
* Application Processor. In certain rare circumstances, the OS may
* disable this when video is processed locally and not transmitted to
* any untrusted applications.
* </p><p>
* In particular, the LED *must* always be on when the data could be
* transmitted off the device. The LED *should* always be on whenever
* data is stored locally on the device.
* </p><p>
* The LED *may* be off if a trusted application is using the data that
* doesn't violate the above rules.
* </p>
* @hide
public static final Key<Boolean> LED_TRANSMIT =
new Key<Boolean>("android.led.transmit", boolean.class);
* <p>
* Whether black-level compensation is locked
* to its current values, or is free to vary
* </p>
* <p>
* When set to ON, the values used for black-level
* compensation must not change until the lock is set to
* </p><p>
* Since changes to certain capture parameters (such as
* exposure time) may require resetting of black level
* compensation, the HAL must report whether setting the
* black level lock was successful in the output result
* metadata.
* </p><p>
* The black level locking must happen at the sensor, and not at the ISP.
* If for some reason black level locking is no longer legal (for example,
* the analog gain has changed, which forces black levels to be
* recalculated), then the HAL is free to override this request (and it
* must report 'OFF' when this does happen) until the next time locking
* is legal again.
* </p>
public static final Key<Boolean> BLACK_LEVEL_LOCK =
new Key<Boolean>("android.blackLevel.lock", boolean.class);
* End generated code
* <p>
* List of the {@link Face Faces} detected through camera face detection
* in this result.
* </p>
* <p>
* Only available if {@link #STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE} {@code !=}
* </p>
* @see Face
public static final Key<Face[]> STATISTICS_FACES =
new Key<Face[]>("android.statistics.faces", Face[].class);