blob: 12e428ce5674d73505839156fa103290b04e4d97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package android.os.statsd;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "AtomsProto";
import "frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atom_field_options.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/job/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/settings_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/media_output_enum.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/tvsettings_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/bluetooth/a2dp/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/bluetooth/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/bluetooth/hci/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/bluetooth/hfp/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/bluetooth/smp/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/debug/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/hardware/biometrics/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/hardware/sensor/assist/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/net/networkcapabilities.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/connectivity/data_stall_event.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/job/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/location/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/service/procstats_enum.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/service/usb.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/connectivity/network_stack.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/connectivity/tethering.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/dnsresolver/dns_resolver.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/devicepolicy/device_policy.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/devicepolicy/device_policy_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/docsui/docsui_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/intelligence/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/launcher/launcher.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/location/location_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/mediametrics/mediametrics.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/mediaprovider/mediaprovider_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/storage/storage_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/style/style_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/sysui/notification_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telecomm/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/wifi/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/textclassifier/textclassifier_enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/otaupdate/updateengine_enums.proto";
* The master atom class. This message defines all of the available
* raw stats log events from the Android system, also known as "atoms."
* This field contains a single oneof with all of the available messages.
* The stats-log-api-gen tool runs as part of the Android build and
* generates the android.util.StatsLog class, which contains the constants
* and methods that Android uses to log.
* This Atom class is not actually built into the Android system.
* Instead, statsd on Android constructs these messages synthetically,
* in the format defined here and in stats_log.proto.
message Atom {
// Pushed atoms start at 2.
oneof pushed {
// For StatsLog reasons, 1 is illegal and will not work. Must start at 2.
BleScanStateChanged ble_scan_state_changed = 2
[(module) = "bluetooth", (module) = "statsdtest"];
ProcessStateChanged process_state_changed = 3 [(module) = "framework"];
BleScanResultReceived ble_scan_result_received = 4 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
SensorStateChanged sensor_state_changed =
5 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
GpsScanStateChanged gps_scan_state_changed = 6 [(module) = "framework"];
SyncStateChanged sync_state_changed = 7 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
ScheduledJobStateChanged scheduled_job_state_changed =
8 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
ScreenBrightnessChanged screen_brightness_changed =
9 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
WakelockStateChanged wakelock_state_changed =
10 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
LongPartialWakelockStateChanged long_partial_wakelock_state_changed =
11 [(module) = "framework"];
MobileRadioPowerStateChanged mobile_radio_power_state_changed =
12 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true];
WifiRadioPowerStateChanged wifi_radio_power_state_changed = 13 [(module) = "framework"];
ActivityManagerSleepStateChanged activity_manager_sleep_state_changed =
14 [(module) = "framework"];
MemoryFactorStateChanged memory_factor_state_changed = 15 [(module) = "framework"];
ExcessiveCpuUsageReported excessive_cpu_usage_reported = 16 [(module) = "framework"];
CachedKillReported cached_kill_reported = 17 [(module) = "framework"];
ProcessMemoryStatReported process_memory_stat_reported = 18 [(module) = "framework"];
LauncherUIChanged launcher_event = 19 [(module) = "sysui"];
BatterySaverModeStateChanged battery_saver_mode_state_changed =
20 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
DeviceIdleModeStateChanged device_idle_mode_state_changed = 21 [(module) = "framework"];
DeviceIdlingModeStateChanged device_idling_mode_state_changed = 22 [(module) = "framework"];
AudioStateChanged audio_state_changed =
23 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true];
MediaCodecStateChanged media_codec_state_changed = 24 [(module) = "framework"];
CameraStateChanged camera_state_changed = 25 [(module) = "framework"];
FlashlightStateChanged flashlight_state_changed = 26 [(module) = "framework"];
UidProcessStateChanged uid_process_state_changed =
27 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
ProcessLifeCycleStateChanged process_life_cycle_state_changed =
28 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
ScreenStateChanged screen_state_changed =
29 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
BatteryLevelChanged battery_level_changed =
30 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
ChargingStateChanged charging_state_changed = 31 [(module) = "framework"];
PluggedStateChanged plugged_state_changed = 32
[(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
InteractiveStateChanged interactive_state_changed = 33 [(module) = "framework"];
TouchEventReported touch_event_reported = 34;
WakeupAlarmOccurred wakeup_alarm_occurred = 35 [(module) = "framework"];
KernelWakeupReported kernel_wakeup_reported = 36 [(module) = "framework"];
WifiLockStateChanged wifi_lock_state_changed = 37 [(module) = "wifi"];
WifiSignalStrengthChanged wifi_signal_strength_changed = 38 [(module) = "wifi"];
WifiScanStateChanged wifi_scan_state_changed = 39 [(module) = "wifi"];
PhoneSignalStrengthChanged phone_signal_strength_changed =
40 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true];
SettingChanged setting_changed = 41 [(module) = "framework"];
ActivityForegroundStateChanged activity_foreground_state_changed =
42 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
IsolatedUidChanged isolated_uid_changed =
43 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd", (module) = "statsdtest"];
PacketWakeupOccurred packet_wakeup_occurred = 44 [(module) = "framework"];
WallClockTimeShifted wall_clock_time_shifted = 45 [(module) = "framework"];
AnomalyDetected anomaly_detected = 46 [(module) = "statsd"];
AppBreadcrumbReported app_breadcrumb_reported = 47 [(module) = "statsd"];
AppStartOccurred app_start_occurred = 48 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
AppStartCanceled app_start_canceled = 49 [(module) = "framework"];
AppStartFullyDrawn app_start_fully_drawn = 50 [(module) = "framework"];
LmkKillOccurred lmk_kill_occurred = 51 [(module) = "lmkd"];
PictureInPictureStateChanged picture_in_picture_state_changed = 52 [(module) = "framework"];
WifiMulticastLockStateChanged wifi_multicast_lock_state_changed = 53 [(module) = "wifi"];
LmkStateChanged lmk_state_changed = 54 [(module) = "lmkd"];
AppStartMemoryStateCaptured app_start_memory_state_captured = 55 [(module) = "framework"];
ShutdownSequenceReported shutdown_sequence_reported = 56 [(module) = "framework"];
BootSequenceReported boot_sequence_reported = 57;
DaveyOccurred davey_occurred = 58 [(module) = "statsd"];
OverlayStateChanged overlay_state_changed =
59 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
ForegroundServiceStateChanged foreground_service_state_changed
= 60 [(module) = "framework"];
CallStateChanged call_state_changed =
61 [(module) = "telecom", (truncate_timestamp) = true];
KeyguardStateChanged keyguard_state_changed = 62 [(module) = "sysui"];
KeyguardBouncerStateChanged keyguard_bouncer_state_changed = 63 [(module) = "sysui"];
KeyguardBouncerPasswordEntered keyguard_bouncer_password_entered = 64 [(module) = "sysui"];
AppDied app_died = 65 [(module) = "framework"];
ResourceConfigurationChanged resource_configuration_changed = 66 [(module) = "framework"];
BluetoothEnabledStateChanged bluetooth_enabled_state_changed = 67 [(module) = "framework"];
BluetoothConnectionStateChanged bluetooth_connection_state_changed =
68 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
GpsSignalQualityChanged gps_signal_quality_changed = 69 [(module) = "framework"];
UsbConnectorStateChanged usb_connector_state_changed = 70 [(module) = "framework"];
SpeakerImpedanceReported speaker_impedance_reported = 71;
HardwareFailed hardware_failed = 72;
PhysicalDropDetected physical_drop_detected = 73;
ChargeCyclesReported charge_cycles_reported = 74;
MobileConnectionStateChanged mobile_connection_state_changed = 75 [(module) = "telephony"];
MobileRadioTechnologyChanged mobile_radio_technology_changed = 76 [(module) = "telephony"];
UsbDeviceAttached usb_device_attached = 77 [(module) = "framework"];
AppCrashOccurred app_crash_occurred = 78 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
ANROccurred anr_occurred = 79 [(module) = "framework"];
WTFOccurred wtf_occurred = 80 [(module) = "framework"];
LowMemReported low_mem_reported = 81 [(module) = "framework"];
GenericAtom generic_atom = 82;
KeyValuePairsAtom key_value_pairs_atom = 83 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd"];
VibratorStateChanged vibrator_state_changed = 84 [(module) = "framework"];
DeferredJobStatsReported deferred_job_stats_reported = 85 [(module) = "framework"];
ThermalThrottlingStateChanged thermal_throttling = 86 [deprecated=true];
BiometricAcquired biometric_acquired = 87 [(module) = "framework"];
BiometricAuthenticated biometric_authenticated = 88 [(module) = "framework"];
BiometricErrorOccurred biometric_error_occurred = 89 [(module) = "framework"];
UiEventReported ui_event_reported = 90 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "sysui"];
BatteryHealthSnapshot battery_health_snapshot = 91;
SlowIo slow_io = 92;
BatteryCausedShutdown battery_caused_shutdown = 93;
PhoneServiceStateChanged phone_service_state_changed = 94 [(module) = "framework"];
PhoneStateChanged phone_state_changed = 95 [(module) = "framework"];
UserRestrictionChanged user_restriction_changed = 96;
SettingsUIChanged settings_ui_changed = 97 [(module) = "settings"];
ConnectivityStateChanged connectivity_state_changed = 98 [(module) = "framework"];
// TODO: service state change is very noisy shortly after boot, as well
// as at other transitions - coming out of doze, device plugged in, etc.
// Consider removing this if it becomes a problem
ServiceStateChanged service_state_changed = 99 [(module) = "framework"];
ServiceLaunchReported service_launch_reported = 100 [(module) = "framework"];
FlagFlipUpdateOccurred flag_flip_update_occurred = 101 [(module) = "framework"];
BinaryPushStateChanged binary_push_state_changed = 102 [(module) = "statsd"];
DevicePolicyEvent device_policy_event = 103 [(module) = "framework"];
DocsUIFileOperationCanceledReported docs_ui_file_op_canceled = 104 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUIFileOperationCopyMoveModeReported docs_ui_file_op_copy_move_mode_reported =
105 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUIFileOperationFailureReported docs_ui_file_op_failure = 106 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUIFileOperationReported docs_ui_provider_file_op = 107 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUIInvalidScopedAccessRequestReported docs_ui_invalid_scoped_access_request =
108 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUILaunchReported docs_ui_launch_reported = 109 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUIRootVisitedReported docs_ui_root_visited = 110 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUIStartupMsReported docs_ui_startup_ms = 111 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUIUserActionReported docs_ui_user_action_reported = 112 [(module) = "docsui"];
WifiEnabledStateChanged wifi_enabled_state_changed = 113 [(module) = "framework"];
WifiRunningStateChanged wifi_running_state_changed = 114
[(module) = "framework", deprecated = true];
AppCompacted app_compacted = 115 [(module) = "framework"];
NetworkDnsEventReported network_dns_event_reported = 116 [(module) = "resolv"];
DocsUIPickerLaunchedFromReported docs_ui_picker_launched_from_reported =
117 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUIPickResultReported docs_ui_pick_result_reported = 118 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUISearchModeReported docs_ui_search_mode_reported = 119 [(module) = "docsui"];
DocsUISearchTypeReported docs_ui_search_type_reported = 120 [(module) = "docsui"];
DataStallEvent data_stall_event = 121 [(module) = "network_stack"];
RescuePartyResetReported rescue_party_reset_reported = 122 [(module) = "framework"];
SignedConfigReported signed_config_reported = 123 [(module) = "framework"];
GnssNiEventReported gnss_ni_event_reported = 124 [(module) = "framework"];
BluetoothLinkLayerConnectionEvent bluetooth_link_layer_connection_event =
125 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothAclConnectionStateChanged bluetooth_acl_connection_state_changed =
126 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothScoConnectionStateChanged bluetooth_sco_connection_state_changed =
127 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
AppDowngraded app_downgraded = 128 [(module) = "framework"];
AppOptimizedAfterDowngraded app_optimized_after_downgraded = 129;
LowStorageStateChanged low_storage_state_changed = 130 [(module) = "framework"];
GnssNfwNotificationReported gnss_nfw_notification_reported = 131 [(module) = "framework"];
GnssConfigurationReported gnss_configuration_reported = 132 [(module) = "framework"];
UsbPortOverheatEvent usb_port_overheat_event_reported = 133;
NfcErrorOccurred nfc_error_occurred = 134 [(module) = "nfc"];
NfcStateChanged nfc_state_changed = 135 [(module) = "nfc"];
NfcBeamOccurred nfc_beam_occurred = 136 [(module) = "nfc"];
NfcCardemulationOccurred nfc_cardemulation_occurred = 137 [(module) = "nfc"];
NfcTagOccurred nfc_tag_occurred = 138 [(module) = "nfc"];
NfcHceTransactionOccurred nfc_hce_transaction_occurred = 139 [(module) = "nfc"];
SeStateChanged se_state_changed = 140 [(module) = "secure_element"];
SeOmapiReported se_omapi_reported = 141 [(module) = "secure_element"];
BroadcastDispatchLatencyReported broadcast_dispatch_latency_reported =
142 [(module) = "framework"];
AttentionManagerServiceResultReported attention_manager_service_result_reported =
143 [(module) = "framework"];
AdbConnectionChanged adb_connection_changed = 144 [(module) = "framework"];
SpeechDspStatReported speech_dsp_stat_reported = 145;
UsbContaminantReported usb_contaminant_reported = 146 [(module) = "framework"];
WatchdogRollbackOccurred watchdog_rollback_occurred =
147 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd"];
BiometricSystemHealthIssueDetected biometric_system_health_issue_detected =
148 [(module) = "framework"];
BubbleUIChanged bubble_ui_changed = 149 [(module) = "sysui"];
ScheduledJobConstraintChanged scheduled_job_constraint_changed =
150 [(module) = "framework"];
BluetoothActiveDeviceChanged bluetooth_active_device_changed =
151 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothA2dpPlaybackStateChanged bluetooth_a2dp_playback_state_changed =
152 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothA2dpCodecConfigChanged bluetooth_a2dp_codec_config_changed =
153 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothA2dpCodecCapabilityChanged bluetooth_a2dp_codec_capability_changed =
154 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothA2dpAudioUnderrunReported bluetooth_a2dp_audio_underrun_reported =
155 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothA2dpAudioOverrunReported bluetooth_a2dp_audio_overrun_reported =
156 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothDeviceRssiReported bluetooth_device_rssi_reported =
157 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
bluetooth_device_failed_contact_counter_reported = 158 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothDeviceTxPowerLevelReported bluetooth_device_tx_power_level_reported =
159 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothHciTimeoutReported bluetooth_hci_timeout_reported =
160 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothQualityReportReported bluetooth_quality_report_reported =
161 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothDeviceInfoReported bluetooth_device_info_reported =
162 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothRemoteVersionInfoReported bluetooth_remote_version_info_reported =
163 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothSdpAttributeReported bluetooth_sdp_attribute_reported =
164 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothBondStateChanged bluetooth_bond_state_changed =
165 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothClassicPairingEventReported bluetooth_classic_pairing_event_reported =
166 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
BluetoothSmpPairingEventReported bluetooth_smp_pairing_event_reported =
167 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
ScreenTimeoutExtensionReported screen_timeout_extension_reported =
168 [(module) = "framework"];
ProcessStartTime process_start_time = 169 [(module) = "framework"];
PermissionGrantRequestResultReported permission_grant_request_result_reported =
170 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
BluetoothSocketConnectionStateChanged bluetooth_socket_connection_state_changed = 171;
DeviceIdentifierAccessDenied device_identifier_access_denied =
172 [(module) = "telephony_common"];
BubbleDeveloperErrorReported bubble_developer_error_reported = 173 [(module) = "framework"];
AssistGestureStageReported assist_gesture_stage_reported = 174 [(module) = "sysui"];
AssistGestureFeedbackReported assist_gesture_feedback_reported = 175 [(module) = "sysui"];
AssistGestureProgressReported assist_gesture_progress_reported = 176 [(module) = "sysui"];
TouchGestureClassified touch_gesture_classified = 177 [(module) = "framework"];
HiddenApiUsed hidden_api_used = 178 [(module) = "framework"];
StyleUIChanged style_ui_changed = 179 [(module) = "sysui"];
PrivacyIndicatorsInteracted privacy_indicators_interacted =
180 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
AppInstallOnExternalStorageReported app_install_on_external_storage_reported =
181 [(module) = "framework"];
NetworkStackReported network_stack_reported = 182 [(module) = "network_stack"];
AppMovedStorageReported app_moved_storage_reported = 183 [(module) = "framework"];
BiometricEnrolled biometric_enrolled = 184 [(module) = "framework"];
SystemServerWatchdogOccurred system_server_watchdog_occurred = 185 [(module) = "framework"];
TombStoneOccurred tomb_stone_occurred = 186 [(module) = "framework"];
BluetoothClassOfDeviceReported bluetooth_class_of_device_reported =
187 [(module) = "bluetooth"];
IntelligenceEventReported intelligence_event_reported =
188 [(module) = "intelligence"];
ThermalThrottlingSeverityStateChanged thermal_throttling_severity_state_changed =
189 [(module) = "framework"];
RoleRequestResultReported role_request_result_reported =
190 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
MediametricsAudiopolicyReported mediametrics_audiopolicy_reported = 191;
MediametricsAudiorecordReported mediametrics_audiorecord_reported = 192;
MediametricsAudiothreadReported mediametrics_audiothread_reported = 193;
MediametricsAudiotrackReported mediametrics_audiotrack_reported = 194;
MediametricsCodecReported mediametrics_codec_reported = 195;
MediametricsDrmWidevineReported mediametrics_drm_widevine_reported = 196;
MediametricsExtractorReported mediametrics_extractor_reported = 197;
MediametricsMediadrmReported mediametrics_mediadrm_reported = 198;
MediametricsNuPlayerReported mediametrics_nuplayer_reported = 199;
MediametricsRecorderReported mediametrics_recorder_reported = 200;
MediametricsDrmManagerReported mediametrics_drmmanager_reported = 201;
CarPowerStateChanged car_power_state_changed = 203 [(module) = "car"];
GarageModeInfo garage_mode_info = 204 [(module) = "car"];
TestAtomReported test_atom_reported = 205 [(module) = "cts"];
ContentCaptureCallerMismatchReported content_capture_caller_mismatch_reported =
206 [(module) = "framework"];
ContentCaptureServiceEvents content_capture_service_events = 207 [(module) = "framework"];
ContentCaptureSessionEvents content_capture_session_events = 208 [(module) = "framework"];
ContentCaptureFlushed content_capture_flushed = 209 [(module) = "framework"];
LocationManagerApiUsageReported location_manager_api_usage_reported =
210 [(module) = "framework"];
ReviewPermissionsFragmentResultReported review_permissions_fragment_result_reported =
211 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
RuntimePermissionsUpgradeResult runtime_permissions_upgrade_result =
212 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
GrantPermissionsActivityButtonActions grant_permissions_activity_button_actions =
213 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
LocationAccessCheckNotificationAction location_access_check_notification_action =
214 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
AppPermissionFragmentActionReported app_permission_fragment_action_reported =
215 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
AppPermissionFragmentViewed app_permission_fragment_viewed =
216 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
AppPermissionsFragmentViewed app_permissions_fragment_viewed =
217 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
PermissionAppsFragmentViewed permission_apps_fragment_viewed =
218 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
TextSelectionEvent text_selection_event = 219 [(module) = "textclassifier"];
TextLinkifyEvent text_linkify_event = 220 [(module) = "textclassifier"];
ConversationActionsEvent conversation_actions_event = 221 [(module) = "textclassifier"];
LanguageDetectionEvent language_detection_event = 222 [(module) = "textclassifier"];
ExclusionRectStateChanged exclusion_rect_state_changed = 223 [(module) = "framework"];
BackGesture back_gesture_reported_reported = 224 [(module) = "sysui"];
UpdateEngineUpdateAttemptReported update_engine_update_attempt_reported = 225;
UpdateEngineSuccessfulUpdateReported update_engine_successful_update_reported = 226;
CameraActionEvent camera_action_event = 227 [(module) = "framework"];
AppCompatibilityChangeReported app_compatibility_change_reported =
228 [(module) = "framework"];
PerfettoUploaded perfetto_uploaded = 229 [(module) = "perfetto"];
VmsClientConnectionStateChanged vms_client_connection_state_changed =
230 [(module) = "car"];
MediaProviderScanOccurred media_provider_scan_occurred = 233 [(module) = "mediaprovider"];
MediaContentDeleted media_content_deleted = 234 [(module) = "mediaprovider"];
MediaProviderPermissionRequested media_provider_permission_requested =
235 [(module) = "mediaprovider"];
MediaProviderSchemaChanged media_provider_schema_changed = 236 [(module) = "mediaprovider"];
MediaProviderIdleMaintenanceFinished media_provider_idle_maintenance_finished =
237 [(module) = "mediaprovider"];
RebootEscrowRecoveryReported reboot_escrow_recovery_reported = 238 [(module) = "framework"];
BootTimeEventDuration boot_time_event_duration_reported = 239 [(module) = "framework"];
BootTimeEventElapsedTime boot_time_event_elapsed_time_reported =
240 [(module) = "framework"];
BootTimeEventUtcTime boot_time_event_utc_time_reported = 241;
BootTimeEventErrorCode boot_time_event_error_code_reported = 242 [(module) = "framework"];
UserspaceRebootReported userspace_reboot_reported = 243 [(module) = "framework"];
NotificationReported notification_reported = 244 [(module) = "framework"];
NotificationPanelReported notification_panel_reported = 245 [(module) = "sysui"];
NotificationChannelModified notification_channel_modified = 246 [(module) = "framework"];
IntegrityCheckResultReported integrity_check_result_reported = 247 [(module) = "framework"];
IntegrityRulesPushed integrity_rules_pushed = 248 [(module) = "framework"];
CellBroadcastMessageReported cb_message_reported =
249 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"];
CellBroadcastMessageError cb_message_error =
250 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"];
WifiHealthStatReported wifi_health_stat_reported = 251 [(module) = "wifi"];
WifiFailureStatReported wifi_failure_stat_reported = 252 [(module) = "wifi"];
WifiConnectionResultReported wifi_connection_result_reported = 253 [(module) = "wifi"];
AppFreezeChanged app_freeze_changed = 254 [(module) = "framework"];
SnapshotMergeReported snapshot_merge_reported = 255;
ForegroundServiceAppOpSessionEnded foreground_service_app_op_session_ended =
256 [(module) = "framework"];
DisplayJankReported display_jank_reported = 257;
AppStandbyBucketChanged app_standby_bucket_changed = 258 [(module) = "framework"];
SharesheetStarted sharesheet_started = 259 [(module) = "framework"];
RankingSelected ranking_selected = 260 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "sysui"];
TvSettingsUIInteracted tvsettings_ui_interacted = 261 [(module) = "tv_settings"];
LauncherStaticLayout launcher_snapshot = 262 [(module) = "sysui"];
PackageInstallerV2Reported package_installer_v2_reported = 263 [(module) = "framework"];
UserLifecycleJourneyReported user_lifecycle_journey_reported = 264 [(module) = "framework"];
UserLifecycleEventOccurred user_lifecycle_event_occurred = 265 [(module) = "framework"];
AccessibilityShortcutReported accessibility_shortcut_reported =
266 [(module) = "framework"];
AccessibilityServiceReported accessibility_service_reported = 267 [(module) = "settings"];
DocsUIDragAndDropReported docs_ui_drag_and_drop_reported = 268 [(module) = "docsui"];
AppUsageEventOccurred app_usage_event_occurred = 269 [(module) = "framework"];
AutoRevokeNotificationClicked auto_revoke_notification_clicked =
270 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
AutoRevokeFragmentAppViewed auto_revoke_fragment_app_viewed =
271 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
AutoRevokedAppInteraction auto_revoked_app_interaction =
272 [(module) = "permissioncontroller", (module) = "settings"];
app_permission_groups_fragment_auto_revoke_action =
273 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"];
EvsUsageStatsReported evs_usage_stats_reported = 274 [(module) = "evs"];
AudioPowerUsageDataReported audio_power_usage_data_reported = 275;
TvTunerStateChanged tv_tuner_state_changed = 276 [(module) = "framework"];
MediaOutputOpSwitchReported mediaoutput_op_switch_reported =
277 [(module) = "settings"];
CellBroadcastMessageFiltered cb_message_filtered =
278 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"];
TvTunerDvrStatus tv_tuner_dvr_status = 279 [(module) = "framework"];
TvCasSessionOpenStatus tv_cas_session_open_status =
280 [(module) = "framework"];
AssistantInvocationReported assistant_invocation_reported = 281 [(module) = "framework"];
DisplayWakeReported display_wake_reported = 282 [(module) = "framework"];
CarUserHalModifyUserRequestReported car_user_hal_modify_user_request_reported =
283 [(module) = "car"];
CarUserHalModifyUserResponseReported car_user_hal_modify_user_response_reported =
284 [(module) = "car"];
CarUserHalPostSwitchResponseReported car_user_hal_post_switch_response_reported =
285 [(module) = "car"];
CarUserHalInitialUserInfoRequestReported car_user_hal_initial_user_info_request_reported =
286 [(module) = "car"];
CarUserHalInitialUserInfoResponseReported car_user_hal_initial_user_info_response_reported =
287 [(module) = "car"];
CarUserHalUserAssociationRequestReported car_user_hal_user_association_request_reported =
288 [(module) = "car"];
CarUserHalSetUserAssociationResponseReported car_user_hal_set_user_association_response_reported =
289 [(module) = "car"];
NetworkIpProvisioningReported network_ip_provisioning_reported =
290 [(module) = "network_stack"];
NetworkDhcpRenewReported network_dhcp_renew_reported = 291 [(module) = "network_stack"];
NetworkValidationReported network_validation_reported = 292 [(module) = "network_stack"];
NetworkStackQuirkReported network_stack_quirk_reported = 293 [(module) = "network_stack"];
MediametricsAudioRecordDeviceUsageReported mediametrics_audiorecorddeviceusage_reported =
MediametricsAudioThreadDeviceUsageReported mediametrics_audiothreaddeviceusage_reported =
MediametricsAudioTrackDeviceUsageReported mediametrics_audiotrackdeviceusage_reported =
MediametricsAudioDeviceConnectionReported mediametrics_audiodeviceconnection_reported =
BlobCommitted blob_committed = 298 [(module) = "framework"];
BlobLeased blob_leased = 299 [(module) = "framework"];
BlobOpened blob_opened = 300 [(module) = "framework"];
ContactsProviderStatusReported contacts_provider_status_reported = 301;
KeystoreKeyEventReported keystore_key_event_reported = 302;
NetworkTetheringReported network_tethering_reported =
303 [(module) = "network_tethering"];
ImeTouchReported ime_touch_reported = 304 [(module) = "sysui"];
// StatsdStats tracks platform atoms with ids upto 500.
// Update StatsdStats::kMaxPushedAtomId when atom ids here approach that value.
// Pulled events will start at field 10000.
// Next: 10084
oneof pulled {
WifiBytesTransfer wifi_bytes_transfer = 10000 [(module) = "framework"];
WifiBytesTransferByFgBg wifi_bytes_transfer_by_fg_bg = 10001 [(module) = "framework"];
MobileBytesTransfer mobile_bytes_transfer =
10002 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true];
MobileBytesTransferByFgBg mobile_bytes_transfer_by_fg_bg =
10003 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true];
BluetoothBytesTransfer bluetooth_bytes_transfer = 10006 [(module) = "framework"];
KernelWakelock kernel_wakelock = 10004 [(module) = "framework"];
SubsystemSleepState subsystem_sleep_state = 10005 [(module) = "statsdtest"];
CpuTimePerFreq cpu_time_per_freq = 10008 [(module) = "framework"];
CpuTimePerUid cpu_time_per_uid = 10009 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
CpuTimePerUidFreq cpu_time_per_uid_freq =
10010 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd"];
WifiActivityInfo wifi_activity_info = 10011 [(module) = "framework"];
ModemActivityInfo modem_activity_info = 10012 [(module) = "framework"];
BluetoothActivityInfo bluetooth_activity_info = 10007 [(module) = "framework"];
ProcessMemoryState process_memory_state = 10013 [(module) = "framework"];
SystemElapsedRealtime system_elapsed_realtime = 10014 [(module) = "framework"];
SystemUptime system_uptime = 10015 [(module) = "framework"];
CpuActiveTime cpu_active_time = 10016 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
CpuClusterTime cpu_cluster_time = 10017 [(module) = "framework"];
DiskSpace disk_space = 10018 [deprecated=true, (module) = "statsdtest"];
RemainingBatteryCapacity remaining_battery_capacity = 10019 [(module) = "framework"];
FullBatteryCapacity full_battery_capacity = 10020 [(module) = "framework"];
Temperature temperature = 10021 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"];
BinderCalls binder_calls = 10022 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd"];
BinderCallsExceptions binder_calls_exceptions = 10023 [(module) = "framework"];
LooperStats looper_stats = 10024 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd"];
DiskStats disk_stats = 10025 [(module) = "framework"];
DirectoryUsage directory_usage = 10026 [(module) = "framework"];
AppSize app_size = 10027 [(module) = "framework"];
CategorySize category_size = 10028 [(module) = "framework"];
ProcStats proc_stats = 10029 [(module) = "framework"];
BatteryVoltage battery_voltage = 10030 [(module) = "framework"];
NumFingerprintsEnrolled num_fingerprints_enrolled = 10031 [(module) = "framework"];
DiskIo disk_io = 10032 [(module) = "framework"];
PowerProfile power_profile = 10033 [(module) = "framework"];
ProcStatsPkgProc proc_stats_pkg_proc = 10034 [(module) = "framework"];
ProcessCpuTime process_cpu_time = 10035 [(module) = "framework"];
CpuTimePerThreadFreq cpu_time_per_thread_freq = 10037 [(module) = "framework"];
OnDevicePowerMeasurement on_device_power_measurement = 10038;
DeviceCalculatedPowerUse device_calculated_power_use = 10039 [(module) = "framework"];
DeviceCalculatedPowerBlameUid device_calculated_power_blame_uid =
10040 [(module) = "framework"];
DeviceCalculatedPowerBlameOther device_calculated_power_blame_other =
10041 [(module) = "framework"];
ProcessMemoryHighWaterMark process_memory_high_water_mark = 10042 [(module) = "framework"];
BatteryLevel battery_level = 10043 [(module) = "framework"];
BuildInformation build_information = 10044 [(module) = "framework"];
BatteryCycleCount battery_cycle_count = 10045 [(module) = "framework"];
DebugElapsedClock debug_elapsed_clock = 10046 [(module) = "framework"];
DebugFailingElapsedClock debug_failing_elapsed_clock = 10047 [(module) = "framework"];
NumFacesEnrolled num_faces_enrolled = 10048 [(module) = "framework"];
RoleHolder role_holder = 10049 [(module) = "framework"];
DangerousPermissionState dangerous_permission_state = 10050 [(module) = "framework"];
TrainInfo train_info = 10051 [(module) = "statsd"];
TimeZoneDataInfo time_zone_data_info = 10052 [(module) = "framework"];
ExternalStorageInfo external_storage_info = 10053 [(module) = "framework"];
GpuStatsGlobalInfo gpu_stats_global_info = 10054;
GpuStatsAppInfo gpu_stats_app_info = 10055;
SystemIonHeapSize system_ion_heap_size = 10056 [deprecated = true, (module) = "framework"];
AppsOnExternalStorageInfo apps_on_external_storage_info = 10057 [(module) = "framework"];
FaceSettings face_settings = 10058 [(module) = "framework"];
CoolingDevice cooling_device = 10059 [(module) = "framework"];
AppOps app_ops = 10060 [(module) = "framework"];
ProcessSystemIonHeapSize process_system_ion_heap_size = 10061 [(module) = "framework"];
SurfaceflingerStatsGlobalInfo surfaceflinger_stats_global_info = 10062;
SurfaceflingerStatsLayerInfo surfaceflinger_stats_layer_info = 10063;
ProcessMemorySnapshot process_memory_snapshot = 10064 [(module) = "framework"];
VmsClientStats vms_client_stats = 10065 [(module) = "car"];
NotificationRemoteViews notification_remote_views = 10066 [(module) = "framework"];
DangerousPermissionStateSampled dangerous_permission_state_sampled =
10067 [(module) = "framework"];
GraphicsStats graphics_stats = 10068;
RuntimeAppOpAccess runtime_app_op_access = 10069 [(module) = "framework"];
IonHeapSize ion_heap_size = 10070 [(module) = "framework"];
PackageNotificationPreferences package_notification_preferences =
10071 [(module) = "framework"];
PackageNotificationChannelPreferences package_notification_channel_preferences =
10072 [(module) = "framework"];
PackageNotificationChannelGroupPreferences package_notification_channel_group_preferences =
10073 [(module) = "framework"];
GnssStats gnss_stats = 10074 [(module) = "framework"];
AttributedAppOps attributed_app_ops = 10075 [(module) = "framework"];
VoiceCallSession voice_call_session = 10076 [(module) = "telephony"];
VoiceCallRatUsage voice_call_rat_usage = 10077 [(module) = "telephony"];
SimSlotState sim_slot_state = 10078 [(module) = "telephony"];
SupportedRadioAccessFamily supported_radio_access_family = 10079 [(module) = "telephony"];
SettingSnapshot setting_snapshot = 10080 [(module) = "framework"];
BlobInfo blob_info = 10081 [(module) = "framework"];
DataUsageBytesTransfer data_usage_bytes_transfer = 10082 [(module) = "framework"];
BytesTransferByTagAndMetered bytes_transfer_by_tag_and_metered =
10083 [(module) = "framework"];
DNDModeProto dnd_mode_rule = 10084 [(module) = "framework"];
// DO NOT USE field numbers above 100,000 in AOSP.
// Field numbers 100,000 - 199,999 are reserved for non-AOSP (e.g. OEMs) to use.
// Field numbers 200,000 and above are reserved for future use; do not use them at all.
reserved 10036;
* This proto represents a node of an attribution chain.
* Note: All attribution chains are represented as a repeated field of type
* AttributionNode. It is understood that in such arrays, the order is that
* of calls, that is [A, B, C] if A calls B that calls C.
message AttributionNode {
// The uid for a given element in the attribution chain.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The (optional) string tag for an element in the attribution chain. If the
// element has no tag, it is encoded as an empty string.
optional string tag = 2;
message KeyValuePair {
optional int32 key = 1;
oneof value {
int32 value_int = 2;
int64 value_long = 3;
string value_str = 4;
float value_float = 5;
message KeyValuePairsAtom {
optional int32 uid = 1;
repeated KeyValuePair pairs = 2;
* *****************************************************************************
* Below are all of the individual atoms that are logged by Android via statsd.
* - The field ids for each atom must start at 1, and count upwards by 1.
* Skipping field ids is not allowed.
* - These form an API, so renaming, renumbering or removing fields is
* not allowed between android releases. (This is not currently enforced,
* but there will be a tool to enforce this restriction).
* - The types must be built-in protocol buffer types, namely, no sub-messages
* are allowed (yet). The bytes type is also not allowed.
* - The CamelCase name of the message type should match the
* underscore_separated name as defined in Atom.
* - If an atom represents work that can be attributed to an app, there can
* be exactly one AttributionChain field. It must be field number 1.
* - A field that is a uid should be a string field, tagged with the [xxx]
* annotation. The generated code on android will be represented by UIDs,
* and those UIDs will be translated in xxx to those strings.
* - Events are past tense. e.g. ScreenStateChanged, not ScreenStateChange.
* - If there is a UID, it goes first. Think in an object-oriented fashion.
* *****************************************************************************
* This atom is deprecated starting in Q. Please use ThermalThrottlingSeverityStateChanged.
* Logs when the Thermal service HAL notifies the throttling start/stop events.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/stats/
message ThermalThrottlingStateChanged {
// The type of temperature being reported (CPU, GPU, SKIN, etc)
optional android.os.TemperatureTypeEnum sensor_type = 1;
// Throttling state, this field is DEPRECATED
enum State {
START = 1; // START indicated that throttling was triggered.
STOP = 2; // STOP indicates that throttling was cleared.
optional State state = 2;
optional float temperature = 3;
* Logs when the screen state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ScreenStateChanged {
// New screen state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/enums.proto.
optional android.view.DisplayStateEnum state = 1
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs that the process state of the uid, as determined by ActivityManager
* (i.e. the highest process state of that uid's processes) has changed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message UidProcessStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true, (is_uid) = true];
// The state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/enums.proto.
optional state = 2
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs process state change of a process, as per the activity manager.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ProcessStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional string process_name = 2;
optional string package_name = 3;
// TODO: remove this when validation is done
optional int64 version = 5;
// The state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/enums.proto.
optional state = 4;
* Logs when ActivityManagerService sleep state is changed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ActivityManagerSleepStateChanged {
// TODO: import frameworks proto
enum State {
AWAKE = 2;
optional State state = 1
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs when system memory state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message MemoryFactorStateChanged {
// TODO: import frameworks proto
enum State {
NORMAL = 1; // normal.
MODERATE = 2; // moderate memory pressure.
LOW = 3; // low memory.
CRITICAL = 4; // critical memory.
optional State factor = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true];
* Logs when app is using too much cpu, according to ActivityManagerService.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ExcessiveCpuUsageReported {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional string process_name = 2;
optional string package_name = 3;
// package version. TODO: remove this when validation is done
optional int64 version = 4;
* Logs when a cached process is killed, along with its pss.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message CachedKillReported {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional string process_name = 2;
optional string package_name = 3;
// TODO: remove this when validation is done
optional int64 version = 5;
optional int64 pss = 4;
* Logs the change in wifi health.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/
message WifiHealthStatReported {
enum Band {
// All of 2.4GHz band
BAND_2G = 1;
// Frequencies in the range of [5150, 5250) GHz
BAND_5G_LOW = 2;
// Frequencies in the range of [5250, 5725) GHz
// Frequencies in the range of [5725, 5850) GHz
// Frequencies in the range of [5925, 6425) GHz
BAND_6G_LOW = 5;
// Frequencies in the range of [6425, 6875) GHz
// Frequencies in the range of [6875, 7125) GHz
// duration this stat is obtained over in milliseconds
optional int32 duration_millis = 1;
// whether wifi is classified as sufficient for the user's data traffic, determined
// by whether the calculated throughput exceeds the average demand within |duration_millis|
optional bool is_sufficient = 2;
// whether cellular data is available
optional bool is_cell_data_available = 3;
// the Band bucket the connected network is on
optional Band band = 4;
* Logged when wifi detects a significant change in connection failure rate.
* Logged from: frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/
message WifiFailureStatReported {
enum AbnormalityType {
enum FailureType {
// Reason for uploading this stat
optional AbnormalityType abnormality_type = 1;
// The particular type of failure
optional FailureType failure_type = 2;
// How many times we have encountered this combination of AbnormalityType and FailureType
optional int32 failure_count = 3;
* Logs whether a wifi connection is successful and reasons for failure if it isn't.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/
message WifiConnectionResultReported {
enum FailureCode {
// true represents a successful connection
optional bool connection_result = 1;
// reason for the connection failure
optional FailureCode failure_code = 2;
// scan rssi before the connection attempt
optional int32 rssi = 3;
* Logs when memory stats of a process is reported.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ProcessMemoryStatReported {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional string process_name = 2;
optional string package_name = 3;
//TODO: remove this when validation is done
optional int64 version = 9;
optional int64 pss = 4;
optional int64 uss = 5;
optional int64 rss = 6;
enum Type {
optional Type type = 7;
optional int64 duration_millis = 8;
* Logs that a process started, finished, crashed, or ANRed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ProcessLifeCycleStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The process name (usually same as the app name).
optional string process_name = 2;
// What lifecycle state the process changed to.
// This enum is specific to atoms.proto.
enum State {
optional State state = 3;
* Logs when the ble scan state changes.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/gatt/
message BleScanStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1
[(state_field_option).primary_field_first_uid = true];
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
// RESET indicates all ble stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes).
RESET = 2;
optional State state = 2 [
(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true,
(state_field_option).default_state_value = 0 /* State.OFF */,
(state_field_option).trigger_state_reset_value = 2 /* State.RESET */,
(state_field_option).nested = true
// Does the scan have a filter.
optional bool is_filtered = 3 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true];
// Whether the scan is a CALLBACK_TYPE_FIRST_MATCH scan. Called 'background' scan internally.
optional bool is_first_match = 4 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true];
// Whether the scan set to piggy-back off the results of other scans (SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC).
optional bool is_opportunistic = 5 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true];
* Logs reporting of a ble scan finding results.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/gatt/
// TODO: Consider also tracking per-scanner-id.
message BleScanResultReceived {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Number of ble scan results returned.
optional int32 num_results = 2;
* Logs when a sensor state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message SensorStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// The id (int) of the sensor.
optional int32 sensor_id = 2;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 3;
* Logs when GPS state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message GpsScanStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when GPS signal quality.
* Logged from:
* /frameworks/base/location/java/com/android/internal/location/gnssmetrics/
message GpsSignalQualityChanged {
optional android.server.location.GpsSignalQualityEnum level = 1;
* Logs when a sync manager sync state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message SyncStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Name of the sync (as named in the app). Can be chosen at run-time.
optional string sync_name = 2;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 3;
* Deferred job stats.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/job/
message DeferredJobStatsReported {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Number of jobs deferred.
optional int32 num_jobs_deferred = 2;
// Time since the last job runs.
optional int64 time_since_last_job_millis = 3;
* Logs when a job scheduler job state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ScheduledJobStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Name of the job (as named in the app)
optional string job_name = 2;
enum State {
optional State state = 3;
// The reason a job has stopped.
// This is only applicable when the state is FINISHED.
// The default value is STOP_REASON_UNKNOWN.
optional stop_reason = 4;
// The standby bucket of the app that scheduled the job. These match the framework constants
// defined in with the addition of UNKNOWN using -1, as ACTIVE is
// already assigned 0.
enum Bucket {
RARE = 3;
NEVER = 4;
optional Bucket standby_bucket = 5 [default = UNKNOWN];
// The job id (as assigned by the app).
optional int32 job_id = 6;
// One flag for each of the API constraints defined by Jobscheduler. Does not include implcit
// constraints as they are always assumed to be set.
optional bool has_charging_constraint = 7;
optional bool has_battery_not_low_constraint = 8;
optional bool has_storage_not_low_constraint = 9;
optional bool has_timing_delay_constraint = 10;
optional bool has_deadline_constraint = 11;
optional bool has_idle_constraint = 12;
optional bool has_connectivity_constraint = 13;
optional bool has_content_trigger_constraint = 14;
* Logs when the audio state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message AudioStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
// RESET indicates all audio stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes).
RESET = 2;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when the video codec state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message MediaCodecStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
// RESET indicates all mediaCodec stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes).
RESET = 2;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when the flashlight state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message FlashlightStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
// RESET indicates all flashlight stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes).
RESET = 2;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when the camera state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message CameraStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
// RESET indicates all camera stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes).
RESET = 2;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs that the state of a wakelock (per app and per wakelock name) has changed.
* Logged from:
message WakelockStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1
[(state_field_option).primary_field_first_uid = true];
// The type (level) of the wakelock; e.g. a partial wakelock or a full wakelock.
// From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/enums.proto.
optional android.os.WakeLockLevelEnum type = 2 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true];
// The wakelock tag (Called tag in the Java API, sometimes name elsewhere).
optional string tag = 3 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true];
enum State {
optional State state = 4 [
(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true,
(state_field_option).default_state_value = 0,
(state_field_option).nested = true
* Logs when a partial wakelock is considered 'long' (over 1 min).
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message LongPartialWakelockStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// The wakelock tag (Called tag in the Java API, sometimes name elsewhere).
optional string tag = 2;
// TODO: I have no idea what this is.
optional string history_tag = 3;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 4;
* Logs when the device is interactive, according to the PowerManager Notifier.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/
message InteractiveStateChanged {
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 1;
* Logs Battery Saver state change.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message BatterySaverModeStateChanged {
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 1
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs Doze mode state change.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message DeviceIdleModeStateChanged {
optional android.server.DeviceIdleModeEnum state = 1
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs state change of Doze mode including maintenance windows.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message DeviceIdlingModeStateChanged {
optional android.server.DeviceIdleModeEnum state = 1
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs screen brightness level.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ScreenBrightnessChanged {
// Screen brightness level. Should be in [-1, 255] according to
optional int32 level = 1;
* Logs battery level (percent full, from 0 to 100).
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message BatteryLevelChanged {
// Battery level. Should be in [0, 100].
optional int32 battery_level = 1;
* Logs change in charging status of the device.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message ChargingStateChanged {
// State of the battery, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/enums.proto.
optional android.os.BatteryStatusEnum state = 1
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs whether the device is plugged in, and what power source it is using.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message PluggedStateChanged {
// Whether the device is plugged in, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/enums.proto.
optional android.os.BatteryPluggedStateEnum state = 1
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs when an app's wakeup alarm fires.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message WakeupAlarmOccurred {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Name of the wakeup alarm.
optional string tag = 2;
// Name of source package (for historical reasons, since BatteryStats tracked it).
optional string package_name = 3;
// The App Standby bucket of the app that scheduled the alarm at the time the alarm fired.
optional AppStandbyBucketChanged.Bucket app_standby_bucket = 4;
* Logs when an an app causes the mobile radio to change state.
* Changing from LOW to MEDIUM or HIGH can be considered the app waking the mobile radio.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
message MobileRadioPowerStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Power state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto.
optional android.telephony.DataConnectionPowerStateEnum state = 2;
* Logs when an an app causes the wifi radio to change state.
* Changing from LOW to MEDIUM or HIGH can be considered the app waking the wifi radio.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
message WifiRadioPowerStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Power state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto.
optional android.telephony.DataConnectionPowerStateEnum state = 2;
* Logs kernel wakeup reasons and aborts.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message KernelWakeupReported {
// Name of the kernel wakeup reason (or abort).
optional string wakeup_reason_name = 1;
// Duration (in microseconds) for the wake-up interrupt to be serviced.
optional int64 duration_micros = 2;
* Logs when Wifi is toggled on/off.
* Note that Wifi may still perform certain functions (e.g. location scanning) even when disabled.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message WifiEnabledStateChanged {
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 1;
* This atom is deprecated starting in R.
* Logs when an app causes Wifi to run. In this context, 'to run' means to use Wifi Client Mode.
* TODO: Include support for Hotspot, perhaps by using an extra field to denote 'mode'.
* Note that Wifi Scanning is monitored separately in WifiScanStateChanged.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message WifiRunningStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs wifi locks held by an app.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message WifiLockStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
// WifiLock type, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/wifi/enums.proto.
optional mode = 3;
* Logs wifi signal strength changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/
message WifiSignalStrengthChanged {
// Signal strength, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto.
optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 1;
* Logs wifi scans performed by an app.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/scanner/
message WifiScanStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs wifi multicast locks held by an app
* Logged from:
* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/
message WifiMulticastLockStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
optional string tag = 3;
* Logs shutdown reason and duration on next boot.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/server/
message ShutdownSequenceReported {
// True if shutdown is for a reboot. Default: false if we do not know.
optional bool reboot = 1;
// Reason for shutdown. Eg: userrequested. Default: "<EMPTY>".
optional string reason = 2;
// Beginning of shutdown time in ms using wall clock time since unix epoch.
// Default: 0 if no start time received.
optional int64 start_time_millis = 3;
// Duration of shutdown in ms. Default: 0 if no duration received.
optional int64 duration_millis = 4;
* Logs boot reason and duration.
* Logged from:
* system/core/bootstat/bootstat.cpp
message BootSequenceReported {
// Reason for bootloader boot. Eg. reboot. See bootstat.cpp for larger list
// Default: "<EMPTY>" if not available.
optional string bootloader_reason = 1;
// Reason for system boot. Eg. bootloader, reboot,userrequested
// Default: "<EMPTY>" if not available.
optional string system_reason = 2;
// End of boot time in ms from unix epoch using system wall clock.
optional int64 end_time_millis = 3;
// Total boot duration in ms.
optional int64 total_duration_millis = 4;
// Bootloader duration in ms.
optional int64 bootloader_duration_millis = 5;
// Time since last boot in ms. Default: 0 if not available.
optional int64 time_since_last_boot = 6;
* Logs call state and disconnect cause (if applicable).
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Telecomm/src/com/android/server/telecom/
message CallStateChanged {
// The state of the call. Eg. DIALING, ACTIVE, ON_HOLD, DISCONNECTED.
// From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telecomm/enums.proto.
optional android.telecom.CallStateEnum call_state = 1;
// The reason the call disconnected. Eg. ERROR, MISSED, REJECTED, BUSY.
// This value is only applicable when the call_state is DISCONNECTED, and
// should always be UNKNOWN if the call_state is not DISCONNECTED.
// From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telecomm/enums.proto.
optional android.telecom.DisconnectCauseEnum disconnect_cause = 2;
// True if the call is self-managed, which are apps that use the
// telecom infrastructure to make their own calls.
optional bool self_managed = 3;
// True if call is external. External calls are calls on connected Wear
// devices but show up in Telecom so the user can pull them onto the device.
optional bool external_call = 4;
* Logs keyguard state. The keyguard is the lock screen.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
message KeyguardStateChanged {
enum State {
// The keyguard is hidden when the phone is unlocked.
// The keyguard is shown when the phone is locked (screen turns off).
// The keyguard is occluded when something is overlaying the keyguard.
// Eg. Opening the camera while on the lock screen.
optional State state = 1;
* Logs keyguard bouncer state. The bouncer is a part of the keyguard, and
* prompts the user to enter a password (pattern, pin, etc).
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
message KeyguardBouncerStateChanged {
enum State {
// Bouncer is hidden, either as a result of successfully entering the
// password, screen timing out, or user going back to lock screen.
// This is when the user is being prompted to enter the password.
SHOWN = 2;
optional State state = 1;
* Logs the result of entering a password into the keyguard bouncer.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/keyguard/
message KeyguardBouncerPasswordEntered {
enum BouncerResult {
// The password entered was incorrect.
// The password entered was correct.
optional BouncerResult result = 1;
* Logs changes to the configuration of the device. The configuration is defined
* in frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/res/
* More documentation is at
* Please go there to interpret the possible values each field can be.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ResourceConfigurationChanged {
// Bit mask of color capabilities of the screen.
// Contains information about the color gamut and hdr mode of the screen.
// See:
optional int32 color_mode = 1;
// The target screen density being rendered to.
// See:
optional int32 density_dpi = 2;
// Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts,
// relative to the base density scaling.
// See:
optional float font_scale = 3;
// Flag indicating whether the hard keyboard is hidden.
// See:
optional int32 hard_keyboard_hidden = 4;
// The type of keyboard attached to the device.
// See:
optional int32 keyboard = 5;
// Flag indicating whether any keyboard is available. Takes soft keyboards into account.
// See:
optional int32 keyboard_hidden = 6;
// IMSI MCC (Mobile Country Code), corresponding to mcc resource qualifier.
// 0 if undefined.
// See:
optional int32 mcc = 7;
// IMSI MNC (Mobile Network Code), corresponding to mnc resource qualifier.
// 0 if undefined. Note: the actual MNC may be 0, to check for this use the
// MNC_ZERO symbol defined in
// See:
optional int32 mnc = 8;
// The kind of navigation available on the device.
// See:
optional int32 navigation = 9;
// Flag indicating whether the navigation is available.
// See:
optional int32 navigation_hidden = 10;
// Overall orientation of the screen.
// See:
optional int32 orientation = 11;
// The current height of the available screen space, in dp units.
// See:
optional int32 screen_height_dp = 12;
// Bit mask of overall layout of the screen.
// Contains information about screen size, whether the screen is wider/taller
// than normal, whether the screen layout is right-tl-left or left-to-right,
// and whether the screen has a rounded shape.
// See:
optional int32 screen_layout = 13;
// Current width of the available screen space, in dp units.
// See:
optional int32 screen_width_dp = 14;
// The smallest screen size an application will see in normal operation.
// This is the smallest value of both screenWidthDp and screenHeightDp
// in portrait and landscape.
// See:
optional int32 smallest_screen_width_dp = 15;
// The type of touch screen attached to the device.
// See:
optional int32 touchscreen = 16;
// Bit mask of the ui mode.
// Contains information about the overall ui mode of the device.
// Also contains information about whether the device is in night mode.
// See:
optional int32 ui_mode = 17;
* Logs changes in the connection state of the mobile radio.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/dataconnection/
message MobileConnectionStateChanged {
// States are from the state machine
enum State {
// The connection is inactive, or disconnected.
// The connection is being activated, or connecting.
// The connection is active, or connected.
// The connection is disconnecting.
// The connection is disconnecting after creating a connection.
optional State state = 1;
// For multi-sim phones, this distinguishes between the sim cards.
optional int32 sim_slot_index = 2;
// Used to identify the connection. Starts at 0 and increments by 1 for
// every new network created. Resets whenever the device reboots.
optional int32 data_connection_id = 3;
// A bitmask for the capabilities of this connection.
// Eg. DEFAULT (internet), MMS, SUPL, DUN, IMS.
// Default value (if we have no information): 0
optional int64 capabilities = 4;
// If this connection has internet.
// This just checks if the DEFAULT bit of capabilities is set.
optional bool has_internet = 5;
* Logs changes in mobile radio technology. eg: LTE, EDGE, CDMA.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
message MobileRadioTechnologyChanged {
optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum state = 1;
// For multi-sim phones, this distinguishes between the sim cards.
optional int32 sim_slot_index = 2;
* Logs the VID and PID of any connected USB devices.
* Notes if any Audio, HID (input buttons/mouse/keyboard), or Storage interfaces are present.
* Logged by Vendor.
message UsbDeviceAttached {
optional int32 vid = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional bool has_audio = 3;
optional bool has_hid = 4;
optional bool has_storage = 5;
enum State {
optional State state = 6;
optional int64 last_connect_duration_millis = 7;
* Logs when Bluetooth is enabled and disabled.
* Logged from:
* services/core/java/com/android/server/
message BluetoothEnabledStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Whether or not bluetooth is enabled on the device.
enum State {
optional State state = 2;
// The reason for being enabled/disabled.
// Eg. Airplane mode, crash, application request.
optional android.bluetooth.EnableDisableReasonEnum reason = 3;
// If the reason is an application request, this will be the package name.
optional string pkg_name = 4;
* Logs when profiles on a Bluetooth device connects and disconnects.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/
* Next Tag: 6
message BluetoothConnectionStateChanged {
// The state of the connection.
optional android.bluetooth.ConnectionStateEnum state = 1;
// An identifier that can be used to match connect and disconnect events.
// Currently is last two bytes of a hash of a device level ID and
// the mac address of the bluetooth device that is connected.
// Deprecated: use obfuscated_id instead, this one is always 0 for Q+
optional int32 obfuscated_id = 2 [deprecated = true];
// The profile that is connected. Eg. GATT, A2DP, HEADSET.
// From
// Default: 0 when not used
optional int32 bt_profile = 3;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes new_obfuscated_id = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 5;
* Logs when a Bluetooth device connects and disconnects over ACL
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/
* Next Tag: 4
message BluetoothAclConnectionStateChanged {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The state of the connection.
optional android.bluetooth.ConnectionStateEnum state = 2;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 3;
* Logs when a Bluetooth device connects and disconnects over SCO
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/hfp/
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/hfp/
* Next Tag: 5
message BluetoothScoConnectionStateChanged {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The state of the connection.
optional android.bluetooth.ConnectionStateEnum state = 2;
// Codec used for this SCO connection
// Default: UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.hfp.ScoCodec codec = 3;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 4;
* Logged when active device of a profile changes
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/a2dp/
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/hfp/
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/hearingaid/
message BluetoothActiveDeviceChanged {
// The profile whose active device has changed. Eg. A2DP, HEADSET, HEARING_AID
// From android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile
optional int32 bt_profile = 1;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this new active device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if there is no active device for this profile
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 2 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 3;
// Logs when there is an event affecting Bluetooth device's link layer connection.
// - This event is triggered when there is a related HCI command or event
// - Users of this metrics can deduce Bluetooth device's connection state from these events
// - HCI commands are logged before the command is sent, after receiving command status, and after
// receiving command complete
// - HCI events are logged when they arrive
// Low level log from system/bt
// Bluetooth classic commands:
// Bluetooth low energy commands:
// - CMD_BLE_CREATE_LL_CONN [Only logged on error or when initiator filter policy is 0x00]
// - CMD_BLE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL [Only logged when there is an error]
// - CMD_BLE_EXTENDED_CREATE_CONNECTION [Only logged on error or when initiator filter policy is 0x00]
// Bluetooth classic events:
// Bluetooth low energy meta events:
// Next tag: 10
message BluetoothLinkLayerConnectionEvent {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Connection handle of this connection if available
// Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits)
// Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown
optional int32 connection_handle = 2;
// Direction of the link
optional android.bluetooth.DirectionEnum direction = 3;
// Type of this link
optional android.bluetooth.LinkTypeEnum type = 4;
// Reason metadata for this link layer connection event, rules for interpretation:
// 1. If hci_cmd is set and valid, hci_event can be either EVT_COMMAND_STATUS or
// EVT_COMMAND_COMPLETE, ignore hci_ble_event in this case
// 2. If hci_event is set to EVT_BLE_META, look at hci_ble_event; otherwise, if hci_event is
// set and valid, ignore hci_ble_event
// HCI command associated with this event
// Default: CMD_UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.hci.CommandEnum hci_cmd = 5;
// HCI event associated with this event
// Default: EVT_UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.hci.EventEnum hci_event = 6;
// HCI BLE meta event associated with this event
optional android.bluetooth.hci.BleMetaEventEnum hci_ble_event = 7;
// HCI command status code if this is triggerred by hci_cmd
optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum cmd_status = 8;
// HCI reason code associated with this event
optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum reason_code = 9;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 10;
* Logs when a module is rolled back by Watchdog.
* Logged from: Rollback Manager
message WatchdogRollbackOccurred {
enum RollbackType {
optional RollbackType rollback_type = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int32 package_version_code = 3;
enum RollbackReasonType {
optional RollbackReasonType rollback_reason = 4;
// Set by RollbackPackageHealthObserver to be the package that is failing when a rollback
// is initiated. Empty if the package is unknown.
optional string failing_package_name = 5;
optional TrainExperimentIds experiment_ids = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Logs when there is a change in Bluetooth A2DP playback state
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/a2dp/
message BluetoothA2dpPlaybackStateChanged {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Current playback state
optional android.bluetooth.a2dp.PlaybackStateEnum playback_state = 2;
// Current audio coding mode
optional android.bluetooth.a2dp.AudioCodingModeEnum audio_coding_mode = 3;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 4;
* Logs when there is a change in A2DP codec config for a particular remote device
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/a2dp/
message BluetoothA2dpCodecConfigChanged {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Type of codec as defined by various SOURCE_CODEC_TYPE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig
optional int32 codec_type = 2;
// Codec priroity, the higher the more preferred, -1 for disabled
optional int32 codec_priority = 3;
// Sample rate in Hz as defined by various SAMPLE_RATE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig
optional int32 sample_rate = 4;
// Bits per sample as defined by various BITS_PER_SAMPLE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig
optional int32 bits_per_sample = 5;
// Channel mode as defined by various CHANNEL_MODE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig
optional int32 channel_mode = 6;
// Codec specific values
// Default 0
optional int64 codec_specific_1 = 7;
optional int64 codec_specific_2 = 8;
optional int64 codec_specific_3 = 9;
optional int64 codec_specific_4 = 10;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 11;
* Logs when there is a change in selectable A2DP codec capability for a paricular remote device
* Each codec's capability is logged separately due to statsd restriction
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/a2dp/
message BluetoothA2dpCodecCapabilityChanged {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Type of codec as defined by various SOURCE_CODEC_TYPE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig
optional int32 codec_type = 2;
// Codec priroity, the higher the more preferred, -1 for disabled
optional int32 codec_priority = 3;
// A bit field of supported sample rates as defined by various SAMPLE_RATE_* constants
// in BluetoothCodecConfig
// Default: empty and SAMPLE_RATE_NONE for individual item
optional int32 sample_rate = 4;
// A bit field of supported bits per sample as defined by various BITS_PER_SAMPLE_* constants
// in BluetoothCodecConfig
// Default: empty and BITS_PER_SAMPLE_NONE for individual item
optional int32 bits_per_sample = 5;
// A bit field of supported channel mode as defined by various CHANNEL_MODE_* constants in
// BluetoothCodecConfig
// Default: empty and CHANNEL_MODE_NONE for individual item
optional int32 channel_mode = 6;
// Codec specific values
// Default 0
optional int64 codec_specific_1 = 7;
optional int64 codec_specific_2 = 8;
optional int64 codec_specific_3 = 9;
optional int64 codec_specific_4 = 10;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 11;
* Logs when A2DP failed to read from PCM source.
* This typically happens when audio HAL cannot supply A2DP with data fast enough for encoding.
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothA2dpAudioUnderrunReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Encoding interval in nanoseconds
// Default: 0
optional int64 encoding_interval_nanos = 2;
// Number of bytes of PCM data that could not be read from the source
// Default: 0
optional int32 num_missing_pcm_bytes = 3;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 4;
* Logs when A2DP failed send encoded data to the remote device fast enough such that the transmit
* buffer queue is full and we have to drop data
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothA2dpAudioOverrunReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Encoding interval in nanoseconds
// Default: 0
optional int64 encoding_interval_nanos = 2;
// Number of buffers dropped in this event
// Each buffer is encoded in one encoding interval and consists of multiple encoded frames
// Default: 0
optional int32 num_dropped_buffers = 3;
// Number of encoded buffers dropped in this event
// Default 0
optional int32 num_dropped_encoded_frames = 4;
// Number of encoded bytes dropped in this event
// Default: 0
optional int32 num_dropped_encoded_bytes = 5;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 6;
* Logs when we receive reports regarding a device's RSSI value
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothDeviceRssiReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Connection handle of this connection if available
// Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits)
// Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown
optional int32 connection_handle = 2;
// HCI command status code if this is triggerred by hci_cmd
optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum hci_status = 3;
// Range: -128 ≤ N ≤ 127 (signed integer)
// Units: dB
// LE:
// Range: -127 to 20, 127 (signed integer)
// Units: dBm
// Invalid when an out of range value is reported
optional int32 rssi = 4;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 5;
* Logs when we receive reports regarding how many consecutive failed contacts for a connection
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothDeviceFailedContactCounterReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Connection handle of this connection if available
// Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits)
// Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown
optional int32 connection_handle = 2;
// HCI command status code if this is triggerred by hci_cmd
optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum cmd_status = 3;
// Number of consecutive failed contacts for a connection corresponding to the Handle
// Range: uint16_t, 0-0xFFFF
// Default: 0xFFFFF
optional int32 failed_contact_counter = 4;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 5;
* Logs when we receive reports regarding the tranmit power level used for a specific connection
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothDeviceTxPowerLevelReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Connection handle of this connection if available
// Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits)
// Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown
optional int32 connection_handle = 2;
// HCI command status code if this is triggered by hci_cmd
optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum hci_status = 3;
// Range: -30 ≤ N ≤ 20
// Units: dBm
// Invalid when an out of range value is reported
optional int32 transmit_power_level = 4;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 5;
* Logs when Bluetooth controller failed to reply with command status within a timeout period after
* receiving an HCI command from the host
* Logged from: system/bt
message BluetoothHciTimeoutReported {
// HCI command associated with this event
// Default: CMD_UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.hci.CommandEnum hci_command = 1;
* Logs when we receive Bluetooth Link Quality Report event from the controller
* See Android Bluetooth HCI specification for more details
* Note: all count and bytes field are counted since last event
* Logged from: system/bt
message BluetoothQualityReportReported {
// Quality report ID
// Original type: uint8_t
// Default: BQR_ID_UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.hci.BqrIdEnum quality_report_id = 1;
// Packet type of the connection
// Original type: uint8_t
optional android.bluetooth.hci.BqrPacketTypeEnum packet_types = 2;
// Connection handle of the connection
// Original type: uint16_t
optional int32 connection_handle = 3;
// Performing Role for the connection
// Original type: uint8_t
optional int32 connection_role = 4;
// Current Transmit Power Level for the connection. This value is the same as the controller's
// response to the HCI_Read_Transmit_Power_Level HCI command
// Original type: uint8_t
optional int32 tx_power_level = 5;
// Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) value for the connection. This value is an
// absolute receiver signal strength value
// Original type: int8_t
optional int32 rssi = 6;
// Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value for the connection. It is the average SNR of all the
// channels used by the link currently
// Original type: uint8_t
optional int32 snr = 7;
// Indicates the number of unused channels in AFH_channel_map
// Original type: uint8_t
optional int32 unused_afh_channel_count = 8;
// Indicates the number of the channels which are interfered and quality is bad but are still
// selected for AFH
// Original type: uint8_t
optional int32 afh_select_unideal_channel_count = 9;
// Current Link Supervision Timeout Setting
// Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock)
// Original type: uint16_t
optional int32 lsto = 10;
// Piconet Clock for the specified Connection_Handle. This value is the same as the controller's
// response to HCI_Read_Clock HCI command with the parameter "Which_Clock" of
// 0x01 (Piconet Clock)
// Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock)
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 connection_piconet_clock = 11;
// The count of retransmission
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 retransmission_count = 12;
// The count of no RX
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 no_rx_count = 13;
// The count of NAK (Negative Acknowledge)
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 nak_count = 14;
// Controller timestamp of last TX ACK
// Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock)
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 last_tx_ack_timestamp = 15;
// The count of Flow-off (STOP)
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 flow_off_count = 16;
// Controller timestamp of last Flow-on (GO)
// Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock)
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 last_flow_on_timestamp = 17;
// Buffer overflow count (how many bytes of TX data are dropped) since the last event
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 buffer_overflow_bytes = 18;
// Buffer underflow count (in byte) since last event
// Original type: uint32_t
optional int64 buffer_underflow_bytes = 19;
* Logs when a Bluetooth device's manufacturer information is learnt by the Bluetooth stack
* Notes:
* - Each event can be partially filled as we might learn different pieces of device
* information at different time
* - Multiple device info events can be combined to give more complete picture
* - When multiple device info events tries to describe the same information, the
* later one wins
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth
message BluetoothDeviceInfoReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Where is this device info obtained from
optional android.bluetooth.DeviceInfoSrcEnum source_type = 2;
// Name of the data source
// For EXTERNAL: package name of the data source
// For INTERNAL: null for general case, component name otherwise
optional string source_name = 3;
// Name of the manufacturer of this device
optional string manufacturer = 4;
// Model of this device
optional string model = 5;
// Hardware version of this device
optional string hardware_version = 6;
// Software version of this device
optional string software_version = 7;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 8;
* Logs when we receive Bluetooth Read Remote Version Information Complete Event from the remote
* device, as documented by the Bluetooth Core HCI specification
* Reference:
* Vol 2, Part E, Page 1118
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothRemoteVersionInfoReported {
// Connection handle of the connection
// Original type: uint16_t
optional int32 connection_handle = 1;
// HCI command status code
optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum hci_status = 2;
// 1 byte Version of current LMP in the remote controller
optional int32 lmp_version = 3;
// 2 bytes LMP manufacturer code of the remote controller
optional int32 lmp_manufacturer_code = 4;
// 4 bytes subversion of the LMP in the remote controller
optional int32 lmp_subversion = 5;
* Logs when certain Bluetooth SDP attributes are discovered
* Constant definitions are from:
* Current logged attributes:
* - BluetoothProfileDescriptorList
* - Supported Features Bitmask
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothSdpAttributeReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Short form UUIDs used to identify Bluetooth protocols, profiles, and service classes
// Original type: uint16_t
optional int32 protocol_uuid = 2;
// Short form UUIDs used to identify Bluetooth SDP attribute types
// Original type: uint16_t
optional int32 attribute_id = 3;
// Attribute value for the particular attribute
optional bytes attribute_value = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 5;
* Logs when bond state of a Bluetooth device changes
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/
message BluetoothBondStateChanged {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Preferred transport type to remote dual mode device
// Default: TRANSPORT_AUTO means no preference
optional android.bluetooth.TransportTypeEnum transport = 2;
// The type of this Bluetooth device (Classic, LE, or Dual mode)
// Default: UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.DeviceTypeEnum type = 3;
// Current bond state (NONE, BONDING, BONDED)
optional android.bluetooth.BondStateEnum bond_state = 4;
// Bonding sub state
optional android.bluetooth.BondSubStateEnum bonding_sub_state = 5;
// Unbond Reason
optional android.bluetooth.UnbondReasonEnum unbond_reason = 6;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 7;
* Logs there is an event related Bluetooth classic pairing
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothClassicPairingEventReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Connection handle of this connection if available
// Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits)
// Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown
optional int32 connection_handle = 2;
// HCI command associated with this event
// Default: CMD_UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.hci.CommandEnum hci_cmd = 3;
// HCI event associated with this event
// Default: EVT_UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.hci.EventEnum hci_event = 4;
// HCI command status code if this is triggerred by hci_cmd
optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum cmd_status = 5;
// HCI reason code associated with this event
optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum reason_code = 6;
// A status value related to this specific event
// Default: 0
optional int64 event_value = 7;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 8;
* Logs when there is an event related to Bluetooth Security Manager Protocol (SMP)
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothSmpPairingEventReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// SMP command sent or received over L2CAP
// Default: CMD_UNKNOWN
optional android.bluetooth.smp.CommandEnum smp_command = 2;
// Whether this command is sent or received
optional android.bluetooth.DirectionEnum direction = 3;
// SMP failure reason code
optional android.bluetooth.smp.PairingFailReasonEnum smp_fail_reason = 4;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 5;
* Logs when a Bluetooth socket’s connection state changed
* Logged from:
* system/bt
message BluetoothSocketConnectionStateChanged {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if this is a server listener socket
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Temporary port of this socket for the current connection or session only
// Default 0 when unknown or don't care
optional int32 port = 2;
// Socket type as mentioned in
// frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/
optional android.bluetooth.SocketTypeEnum type = 3;
// Socket connection state
optional android.bluetooth.SocketConnectionstateEnum state = 4;
// Number of bytes sent to remote device during this connection
optional int64 tx_bytes = 5;
// Number of bytes received from remote device during this connection
optional int64 rx_bytes = 6;
// Socket owner's UID
optional int32 uid = 7 [(is_uid) = true];
// Server port of this socket, if any. When both |server_port| and |port| fields are populated,
// |port| must be spawned by |server_port|
// Default 0 when unknown or don't care
optional int32 server_port = 8;
// Whether this is a server listener socket
optional android.bluetooth.SocketRoleEnum is_server = 9;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 10;
* Logs when Class of Device (CoD) value is learnt for a device during pairing or connection
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/
message BluetoothClassOfDeviceReported {
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device.
// Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value
// Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256
// Size: 32 byte
// Default: null or empty if this is a server listener socket
optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Class of Device (CoD) value including both Major, Minor device class and service class
// Defined in:
// Also defined in:
// Default: 0
optional int32 class_of_device = 2;
// An identifier that can be used to match events for this device.
// The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived
// from any globally unique hardware id.
// For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the
// same remote device.
// For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter
// session for the same remote device.
// Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown.
optional int32 metric_id = 3;
* Logs when something is plugged into or removed from the USB-C connector.
* Logged from:
* UsbService
message UsbConnectorStateChanged {
enum State {
optional State state = 1
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
optional string id = 2 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true];
// Last active session in ms.
// 0 when the port is in connected state.
optional int64 last_connect_duration_millis = 3;
* Logs the reported speaker impedance.
* Logged from:
* Vendor audio implementation.
message SpeakerImpedanceReported {
optional int32 speaker_location = 1;
optional int32 impedance = 2;
* Logs the report of a failed hardware.
* Logged from:
* Vendor HALs.
message HardwareFailed {
enum HardwareType {
optional HardwareType hardware_type = 1;
* hardware_location allows vendors to differentiate between multiple instances of
* the same hardware_type. The specific locations are vendor defined integers,
* referring to board-specific numbering schemes.
optional int32 hardware_location = 2;
* failure_code is specific to the HardwareType of the failed hardware.
* It should use one of the enum values defined below.
enum HardwareErrorCode {
optional int32 failure_code = 3;
* Log an event when the device has been physically dropped.
* Reported from the /vendor partition.
message PhysicalDropDetected {
// Confidence that the event was actually a drop, 0 -> 100
optional int32 confidence_pctg = 1;
// Peak acceleration of the drop, in 1/1000s of a g.
optional int32 accel_peak_thousandths_g = 2;
// Duration of freefall in ms
optional int32 freefall_time_millis = 3;
* Log bucketed battery charge cycles.
* Each bucket represents cycles of the battery past
* a given charge point. For example, if 10 cycle buckets are
* initialized, bucket 1 is the lowest 1/10th of the battery,
* and bucket 10 is 100%.
* Logged from:
* /sys/class/power_supply/bms/cycle_count, via Vendor.
message ChargeCyclesReported {
optional int32 cycle_bucket_1 = 1;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_2 = 2;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_3 = 3;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_4 = 4;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_5 = 5;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_6 = 6;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_7 = 7;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_8 = 8;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_9 = 9;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_10 = 10;
* Log battery health snapshot.
* Resistance, Voltage, Open Circuit Voltage, Temperature, and Charge Level
* are snapshotted periodically over 24hrs.
message BatteryHealthSnapshot {
enum BatterySnapshotType {
MIN_TEMP = 1; // Snapshot at min batt temp over 24hrs.
MAX_TEMP = 2; // Snapshot at max batt temp over 24hrs.
MIN_RESISTANCE = 3; // Snapshot at min batt resistance over 24hrs.
MAX_RESISTANCE = 4; // Snapshot at max batt resistance over 24hrs.
MIN_VOLTAGE = 5; // Snapshot at min batt voltage over 24hrs.
MAX_VOLTAGE = 6; // Snapshot at max batt voltage over 24hrs.
MIN_CURRENT = 7; // Snapshot at min batt current over 24hrs.
MAX_CURRENT = 8; // Snapshot at max batt current over 24hrs.
MIN_BATT_LEVEL = 9; // Snapshot at min battery level (SoC) over 24hrs.
MAX_BATT_LEVEL = 10; // Snapshot at max battery level (SoC) over 24hrs.
AVG_RESISTANCE = 11; // Snapshot at average battery resistance over 24hrs.
optional BatterySnapshotType type = 1;
// Temperature, in 1/10ths of degree C.
optional int32 temperature_deci_celsius = 2;
// Voltage Battery Voltage, in microVolts.
optional int32 voltage_micro_volt = 3;
// Current Battery current, in microAmps.
optional int32 current_micro_amps = 4;
// OpenCircuitVoltage Battery Open Circuit Voltage, in microVolts.
optional int32 open_circuit_micro_volt = 5;
// Resistance Battery Resistance, in microOhms.
optional int32 resistance_micro_ohm = 6;
// Level Battery Level, as % of full.
optional int32 level_percent = 7;
* Log slow I/O operations on the primary storage.
message SlowIo {
// Classifications of IO Operations.
enum IoOperation {
READ = 1;
WRITE = 2;
UNMAP = 3;
SYNC = 4;
optional IoOperation operation = 1;
// The number of slow IO operations of this type over 24 hours.
optional int32 count = 2;
* Log battery caused shutdown with the last recorded voltage.
message BatteryCausedShutdown {
// The last recorded battery voltage prior to shutdown.
optional int32 last_recorded_micro_volt = 1;
* Logs when ThermalService receives throttling events.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/stats/
message ThermalThrottlingSeverityStateChanged {
// The type of temperature being reported (CPU, GPU, SKIN, etc)
optional android.os.TemperatureTypeEnum sensor_type = 1;
// The name of the temperature source. Eg. CPU0
optional string sensor_name = 2;
// Temperature in tenths of a degree C.
// For BCL, it is decimillivolt, decimilliamps, and percentage * 10.
optional int32 temperature_deci_celsius = 3;
// Relative severity of the throttling, see enum definition.
optional android.os.ThrottlingSeverityEnum severity = 4;
* Logs the duration of a davey (jank of >=700ms) when it occurs
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/libs/hwui/JankTracker.cpp
message DaveyOccurred {
// The UID that logged this atom.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Amount of time it took to render the frame. Should be >=700ms.
optional int64 jank_duration_millis = 2;
* Logs phone signal strength changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message PhoneSignalStrengthChanged {
// Signal strength, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto.
optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 1;
* Logs when the phone state, sim state or signal strength changes
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message PhoneServiceStateChanged {
optional android.telephony.ServiceStateEnum state = 1;
optional android.telephony.SimStateEnum sim_state = 2;
optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 3;
* Logs when the phone becomes on or off.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message PhoneStateChanged {
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 1;
message BackGesture {
enum BackType {
COMPLETED_REJECTED = 2; // successful because coming from rejected area
INCOMPLETE_EXCLUDED = 3; // would have been successful but in the exclusion area
INCOMPLETE = 4; // Unsuccessful, for reasons other than below.
INCOMPLETE_FAR_FROM_EDGE = 5; // Unsuccessful, far from the edge.
INCOMPLETE_MULTI_TOUCH = 6; // Unsuccessful, multi touch.
INCOMPLETE_LONG_PRESS = 7; // Unsuccessful, long press.
INCOMPLETE_VERTICAL_MOVE = 8; // Unsuccessful, move vertically.
optional BackType type = 1;
optional int32 y_coordinate = 2 [deprecated = true]; // y coordinate for ACTION_DOWN event
optional int32 start_x = 4; // X coordinate for ACTION_DOWN event.
optional int32 start_y = 5; // Y coordinate for ACTION_DOWN event.
optional int32 end_x = 6; // X coordinate for ACTION_MOVE event.
optional int32 end_y = 7; // Y coordinate for ACTION_MOVE event.
optional int32 left_boundary = 8; // left edge width + left inset
optional int32 right_boundary = 9; // screen width - (right edge width + right inset)
enum WindowHorizontalLocation {
LEFT = 1;
RIGHT = 2;
optional WindowHorizontalLocation x_location = 3 [deprecated = true];
message ExclusionRectStateChanged {
optional string component_name = 1; // if not available, simply packageName
optional int32 requested_height = 2; // px
optional int32 rejected_height = 3; // px
enum WindowHorizontalLocation {
LEFT = 1;
RIGHT = 2;
optional WindowHorizontalLocation x_location = 4;
optional bool landscape = 5;
optional bool splitscreen = 6;
optional int32 duration_millis = 7;
* Logs when IME is on.
* Logged from: /packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/
message ImeTouchReported {
optional int32 x_coordinate = 1; // X coordinate for ACTION_DOWN event.
optional int32 y_coordinate = 2; // Y coordinate for ACTION_DOWN event.
* Logs when Launcher (HomeScreen) UI has changed or was interacted.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Launcher3
message LauncherUIChanged {
optional android.stats.launcher.LauncherAction action = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional android.stats.launcher.LauncherState src_state = 2;
optional android.stats.launcher.LauncherState dst_state = 3;
optional android.stats.launcher.LauncherExtension extension = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES, deprecated = true];
optional bool is_swipe_up_enabled = 5 [deprecated = true];
// The event id (e.g., app launch, drag and drop, long press)
optional int32 event_id = 6;
// The event's source or target id (e.g., icon, task, button)
optional int32 target_id = 7;
// If the target needs to be tracked, use this id field
optional int32 instance_id = 8;
optional int32 uid = 9 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 10;
optional string component_name = 11;
// (x, y) coordinate and the index information of the target on the container
optional int32 grid_x = 12 [default = -1];
optional int32 grid_y = 13 [default = -1];
optional int32 page_id = 14 [default = -2];
// e.g., folder icon's (x, y) location and index information on the workspace
optional int32 grid_x_parent = 15 [default = -1];
optional int32 grid_y_parent = 16 [default = -1];
optional int32 page_id_parent = 17 [default = -2];
optional int32 hierarchy = 18;
optional bool is_work_profile = 19;
// Used to store the predicted rank of the target
optional int32 rank = 20 [default = -1];
// e.g., folderLabelState can be captured in the following two fields
optional int32 from_state = 21;
optional int32 to_state = 22;
// e.g., autofilled or suggested texts that are not user entered
optional string edittext = 23;
// e.g., number of contents inside a container (e.g., icons inside a folder)
optional int32 cardinality = 24;
* Used for snapshot of the HomeScreen UI elements
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Launcher3
message LauncherStaticLayout {
// The event id (e.g., snapshot, drag and drop)
optional int32 event_id = 1;
// The event's source or target id (e.g., icon, shortcut, widget)
optional int32 target_id = 2;
// If the target needs to be tracked, use this id field
optional int32 instance_id = 3;
optional int32 uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 5;
optional string component_name = 6;
// (x, y) coordinate and the index information of the target on the container
optional int32 grid_x = 7 [default = -1];
optional int32 grid_y = 8 [default = -1];
optional int32 page_id = 9 [default = -2];
// e.g., folder icon's (x, y) location and index information on the workspace
// e.g., when used with widgets target, use these values for (span_x, span_y)
optional int32 grid_x_parent = 10 [default = -1];
optional int32 grid_y_parent = 11 [default = -1];
optional int32 page_id_parent = 12 [default = -2];
// UNKNOWN = 0
// HOTSEAT = 1
optional int32 hierarchy = 13;
optional bool is_work_profile = 14;
optional int32 origin = 15;
// e.g., number of icons inside a folder
optional int32 cardinality = 16;
// e.g., (x, y) span of the widget inside homescreen grid system
optional int32 span_x = 17 [default = 1];
optional int32 span_y = 18 [default = 1];
* Logs when Wallpaper or ThemePicker UI has changed.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/ThemePicker
* packages/apps/WallpaperPicker2
message StyleUIChanged {
optional action = 1;
optional int32 color_package_hash = 2;
optional int32 font_package_hash = 3;
optional int32 shape_package_hash = 4;
optional int32 clock_package_hash = 5;
optional int32 launcher_grid = 6;
optional int32 wallpaper_category_hash = 7;
optional int32 wallpaper_id_hash = 8;
optional int32 color_preference = 9;
optional location_preference = 10;
* Logs when Settings UI has changed.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Settings
message SettingsUIChanged {
* Where this SettingsUIChange event comes from. For example, if
* it's a PAGE_VISIBLE event, where the page is opened from.
optional attribution = 1;
* What the UI action is.
optional action = 2;
* Where the action is happening
optional page_id = 3;
* What preference changed in this event.
optional string changed_preference_key = 4;
* The new value of the changed preference.
optional int64 changed_preference_int_value = 5;
* Logs basic timing information about touch events.
* Reported at most every 5 minutes while device is being interacted with.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/native/services/inputflinger
message TouchEventReported {
* The fields latency_{min|max|mean|stdev} represent minimum, maximum, mean,
* and the standard deviation of the time spent processing touchscreen events
* in the kernel and inputflinger. The units are microseconds.
* On supported devices, the starting point is taken during the hard interrupt inside the
* kernel touch driver. On all other devices, the starting point is taken inside
* the kernel's input event subsystem upon receipt of the input event.
* The ending point is taken inside InputDispatcher, just after the input event
* is sent to the app.
// Minimum value
optional float latency_min_micros = 1;
// Maximum value
optional float latency_max_micros = 2;
// Average value
optional float latency_mean_micros = 3;
// Standard deviation
optional float latency_stdev_micros = 4;
// Number of touch events (input_event) in this report
optional int32 count = 5;
* Logs gesture classification and timing information for touch events.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/
message TouchGestureClassified {
// The source of the classification (e.g. Java class name).
optional string source = 1;
enum Classification {
// The classification of the gesture.
optional Classification classification = 2;
// The interval from the start of a touch event stream until the
// classification was made.
optional int32 latency_millis = 3;
// The distance from the location of the first touch event to the
// location of the touch event when the classification was made.
optional float displacement_px = 4;
* Logs that a setting was updated.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/
* The tag and is_default allow resetting of settings to default values based on the specified
* tag. See Settings#putString(ContentResolver, String, String, String, boolean) for more details.
message SettingChanged {
// The name of the setting.
optional string setting = 1;
// The change being imposed on this setting. May represent a number, eg "3".
optional string value = 2;
// The new value of this setting. For most settings, this is same as value. For some settings,
// value is +X or -X where X represents an element in a set. For example, if the previous value
// is A,B,C and value is -B, then new_value is A,C and prev_value is A,B,C.
// The +/- feature is currently only used for location_providers_allowed.
optional string new_value = 3;
// The previous value of this setting.
optional string prev_value = 4;
// The tag used with the is_default for resetting sets of settings. This is generally null.
optional string tag = 5;
// True if this setting with tag should be resettable.
optional bool is_default = 6;
// The associated user (for multi-user feature). Defined in android/os/
optional int32 user = 7;
enum ChangeReason {
UPDATED = 1; // Updated can be an insertion or an update.
optional ChangeReason reason = 8;
* Logs activity going to foreground or background
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ActivityForegroundStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string pkg_name = 2;
optional string class_name = 3;
enum State {
optional State state = 4;
* Logs when a volume entered low Storage state.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/storage/
message LowStorageStateChanged {
// Volume that ran out of storage.
optional string volume_description = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 1;
ON = 2;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when an app is downgraded.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
message AppDowngraded {
optional string package_name = 1;
// Size of the package (all data) before being downgraded.
optional int64 size_in_bytes_before = 2;
// Size of the package (all data) after being downgraded.
optional int64 size_in_bytes_after = 3;
optional bool aggressive = 4;
* Logs when an app is optimized after being downgraded.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
message AppOptimizedAfterDowngraded {
optional string package_name = 1;
* Logs whenever an app is installed on external storage.
* Logged from:
message AppInstallOnExternalStorageReported {
// The type of external storage.
optional storage_type = 1;
// The name of the package that is installed on the sd card.
optional string package_name = 2;
* Logs when an app crashes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message AppCrashOccurred {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string event_type = 2;
// The name of the process.
// system_server if it is not by an app
optional string process_name = 3;
// The pid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 pid = 4;
optional string package_name = 5;
enum InstantApp {
FALSE = 1;
TRUE = 2;
optional InstantApp is_instant_app = 6;
enum ForegroundState {
optional ForegroundState foreground_state = 7;
optional android.server.ErrorSource error_source = 8;
* Logs when a WTF (What a Terrible Failure) happened.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message WTFOccurred {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string tag = 2;
// The name of the process.
// system_server if it is not by an app
optional string process_name = 3;
// The pid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 pid = 4;
optional android.server.ErrorSource error_source = 5;
* Logs when system server reports low memory.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message LowMemReported {
* Logs when an app ANR (App Not Responding) occurs.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ANROccurred {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string process_name = 2;
optional string short_component_name = 3;
optional string reason = 4;
enum InstantApp {
FALSE = 1;
TRUE = 2;
optional InstantApp is_instant_app = 5;
enum ForegroundState {
optional ForegroundState foreground_state = 6;
optional android.server.ErrorSource error_source = 7;
optional string package_name = 8;
* Logs when the vibrator state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
message VibratorStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
// Duration (in milliseconds) requested to keep the vibrator on.
// Only applicable for State == ON.
optional int64 duration_millis = 3;
* Allows other apps to push events into statsd.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/util/
message AppBreadcrumbReported {
// The uid of the application that sent this custom atom.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// An arbitrary label chosen by the developer. For Android P, the label should be in [0, 16).
optional int32 label = 2;
// Allows applications to easily use a custom event as start/stop boundaries (ie, define custom
// predicates for the metrics).
enum State {
UNSPECIFIED = 1; // For events that are known to not represent START/STOP.
STOP = 2;
START = 3;
optional State state = 3;
* Logs the wall-clock time when a significant wall-clock time shift occurs.
* For example, this could be due to the user manually changing the time.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
message WallClockTimeShifted {
// New wall-clock time in milliseconds, according to System.currentTimeMillis().
optional int64 wall_clock_timestamp_millis = 1;
* Logs when statsd detects an anomaly.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/anomaly/AnomalyTracker.cpp
message AnomalyDetected {
// Uid that owns the config whose anomaly detection alert fired.
optional int32 config_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Id of the config whose anomaly detection alert fired.
optional int64 config_id = 2;
// Id of the alert (i.e. name of the anomaly that was detected).
optional int64 alert_id = 3;
message AppStartOccurred {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The app package name.
optional string pkg_name = 2;
enum TransitionType {
WARM = 1;
HOT = 2;
COLD = 3;
// The transition type.
optional TransitionType type = 3;
// The activity name.
optional string activity_name = 4;
// The name of the calling app. Empty if not set.
optional string calling_pkg_name = 5;
// Whether the app is an instant app.
optional bool is_instant_app = 6;
// Device uptime when activity started.
optional int64 activity_start_millis = 7;
optional reason = 8;
optional int32 transition_delay_millis = 9;
// -1 if not set.
optional int32 starting_window_delay_millis = 10;
// -1 if not set.
optional int32 bind_application_delay_millis = 11;
optional int32 windows_drawn_delay_millis = 12;
// Empty if not set.
optional string launch_token = 13;
// The compiler filter used when when the package was optimized.
optional int32 package_optimization_compilation_filter = 14;
// The reason why the package was optimized.
optional int32 package_optimization_compilation_reason = 15;
message AppStartCanceled {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The app package name.
optional string pkg_name = 2;
enum TransitionType {
WARM = 1;
HOT = 2;
COLD = 3;
// The transition type.
optional TransitionType type = 3;
// The activity name.
optional string activity_name = 4;
message AppStartFullyDrawn {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The app package name.
optional string pkg_name = 2;
enum TransitionType {
// The transition type.
optional TransitionType type = 3;
// The activity name.
optional string activity_name = 4;
optional bool transition_process_running = 5;
// App startup time (until call to Activity#reportFullyDrawn()).
optional int64 app_startup_time_millis = 6;
* Logs a picture-in-picture action
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/pip/phone/
message PictureInPictureStateChanged {
// -1 if it is not available
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string short_name = 2;
enum State {
optional State state = 3;
* Logs overlay action
* Logged from:
* services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
message OverlayStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true, (is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 2 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true];
optional bool using_alert_window = 3;
enum State {
optional State state = 4
[(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false];
* Logs foreground service starts and stops.
* Note that this is not when a service starts or stops, but when it is
* considered foreground.
* Logged from
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ForegroundServiceStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// package_name + "/" + class_name
optional string short_name = 2;
enum State {
ENTER = 1;
EXIT = 2;
optional State state = 3;
// Whether the fgs is allowed while-in-use permissions, i.e. is considered 'in-use' to the user.
// (If the fgs was started while the app wasn't TOP it usually will be denied these permissions)
optional bool allow_while_in_use_permission = 4;
* Logs the number of times a uid accesses a sensitive AppOp during a foreground service session.
* A foreground service session is any continuous period during which the uid holds at least one
* foreground service; the atom will be pushed when the uid no longer holds any foreground services.
* Accesses initiated while the uid is in the TOP state are ignored.
* Sessions with no attempted accesses are not logged.
* Logged from
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ForegroundServiceAppOpSessionEnded {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The operation's name.
// Only following four ops are logged
// CAMERA = 26
optional app_op_name = 2 [default = APP_OP_NONE];
// The uid's permission mode for accessing the AppOp during this fgs session.
enum Mode {
MODE_ALLOWED = 1; // Always allowed
MODE_IGNORED = 2; // Denied
MODE_FOREGROUND = 3; // Allow-while-in-use (or allowed-one-time)
optional Mode app_op_mode = 3;
// Number of times this AppOp was requested and allowed.
optional int32 count_ops_accepted = 4;
// Number of times this AppOp was requested but denied.
optional int32 count_ops_rejected = 5;
* Logs creation or removal of an isolated uid. Isolated uid's are temporary uid's to sandbox risky
* behavior in its own uid. However, the metrics of these isolated uid's almost always should be
* attributed back to the parent (host) uid. One example is Chrome.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message IsolatedUidChanged {
// The host UID. Generally, we should attribute metrics from the isolated uid to the host uid.
// NOTE: DO NOT annotate uid field in this atom. This atom is specially handled in statsd.
// This field is ignored when event == REMOVED.
optional int32 parent_uid = 1;
optional int32 isolated_uid = 2;
// We expect an isolated uid to be removed before if it's used for another parent uid.
enum Event {
optional Event event = 3;
* Logs the reception of an incoming network packet causing the main system to wake up for
* processing that packet. These events are notified by the kernel via Netlink NFLOG to Netd
* and processed by WakeupController.cpp.
message PacketWakeupOccurred {
// The uid owning the socket into which the packet was delivered, or -1 if the packet was
// delivered nowhere.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The interface name on which the packet was received.
optional string iface = 2;
// The ethertype value of the packet.
optional int32 ethertype = 3;
// String representation of the destination MAC address of the packet.
optional string destination_hardware_address = 4;
// String representation of the source address of the packet if this was an IP packet.
optional string source_ip = 5;
// String representation of the destination address of the packet if this was an IP packet.
optional string destination_ip = 6;
// The value of the protocol field if this was an IPv4 packet or the value of the Next Header
// field if this was an IPv6 packet. The range of possible values is the same for both IP
// families.
optional int32 ip_next_header = 7;
// The source port if this was a TCP or UDP packet.
optional int32 source_port = 8;
// The destination port if this was a TCP or UDP packet.
optional int32 destination_port = 9;
* Logs the memory stats for an app on startup.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message AppStartMemoryStateCaptured {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The process name.
optional string process_name = 2;
// The activity name.
optional string activity_name = 3;
// # of page-faults
optional int64 page_fault = 4;
// # of major page-faults
optional int64 page_major_fault = 5;
// RSS
optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6;
optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7;
optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8;
* Logs the change in Low Memory Killer Daemon (LMKD) state which is used as start/stop boundaries
* for LMK event.
* Logged from:
* system/core/lmkd/lmkd.c
message LmkStateChanged {
enum State {
START = 1;
STOP = 2;
optional State state = 1;
* Logs the event when Low Memory Killer Daemon (LMKD) kills a process to reduce memory pressure.
* Logged from:
* system/core/lmkd/lmkd.c
message LmkKillOccurred {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The process name.
optional string process_name = 2;
// oom adj score.
optional int32 oom_adj_score = 3;
// # of page-faults
optional int64 page_fault = 4;
// # of major page-faults
optional int64 page_major_fault = 5;
// RSS
optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6;
optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7;
optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8;
// The elapsed real time of start of the process.
optional int64 process_start_time_nanos = 9;
// Min oom adj score considered by lmkd.
optional int32 min_oom_score = 10;
* Logs when the ActivityManagerService detects that an app died.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message AppDied {
// timestamp(elapsedRealtime) of record creation
optional uint64 timestamp_millis = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true];
* An atom for generic metrics logging. Available from Android Q.
message GenericAtom {
// The uid of the application that sent this custom atom.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// An event_id indicates the type of event.
optional android.stats.EventType event_id = 2;
* Atom for simple logging of user interaction and impression events, such as "the user touched
* this button" or "this dialog was displayed".
* Keep the UI event stream clean: don't use for system or background events.
* Log using the UiEventLogger wrapper - don't write with the StatsLog API directly.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/
message UiEventReported {
// The event_id.
optional int32 event_id = 1;
// The event's source or target uid and package, if applicable.
// For example, the package posting a notification, or the destination package of a share.
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 3;
// An identifier used to disambiguate which logs refer to a particular instance of some
// UI element. Useful when there might be multiple instances simultaneously active.
optional int32 instance_id = 4;
* Reports a notification was created or updated.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/
message NotificationReported {
// The event_id (as for UiEventReported).
optional int32 event_id = 1;
// The notifying app's uid and package.
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 3;
// A small system-assigned identifier for the notification.
// Locally probably-unique, but expect collisions across users and/or days.
optional int32 instance_id = 4;
optional int32 notification_id_hash = 5; // Small hash of the app-assigned notif ID + tag
optional int32 channel_id_hash = 6; // Small hash of app-assigned channel ID
// Grouping information
optional int32 group_id_hash = 7; // Small hash of the group ID of the notification
optional int32 group_instance_id = 8; // Instance_id of the group-summary notification
optional bool is_group_summary = 9; // Tags the group-summary notification
// Attributes
optional string category = 10; // App-assigned notification category (API-defined strings)
optional int32 style = 11; // App-assigned notification style
optional int32 num_people = 12; // Number of Person records attached to the notification
// Ordering, importance and interruptiveness
optional int32 position = 13; // Position in NotificationManager's list
optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance importance = 14;
optional int32 alerting = 15; // Bitfield, 1=buzz 2=beep 4=blink
enum NotificationImportanceExplanation {
IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_APP = 1; // App-specified channel importance.
IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_USER = 2; // User-specified channel importance.
IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_ASST = 3; // Notification Assistant override.
// Like _APP, but based on pre-channels priority signal.
optional NotificationImportanceExplanation importance_source = 16;
optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance importance_initial = 17;
optional NotificationImportanceExplanation importance_initial_source = 18;
optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance importance_asst = 19;
optional int32 assistant_hash = 20;
optional float assistant_ranking_score = 21;
message Notification {
// The notifying app's uid and package.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 2;
// A small system-assigned identifier for the notification.
optional int32 instance_id = 3;
// Grouping information.
optional int32 group_instance_id = 4;
optional bool is_group_summary = 5;
// The section of the shade that the notification is in.
// See NotificationSectionsManager.PriorityBucket.
enum NotificationSection {
optional NotificationSection section = 6;
message NotificationList {
repeated Notification notifications = 1; // An ordered sequence of notifications.
* Reports a notification panel was displayed, e.g. from the lockscreen or status bar.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/notification/
message NotificationPanelReported {
// The event_id (as for UiEventReported).
optional int32 event_id = 1;
optional int32 num_notifications = 2;
// The notifications in the panel, in the order that they appear there.
optional NotificationList notifications = 3 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Reports a notification channel, or channel group, was created, updated, or deleted.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/
message NotificationChannelModified {
// The event_id (as for UiEventReported).
optional int32 event_id = 1;
// The notifying app's uid and package.
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 3;
// Hash of app-assigned notification channel ID or channel-group ID
optional int32 channel_id_hash = 4;
// Previous importance setting, if applicable
optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance old_importance = 5;
// New importance setting
optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance importance = 6;
* Logs when a biometric acquire event occurs.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics
message BiometricAcquired {
// Biometric modality that was acquired.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1;
// The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. Defined in android/os/
optional int32 user = 2;
// If this acquire is for a crypto operation. e.g. Secure purchases, unlock password storage.
optional bool is_crypto = 3;
// Action that the device is performing. Acquired messages are only expected for enroll and
// authenticate. Other actions may indicate an error.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ActionEnum action = 4;
// The client that this acquisition was received for.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ClientEnum client = 5;
// Acquired constants, e.g. ACQUIRED_GOOD. See constants defined by <Biometric>Manager.
optional int32 acquire_info = 6;
// Vendor-specific acquire info. Valid only if acquire_info == ACQUIRED_VENDOR.
optional int32 acquire_info_vendor = 7;
// Dictates if this message should trigger additional debugging.
optional bool debug = 8;
* Logs when a biometric authentication event occurs.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics
message BiometricAuthenticated {
// Biometric modality that was used.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1;
// The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. Defined in android/os/
optional int32 user = 2;
// If this authentication is for a crypto operation. e.g. Secure purchases, unlock password
// storage.
optional bool is_crypto = 3;
// The client that this acquisition was received for.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ClientEnum client = 4;
// If authentication requires user confirmation. See BiometricPrompt's
// setRequireConfirmation(bool) method.
optional bool require_confirmation = 5;
enum State {
// State of the current auth attempt.
optional State state = 6;
// Time it took to authenticate. For BiometricPrompt where setRequireConfirmation(false) is
// specified and supported by the biometric modality, this is from the first ACQUIRED_GOOD to
// AUTHENTICATED. for setRequireConfirmation(true), this is from PENDING_CONFIRMATION to
optional int64 latency_millis = 7;
// Dictates if this message should trigger additional debugging.
optional bool debug = 8;
* Logs when a biometric error occurs.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics
message BiometricErrorOccurred {
// Biometric modality that was used.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1;
// The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. Defined in android/os/
optional int32 user = 2;
// If this error is for a crypto operation. e.g. Secure purchases, unlock password storage.
optional bool is_crypto = 3;
// Action that the device is performing.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ActionEnum action = 4;
// The client that this acquisition was received for.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ClientEnum client = 5;
// Error constants. See constants defined by <Biometric>Manager. Enums won't work since errors
// are unique to modality.
optional int32 error_info = 6;
// Vendor-specific error info. Valid only if acquire_info == ACQUIRED_VENDOR. These are defined
// by the vendor and not specified by the HIDL interface.
optional int32 error_info_vendor = 7;
// Dictates if this message should trigger additional debugging.
optional bool debug = 8;
// Time spent during the authentication attempt.
optional int64 latency_millis = 9;
* Logs when a system health issue is detected.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics
message BiometricSystemHealthIssueDetected {
// Biometric modality.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1;
// Type of issue detected.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.IssueEnum issue = 2;
// Dictates if this message should trigger additional debugging.
optional bool debug = 3;
* Logs when a biometric enrollment occurs.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics
message BiometricEnrolled {
// Biometric modality that was used.
optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1;
// The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. Defined in android/os/
optional int32 user = 2;
// The amount of time the enrollment took in milliseconds.
optional int64 latency_millis = 3;
// Whether or not the enrollment was successful.
optional bool success = 4;
* Logs when a flag flip update occurrs. Used for mainline modules that update via flag flips.
message FlagFlipUpdateOccurred {
// If the event is from a flag config package, specify the package name.
optional string flag_flip_package_name = 1;
// The order id of the package
optional int64 order_id = 2;
* Potential experiment ids that goes with a train install.
* Should be kept in sync with experiment_ids.proto.
message TrainExperimentIds {
repeated int64 experiment_id = 1;
* Logs when a binary push state changes.
* Logged by the installer via public api.
message BinaryPushStateChanged {
// Name of the train.
optional string train_name = 1;
// Version code for a "train" of packages that need to be installed atomically
optional int64 train_version_code = 2;
// After installation of this package, device requires a restart.
optional bool requires_staging = 3;
// Rollback should be enabled for this install.
optional bool rollback_enabled = 4;
// Requires low latency monitoring if possible.
optional bool requires_low_latency_monitor = 5;
enum State {
INSTALL_FAILURE = 6 [deprecated = true];
// This enum is for installs that are manually cancelled via the Manual Update UI.
optional State state = 6;
// Possible experiment ids for monitoring this push.
optional TrainExperimentIds experiment_ids = 7 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// user id
optional int32 user_id = 8;
optional int32 reason = 9;
// Whether or not this is a rollback event
optional bool is_rollback = 10;
/* Test atom, is not logged anywhere */
message TestAtomReported {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
optional int32 int_field = 2;
optional int64 long_field = 3;
optional float float_field = 4;
optional string string_field = 5;
optional bool boolean_field = 6;
enum State {
OFF = 1;
ON = 2;
optional State state = 7;
optional TrainExperimentIds bytes_field = 8 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
/** Represents USB port overheat event. */
message UsbPortOverheatEvent {
/* Temperature of USB port at USB plug event, in 1/10ths of degree C. */
optional int32 plug_temperature_deci_c = 1;
/* Maximum temperature of USB port during overheat event, in 1/10ths of degree C. */
optional int32 max_temperature_deci_c = 2;
/* Time between USB plug event and overheat threshold trip, in seconds. */
optional int32 time_to_overheat_secs = 3;
/* Time between overheat threshold trip and hysteresis, in seconds. */
optional int32 time_to_hysteresis_secs = 4;
/* Time between hysteresis and active mitigation ending, in seconds. */
optional int32 time_to_inactive_secs = 5;
* Logs total effective full charge and discharge cycles on a battery.
* Here are some examples of one effective cycle:
* 1) the battery charges from 0% to 100% and drains back to 0%,
* 2) charging from 50% to 100% and draining back to 50% twice.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp
message BatteryCycleCount {
/* Number of total charge and discharge cycles on the system battery. */
optional int32 cycle_count = 1;
* Logs that external storage is mounted and information about it, the storage type (sd card/usb/
* others), its type (public or private) and the size in bytes.
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService
message ExternalStorageInfo {
enum VolumeType {
OTHER = 3;
// The type of external storage.
optional storage_type = 1;
// Type of the volume: TYPE_PUBLIC if portable and TYPE_PRIVATE if internal.
optional VolumeType volume_type = 2;
// Total size of the sd card in bytes.
optional int64 size_bytes = 3;
* Logs when a connection becomes available and lost.
* Logged in
message ConnectivityStateChanged {
// Id of the network.
optional int32 net_id = 1;
enum State {
// Connected state of a network.
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when a service starts and stops.
* Logged from:
* services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ServiceStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 2;
optional string service_name = 3;
enum State {
START = 1;
STOP = 2;
optional State state = 4;
* Logs when a service is launched.
* Logged from:
* services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ServiceLaunchReported {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 2;
optional string service_name = 3;
* Logs when a hidden API is used.
* Logged from:
* libcore/libart/src/main/java/dalvik/system/
message HiddenApiUsed {
// The uid of the app making the hidden access.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Signature of the method or field accessed.
optional string signature = 2;
enum AccessMethod {
NONE = 0;
JNI = 2;
// Type of access.
optional AccessMethod access_method = 3;
// Whether the access was prevented or not.
optional bool access_denied = 4;
* Logs user interaction with the Privacy Indicators added in Q. In particular:
* - When user sees privacy chip
* - When user clicks privacy chip
* - How does the user exit the Privacy Dialog
* Logged from:
* packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/
message PrivacyIndicatorsInteracted {
enum Type {
optional Type type = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true];
// Used if the type is LINE_ITEM
optional string package_name = 2;
* Logs information about a package that is moved from the internal to external storage and vice
* versa.
* It logs the package name, the type of the external storage where the package is installed
* (if moved to external storage, or UNKNOWN if moved to internal storage),
* and the move type: if it's from internal to external or the other way around.
* Logged from:
message AppMovedStorageReported {
enum MoveType {
// The type of the external storage.
optional external_storage_type = 1;
// The type of move.
optional MoveType move_type = 2;
// The name of the package that was moved.
optional string package_name = 3;
* Logs when system server watchdog occurs.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
message SystemServerWatchdogOccurred {
optional string subject = 1;
* Logs when new file added to tombstones.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/server/
message TombStoneOccurred {
* Information about a role request
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/PermissionController/src/com/android/packageinstaller/role/ui/
message RoleRequestResultReported {
// UID of application requesting the role
optional int32 requesting_uid = 1;
// Package name of application requesting the role
optional string requesting_package_name = 2;
// The role to be granted
optional string role_name = 3;
// The count of applications qualifying for the role
optional int32 qualifying_count = 4;
// UID of application current granted the role
optional int32 current_uid = 5;
// Package name of application current granted the role
optional string current_package_name = 6;
// UID of another application that user chose to grant the role to, instead of the requesting
// application
optional int32 granted_another_uid = 7;
// Package name of another application that user chose to grant the role to, instead of the
// requesting application
optional string granted_another_package_name = 8;
enum Result {
// role request was ignored
// role request was ignored because it's already granted
// role request was ignored because the application isn't qualified
// role request was ignored because user said it should be always denied
// role was granted by user action
// role was denied by user action
// role was denied by user granting another application the role
// role was denied and set to be always denied by the user
// The result of the role request
optional Result result = 9;
* Logs when a Vehicle Maps Service client's connection state has changed
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/stats/
message VmsClientConnectionStateChanged {
// The UID of the VMS client app
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
enum State {
// Attempting to connect to the client
// Client connection established
// Client connection closed unexpectedly
// Client connection closed by VMS
// Error establishing the client connection
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when MediaProvider has successfully finished scanning a storage volume.
* Logged from:
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/scan/
message MediaProviderScanOccurred {
enum Reason {
// Scan triggered due to unknown reason
// Scan triggered due to storage volume being mounted
// Scan triggered due to explicit user action or app request
// Scan triggered due to idle maintenance
IDLE = 3;
// Volume type that this event pertains to
optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1;
// Reason why this scan was triggered
optional Reason reason = 2;
// Total number of files scanned
optional int64 item_count = 3;
// Duration of scan, normalized per file
optional float normalized_duration_millis = 4;
// Number of database inserts, normalized per file
optional float normalized_insert_count = 5;
// Number of database updates, normalized per file
optional float normalized_update_count = 6;
// Number of database deletes, normalized per file
optional float normalized_delete_count = 7;
* Logs when an app has asked MediaProvider to delete media belonging to the user.
* Logged from:
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/
message MediaContentDeleted {
// Volume type that this event pertains to
optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1;
// UID of app that requested deletion
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Number of items that were deleted
optional int32 item_count = 3;
* Logs when an app has asked MediaProvider to grant them access to media belonging to the user.
* Logged from:
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/
message MediaProviderPermissionRequested {
enum Result {
// Volume type that this event pertains to
optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1;
// UID of app that requested permission
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Number of items that were requested
optional int32 item_count = 3;
// Result of this request
optional Result result = 4;
* Logs when MediaProvider has finished upgrading or downgrading its database schema.
* Logged from:
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/
message MediaProviderSchemaChanged {
// Volume type that this event pertains to
optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1;
// Old database version code
optional int32 version_from = 2;
// New database version code
optional int32 version_to = 3;
// Total number of files in database
optional int64 item_count = 4;
// Duration of schema change, normalized per file
optional float normalized_duration_millis = 5;
* Logs when MediaProvider has finished an idle maintenance job.
* Logged from:
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/
message MediaProviderIdleMaintenanceFinished {
// Volume type that this event pertains to
optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1;
// Total number of files in database
optional int64 item_count = 2;
// Duration of idle maintenance, normalized per file
optional float normalized_duration_millis = 3;
// Number of thumbnails found to be stale, normalized per file
optional float normalized_stale_thumbnails = 4;
// Number of items found to be expired, normalized per file
optional float normalized_expired_media = 5;
* Represents boot time event with duration in ms.
* Logged from: bootstat and various system server components. Check each enums for details.
message BootTimeEventDuration {
enum DurationEvent {
// Bootloader time excluding BOOTLOADER_UI_WAIT + boot complete time. Logged from bootstat.
// Bootloader's 1st stage execution time.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Bootloader's 1st stage loading time.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Bootloader's kernel loading time.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Bootloader's 2nd stage execution time.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Bootloader's 2nd stage loading time.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Duration for Bootloader to show unlocked device's warning UI. This should not happen
// for locked device.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Total time spend in bootloader. This is the sum of all BOOTLOADER_* listed above.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Shutdown duration inside init for the reboot before the current boot up.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Total time for mounting of disk devices during bootup.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Total time for early stage mounting of disk devices during bootup.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Total time for late stage mounting of disk devices during bootup.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Average time to scan non-system app after OTA
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Time to initialize Package manager after OTA
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Time to scan all system app from Package manager after OTA
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Init's total time for cold boot stage.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Init's total time for initializing selinux.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Time since last factory reset.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Init's total time spent for completing the 1st stage.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Type of the event.
optional DurationEvent event = 1;
// Duration of the event in ms.
optional int64 duration_millis = 2;
* Represents the start of specific boot time event during bootup in ms. This is usually a time
* since boot-up.
* Logged from: bootstat and various system server components. Check each enums for details.
message BootTimeEventElapsedTime {
enum ElapsedTimeEvent {
// Time when init starts 1st stage. Logged from bootstat.
// Time when sys.boot_completed prop is set.
// Logged from bootstat.
// BOOT_COMPLETE for encrypted device.
// BOOT_COMPLETE for device with no encryption.
// Adjusted BOOT_COMPLETE for encrypted device extracting decryption time.
// BOOT_COMPLETE after factory reset.
// BOOT_COMPLETE_NO_ENCRYPTION after factory reset.
// BOOT_COMPLETE_POST_DECRYPT after factory reset.
// Time when the system starts sending LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Time when the system starts sending BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Time when the package manager starts init.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Time when package manager is ready
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Represents the time when user has entered unlock credential for system with user pin.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Represents the start of zygote's init.
// Logged from zygote itself.
// Represents the start of secondary zygote's init.
// TODO: add logging to zygote
// Represents the start of system server's init.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Represents the completion of system server's init.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Represents the start of launcher during boot-up.
// TODO: add logging
// Represents the completion of launcher's initial rendering. User can use other apps from
// launcher from this point.
// TODO: add logging
// Type of the event.
optional ElapsedTimeEvent event = 1;
// Time since bootup for the event.
// It should be acquired from SystemClock elapsedRealtime() call or equivalent.
optional int64 time_millis = 2;
* Boot time events with UTC time.
* Logged from: bootstat and various system server components. Check each enums for details.
message BootTimeEventUtcTime {
enum UtcTimeEvent {
// Time of the bootstat's marking of 1st boot after the last factory reset.
// Logged from bootstat.
// The time when bootstat records FACTORY_RESET_* events. This is close to
// BOOT_COMPLETE time for the current bootup.
// Logged from bootstat.
// DUplicate of FACTORY_RESET_RESET_TIME added for debugging purpose.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Type of the event.
optional UtcTimeEvent event = 1;
// UTC time for the event.
optional int64 utc_time_secs = 2;
* Boot time events representing specific error code during bootup.
* Meaning of error code can be different per each event type.
* Logged from: bootstat and various system server components. Check each enums for details.
message BootTimeEventErrorCode {
enum ErrorCodeEvent {
// Linux error code for time() call to get the current UTC time.
// Logged from bootstat.
// Represents UmountStat before the reboot for the current boot up. Error codes defined
// as UMOUNT_STAT_* from init/reboot.cpp.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Reprepsents fie system mounting error code of /data partition for the current boot.
// Error codes defined as combination of FsStatFlags from system/core/fs_mgr/fs_mgr.cpp.
// Logged from f/b/services/.../
// Type of the event.
optional ErrorCodeEvent event = 1;
// error code defined per each event type.
// For example, this can have a value of FsStatFlags.FS_STAT_FULL_MOUNT_FAILED for the event of
optional int32 error_code = 2;
* Collects Virtual A/B statistics related to the use of dm-snapshot performed
* after an OTA.
* Logged from:
* - system/update_engine/
message SnapshotMergeReported {
// Keep in sync with
// system/core/fs_mgr/libsnapshot/android/snapshot/snapshot.proto
enum UpdateState {
// No update or merge is in progress.
NONE = 0;
// An update is applying; snapshots may already exist.
// An update is pending, but has not been successfully booted yet.
// The kernel is merging in the background.
// Post-merge cleanup steps could not be completed due to a transient
// error, but the next reboot will finish any pending operations.
// Merging is complete, and needs to be acknowledged.
// Merging failed due to an unrecoverable error.
// The update was implicitly cancelled, either by a rollback or a flash
// operation via fastboot. This state can only be returned by WaitForMerge.
// Status of the update after the merge attempts.
optional UpdateState final_state = 1;
// Time to complete a merge operation in milliseconds.
// A negative value corresponds to the case in which the merge operation
// was interrupted and resumed (e.g. in case of a system reboot during the
// merge).
optional int64 duration_millis = 2;
// Number of reboots that occurred after issuing and before completing the
// merge of all the snapshot devices.
optional int32 intermediate_reboots = 3;
// The device has been upgraded to Virtual A/B.
optional bool is_vab_retrofit = 4;
// Space that has been temporarily allocated in the /data partition
// containing the dm-snapshot's copy-on-write data generated during a
// Virtual A/B update.
optional int64 cow_file_size_bytes = 5;
* Event representing when BlobStoreManager.Session#commit() is called
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/apex/blobstore/service/java/com/android/server/blob/
message BlobCommitted {
// Uid of the Blob committer
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Id of the Blob committed
optional int64 blob_id = 2;
// Size of the Blob
optional int64 size = 3;
enum Result {
// Commit Succeeded
// Commit Failed: Error occurred during commit
// Commit Failed: Digest of the data did not match Blob digest
// Commit Failed: Allowed count limit exceeded
optional Result result = 4;
* Event representing when BlobStoreManager#acquireLease() is called
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/apex/blobstore/service/java/com/android/server/blob/
message BlobLeased{
// Uid of the Blob leasee
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Id of the Blob leased or 0 if the Blob does not exist
optional int64 blob_id = 2;
// Size of the Blob or 0 if the Blob does not exist
optional int64 size = 3;
enum Result {
// Lease Succeeded
// Lease Failed: Blob does not exist
// Lease Failed: Leasee does not have access to the Blob
// Lease Failed: Leasee requested an invalid expiry duration
// Lease Failed: Leasee has exceeded the total data lease limit
// Leasee Failed: Allowed count limit exceeded
optional Result result = 4;
* Event representing when BlobStoreManager#openBlob() is called
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/apex/blobstore/service/java/com/android/server/blob/
message BlobOpened{
// Uid of the Blob opener
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Id of the Blob opened or 0 if the Blob does not exist
optional int64 blob_id = 2;
// Size of the Blob or 0 if the Blob does not exist
optional int64 size = 3;
enum Result {
// Open Succeeded
// Open Failed: Blob does not exist
// Open Failed: Opener does not have access to the Blob
optional Result result = 4;
// Pulled atoms below this line //
* Pulls bytes transferred via wifi (Sum of foreground and background usage).
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are wifi)
message WifiBytesTransfer {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional int64 rx_bytes = 2;
optional int64 rx_packets = 3;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 4;
optional int64 tx_packets = 5;
* Pulls bytes transferred via wifi (separated by foreground and background usage).
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are wifi)
message WifiBytesTransferByFgBg {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// 1 denotes foreground and 0 denotes background. This is called Set in NetworkStats.
optional bool is_foreground = 2;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 3;
optional int64 rx_packets = 4;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 5;
optional int64 tx_packets = 6;
* Pulls bytes transferred via mobile networks (Sum of foreground and background usage).
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are mobile data)
message MobileBytesTransfer {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional int64 rx_bytes = 2;
optional int64 rx_packets = 3;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 4;
optional int64 tx_packets = 5;
* Pulls bytes transferred via mobile networks (separated by foreground and background usage).
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are mobile data)
message MobileBytesTransferByFgBg {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// 1 denotes foreground and 0 denotes background. This is called Set in
// NetworkStats.
optional bool is_foreground = 2;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 3;
optional int64 rx_packets = 4;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 5;
optional int64 tx_packets = 6;
* Used for pull network statistics via mobile|wifi networks, and sliced by interesting dimensions.
* Note that the data is expected to be sliced into more dimensions in future. In other words,
* the caller must not assume any row of data is one full report when filtering with a set of
* matching conditions, because future data may represent with multiple rows what is currently
* represented by one.
* To avoid being broken by future slicing, callers must take care to aggregate rows even if they
* query all the existing columns.
* Pulled from:
* StatsPullAtomService (using NetworkStatsService to get NetworkStats)
message DataUsageBytesTransfer {
// State of this record. Should be NetworkStats#SET_DEFAULT or NetworkStats#SET_FOREGROUND to
// indicate the foreground state, or NetworkStats#SET_ALL to indicate the record is for all
// states combined, not including debug states. See NetworkStats#SET_*.
optional int32 state = 1;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 2;
optional int64 rx_packets = 3;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 4;
optional int64 tx_packets = 5;
// Radio Access Technology (RAT) type of this record, should be one of
// TelephonyManager#NETWORK_TYPE_* constants, or NetworkTemplate#NETWORK_TYPE_ALL to indicate
// the record is for all rat types combined.
optional int32 rat_type = 6;
// Mcc/Mnc read from sim if the record is for a specific subscription, null indicates the
// record is combined across subscriptions.
optional string sim_mcc = 7;
optional string sim_mnc = 8;
// Allows mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) to be identified with individual IDs.
// See TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierId.
optional int32 carrier_id = 9;
// Enumeration of opportunistic states with an additional ALL state indicates the record is
// combined regardless of the boolean value in its field.
enum DataSubscriptionState {
UNKNOWN = 0; // For server side backward compatibility.
ALL = 1;
// Mark whether the subscription is an opportunistic data subscription, and ALL indicates the
// record is combined across opportunistic data subscriptions.
// See {@link SubscriptionManager#setOpportunistic}.
optional DataSubscriptionState opportunistic_data_sub = 10;
* Pulls bytes transferred via bluetooth. It is pulled from Bluetooth controller.
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService
message BluetoothBytesTransfer {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional int64 rx_bytes = 2;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 3;
* Pulls the kernel wakelock durations. This atom is adapted from
* android/internal/os/
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService using KernelWakelockReader.
message KernelWakelock {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 count = 2;
optional int32 version = 3;
optional int64 time_micros = 4;
* Pulls low power state information. If power.stats HAL is not available, this
* includes platform and subsystem sleep state information,
* PowerStatePlatformSleepState, PowerStateVoter or PowerStateSubsystemSleepState
* as defined in:
* hardware/interfaces/power/1.0/types.hal
* hardware/interfaces/power/1.1/types.hal
* If power.stats HAL is available, this includes PowerEntityStateResidencyResult
* as defined in:
* hardware/interfaces/power/stats/1.0/types.hal
message SubsystemSleepState {
// Subsystem name
optional string subsystem_name = 1;
// For PlatformLowPowerStats (hal 1.0), this is the voter name, which could be empty.
// For SubsystemLowPowerStats (hal 1.1), this is the sleep state name.
// For PowerEntityStateResidencyResult (hal power/stats/1.0) this is the
// powerEntityStateName from the corresponding PowerEntityStateInfo.
optional string subname = 2;
// The number of times it entered, or voted for entering the sleep state
optional uint64 count = 3;
// The length of time spent in, or spent voting for, the sleep state
optional uint64 time_millis = 4;
* Pulls on-device power measurement information.
* Data defined by hardware/interfaces/power/stats/1.0/types.hal.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/PowerStatsPuller.cpp
message OnDevicePowerMeasurement {
// Name of the subsystem (to which the rail belongs).
optional string subsystem_name = 1;
// Rail name. The rail lies within the subsystem.
optional string rail_name = 2;
// Time (in ms since boot) at which the rail energy value was measured.
// This may differ slightly from the time that statsd logs this information.
optional uint64 measurement_timestamp_millis = 3;
// Accumulated energy used via the rail since device boot in uWs.
optional uint64 energy_microwatt_secs = 4;
* Pulls Cpu time per frequency.
* Pulls the time the cpu spend on the frequency index. Frequency index
* starts from highest to lowest. The value should be monotonically
* increasing since boot. However, if there is a cpu
* hotplug event, the value would be reset as well.
message CpuTimePerFreq {
optional uint32 cluster = 1;
optional uint32 freq_index = 2;
optional uint64 time_millis = 3;
* Pulls Cpu Time Per Uid.
* Note that isolated process uid time should be attributed to host uids.
message CpuTimePerUid {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional uint64 user_time_micros = 2;
optional uint64 sys_time_micros = 3;
* Pulls Cpu Time Per Uid per frequency.
* Note that isolated process uid time should be attributed to host uids.
* For each uid, we order the time by descending frequencies.
message CpuTimePerUidFreq {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional uint32 freq_index = 2;
optional uint64 time_millis = 3;
* Pulls Wifi Controller Activity Energy Info
message WifiActivityInfo {
// timestamp(wall clock) of record creation
optional uint64 timestamp_millis = 1;
// stack reported state
// TODO: replace this with proto enum
optional int32 stack_state = 2;
// tx time in millis
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_millis = 3;
// rx time in millis
optional uint64 controller_rx_time_millis = 4;
// idle time in millis
optional uint64 controller_idle_time_millis = 5;
// product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms)
optional uint64 controller_energy_used = 6;
* Pulls Modem Activity Energy Info
message ModemActivityInfo {
// timestamp(wall clock) of record creation
optional uint64 timestamp_millis = 1;
// sleep time in millis.
optional uint64 sleep_time_millis = 2;
// idle time in millis
optional uint64 controller_idle_time_millis = 3;
* Tx power index
* index 0 = tx_power < 0dBm
* index 1 = 0dBm < tx_power < 5dBm
* index 2 = 5dBm < tx_power < 15dBm
* index 3 = 15dBm < tx_power < 20dBm
* index 4 = tx_power > 20dBm
// tx time in ms at power level 0
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl0_millis = 4;
// tx time in ms at power level 1
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl1_millis = 5;
// tx time in ms at power level 2
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl2_millis = 6;
// tx time in ms at power level 3
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl3_millis = 7;
// tx time in ms at power level 4
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl4_millis = 8;
// rx time in ms at power level 5
optional uint64 controller_rx_time_millis = 9;
// product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms)
optional uint64 energy_used = 10 [deprecated=true];
* Pulls Bluetooth Activity Energy Info
* Note: BluetoothBytesTransfer is pulled at the same time from the controller.
message BluetoothActivityInfo {
// timestamp(wall clock) of record creation
optional uint64 timestamp_millis = 1;
// bluetooth stack state
optional int32 bluetooth_stack_state = 2;
// tx time in millis
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_millis = 3;
// rx time in millis
optional uint64 controller_rx_time_millis = 4;
// idle time in millis
optional uint64 controller_idle_time_millis = 5;
// product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms)
optional uint64 energy_used = 6;
* Logs the memory stats for a process.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService for all managed processes (from ActivityManagerService).
message ProcessMemoryState {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The process name.
// Usually package name, "system" for system server.
// Provided by ActivityManagerService.
optional string process_name = 2;
// Current OOM score adjustment. Value read from ProcessRecord.
optional int32 oom_adj_score = 3;
// # of page-faults
optional int64 page_fault = 4;
// # of major page-faults
optional int64 page_major_fault = 5;
// RSS
// Value is read from memory.stat, field total_rss if per-app memory
// cgroups are enabled. Otherwise, value from /proc/pid/stat.
optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6;
// Value is read from memory.stat, field total_cache if per-app memory
// cgroups are enabled. Otherwise, 0.
optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7;
// Value is read from memory.stat, field total_swap if per-app memory
// cgroups are enabled. Otherwise, 0.
optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8;
// Deprecated: use ProcessMemoryHighWaterMark atom instead. Always -1.
optional int64 rss_high_watermark_in_bytes = 9 [deprecated = true];
// Deprecated: use ProcessMemorySnapshot atom instead. Always -1.
optional int64 start_time_nanos = 10 [deprecated = true];
// Deprecated: use ProcessMemorySnapshot atom instead. Always -1.
optional int32 anon_rss_and_swap_in_kilobytes = 11 [deprecated = true];
* Logs the memory high-water mark for a process.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService for all managed processes (from ActivityManagerServie)
* and for selected native processes.
* Pulling this atom resets high-water mark counters for all processes.
message ProcessMemoryHighWaterMark {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The process name.
// Usually package name or process cmdline.
// Provided by ActivityManagerService or read from /proc/PID/cmdline.
optional string process_name = 2;
// Deprecated: use rss_high_water_mark_in_kilobytes instead. This field is
// computed by converting kilobytes to bytes.
optional int64 rss_high_water_mark_in_bytes = 3 [deprecated = true];
// RSS high-water mark. Peak RSS usage of the process. Read from the VmHWM field in
// /proc/PID/status.
optional int32 rss_high_water_mark_in_kilobytes = 4;
* Logs the memory stats for a process.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService for all managed processes (from ActivityManagerService)
* and for selected native processes.
message ProcessMemorySnapshot {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The process name.
// Usually package name or process cmdline.
// Provided by ActivityManagerService or read from /proc/PID/cmdline.
optional string process_name = 2;
// The pid of the process.
// Allows to disambiguate instances of the process.
optional int32 pid = 3;
// The current OOM score adjustment value.
// Read from ProcessRecord for managed processes.
// Placeholder -1001 (OOM_SCORE_ADJ_MIN - 1, outside of allowed range) for native ones.
optional int32 oom_score_adj = 4;
// The current RSS of the process.
// VmRSS from /proc/pid/status.
optional int32 rss_in_kilobytes = 5;
// The current anon RSS of the process.
// RssAnon from /proc/pid/status.
optional int32 anon_rss_in_kilobytes = 6;
// The current swap size of the process.
// VmSwap from /proc/pid/status.
optional int32 swap_in_kilobytes = 7;
// The sum of rss_in_kilobytes and swap_in_kilobytes.
optional int32 anon_rss_and_swap_in_kilobytes = 8;
* Elapsed real time from SystemClock.
message SystemElapsedRealtime {
optional uint64 time_millis = 1;
* Up time from SystemClock.
message SystemUptime {
// Milliseconds since the system was booted.
// This clock stops when the system enters deep sleep (CPU off, display dark, device waiting
// for external input).
// It is not affected by clock scaling, idle, or other power saving mechanisms.
optional uint64 uptime_millis = 1;
* Reads from /proc/uid_concurrent_active_time which has the format:
* active: X (X is # cores)
* [uid0]: [time-0] [time-1] [time-2] ... (# entries = # cores)
* [uid1]: [time-0] [time-1] [time-2] ... ...
* ...
* Time-N means the CPU time a UID spent running concurrently with N other processes.
* The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot.
message CpuActiveTime {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional uint64 time_millis = 2;
* Reads from /proc/uid_concurrent_policy_time which has the format:
* policy0: X policy4: Y (there are X cores on policy0, Y cores on policy4)
* [uid0]: [time-0-0] [time-0-1] ... [time-1-0] [time-1-1] ...
* [uid1]: [time-0-0] [time-0-1] ... [time-1-0] [time-1-1] ...
* ...
* Time-X-Y means the time a UID spent on clusterX running concurrently with Y other processes.
* The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot.
message CpuClusterTime {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional int32 cluster_index = 2;
optional uint64 time_millis = 3;
* Pulls free disk space, for data, system partition and temporary directory.
message DiskSpace {
// available bytes in data partition
optional uint64 data_available_bytes = 1;
// available bytes in system partition
optional uint64 system_available_bytes = 2;
// available bytes in download cache or temp directories
optional uint64 temp_available_bytes = 3;
* Pulls battery coulomb counter, which is the remaining battery charge in uAh.
* Pulled from
message RemainingBatteryCapacity {
optional int32 charge_micro_ampere_hour = 1;
* Pulls battery capacity, which is the battery capacity when full in uAh.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp
message FullBatteryCapacity {
optional int32 capacity_micro_ampere_hour = 1;
* Pulls battery voltage.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp
message BatteryVoltage {
// The voltage of the battery, in millivolts.
optional int32 voltage_millivolt = 1;
* Pulls battery level (percent full, from 0 to 100).
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp
message BatteryLevel {
// Battery level. Should be in [0, 100].
optional int32 battery_level = 1;
* Pulls the temperature of various parts of the device.
* The units are tenths of a degree Celsius. Eg: 30.3C is reported as 303.
* Pulled from
message Temperature {
// The type of temperature being reported. Eg. CPU, GPU, SKIN, BATTERY, BCL_.
optional android.os.TemperatureTypeEnum sensor_location = 1;
// The name of the temperature source. Eg. CPU0
optional string sensor_name = 2;
// Temperature in tenths of a degree C.
// For BCL, it is decimillivolt, decimilliamps, and percentage * 10.
optional int32 temperature_deci_celsius = 3;
// Relative severity of the throttling, see enum definition.
optional android.os.ThrottlingSeverityEnum severity = 4;
* Pulls the statistics of calls to Binder.
* Binder stats will be reset every time the data is pulled. It means it can only be pulled by one
* config on the device.
* Next tag: 15
message BinderCalls {
// UID of the process responsible for the binder transaction. It will be set if the process
// executing the binder transaction attribute the transaction to another uid using
// Binder.setThreadWorkSource().
// If not set, the value will be -1.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// UID of the process executing the binder transaction.
optional int32 direct_caller_uid = 14;
// Fully qualified class name of the API call.
// This is a system server class name.
// TODO(gaillard): figure out if binder call stats includes data from isolated uids, if a uid
// gets recycled and we have isolated uids, we might attribute the data incorrectly.
// TODO(gaillard): there is a high dimensions cardinality, figure out if we should drop the less
// commonly used APIs.
optional string service_class_name = 2;
// Method name of the API call. It can also be a transaction code if we cannot
// resolve it to a name. See Binder#getTransactionName.
// This is a system server method name.
optional string service_method_name = 3;
// Total number of API calls.
optional int64 call_count = 4;
// True if the screen was interactive PowerManager#isInteractive at the end of the call.
optional bool screen_interactive = 13;
// Total number of API calls we have data recorded for. If we collected data for all the calls,
// call_count will be equal to recorded_call_count.
// If recorded_call_count is different than call_count, it means data collection has been
// sampled. All the fields below will be sampled in this case.
optional int64 recorded_call_count = 12;
// Number of exceptions thrown by the API.
optional int64 recorded_exception_count = 5;
// Total latency of all API calls.
// Average can be computed using total_latency_micros / recorded_call_count.
optional int64 recorded_total_latency_micros = 6;
// Maximum latency of one API call.
optional int64 recorded_max_latency_micros = 7;
// Total CPU usage of all API calls.
// Average can be computed using total_cpu_micros / recorded_call_count.
// Total can be computed using total_cpu_micros / recorded_call_count * call_count.
optional int64 recorded_total_cpu_micros = 8;
// Maximum CPU usage of one API call.
optional int64 recorded_max_cpu_micros = 9;
// Maximum parcel reply size of one API call.
optional int64 recorded_max_reply_size_bytes = 10;
// Maximum parcel request size of one API call.
optional int64 recorded_max_request_size_bytes = 11;
* Pulls the statistics of exceptions during calls to Binder.
* Binder stats are cumulative from boot unless somebody reset the data using
* > adb shell dumpsys binder_calls_stats --reset
message BinderCallsExceptions {
// Exception class name, e.g. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
// This is an exception class name thrown by the system server.
optional string exception_class_name = 1;
// Total number of exceptions.
optional int64 exception_count = 2;
* Pulls the statistics of message dispatching on HandlerThreads.
* Looper stats will be reset every time the data is pulled. It means it can only be pulled by one
* config on the device.
* Next tag: 11
message LooperStats {
// The uid that made a call to the System Server and caused the message to be enqueued.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Fully qualified class name of the handler target class.
// This field does not contain PII. This is a system server class name.
optional string handler_class_name = 2;
// The name of the thread that runs the Looper.
// This field does not contain PII. This is a system server thread name.
optional string looper_thread_name = 3;
// The name of the dispatched message.
// This field does not contain PII. This is a system server constant or class
// name.
optional string message_name = 4;
// Total number of successfully dispatched messages.
optional int64 message_count = 5;
// Total number of messages that failed dispatching.
optional int64 exception_count = 6;
// Total number of processed messages we have data recorded for. If we
// collected data for all the messages, message_count will be equal to
// recorded_message_count.
// If recorded_message_count is different than message_count, it means data
// collection has been sampled. The fields below will be sampled in this case.
optional int64 recorded_message_count = 7;
// Total latency of all processed messages.
// Average can be computed using recorded_total_latency_micros /
// recorded_message_count.
optional int64 recorded_total_latency_micros = 8;
// Total CPU usage of all processed message.
// Average can be computed using recorded_total_cpu_micros /
// recorded_message_count. Total can be computed using
// recorded_total_cpu_micros / recorded_message_count * message_count.
optional int64 recorded_total_cpu_micros = 9;
// True if the screen was interactive PowerManager#isInteractive at the end of the call.
optional bool screen_interactive = 10;
// Max recorded CPU usage of all processed messages.
optional int64 recorded_max_cpu_micros = 11;
// Max recorded latency of all processed messages.
optional int64 recorded_max_latency_micros = 12;
// Total number of messages we tracked the dispatching delay for. If we
// collected data for all the messages, message_count will be equal to
// recorded_delay_message_count.
// If recorded_delay_message_count is different than message_count, it means data
// collection has been sampled or/and not all messages specified the target dispatch time.
// The fields below will be sampled in this case.
optional int64 recorded_delay_message_count = 13;
// Total dispatching delay of all processed messages.
// Calculated as a difference between the target dispatching time (Message.when)
// and the actual dispatching time.
// Average can be computed using recorded_total_delay_millis / recorded_delay_message_count.
optional int64 recorded_total_delay_millis = 14;
// Max dispatching delay of all processed messages.
// Calculated as a difference between the target dispatching time (Message.when)
// and the actual dispatching time.
optional int64 recorded_max_delay_millis = 15;
* Pulls disk information, such as write speed and latency.
message DiskStats {
// Time taken to open, write 512B to, and close a file.
// -1 if error performing the check.
optional int64 data_write_latency_millis = 1;
optional bool file_based_encryption = 2;
// Recent disk write speed in kB/s.
// -1 if error querying storageed.
// 0 if data is unavailable.
optional int32 recent_disk_write_speed = 3;
* Free and total bytes of the Data, Cache, and System partition.
message DirectoryUsage {
enum Directory {
DATA = 1;
CACHE = 2;
optional Directory directory = 1;
optional int64 free_bytes = 2;
optional int64 total_bytes = 3;
* Size of an application: apk size, data size, and cache size.
* Reads from a cached file produced daily by
* Information is only reported for apps with the primary user (user 0).
* Sizes are aggregated by package name.
message AppSize {
// Including uids will involve modifying diskstats logic.
optional string package_name = 1;
// App size in bytes. -1 if unavailable.
optional int64 app_size_bytes = 2;
// App data size in bytes. -1 if unavailable.
optional int64 app_data_size_bytes = 3;
// App cache size in bytes. -1 if unavailable.
optional int64 app_cache_size_bytes = 4;
// Time that the cache file was produced.
// Uses System.currentTimeMillis(), which is wall clock time.
optional int64 cache_time_millis = 5;
* Size of a particular category. Eg: photos, videos.
* Reads from a cached file produced daily by
message CategorySize {
enum Category {
AUDIO = 6;
OTHER = 9;
optional Category category = 1;
// Category size in bytes.
optional int64 size_bytes = 2;
// Time that the cache file was produced.
// Uses System.currentTimeMillis(), which is wall clock time.
optional int64 cache_time_millis = 3;
* Pulls per uid I/O stats. The stats are cumulative since boot.
* Read/write bytes are I/O events from a storage device
* Read/write chars are data requested by read/write syscalls, and can be
* satisfied by caching.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService, which reads proc/uid_io/stats.
message DiskIo {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional int64 fg_chars_read = 2;
optional int64 fg_chars_write = 3;
optional int64 fg_bytes_read = 4;
optional int64 fg_bytes_write = 5;
optional int64 bg_chars_read = 6;
optional int64 bg_chars_write = 7;
optional int64 bg_bytes_read = 8;
optional int64 bg_bytes_write = 9;
optional int64 fg_fsync = 10;
optional int64 bg_fsync= 11;
* Pulls the number of fingerprints for each user.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService, which queries <Biometric>Manager.
message NumFingerprintsEnrolled {
// The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others.
// Defined in android/os/
optional int32 user = 1;
// Number of fingerprints registered to that user.
optional int32 num_fingerprints_enrolled = 2;
* Pulls the number of faces for each user.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService, which queries <Biometric>Manager.
message NumFacesEnrolled {
// The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others.
// Defined in android/os/
optional int32 user = 1;
// Number of faces registered to that user.
optional int32 num_faces_enrolled = 2;
* A mapping of role holder -> role
message RoleHolder {
// uid of the role holder
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// package name of the role holder
optional string package_name = 2;
// the role held
optional string role = 3;
message AggStats {
// These are all in byte resolution.
optional int64 min = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional int64 average = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional int64 max = 3 [deprecated = true];
// These are all in kilobyte resolution. Can fit in int32, so smaller on the wire than the above
// int64 fields.
optional int32 mean_kb = 4;
optional int32 max_kb = 5;
// A reduced subset of process states; reducing the number of possible states allows more
// aggressive device-side aggregation of statistics and hence reduces metric upload size.
enum ProcessStateAggregated {
// Persistent system process.
// Top activity; actually any visible activity.
// Process binding to top or a foreground service.
// Processing running a foreground service.
// Important foreground process (ime, wallpaper, etc).
// Important background process.
// Process running a receiver.
// All kinds of cached processes.
// Next tag: 13
message ProcessStatsStateProto {
optional android.service.procstats.ScreenState screen_state = 1;
optional android.service.procstats.MemoryState memory_state = 2 [deprecated = true];
// this enum list is from frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/app/procstats/
// and not frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/
optional android.service.procstats.ProcessState process_state = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional ProcessStateAggregated process_state_aggregated = 10;
// Millisecond uptime duration spent in this state
optional int64 duration_millis = 4 [deprecated = true];
// Same as above, but with minute resolution so it fits into an int32.
optional int32 duration_minutes = 11;
// Millisecond elapsed realtime duration spent in this state
optional int64 realtime_duration_millis = 9 [deprecated = true];
// Same as above, but with minute resolution so it fits into an int32.
optional int32 realtime_duration_minutes = 12;
// # of samples taken
optional int32 sample_size = 5;
// PSS is memory reserved for this process
optional AggStats pss = 6 [deprecated = true];
// USS is memory shared between processes, divided evenly for accounting
optional AggStats uss = 7 [deprecated = true];
// RSS is memory resident for this process
optional AggStats rss = 8;
// Next Tag: 8
message ProcessStatsProto {
// Name of process.
optional string process = 1;
// Uid of the process.
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Information about how often kills occurred
message Kill {
// Count of excessive CPU kills
optional int32 cpu = 1;
// Count of kills when cached
optional int32 cached = 2;
// PSS stats during cached kill
optional AggStats cached_pss = 3;
optional Kill kill = 3 [deprecated = true];
// Time and memory spent in various states.
repeated ProcessStatsStateProto states = 5;
// Total time process has been running... screen_state, memory_state, and process_state
// will not be set.
optional ProcessStatsStateProto total_running_state = 6;
// Association data for this process in this state;
// each entry here is one association.
repeated ProcessStatsAssociationProto assocs = 7;
// Next Tag: 6
message ProcessStatsAssociationProto {
// Procss Name of the associated process (client process of service binding)
optional string assoc_process_name = 1;
// Package Name of the associated package (client package of service binding)
optional string assoc_package_name = 2 [deprecated = true];
// UID of the associated process/package (client package of service binding)
optional int32 assoc_uid = 5 [(is_uid) = true];
// Total count of the times this association (service binding) appeared.
optional int32 total_count = 3;
// Uptime total duration in seconds this association (service binding) was around.
optional int32 total_duration_secs = 4;
message PackageServiceOperationStatsProto {
// Operate enum: Started, Foreground, Bound, Executing
optional android.service.procstats.ServiceOperationState operation = 1;
// Number of times the service was in this operation.
optional int32 count = 2;
// Information about a state the service can be in.
message StateStats {
// Screen state enum.
optional android.service.procstats.ScreenState screen_state = 1;
// Memory state enum.
optional android.service.procstats.MemoryState memory_state = 2;
// duration in milliseconds.
optional int64 duration_millis = 3;
// Millisecond elapsed realtime duration spent in this state
optional int64 realtime_duration_millis = 4;
repeated StateStats state_stats = 3;
message PackageServiceStatsProto {
// Name of service component.
optional string service_name = 1;
// The operation stats.
// The package_name, package_uid, package_version, service_name will not be set to save space.
repeated PackageServiceOperationStatsProto operation_stats = 2;
message PackageAssociationSourceProcessStatsProto {
// Uid of the process.
optional int32 process_uid = 1;
// Process name.
optional string process_name = 2;
// Package name.
optional string package_name = 7;
// Total count of the times this association appeared.
optional int32 total_count = 3;
// Millisecond uptime total duration this association was around.
optional int64 total_duration_millis = 4;
// Total count of the times this association became actively impacting its target process.
optional int32 active_count = 5;
// Information on one source in this association.
message StateStats {
// Process state enum.
optional android.service.procstats.ProcessState process_state = 1;
// Millisecond uptime duration spent in this state
optional int64 duration_millis = 2;
// Millisecond elapsed realtime duration spent in this state
optional int64 realtime_duration_mmillis = 3;
repeated StateStats active_state_stats = 6;
message PackageAssociationProcessStatsProto {
// Name of the target component.
optional string component_name = 1;
// Information on one source in this association.
repeated PackageAssociationSourceProcessStatsProto sources = 2;
message ProcessStatsPackageProto {
// Name of package.
optional string package = 1;
// Uid of the package.
optional int32 uid = 2;
// Version of the package.
optional int64 version = 3;
// Stats for each process running with the package loaded in to it.
repeated ProcessStatsProto process_stats = 4;
// Stats for each of the package's services.
repeated PackageServiceStatsProto service_stats = 5;
// Stats for each association with the package.
repeated PackageAssociationProcessStatsProto association_stats = 6;
message ProcessStatsSectionProto {
// Elapsed realtime at start of report.
optional int64 start_realtime_millis = 1;
// Elapsed realtime at end of report.
optional int64 end_realtime_millis = 2;
// CPU uptime at start of report.
optional int64 start_uptime_millis = 3;
// CPU uptime at end of report.
optional int64 end_uptime_millis = 4;
// System runtime library. e.g. "", "".
optional string runtime = 5;
// whether kernel reports swapped pss.
optional bool has_swapped_pss = 6;
// Data completeness. e.g. "complete", "partial", shutdown", or "sysprops".
enum Status {
repeated Status status = 7;
// Number of pages available of various types and sizes, representation fragmentation.
repeated ProcessStatsAvailablePagesProto available_pages = 10;
// Stats for each process.
repeated ProcessStatsProto process_stats = 8;
// Stats for each package.
repeated ProcessStatsPackageProto package_stats = 9;
message ProcessStatsAvailablePagesProto {
// Node these pages are in (as per /proc/pagetypeinfo)
optional int32 node = 1;
// Zone these pages are in (as per /proc/pagetypeinfo)
optional string zone = 2;
// Label for the type of these pages (as per /proc/pagetypeinfo)
optional string label = 3;
// Distribution of number of pages available by order size. First entry in array is
// order 0, second is order 1, etc. Each order increase is a doubling of page size.
repeated int32 pages_per_order = 4;
* Pulled from
message ProcStats {
optional ProcessStatsSectionProto proc_stats_section = 1;
// Data pulled from device into this is sometimes sharded across multiple atoms to work around
// a size limit. When this happens, this shard ID will contain an increasing 1-indexed integer
// with the number of this shard.
optional int32 shard_id = 2;
* Pulled from
message ProcStatsPkgProc {
optional ProcessStatsSectionProto proc_stats_section = 1;
// Next Tag: 2
message PackageRemoteViewInfoProto {
optional string package_name = 1;
// add per-package additional info here (like channels)
// Next Tag: 2
message NotificationRemoteViewsProto {
repeated PackageRemoteViewInfoProto package_remote_view_info = 1;
* Pulled from
message NotificationRemoteViews {
optional NotificationRemoteViewsProto notification_remote_views = 1;
* Atom that contains a list of a package's preferences, pulled from
message PackageNotificationPreferences {
// Uid under which the package is installed.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Notification importance, which specifies when and how a notification is displayed.
// Specified under core/java/android/app/
optional int32 importance = 2;
// Lockscreen visibility as set by the user.
optional int32 visibility = 3;
// Bitfield mask indicating what fields were locked by the user (see LockableAppfields in
optional int32 user_locked_fields = 4;
* Atom that contains a list of a package's channel preferences, pulled from
message PackageNotificationChannelPreferences {
// Uid under which the package is installed.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Channel's ID. Should always be available.
optional string channel_id = 2;
// Channel's name. Should always be available.
optional string channel_name = 3;
// Channel's description. Optionally set by the channel creator.
optional string description = 4;
// Notification importance, which specifies when and how a notification is displayed. Specified
// under core/java/android/app/
optional int32 importance = 5;
// Bitmask representing which fields have been set by the user. See field bitmask descriptions
// at core/java/android/app/
optional int32 user_locked_fields = 6;
// Indicates if the channel was deleted by the app.
optional bool is_deleted = 7;
// Indicates if the channel was marked as a conversation by the app.
optional bool is_conversation = 8;
// Indicates if the channel is a conversation that was demoted by the user.
optional bool is_demoted_conversation = 9;
// Indicates if the channel is a conversation that was marked as important by the user.
optional bool is_important_conversation = 10;
* Atom that represents an item in the list of Do Not Disturb rules, pulled from
message DNDModeProto {
enum Mode {
ROOT_CONFIG = -1; // Used to distinguish the config (one per user) from the rules.
optional int32 user = 1; // Android user ID (0, 1, 10, ...)
optional bool enabled = 2; // true for ROOT_CONFIG if a manualRule is enabled
optional bool channels_bypassing = 3; // only valid for ROOT_CONFIG
optional Mode zen_mode = 4;
// id is one of the system default rule IDs, or empty
// May also be "MANUAL_RULE" to indicate app-activation of the manual rule.
optional string id = 5;
optional int32 uid = 6 [(is_uid) = true]; // currently only SYSTEM_UID or 0 for other
optional DNDPolicyProto policy = 7;
* Atom that represents a Do Not Disturb policy, an optional detail proto for DNDModeProto.
message DNDPolicyProto {
enum State {
optional State calls = 1;
optional State repeat_callers = 2;
optional State messages = 3;
optional State conversations = 4;
optional State reminders = 5;
optional State events = 6;
optional State alarms = 7;
optional State media = 8;
optional State system = 9;
optional State fullscreen = 10;
optional State lights = 11;
optional State peek = 12;
optional State status_bar = 13;
optional State badge = 14;
optional State ambient = 15;
optional State notification_list = 16;
enum PeopleType {
optional PeopleType allow_calls_from = 17;
optional PeopleType allow_messages_from = 18;
enum ConversationType {
optional ConversationType allow_conversations_from = 19;
* Atom that contains a list of a package's channel group preferences, pulled from
message PackageNotificationChannelGroupPreferences {
// Uid under which the package is installed.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Channel Group's ID. Should always be available.
optional string group_id = 2;
// Channel Group's name. Should always be available.
optional string group_name = 3;
// Channel Group's description. Optionally set by group creator.
optional string description = 4;
// Indicates if notifications from this channel group are blocked.
optional bool is_blocked = 5;
// Bitmask representing which fields have been set by the user. See field bitmask descriptions
// at core/java/android/app/
optional int32 user_locked_fields = 6;
message PowerProfileProto {
optional double cpu_suspend = 1;
optional double cpu_idle = 2;
optional double cpu_active = 3;
message CpuCluster {
optional int32 id = 1;
optional double cluster_power = 2;
optional int32 cores = 3;
repeated int64 speed = 4;
repeated double core_power = 5;
repeated CpuCluster cpu_cluster = 40;
optional double wifi_scan = 4;
optional double wifi_on = 5;
optional double wifi_active = 6;
optional double wifi_controller_idle = 7;
optional double wifi_controller_rx = 8;
optional double wifi_controller_tx = 9;
repeated double wifi_controller_tx_levels = 10;
optional double wifi_controller_operating_voltage = 11;
optional double bluetooth_controller_idle = 12;
optional double bluetooth_controller_rx = 13;
optional double bluetooth_controller_tx = 14;
optional double bluetooth_controller_operating_voltage = 15;
optional double modem_controller_sleep = 16;
optional double modem_controller_idle = 17;
optional double modem_controller_rx = 18;
repeated double modem_controller_tx = 19;
optional double modem_controller_operating_voltage = 20;
optional double gps_on = 21;
repeated double gps_signal_quality_based = 22;
optional double gps_operating_voltage = 23;
optional double bluetooth_on = 24;
optional double bluetooth_active = 25;
optional double bluetooth_at_cmd = 26;
optional double ambient_display = 27;
optional double screen_on = 28;
optional double radio_on = 29;
optional double radio_scanning = 30;
optional double radio_active = 31;
optional double screen_full = 32;
optional double audio = 33;
optional double video = 34;
optional double flashlight = 35;
optional double memory = 36;
optional double camera = 37;
optional double wifi_batched_scan = 38;
optional double battery_capacity = 39;
* power_profile.xml and other constants for power model calculations.
* Pulled from
message PowerProfile {
optional PowerProfileProto power_profile = 1;
* Logs when a user restriction was added or removed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
message UserRestrictionChanged {
// The raw string of the user restriction as defined in UserManager.
// Allowed values are defined in UserRestrictionsUtils#USER_RESTRICTIONS.
optional string restriction = 1;
// Whether the restriction is enabled or disabled.
optional bool enabled = 2;
* Pulls process user time and system time. Puller takes a snapshot of all pids
* in the system and returns cpu stats for those that are working at the time.
* Dead pids will be dropped. Kernel processes are excluded.
* Min cool-down is 5 sec.
message ProcessCpuTime {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string process_name = 2;
// Process cpu time in user space, cumulative from boot/process start
optional int64 user_time_millis = 3;
// Process cpu time in system space, cumulative from boot/process start
optional int64 system_time_millis = 4;
* Pulls the CPU usage for each thread.
* Read from /proc/$PID/task/$TID/time_in_state files.
* TODO(mishaw): This is an experimental atom. Issues with big/little CPU frequencies, and
* time_in_state files not being present on some phones, have not been addressed. These should be
* considered before a public release.
message CpuTimePerThreadFreq {
// UID that owns the process.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// ID of the process.
optional int32 process_id = 2;
// ID of the thread.
optional int32 thread_id = 3;
// Name of the process taken from `/proc/$PID/cmdline`.
optional string process_name = 4;
// Name of the thread taken from `/proc/$PID/task/$TID/comm`
optional string thread_name = 5;
// Report eight different frequencies, and how much time is spent in each frequency. Frequencies
// are given in KHz, and time is given in milliseconds since the thread started. All eight
// frequencies are given here as the alternative is sending eight separate atoms. This method
// significantly reduces the amount of data created
optional int32 frequency1_khz = 6;
optional int32 time1_millis = 7;
optional int32 frequency2_khz = 8;
optional int32 time2_millis = 9;
optional int32 frequency3_khz = 10;
optional int32 time3_millis = 11;
optional int32 frequency4_khz = 12;
optional int32 time4_millis = 13;
optional int32 frequency5_khz = 14;
optional int32 time5_millis = 15;
optional int32 frequency6_khz = 16;
optional int32 time6_millis = 17;
optional int32 frequency7_khz = 18;
optional int32 time7_millis = 19;
optional int32 frequency8_khz = 20;
optional int32 time8_millis = 21;
* Pulls information about the device's build.
message BuildInformation {
// Build.FINGERPRINT. A string that uniquely identifies this build. Do not parse.
// E.g. may be composed of the brand, product, device, release, id, incremental, type, and tags.
optional string fingerprint = 1;
// Build.BRAND. The consumer-visible brand with which the product/hardware will be associated.
optional string brand = 2;
// Build.PRODUCT. The name of the overall product.
optional string product = 3;
// Build.DEVICE. The name of the industrial design.
optional string device = 4;
// Build.VERSION.RELEASE. The user-visible version string. E.g., "1.0" or "3.4b5" or "bananas".
optional string version_release = 5;
// Build.ID. E.g. a label like "M4-rc20".
optional string id = 6;
// Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL. The internal value used by the underlying source control to
// represent this build.
optional string version_incremental = 7;
// Build.TYPE. The type of build, like "user" or "eng".
optional string type = 8;
// Build.TAGS. Comma-separated tags describing the build, like "unsigned,debug".
optional string tags = 9;
* Logs information about mismatched caller for content capture.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/service/contentcapture/
message ContentCaptureCallerMismatchReported {
optional string intended_package = 1;
optional string calling_package = 2;
* Logs information about content capture service events.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/contentcapture/java/com/android/server/contentcapture/
message ContentCaptureServiceEvents {
// The type of event.
enum Event {
optional Event event = 1;
// component/package of content capture service.
optional string service_info = 2;
// component/package of target.
// it's a concatenated list of component/package for SET_WHITELIST event
// separated by " ".
optional string target_info = 3;
* Logs information about content capture session events.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/contentcapture/java/com/android/server/contentcapture/
message ContentCaptureSessionEvents {
// The type of event.
enum Event {
optional int32 session_id = 1;
optional Event event = 2;
// (n/a on session finished)
optional int32 state_flags = 3;
// component/package of content capture service.
optional string service_info = 4;
// component/package of app.
// (n/a on session finished)
optional string app_info = 5;
optional bool is_child_session = 6;
* Logs information about session being flushed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/contentcapture/java/com/android/server/contentcapture/
message ContentCaptureFlushed {
optional int32 session_id = 1;
// component/package of content capture service.
optional string service_info = 2;
// component/package of app.
optional string app_info = 3;
// session start/finish events
optional int32 child_session_started = 4;
optional int32 child_session_finished = 5;
// count of view events.
optional int32 view_appeared_count = 6;
optional int32 view_disappeared_count = 7;
optional int32 view_text_changed_count = 8;
// Flush stats.
optional int32 max_events = 9;
optional int32 idle_flush_freq = 10;
optional int32 text_flush_freq = 11;
optional int32 flush_reason = 12;
* Pulls on-device BatteryStats power use calculations for the overall device.
message DeviceCalculatedPowerUse {
// Power used by the device in nAs (i.e. nanocoulombs (nC)), as computed by BatteryStats, since
// BatteryStats last reset (i.e. roughly since device was last significantly charged).
// Currently, this is from BatteryStatsHelper.getComputedPower() (not getTotalPower()).
optional int64 computed_power_nano_amp_secs = 1;
* Pulls on-device BatteryStats power use calculations broken down by uid.
* This atom should be complemented by DeviceCalculatedPowerBlameOther, which contains the power use
* that is attributed to non-uid items. They must all be included to get the total power use.
message DeviceCalculatedPowerBlameUid {
// Uid being blamed. Note: isolated uids have already been mapped to host uid.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Power used by this uid in nAs (i.e. nanocoulombs (nC)), as computed by BatteryStats, since
// BatteryStats last reset (i.e. roughly since device was last significantly charged).
optional int64 power_nano_amp_secs = 2;
* Pulls on-device BatteryStats power use calculations that are not due to a uid, broken down by
* drain type.
* This atom should be complemented by DeviceCalculatedPowerBlameUid, which contains the blame that
* is attributed uids. They must all be included to get the total power use.
message DeviceCalculatedPowerBlameOther {
// The type of item whose power use is being reported.
enum DrainType {
// reserved 1; reserved "APP"; // Logged instead in DeviceCalculatedPowerBlameUid.
// Cell-standby
CELL = 4;
IDLE = 6;
// Amount that total computed drain exceeded the drain estimated using the
// battery level changes and capacity.
PHONE = 9;
SCREEN = 10;
// Amount that total computed drain was below the drain estimated using the
// battery level changes and capacity.
// reserved 12; reserved "USER"; // Entire drain for a user. This is NOT supported.
WIFI = 13;
optional DrainType drain_type = 1;
// Power used by this item in nAs (i.e. nanocoulombs (nC)), as computed by BatteryStats, since
// BatteryStats last reset (i.e. roughly since device was last significantly charged).
optional int64 power_nano_amp_secs = 2;
* Logs device policy features.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
* packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/src/com/android/managedprovisioning/
message DevicePolicyEvent {
// The event id - unique for each event.
optional android.stats.devicepolicy.EventId event_id = 1;
// The admin package name.
optional string admin_package_name = 2;
// A generic integer parameter.
optional int32 integer_value = 3;
// A generic boolean parameter.
optional bool boolean_value = 4;
// A parameter specifying a time period in milliseconds.
optional uint64 time_period_millis = 5;
// A parameter specifying a list of package names, bundle extras or string parameters.
optional android.stats.devicepolicy.StringList string_list_value = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Logs when DocumentsUI is started, and how. Call this when DocumentsUI first starts up.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUILaunchReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.LaunchAction launch_action = 1;
optional bool has_initial_uri = 2;
optional android.stats.docsui.MimeType mime_type = 3;
optional android.stats.docsui.Root initial_root = 4;
* Logs root/app visited event in file managers/picker. Call this when the user
* taps on root/app in hamburger menu.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIRootVisitedReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.ContextScope scope = 1;
optional android.stats.docsui.Root root = 2;
* Logs file operation stats. Call this when a file operation has completed.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIFileOperationReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.Provider provider = 1;
optional android.stats.docsui.FileOperation file_op = 2;
* Logs file operation stats. Call this when a copy/move operation has completed with a specific
* mode.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIFileOperationCopyMoveModeReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.FileOperation file_op = 1;
optional android.stats.docsui.CopyMoveOpMode mode = 2;
* Logs file sub operation stats. Call this when a file operation has failed.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIFileOperationFailureReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.Authority authority = 1;
optional android.stats.docsui.SubFileOperation sub_op = 2;
* Logs the cancellation of a file operation. Call this when a job is canceled
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIFileOperationCanceledReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.FileOperation file_op = 1;
* Logs startup time in milliseconds.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIStartupMsReported {
optional int32 startup_millis = 1;
* Logs the action that was started by user.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIUserActionReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.UserAction action = 1;
* Logs the invalid type when invalid scoped access is requested.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIInvalidScopedAccessRequestReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.InvalidScopedAccess type = 1;
* Logs the package name that launches docsui picker mode.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIPickerLaunchedFromReported {
optional string package_name = 1;
* Logs the search type.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUISearchTypeReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.SearchType search_type = 1;
* Logs the search mode.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUISearchModeReported {
optional android.stats.docsui.SearchMode search_mode = 1;
* Logs the pick result information.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIPickResultReported {
optional int32 total_action_count = 1;
optional int64 duration_millis = 2;
optional int32 file_count= 3;
optional bool is_searching = 4;
optional android.stats.docsui.Root picked_from = 5;
optional android.stats.docsui.MimeType mime_type = 6;
optional int32 repeatedly_pick_times = 7;
/** Logs the drag and drop of files.
* Logged from:
* package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/
message DocsUIDragAndDropReported {
optional bool drag_initiated_from_docsui = 1;
* Logs when an app's memory is compacted.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message AppCompacted {
// The pid of the process being compacted.
optional int32 pid = 1;
// The name of the process being compacted.
optional string process_name = 2;
// The type of compaction.
enum Action {
SOME = 1;
FULL = 2;
BFGS = 4;
optional Action action = 3;
// Total RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process prior to compaction.
optional int64 before_rss_total_kilobytes = 4;
// File RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process prior to compaction.
optional int64 before_rss_file_kilobytes = 5;
// Anonymous RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process prior to compaction.
optional int64 before_rss_anon_kilobytes = 6;
// Swap in kilobytes consumed by the process prior to compaction.
optional int64 before_swap_kilobytes = 7;
// Total RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process after compaction.
optional int64 after_rss_total_kilobytes = 8;
// File RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process after compaction.
optional int64 after_rss_file_kilobytes = 9;
// Anonymous RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process after compaction.
optional int64 after_rss_anon_kilobytes = 10;
// Swap in kilobytes consumed by the process after compaction.
optional int64 after_swap_kilobytes = 11;
// The time taken to perform compaction in milliseconds.
optional int64 time_to_compact_millis = 12;
// The last compaction action performed for this app.
optional Action last_action = 13;
// The last time that compaction was attempted on this process in milliseconds
// since boot, not including sleep (see SystemClock.uptimeMillis()).
optional int64 last_compact_timestamp_ms_since_boot = 14;
// The "setAdj" (i.e. previous) oom_score_adj at the time of compaction.
optional int32 oom_score_adj = 15;
// The process state at the time of compaction.
optional process_state = 16 [default = PROCESS_STATE_UNKNOWN];
// Free ZRAM in kilobytes before compaction.
optional int64 before_zram_free_kilobytes = 17;
// Free ZRAM in kilobytes after compaction.
optional int64 after_zram_free_kilobytes = 18;
* Logs when a Tethering event occurs.
message NetworkTetheringReported {
// tethering error code
optional android.stats.connectivity.ErrorCode error_code = 1;
// tethering downstream type
optional android.stats.connectivity.DownstreamType downstream_type = 2;
// transport type of upstream network
optional android.stats.connectivity.UpstreamType upstream_type = 3;
// The user type of Tethering
optional android.stats.connectivity.UserType user_type= 4;
* Logs a DNS lookup operation initiated by the system resolver on behalf of an application
* invoking native APIs such as getaddrinfo() or Java APIs such as Network#getAllByName().
* The NetworkDnsEventReported message represents the entire lookup operation, which may
* result one or more queries to the recursive DNS resolvers. Those are individually logged
* in DnsQueryEvents to enable computing error rates and network latency and timeouts
* broken up by query type, transport, network interface, etc.
message NetworkDnsEventReported {
optional android.stats.dnsresolver.EventType event_type = 1;
optional android.stats.dnsresolver.ReturnCode return_code = 2;
// The latency in microseconds of the entire DNS lookup operation.
optional int32 latency_micros = 3;
// Only valid for event_type = EVENT_GETADDRINFO.
optional int32 hints_ai_flags = 4;
// Flags passed to android_res_nsend() defined in multinetwork.h
// Only valid for event_type = EVENT_RESNSEND.
optional int32 res_nsend_flags = 5;
optional android.stats.dnsresolver.NetworkType network_type = 6;
// The DNS over TLS mode on a specific netId.
optional android.stats.dnsresolver.PrivateDnsModes private_dns_modes = 7;
// Additional pass-through fields opaque to statsd.
// The DNS resolver Mainline module can add new fields here without requiring an OS update.
optional android.stats.dnsresolver.DnsQueryEvents dns_query_events = 8 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The sample rate of DNS stats (to statsd) is 1/sampling_rate_denom.
optional int32 sampling_rate_denom = 9;
* logs the CapportApiData info
* Logged from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/
message CapportApiData {
// The TTL of the network connection provided by captive portal
optional int32 remaining_ttl_secs = 1;
// The limit traffic data of the network connection provided by captive portal
optional int32 remaining_bytes = 2;
// Is portal url option included in the DHCP packet (Yes, No)
optional bool has_portal_url = 3;
// Is venue info (e.g. store info, maps, flight status) included (Yes, No)
optional bool has_venue_info = 4;
* logs a network Probe Event
* Logged from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/
message ProbeEvent {
// The probe type (http or https, or captive portal API...)
optional android.stats.connectivity.ProbeType probe_type = 1;
// The latency in microseconds of the probe event
optional int32 latency_micros = 2;
// The result of the probe event
optional android.stats.connectivity.ProbeResult probe_result = 3;
// The CaptivePortal API info
optional CapportApiData capport_api_data = 4;
* log each ProbeEvent in ProbeEvents
* Logged from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/
message ProbeEvents {
// Record probe event during the validation
repeated ProbeEvent probe_event = 1;
* The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) session info
* Logged from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/android/net/dhcp/
message DhcpSession {
// The DHCP Feature(s) enabled in this session
repeated android.stats.connectivity.DhcpFeature used_features = 1;
// The discover packet (re)transmit count
optional int32 discover_count = 2;
// The request packet (re)transmit count
optional int32 request_count = 3;
// The IPv4 address conflict count
// (only be meaningful when duplicate address detection is enabled)
optional int32 conflict_count = 4;
// The DHCP packet parsing error code in this session
// (defined in
repeated android.stats.connectivity.DhcpErrorCode error_code = 5;
// The result of DHCP hostname transliteration
optional android.stats.connectivity.HostnameTransResult ht_result = 6;
* Logs Network IP provisioning event
* Logged from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/networkstack/metrics/
message NetworkIpProvisioningReported {
// Transport type (WIFI, CELLULAR, BLUETOOTH, ..)
optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1;
// The latency in microseconds of IP Provisioning over IPV4
optional int32 ipv4_latency_micros = 2;
// The latency in microseconds of IP Provisioning over IPV6
optional int32 ipv6_latency_micros = 3;
// The time duration between provisioning start and end (success or failure)
optional int64 provisioning_duration_micros = 4;
// The specific disconnect reason for this IP provisioning
optional android.stats.connectivity.DisconnectCode disconnect_code = 5;
// Log DHCP session info (Only valid for IPv4)
optional DhcpSession dhcp_session = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The random number between 0 ~ 999 for sampling
optional int32 random_number = 7;
* Logs Network DHCP Renew event
* Logged from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/android/net/dhcp/
message NetworkDhcpRenewReported {
// Transport type (WIFI, CELLULAR, BLUETOOTH, ..)
optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1;
// The request packet (re)transmit count
optional int32 request_count = 2;
// The latency in microseconds of DHCP Renew
optional int32 latency_micros = 3;
// The DHCP error code is defined in
optional android.stats.connectivity.DhcpErrorCode error_code = 4;
// The result of DHCP renew
optional android.stats.connectivity.DhcpRenewResult renew_result = 5;
// The random number between 0 ~ 999 for sampling
optional int32 random_number = 6;
* Logs Network Validation event
* Logged from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/
message NetworkValidationReported {
// Transport type (WIFI, CELLULAR, BLUETOOTH, ..)
optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1;
// Record each probe event
optional ProbeEvents probe_events = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The result of the network validation
optional android.stats.connectivity.ValidationResult validation_result = 3;
// The latency in microseconds of network validation
optional int32 latency_micros = 4;
// The validation index (the first validation attempt or second, third...)
optional int32 validation_index = 5;
// The random number between 0 ~ 999 for sampling
optional int32 random_number = 6;
* Logs NetworkStack Quirk event
* Logged from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/networkstack/
message NetworkStackQuirkReported {
// Transport type (WIFI, CELLULAR, BLUETOOTH, ..)
optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1;
// Record each Quirk event
optional android.stats.connectivity.NetworkQuirkEvent event = 2;
* Logs when a data stall event occurs.
* Log from:
* packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/
message DataStallEvent {
// Data stall evaluation type.
// See packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/
// Refer to the definition of DATA_STALL_EVALUATION_TYPE_*.
optional int32 evaluation_type = 1;
// See definition in data_stall_event.proto.
optional validation_result = 2;
// See definition in data_stall_event.proto.
optional network_type = 3;
// See definition in data_stall_event.proto.
optional wifi_info = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// See definition in data_stall_event.proto.
optional cell_info = 5 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// See definition in data_stall_event.proto.
optional dns_event = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The tcp packets fail rate from the latest tcp polling.
optional int32 tcp_fail_rate = 7;
// Number of packets sent since the last received packet.
optional int32 tcp_sent_since_last_recv = 8;
* Logs when RescueParty resets some set of experiment flags.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
message RescuePartyResetReported {
// The rescue level of this reset. A value of 0 indicates missing or unknown level information.
optional int32 rescue_level = 1;
* Logs when signed config is received from an APK, and if that config was applied successfully.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/signedconfig/
message SignedConfigReported {
enum Type {
optional Type type = 1;
// The final status of the signed config received.
enum Status {
optional Status status = 2;
// The version of the signed config processed.
optional int32 version = 3;
// The package name that the config was extracted from.
optional string from_package = 4;
enum Key {
NO_KEY = 0;
DEBUG = 1;
// Which key was used to verify the config.
optional Key verified_with = 5;
* Logs GNSS Network-Initiated (NI) location events.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
message GnssNiEventReported {
// The type of GnssNiEvent.
enum EventType {
optional EventType event_type = 1;
// An ID generated by HAL to associate NI notifications and UI responses.
optional int32 notification_id = 2;
// A type which distinguishes different categories of NI request, such as VOICE, UMTS_SUPL etc.
optional android.server.location.GnssNiType ni_type = 3;
// NI requires notification.
optional bool need_notify = 4;
// NI requires verification.
optional bool need_verify = 5;
// NI requires privacy override, no notification/minimal trace.
optional bool privacy_override = 6;
// Timeout period to wait for user response. Set to 0 for no timeout limit. Specified in
// seconds.
optional int32 timeout = 7;
// Default response when timeout.
optional android.server.location.GnssUserResponseType default_response = 8;
// String representing the requester of the network inititated location request.
optional string requestor_id = 9;
// Notification message text string representing the service(for eg. SUPL-service) who sent the
// network initiated location request.
optional string text = 10;
// requestorId decoding scheme.
optional android.server.location.GnssNiEncodingType requestor_id_encoding = 11;
// Notification message text decoding scheme.
optional android.server.location.GnssNiEncodingType text_encoding = 12;
// True if SUPL ES is enabled.
optional bool is_supl_es_enabled = 13;
// True if GNSS location is enabled.
optional bool is_location_enabled = 14;
// GNSS NI responses which define the response in NI structures.
optional android.server.location.GnssUserResponseType user_response = 15;
* Logs GNSS non-framework (NFW) location notification.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
message GnssNfwNotificationReported {
// Package name of the Android proxy application representing the non-framework entity that
// requested location. Set to empty string if unknown.
optional string proxy_app_package_name = 1;
// Protocol stack that initiated the non-framework location request.
optional android.server.location.NfwProtocolStack protocol_stack = 2;
// Name of the protocol stack if protocol_stack field is set to OTHER_PROTOCOL_STACK. Otherwise,
// set to empty string. This field is opaque to the framework and used for logging purposes.
optional string other_protocol_stack_name = 3;
// Source initiating/receiving the location information.
optional android.server.location.NfwRequestor requestor = 4;
// Identity of the endpoint receiving the location information. For example, carrier name, OEM
// name, SUPL SLP/E-SLP FQDN, chipset vendor name, etc. This field is opaque to the framework
// and used for logging purposes.
optional string requestor_id = 5;
// Indicates whether location information was provided for this request.
optional android.server.location.NfwResponseType response_type = 6;
// True if the device is in user initiated emergency session.
optional bool in_emergency_mode = 7;
// True if cached location is provided.
optional bool is_cached_location = 8;
// True if proxy app permission mismatch between framework and GNSS HAL.
optional bool is_permission_mismatched = 9;
* Logs GNSS configuration as defined in IGnssConfiguration.hal.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
message GnssConfigurationReported {
// SUPL host name.
optional string supl_host = 1;
// SUPL port number.
optional int32 supl_port = 2;
// C2K host name.
optional string c2k_host = 3;
// C2K port number.
optional int32 c2k_port = 4;
// The SUPL version requested by Carrier.
optional int32 supl_ver = 5;
// The SUPL mode.
optional android.server.location.SuplMode supl_mode = 6;
// True if NI emergency SUPL restrictions is enabled.
optional bool supl_es = 7;
// LTE Positioning Profile settings
optional android.server.location.LppProfile lpp_profile = 8;
// Positioning protocol on A-Glonass system.
optional android.server.location.GlonassPosProtocol a_glonass_pos_protocol_select = 9;
// True if emergency PDN is used. Otherwise, regular PDN is used.
optional bool use_emergency_pdn_for_emergency_supl= 10;
// Configurations of how GPS functionalities should be locked when user turns off GPS On setting.
optional android.server.location.GpsLock gps_lock = 11;
// Number of seconds to extend the emergency session duration post emergency call.
optional int32 es_extension_sec = 12;
// The full list of package names of proxy Android applications representing the non-framework
// location access entities (on/off the device) for which the framework user has granted
// non-framework location access permission. The package names are concatenated in one string
// with spaces as separators.
optional string enabled_proxy_app_package_name_list = 13;
* Logs when a NFC device's error occurred.
* Logged from:
* system/nfc/src/nfc/nfc/
* packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/cardemulation/
message NfcErrorOccurred {
enum Type {
optional Type type = 1;
// If it's nci cmd timeout, log the timeout command.
optional uint32 nci_cmd = 2;
optional uint32 error_ntf_status_code = 3;
* Logs when a NFC device's state changed event
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/
message NfcStateChanged {
enum State {
OFF = 1;
ON = 2;
ON_LOCKED = 3; // Secure Nfc enabled.
CRASH_RESTART = 4; // NfcService watchdog timeout restart.
optional State state = 1;
* Logs when a NFC Beam Transaction occurred.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/
message NfcBeamOccurred {
enum Operation {
SEND = 1;
optional Operation operation = 1;
* Logs when a NFC Card Emulation Transaction occurred.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/cardemulation/
* packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/cardemulation/
message NfcCardemulationOccurred {
enum Category {
// Transaction belongs to HCE payment or HCE other category, or offhost.
optional Category category = 1;
// SeName from transaction: SIMx, eSEx, HCE, HCEF.
optional string se_name = 2;
* Logs when a NFC Tag event occurred.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/
message NfcTagOccurred {
enum Type {
URL = 1;
optional Type type = 1;
* Logs when Hce transaction triggered
* Logged from:
* system/nfc/src/nfc/nfc/
message NfcHceTransactionOccurred {
// The latency period(in microseconds) it took for the first HCE data
// exchange.
optional uint32 latency_micros = 1;
* Logs when SecureElement state event changed
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/SecureElement/src/com/android/se/
message SeStateChanged {
enum State {
optional State state = 1;
optional string state_change_reason = 2;
// SIMx or eSEx.
optional string terminal = 3;
* Information about a permission grant request
message PermissionGrantRequestResultReported {
// unique value identifying an API call. A API call might result in multiple of these atoms
optional int64 request_id = 1;
// UID of package requesting the permission grant
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package requesting the permission grant
optional string package_name = 3;
// The permission to be granted
optional string permission_name = 4;
// If the permission was explicitly requested via the API or added by the system
optional bool is_implicit = 5;
enum Result {
// permission request was ignored
// permission request was ignored because it was user fixed
// permission request was ignored because it was policy fixed
// permission was granted by user action
// permission was automatically granted
// permission was denied by user action
// permission was denied with prejudice by the user
// permission was automatically denied
// permission request was ignored because permission is restricted
// one time permission was granted by user action
// user ignored request by leaving the request screen without choosing any option
// user granted the permission after being linked to settings
// user denied the permission after being linked to settings
// user denied the permission with prejudice after being linked to settings
// permission was automatically revoked after one-time permission expired
// permission was automatically revoked for unused app
// The result of the permission grant
optional Result result = 6;
* Logs when Omapi API used
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/SecureElement/src/com/android/se/
message SeOmapiReported {
enum Operation {
optional Operation operation = 1;
// SIMx or eSEx.
optional string terminal = 2;
optional string package_name = 3;
* Logs the dispatch latency of a broadcast during processing of BOOT_COMPLETED.
* The dispatch latency is the dispatchClockTime - enqueueClockTime.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message BroadcastDispatchLatencyReported {
optional int64 dispatch_latency_millis = 1;
* Logs AttentionManagerService attention check result.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/attention/
message AttentionManagerServiceResultReported {
// See core/java/android/service/attention/
enum AttentionCheckResult {
optional AttentionCheckResult attention_check_result = 1 [default = UNKNOWN];
* Logs when an adb connection changes state.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/adb/
message AdbConnectionChanged {
// The last time this system connected via adb, or 0 if the 'always allow' option was not
// previously selected for this system.
optional int64 last_connection_time_millis = 1;
// The time in ms within which a subsequent connection from an 'always allow' system is allowed
// to reconnect via adb without user interaction.
optional int64 auth_window_millis = 2;
// The state of the adb connection from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/debug/enums.proto.
optional android.debug.AdbConnectionStateEnum state = 3;
// True if the 'always allow' option was selected for this system.
optional bool always_allow = 4;
* Logs the reported speech DSP status.
* Logged from:
* Vendor audio implementation.
message SpeechDspStatReported {
// The total Speech DSP uptime in milliseconds.
optional int32 total_uptime_millis = 1;
// The total Speech DSP downtime in milliseconds.
optional int32 total_downtime_millis = 2;
optional int32 total_crash_count = 3;
optional int32 total_recover_count = 4;
* Logs USB connector contaminant status.
* Logged from: USB Service.
message UsbContaminantReported {
optional string id = 1;
optional android.service.usb.ContaminantPresenceStatus status = 2;
* This atom is for debugging purpose.
message DebugElapsedClock {
// Monotically increasing value for each pull.
optional int64 pull_count = 1;
// Time from System.elapsedRealtime.
optional int64 elapsed_clock_millis = 2;
// Time from System.elapsedRealtime.
optional int64 same_elapsed_clock_millis = 3;
// Diff between current elapsed time and elapsed time from previous pull.
optional int64 elapsed_clock_diff_millis = 4;
enum Type {
// Type of behavior for the pulled data.
optional Type type = 5;
* This atom is for debugging purpose.
message DebugFailingElapsedClock {
// Monotically increasing value for each pull.
optional int64 pull_count = 1;
// Time from System.elapsedRealtime.
optional int64 elapsed_clock_millis = 2;
// Time from System.elapsedRealtime.
optional int64 same_elapsed_clock_millis = 3;
// Diff between current elapsed time and elapsed time from previous pull.
optional int64 elapsed_clock_diff_millis = 4;
/** Logs System UI bubbles event changed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bubbles
message BubbleUIChanged {
// The app package that is posting the bubble.
optional string package_name = 1;
// The notification channel that is posting the bubble.
optional string notification_channel = 2;
// The notification id associated with the posted bubble.
optional int32 notification_id = 3;
// The position of the bubble within the bubble stack.
optional int32 position = 4;
// The total number of bubbles within the bubble stack.
optional int32 total_number = 5;
// User interactions with the bubble.
enum Action {
FLYOUT = 16;
optional Action action = 6;
// Normalized screen position of the bubble stack. The range is between 0 and 1.
optional float normalized_x_position = 7;
optional float normalized_y_position = 8;
// Whether the bubble is unread. If it is unread, a dot is shown in the bubble stack icon.
optional bool is_unread = 9;
// Whether the bubble is an on-going one.
optional bool is_ongoing = 10;
// Whether the bubble is produced by an app running in foreground.
// This is deprecated and the value should be ignored.
optional bool is_foreground = 11 [deprecated = true];
* Logs System UI bubbles developer errors.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bubbles/
message BubbleDeveloperErrorReported {
// The app package that is posting the bubble.
optional string package_name = 1;
// Bubble developer error type enums.
enum Error {
optional Error error = 2 [default = UNKNOWN];
* Logs that a constraint for a scheduled job has changed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/job/controllers/
message ScheduledJobConstraintChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Name of the job.
optional string job_name = 2;
optional constraint = 3;
enum State {
optional State state = 4;
* Logs PowerManagerService screen timeout resets (extensions) that happen when an attention check
* returns true.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/
message ScreenTimeoutExtensionReported {
// Describes how many times in a row did the power manager reset the screen off timeout.
optional uint32 consecutive_timeout_extended_count = 1;
* Logs number of milliseconds it takes to start a process.
* The definition of app process start time is from the app launch time to
* the time that Zygote finished forking the app process and loaded the
* application package's java classes.
* This metric is different from AppStartOccurred which is for foreground
* activity only.
* ProcessStartTime can report all processes (both foreground and background)
* start time.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ProcessStartTime {
// The uid of the ProcessRecord.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The process pid.
optional int32 pid = 2;
// The process name.
// Usually package name, "system" for system server.
// Provided by ActivityManagerService.
optional string process_name = 3;
enum StartType {
WARM = 1;
HOT = 2;
COLD = 3;
// The start type.
optional StartType type = 4;
// The elapsed realtime at the start of the process.
optional int64 process_start_time_millis = 5;
// Number of milliseconds it takes to reach bind application.
optional int32 bind_application_delay_millis = 6;
// Number of milliseconds it takes to finish start of the process.
optional int32 process_start_delay_millis = 7;
// hostingType field in ProcessRecord, the component type such as "activity",
// "service", "content provider", "broadcast" or other strings.
optional string hosting_type = 8;
// hostingNameStr field in ProcessRecord. The component class name that runs
// in this process.
optional string hosting_name = 9;
* Track Media Codec usage
* Logged from:
* frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/MediaCodec.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_codec.cpp
message MediametricsCodecReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional android.stats.mediametrics.CodecData codec_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track Media Extractor (pulling video/audio streams out of containers) usage
* Logged from:
* frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/RemoteMediaExtractor.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_extractor.cpp
message MediametricsExtractorReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional android.stats.mediametrics.ExtractorData extractor_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track how we arbitrate between microphone/input requests.
* Logged from
* frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/service/AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_audiopolicy.cpp
message MediametricsAudiopolicyReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional android.stats.mediametrics.AudioPolicyData audiopolicy_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track how we arbitrate between microphone requests.
* Logged from
* frameworks/av/media/libaudioclient/AudioRecord.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_audiorecord.cpp
message MediametricsAudiorecordReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional android.stats.mediametrics.AudioRecordData audiorecord_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track how we arbitrate between microphone/input requests.
* Logged from
* frameworks/av/media/libnblog/ReportPerformance.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_audiothread.cpp
message MediametricsAudiothreadReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional android.stats.mediametrics.AudioThreadData audiothread_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track how we arbitrate between microphone/input requests.
* Logged from
* frameworks/av/media/libaudioclient/AudioTrack.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_audiotrack.cpp
message MediametricsAudiotrackReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional android.stats.mediametrics.AudioTrackData audiotrack_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track information about DRM framework performance
* Logged from
* frameworks/av/drm/libmediadrm/DrmHal.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_drm.cpp
message MediametricsMediadrmReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
// vendor+description tell about which DRM plugin is in use on this device
optional string vendor = 5;
optional string description = 6;
// from frameworks/av/drm/libmediadrm/protos/metrics.proto
optional bytes framework_stats = 7 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track information about the widevine DRM plugin performance
* Logged from
* vendor/widevine/libwvdrmengine/cdm/metrics
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_drm.cpp
message MediametricsDrmWidevineReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional bytes vendor_specific_stats = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track information about recordings (e.g. camcorder)
* Logged from
* frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice/StagefrightRecorder.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_recorder.cpp
message MediametricsRecorderReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional android.stats.mediametrics.RecorderData recorder_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track Media Player usage
* Logged from:
* frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice/nuplayer/NuPlayerDriver.cpp
* frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_nuplayer.cpp
message MediametricsNuPlayerReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
optional android.stats.mediametrics.NuPlayerData nuplayer_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Track Legacy DRM usage
* Logged from
* frameworks/av/drm/drmserver/DrmManager.cpp
message MediametricsDrmManagerReported {
optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional int64 package_version_code = 3;
optional int64 media_apex_version = 4;
enum Method {
// plugin_id+description inform which Legacy DRM plugins are still in use on device
optional string plugin_id = 5;
optional string description = 6;
optional Method method = 7;
optional string mime_types = 8;
optional int64 get_constraints_count = 9;
optional int64 get_metadata_count = 10;
optional int64 can_handle_count = 11;
optional int64 process_drm_info_count = 12;
optional int64 acquire_drm_info_count = 13;
optional int64 save_rights_count = 14;
optional int64 get_original_mime_type_count = 15;
optional int64 get_drm_object_type_count = 16;
optional int64 check_rights_status_count = 17;
optional int64 remove_rights_count = 18;
optional int64 remove_all_rights_count = 19;
optional int64 open_convert_session_count = 20;
optional int64 open_decrypt_session_count = 21;
* State of a dangerous permission requested by a package
* Pulled from: StatsCompanionService
message DangerousPermissionState {
// Name of the permission
optional string permission_name = 1;
// Uid of the package
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Package requesting the permission
optional string package_name = 3;
// If the permission is granted to the uid
optional bool is_granted = 4;
// Permission flags as per
optional int32 permission_flags = 5;
* Logs when a package is denied access to a device identifier based on the new access requirements.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
message DeviceIdentifierAccessDenied {
// The name of the package denied access to the requested device identifier.
optional string package_name = 1;
// The name of the device identifier method the package attempted to invoke.
optional string method_name = 2;
// True if the package is preinstalled.
// Starting from Android 11, this boolean is not set and will always be false.
optional bool is_preinstalled = 3 [deprecated = true];
// True if the package is privileged.
// Starting from Android 11, this boolean is not set and will always be false.
optional bool is_priv_app = 4 [deprecated = true];
* Pulls the ongoing mainline install train version code.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService
message TrainInfo {
optional int64 train_version_code = 1;
optional TrainExperimentIds train_experiment_id = 2;
optional string train_name = 3;
enum Status {
INSTALL_FAILURE = 6 [deprecated = true];
// This enum is for installs that are manually cancelled via the Manual Update UI.
optional Status status = 4;
* Logs the gesture stage changed event.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/
message AssistGestureStageReported {
optional android.hardware.sensor.assist.AssistGestureStageEnum gesture_stage = 1;
* Logs the feedback type.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/
message AssistGestureFeedbackReported {
// Whether or not the gesture was used.
optional android.hardware.sensor.assist.AssistGestureFeedbackEnum feedback_type = 1;
* Logs the progress.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/
message AssistGestureProgressReported {
// [0,100] progress for the assist gesture.
optional int32 progress = 1;
* Information about the time zone data on a device.
message TimeZoneDataInfo {
// A version identifier for the data set on device. e.g. "2018i"
optional string tzdb_version = 1;
* Logs the GPU stats global health information.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/native/services/gpuservice/gpustats/
message GpuStatsGlobalInfo {
// Package name of the gpu driver.
optional string driver_package_name = 1;
// Version name of the gpu driver.
optional string driver_version_name = 2;
// Version code of the gpu driver.
optional int64 driver_version_code = 3;
// Build time of the gpu driver in UTC as seconds since January 1, 1970.
optional int64 driver_build_time = 4;
// Total count of the gl driver gets loaded.
optional int64 gl_loading_count = 5;
// Total count of the gl driver fails to be loaded.
optional int64 gl_loading_failure_count = 6;
// Total count of the Vulkan driver gets loaded.
optional int64 vk_loading_count = 7;
// Total count of the Vulkan driver fails to be loaded.
optional int64 vk_loading_failure_count = 8;
// Api version of the system Vulkan driver.
optional int32 vulkan_version = 9;
// Api version of the system CPU Vulkan driver.
optional int32 cpu_vulkan_version = 10;
// Api version of the system GLES driver.
optional int32 gles_version = 11;
// Total count of the angle driver gets loaded.
optional int64 angle_loading_count = 12;
// Total count of the angle driver fails to be loaded.
optional int64 angle_loading_failure_count = 13;
* GPU driver loading time info.
message GpuDriverLoadingTime {
// List of all the driver loading times for this app. The list size is
// capped at 50.
repeated int64 driver_loading_time = 1;
* Logs the GPU stats per app health information.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/native/services/gpuservice/gpustats/
message GpuStatsAppInfo {
// Package name of the application that loads the gpu driver. Total number
// of different packages is capped at 100.
optional string app_package_name = 1;
// Version code of the gpu driver this app loads.
optional int64 driver_version_code = 2;
// gl driver loading time info.
optional GpuDriverLoadingTime gl_driver_loading_time = 3
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Vulkan driver loading time info.
optional GpuDriverLoadingTime vk_driver_loading_time = 4
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Angle driver loading time info.
optional GpuDriverLoadingTime angle_driver_loading_time = 5
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// CPU Vulkan implementation is in use.
optional bool cpu_vulkan_in_use = 6;
// App is not doing pre-rotation correctly.
optional bool false_prerotation = 7;
// App creates GLESv1 context.
optional bool gles_1_in_use = 8;
* Logs the size of the system ion heap.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService.
message SystemIonHeapSize {
// Deprecated due to limited support of ion stats in debugfs.
// Use `IonHeapSize` instead.
option deprecated = true;
// Size of the system ion heap in bytes.
// Read from debugfs.
optional int64 size_in_bytes = 1;
* Logs the total size of the ion heap.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService.
message IonHeapSize {
// Total size of all ion heaps in kilobytes.
// Read from: /sys/kernel/ion/total_heaps_kb.
optional int32 total_size_kb = 1;
* Logs the per-process size of the system ion heap.
* Pulled from StatsCompanionService.
message ProcessSystemIonHeapSize {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The process name (from /proc/PID/cmdline).
optional string process_name = 2;
// Sum of sizes of all allocations.
optional int32 total_size_in_kilobytes = 3;
// Number of allocations.
optional int32 allocation_count = 4;
// Size of the largest allocation.
optional int32 max_size_in_kilobytes = 5;
* Push network stack events.
* Log from:
* frameworks/base/packages/NetworkStack/
message NetworkStackReported {
// The id that indicates the event reported from NetworkStack.
optional int32 event_id = 1;
// The data for the reported events.
optional android.stats.connectivity.NetworkStackEventData network_stack_event = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Logs the apps that are installed on the external storage.
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService
message AppsOnExternalStorageInfo {
// The type of the external storage.
optional external_storage_type = 1;
// The name of the package that is installed on the external storage.
optional string package_name = 2;
* Logs the settings related to Face.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/stats
message FaceSettings {
// Whether or not face unlock is allowed on Keyguard.
optional bool unlock_keyguard_enabled = 1;
// Whether or not face unlock dismisses the Keyguard.
optional bool unlock_dismisses_keyguard = 2;
// Whether or not face unlock requires attention.
optional bool unlock_attention_required = 3;
// Whether or not face unlock is allowed for apps (through BiometricPrompt).
optional bool unlock_app_enabled = 4;
// Whether or not face unlock always requires user confirmation.
optional bool unlock_always_require_confirmation = 5;
// Whether or not a diverse set of poses are required during enrollment.
optional bool unlock_diversity_required = 6;
* Logs cooling devices maintained by the kernel.
* Pulled from
message CoolingDevice {
// The type of cooling device being reported. Eg. CPU, GPU...
optional android.os.CoolingTypeEnum device_location = 1;
// The name of the cooling device source. Eg. CPU0
optional string device_name = 2;
// Current throttle state of the cooling device. The value can any unsigned
// integer between 0 and max_state defined in its driver. 0 means device is
// not in throttling, higher value means deeper throttling.
optional int32 state = 3;
* Intelligence has several counter-type events that don't warrant a
* full separate atom. These are primarily API call counters but also include
* counters for feature usage and specific failure modes.
* Logged from the Intelligence mainline module.
message IntelligenceEventReported {
// The event type.
optional android.stats.intelligence.EventType event_id = 1;
// Success, failure.
optional android.stats.intelligence.Status status = 2;
// How many times the event occured (to report a batch of high frequency events).
optional int32 count = 3;
// How long the event took (sum of durations if count > 1)
optional int64 duration_millis = 4;
* Logs when Car Power state changed.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/
message CarPowerStateChanged {
// States come from CpmsState in
enum State {
ON = 1;
optional State state = 1;
* Logs when Car User Hal is requested to switch/create/remove user.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/
message CarUserHalModifyUserRequestReported {
// Request id for the request.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// Request type.
enum RequestType {
// Car user manager requested user switch.
// OEM requested User switch.
// Hal switch requested after android switch using activity manager.
// Create User
// Remove User
optional RequestType request_type = 2;
// Android User id of the current user which can only be 0, 10, 11 and so on.
// -1 if not available.
optional int32 user_id = 3;
// VHAL flags of the current user. (-1 if not available)
optional int32 user_flags = 4;
// Android User id of the target user for switch/create/remove. It can only
// be 0, 10, 11 and so on. -1 if not available.
optional int32 target_user_id = 5;
// VHAL flags of the target user for switch/create/remove. (-1 if not available)
optional int32 target_user_flags = 6;
// Request timeout Milliseconds (-1 if not available)
optional int32 timeout_millis = 7;
* Logs when Car User Hal responds to switch/create user request.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/
message CarUserHalModifyUserResponseReported {
// Request id of the request associated with the response.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// Car user hal callback status.
enum CallbackStatus {
// Hal response was invalid.
// Hal response was ok.
OK = 2;
// Hal timeout during set call.
// Hal response timeout.
// Hal responded with wrong info.
// Hal is processing multiple requests simultaneously.
optional CallbackStatus callback_status = 2;
// Hal request status for user switch/create/remove.
enum HalRequestStatus {
// Hal request for user switch/create is successful.
// Hal request for user switch/create failed.
optional HalRequestStatus request_status = 3;
* Logs when post switch response is posted to Car User Hal.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/
message CarUserHalPostSwitchResponseReported {
// Request id.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// Android user switch status.
enum UserSwitchStatus {
// Android user switch is successful.
// Android user switch failed.
optional UserSwitchStatus switch_status = 2;
* Logs when initial user information is requested from Car User Hal.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/
message CarUserHalInitialUserInfoRequestReported {
// Request id for the request.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// Request type for initial user information.
enum InitialUserInfoRequestType {
// At the first time Android was booted (or after a factory reset).
// At the first time Android was booted after the system was updated.
// When Android was booted "from scratch".
// When Android was resumed after the system was suspended to memory.
optional InitialUserInfoRequestType request_type = 2;
// Request timeout Milliseconds (-1 if not available)
optional int32 timeout_millis = 3;
* Logs when Car User Hal responds to initial user information requests.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/
message CarUserHalInitialUserInfoResponseReported {
// Request id of the request associated with the response.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// Car user hal callback status.
enum CallbackStatus {
// Hal response was invalid.
// Hal response was ok.
OK = 2;
// Hal timeout during set call.
// Hal response timeout.
// Hal responded with wrong info.
// Hal is processing multiple requests simultaneously.
optional CallbackStatus callback_status = 2;
// Response for initial user information request.
enum InitialUserInfoResponseAction {
// Let the Android System decide what to do.
// Switch to an existing Android user.
// Create a new Android user (and switch to it).
optional InitialUserInfoResponseAction response_action = 3;
// Android User id of the target user which can only be 0, 10, 11 and so on.
// -1 if not available.
optional int32 target_user = 4;
// VHAL flags of the current user. (-1 if not available)
optional int32 target_user_flags = 5;
// User locales
optional string user_locales = 6;
* Logs when set user association is requested from Car User Hal.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/
message CarUserHalUserAssociationRequestReported {
// Request id for the request.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// Request type.
enum RequestType {
// For setting user association information.
SET = 1;
// For getting user association information.
GET = 2;
optional RequestType request_type = 2;
// Android User id of the current user which can only be 0, 10, 11 and so on.
// -1 if not available.
optional int32 current_user_id = 3;
// VHAL flags of the current user. (-1 if not available)
optional int32 current_user_flags = 4;
// Number of the set associations requested.
optional int32 number_associations = 5;
// Concatenated string for the types from set associations request.
// This is a string converted from an array of integers.
optional string user_identification_association_types = 6;
// Concatenated string for the values from set associations request.
// This is a string converted from an array of integers.
optional string user_identification_association_values = 7;
* Logs when Car User Hal responds to set user association requests.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/
message CarUserHalSetUserAssociationResponseReported {
// Request id of the request associated with the response.
optional int32 request_id = 1;
// Car user hal callback status.
enum CallbackStatus {
// Hal response was invalid.
// Hal response was ok.
OK = 2;
// Hal timeout during set call.
// Hal response timeout.
// Hal responded with wrong info.
// Hal is processing multiple requests simultaneously.
optional CallbackStatus callback_status = 2;
// Number of the set associations in the response.
optional int32 number_associations = 3;
// Concatenated string for the types from set associations request.
// This is a string converted from an array of integers.
optional string user_identification_association_types = 4;
// Concatenated string for the values from set associations request.
// This is a string converted from an array of integers.
optional string user_identification_association_values = 5;
* Logs whether GarageMode is entered.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/
message GarageModeInfo {
// Whether GarageMode is entered.
optional bool is_garage_mode = 1;
* Historical app ops data per package.
message AppOps {
// Uid of the package requesting the op
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of the package performing the op
optional string package_name = 2;
// operation id
optional op_id = 3 [default = APP_OP_NONE];
// The number of times the op was granted while the app was in the
// foreground (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_foreground_granted_count = 4;
// The number of times the op was granted while the app was in the
// background (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_background_granted_count = 5;
// The number of times the op was rejected while the app was in the
// foreground (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_foreground_rejected_count = 6;
// The number of times the op was rejected while the app was in the
// background (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_background_rejected_count = 7;
// For long-running operations, total duration of the operation
// while the app was in the foreground (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_foreground_duration_millis = 8;
// For long-running operations, total duration of the operation
// while the app was in the background (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_background_duration_millis = 9;
// Whether AppOps is guarded by Runtime permission
optional bool is_runtime_permission = 10;
* Historical app ops data per package and attribution tag.
message AttributedAppOps {
// Uid of the package requesting the op
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of the package performing the op
optional string package_name = 2;
// tag; provided by developer when accessing related API, limited at 50 chars by API.
// Attributions must be provided through manifest using <attribution> tag available in R and
// above.
optional string tag = 3;
// operation id
optional op = 4 [default = APP_OP_NONE];
// The number of times the op was granted while the app was in the
// foreground (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_foreground_granted_count = 5;
// The number of times the op was granted while the app was in the
// background (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_background_granted_count = 6;
// The number of times the op was rejected while the app was in the
// foreground (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_foreground_rejected_count = 7;
// The number of times the op was rejected while the app was in the
// background (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_background_rejected_count = 8;
// For long-running operations, total duration of the operation
// while the app was in the foreground (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_foreground_duration_millis = 9;
// For long-running operations, total duration of the operation
// while the app was in the background (only for trusted requests)
optional int64 trusted_background_duration_millis = 10;
// Whether AppOps is guarded by Runtime permission
optional bool is_runtime_permission = 11;
// Sampling rate used on device, from 0 to 100
optional int32 sampling_rate = 12;
* Location Manager API Usage information(e.g. API under usage,
* API call's parameters).
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
message LocationManagerApiUsageReported {
// Indicating if usage starts or usage ends.
optional android.stats.location.UsageState state = 1;
// LocationManagerService's API in use.
// We can identify which API from LocationManager is
// invoking current LMS API by the combination of
// API parameter(e.g. is_listener_null, is_intent_null,
// is_location_request_null)
optional android.stats.location.LocationManagerServiceApi api_in_use = 2;
// Name of the package calling the API.
optional string calling_package_name = 3;
// Type of the location provider.
optional android.stats.location.ProviderType provider = 4;
// Quality of the location request
optional android.stats.location.LocationRequestQuality quality = 5;
// The desired interval for active location updates, in milliseconds.
// Bucketized to reduce cardinality.
optional android.stats.location.LocationRequestIntervalBucket bucketized_interval = 6;
// Minimum distance between location updates, in meters.
// Bucketized to reduce cardinality.
optional android.stats.location.SmallestDisplacementBucket
bucketized_smallest_displacement = 7;
// The number of location updates.
optional int64 num_updates = 8;
// The request expiration time, in millisecond since boot.
// Bucketized to reduce cardinality.
optional android.stats.location.ExpirationBucket
bucketized_expire_in = 9;
// Type of Callback passed in for this API.
optional android.stats.location.CallbackType callback_type = 10;
// The radius of the central point of the alert
// region, in meters. Only for API REQUEST_GEOFENCE.
// Bucketized to reduce cardinality.
optional android.stats.location.GeofenceRadiusBucket bucketized_radius = 11;
// Activity Importance of API caller.
// Categorized to 3 types that are interesting from location's perspective.
optional android.stats.location.ActivityImportance activiy_importance = 12;
* Information about a permission grant or denial made by user inside ReviewPermissionsFragment
message ReviewPermissionsFragmentResultReported {
// unique value identifying a permission group change. A permission group change might result
// in multiple of these atoms
optional int64 change_id = 1;
// UID of package the permission belongs to
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package the permission belongs to
optional string package_name = 3;
// The permission to be granted
optional string permission_name = 4;
// The result of the permission grant
optional bool permission_granted = 5;
* Information about results of permission upgrade by RuntimePermissionsUpgradeController
* Logged from: RuntimePermissionUpdgradeController
message RuntimePermissionsUpgradeResult {
// Permission granted as result of upgrade
optional string permission_name = 1;
// UID of package granted permission
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package granted permission
optional string package_name = 3;
* Information about a buttons presented in GrantPermissionsActivty and choice made by user
message GrantPermissionsActivityButtonActions {
// Permission granted as result of upgrade
optional string permission_group_name = 1;
// UID of package granted permission
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package requesting permission
optional string package_name = 3;
// Buttons presented in the dialog - bit flags, bit numbers are in accordance with
// LABEL_ constants in
optional int32 buttons_presented = 4;
// Button clicked by user - same as bit flags in buttons_presented with only single bit set
optional int32 button_clicked = 5;
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 6;
* Information about LocationAccessCheck notification presented to user
message LocationAccessCheckNotificationAction {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// Uid of package for which location access check is presented
optional int32 package_uid = 2;
// Name of package for which location access check is presented
optional string package_name = 3;
enum Result {
// notification was presented to the user
// notification was declined by the user
// notification was clicked by the user
// View / interaction recorded
optional Result result = 4;
* Information about a permission grant or revoke made by user inside AppPermissionFragment
message AppPermissionFragmentActionReported {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// unique value identifying a permission group change. A permission group change might result
// in multiple of these atoms
optional int64 change_id = 2;
// UID of package the permission belongs to
optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package the permission belongs to
optional string package_name = 4;
// The permission to be granted
optional string permission_name = 5;
// The result of the permission grant
optional bool permission_granted = 6;
// State of Permission Flags after grant as per
optional int32 permission_flags = 7;
enum Button {
// Allow button
ALLOW = 1;
// Deny button
DENY = 2;
// Ask every time button
// Allow all the time button
// Allow only while using the app button
// Same is Deny button but shown in while in use dialog
// Button pressed in the dialog
optional Button button_pressed = 8;
* Information about a AppPermissionFragment viewed by user
message AppPermissionFragmentViewed {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// UID of package for which permissions are viewed
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package for which permissions are viewed
optional string package_name = 3;
// Permission group viewed
optional string permission_group_name = 4;
* Information about a AppPermissionGroupsFragment viewed by user. Fragment has been renamed, but
* the log retains the old fragment name.
message AppPermissionsFragmentViewed {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// id which identifies single view as every view might have several logging records
// with different package information attached
optional int64 view_id = 2;
// Permission group viewed
optional string permission_group_name = 3;
// UID of package for which permissions are viewed
optional int32 uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package for which permissions are viewed
optional string package_name = 5;
// Category in which permission is included
enum Category {
optional Category category = 6;
* Information about a PermissionAppsFragment viewed by user.
* Logged from ui/handheld/
message PermissionAppsFragmentViewed {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// id which identifies single view as every view might have several logging records
// with different package information attached
optional int64 view_id = 2;
// Permission group viewed
optional string permission_group_name = 3;
// UID of package for which permissions are viewed
optional int32 uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package for which permissions are viewed
optional string package_name = 5;
// Category in which app is included
enum Category {
optional Category category = 6;
* Log that the Auto Revoke notification has been clicked
* Logged from ui/ManagePermissionsActivity
message AutoRevokeNotificationClicked {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
* Log that an app has been displayed on the auto revoke page, and lists one permission that was
* auto revoked for it.
* Logged from ui/handheld/AutoRevokeFragment
message AutoRevokeFragmentAppViewed {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// UID of package for which permissions are viewed
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package for which permissions are viewed
optional string package_name = 3;
// The name of a permission group that has been revoked
optional string permission_group_name = 4;
// The age of the app- more than three months old, or more than six months
enum Age {
// How long the app has been unused. Currently, newer bucket is 3 months, older is 6 months
optional Age age = 5;
* Log that the user has interacted with an app on the auto revoke fragment
* Logged from ui/handheld/AutoRevokeFragment
message AutoRevokedAppInteraction {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// UID of package for which permissions are viewed
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package for which permissions are viewed
optional string package_name = 3;
enum Action {
OPEN = 2;
// The action the user took to interact with the app
optional Action action = 4;
* Log that the AppPermissionGroupsFragment has been interacted with for the possible purposes of
* auto revoke, or that the auto revoke switch has been changed
* Logged from ui/handheld/AppPermissionGroupsFragment
message AppPermissionGroupsFragmentAutoRevokeAction {
// id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// UID of package for which permissions are viewed
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of package for which permissions are viewed
optional string package_name = 3;
enum Action {
// The action the user took to interact with the fragment
optional Action action = 4;
* Logs when there is a smart selection related event.
* See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/
* Logged from:
message TextSelectionEvent {
// A session ID.
optional string session_id = 1;
// Event type of this event.
optional android.stats.textclassifier.EventType event_type = 2;
// Name of the annotator model that is involved in this event.
optional string model_name = 3;
// Type of widget that was involved in triggering this event.
optional android.stats.textclassifier.WidgetType widget_type = 4;
// Index of this event in a session.
optional int32 event_index = 5;
// Entity type that is involved.
optional string entity_type = 6;
// Relative word index of the start of the selection.
optional int32 relative_word_start_index = 7;
// Relative word (exclusive) index of the end of the selection.
optional int32 relative_word_end_index = 8;
// Relative word index of the start of the smart selection.
optional int32 relative_suggested_word_start_index = 9;
// Relative word (exclusive) index of the end of the smart selection.
optional int32 relative_suggested_word_end_index = 10;
// Name of source package.
optional string package_name = 11;
// Name of the LangID model that is involved in this event.
optional string langid_model_name = 12;
* Logs when there is a smart linkify related event.
* See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/
* Logged from:
message TextLinkifyEvent {
// A session ID.
optional string session_id = 1;
// Event type of this event.
optional android.stats.textclassifier.EventType event_type = 2;
// Name of the annotator model that is involved in this event.
optional string model_name = 3;
// Type of widget that was involved in triggering this event.
optional android.stats.textclassifier.WidgetType widget_type = 4;
// Index of this event in a session.
optional int32 event_index = 5;
// Entity type that is involved.
optional string entity_type = 6;
// Number of links detected.
optional int32 num_links = 7;
// The total length of all links.
optional int32 linked_text_length = 8;
// Length of input text.
optional int32 text_length = 9;
// Time spent on generating links in ms.
optional int64 latency_millis = 10;
// Name of source package.
optional string package_name = 11;
// Name of the LangID model that is involved in this event.
optional string langid_model_name = 12;
* Logs when there is a conversation actions related event.
* See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/
* Logged from:
message ConversationActionsEvent {
// A session ID.
optional string session_id = 1;
// Event type of this event.
optional android.stats.textclassifier.EventType event_type = 2;
// Name of the actions model that is involved in this event.
optional string model_name = 3;
// Type of widget that was involved in triggering this event.
optional android.stats.textclassifier.WidgetType widget_type = 4;
// The first entity type that is involved.
optional string first_entity_type = 5;
// The second entity type that is involved.
optional string second_entity_type = 6;
// The third entity type that is involved.
optional string third_entity_type = 7;
// The score of the first entity type.
optional float score = 8;
// Name of source package.
optional string package_name = 9;
// Name of the annotator model that is involved in this event.
optional string annotator_model_name = 10;
// Name of the LangID model that is involved in this event.
optional string langid_model_name = 11;
* Logs when there is a language detection related event.
* See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/
* Logged from:
message LanguageDetectionEvent {
// A session ID.
optional string session_id = 1;
// Event type of this event.
optional android.stats.textclassifier.EventType event_type = 2;
// Name of the language detection model that is involved in this event.
optional string model_name = 3;
// Type of widget that was involved in triggering this event.
optional android.stats.textclassifier.WidgetType widget_type = 4;
// Detected language.
optional string language_tag = 5;
// Score of the detected language.
optional float score = 6;
// Position of this action.
optional int32 action_index = 7;
// Name of source package.
optional string package_name = 8;
* Information about an OTA update attempt by update_engine.
* Logged from platform/system/update_engine/
message UpdateEngineUpdateAttemptReported {
// The number of attempts for the update engine to apply a given payload.
optional int32 attempt_number = 1;
optional android.stats.otaupdate.PayloadType payload_type = 2;
// The total time in minutes for the update engine to apply a given payload.
// The time is calculated by calling clock_gettime() / CLOCK_BOOTTIME; and
// it's increased when the system is sleeping.
optional int32 duration_boottime_in_minutes = 3;
// The total time in minutes for the update engine to apply a given payload.
// The time is calculated by calling clock_gettime() / CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW;
// and it's not increased when the system is sleeping.
optional int32 duration_monotonic_in_minutes = 4;
// The size of the payload in MiBs.
optional int32 payload_size_mib = 5;
// The attempt result reported by the update engine for an OTA update.
optional android.stats.otaupdate.AttemptResult attempt_result = 6;
// The error code reported by the update engine after an OTA update attempt
// on A/B devices.
optional android.stats.otaupdate.ErrorCode error_code = 7;
// The build fingerprint of the source system. The value is read from a
// system property when the device takes the update. e.g.
// Android/aosp_sailfish/sailfish:10/QP1A.190425.004/5507117:userdebug/test-keys
optional string source_fingerprint = 8;
// Size of super partition.
optional int64 super_partition_size_bytes = 9;
// Size of current slot within the super partition.
optional int64 slot_size_bytes = 10;
// Free space available in the super partition.
optional int64 super_free_space_bytes = 11;
* Information about all the attempts the device make before finishing the
* successful update.
* Logged from platform/system/update_engine/
message UpdateEngineSuccessfulUpdateReported {
// The number of attempts for the update engine to apply the payload for a
// successful update.
optional int32 attempt_count = 1;
optional android.stats.otaupdate.PayloadType payload_type = 2;
optional int32 payload_size_mib = 3;
// The total number of bytes downloaded by update_engine since the last
// successful update.
optional int32 total_bytes_downloaded_mib = 4;
// The ratio in percentage of the over-downloaded bytes compared to the
// total bytes needed to successfully install the update. e.g. 200 if we
// download 200MiB in total for a 100MiB package.
optional int32 download_overhead_percentage = 5;
// The total time in minutes for the update engine to apply the payload for a
// successful update.
optional int32 total_duration_minutes = 6;
// The number of reboot of the device during a successful update.
optional int32 reboot_count = 7;
* Reported when the RebootEscrow HAL has attempted to recover the escrowed
* key to indicate whether it was successful or not.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/locksettings/
message RebootEscrowRecoveryReported {
optional bool successful = 1;
* Global display pipeline metrics reported by SurfaceFlinger.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/TimeStats/TimeStats.cpp
message SurfaceflingerStatsGlobalInfo {
// Total number of frames presented during the tracing period
optional int64 total_frames = 1;
// Total number of frames missed
optional int64 missed_frames = 2;
// Total number of frames that fell back to client composition
optional int64 client_composition_frames = 3;
// Total time the display was turned on
optional int64 display_on_millis = 4;
// Total time that was spent performing animations.
// This is derived from the present-to-present layer histogram
optional int64 animation_millis = 5;
// Total number of event connections tracked by SurfaceFlinger at the time
// of this pull. If this number grows prohibitively large, then this can
// cause jank due to resource contention.
optional int32 event_connection_count = 6;
// Set of timings measured from when SurfaceFlinger began compositing a
// frame, until the frame was requested to be presented to the display. This
// measures SurfaceFlinger's total CPU walltime on the critical path per
// frame.
optional FrameTimingHistogram frame_duration = 7
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Set of timings measured from when SurfaceFlinger first began using the
// GPU to composite a frame, until the GPU has finished compositing that
// frame. This measures the total additional time SurfaceFlinger needed to
// perform due to falling back into GPU composition.
optional FrameTimingHistogram render_engine_timing = 8
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
* Per-layer display pipeline metrics reported by SurfaceFlinger.
* The number of layers uploaded will be restricted due to size limitations.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/TimeStats/TimeStats.cpp
message SurfaceflingerStatsLayerInfo {
// The layer for this set of metrics
// For now we can infer that the package name is included in the layer
// name.
optional string layer_name = 1;
// Total number of frames presented
optional int64 total_frames = 2;
// Total number of dropped frames while latching a buffer for this layer.
optional int64 dropped_frames = 3;
// Set of timings measured between successive presentation timestamps.
optional FrameTimingHistogram present_to_present = 4
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Set of timings measured from when an app queued a buffer for
// presentation, until the buffer was actually presented to the
// display.
optional FrameTimingHistogram post_to_present = 5
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Set of timings measured from when a buffer is ready to be presented,
// until the buffer was actually presented to the display.
optional FrameTimingHistogram acquire_to_present = 6
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Set of timings measured from when a buffer was latched by
// SurfaceFlinger, until the buffer was presented to the display
optional FrameTimingHistogram latch_to_present = 7
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Set of timings measured from the desired presentation to the actual
// presentation time
optional FrameTimingHistogram desired_to_present = 8
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Set of timings measured from when an app queued a buffer for
// presentation, until the buffer was ready to be presented.
optional FrameTimingHistogram post_to_acquire = 9
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// Frames missed latch because the acquire fence didn't fire
optional int64 late_acquire_frames = 10;
// Frames latched early because the desired present time was bad
optional int64 bad_desired_present_frames = 11;
* Histogram of frame counts bucketed by time in milliseconds.
* Because of size limitations, we hard-cap the number of buckets, with
* buckets for corresponding to larger milliseconds being less precise.
message FrameTimingHistogram {
// Timings in milliseconds that describes a set of histogram buckets
repeated int32 time_millis_buckets = 1;
// Number of frames that match to each time_millis, i.e. the bucket
// contents
// It's required that len(time_millis) == len(frame_count)
repeated int64 frame_counts = 2;
* Janky event as reported by SurfaceFlinger.
* This event is intended to be consumed by a Perfetto subscriber for
* automated trace collection.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.cpp
message DisplayJankReported {
// Informational field for how long the janky event lasted in milliseconds
optional int64 event_duration_millis = 1;
// Number of frame deadlines missed, where SurfaceFlinger failed to update
// the display on time.
optional int32 present_deadlines_missed = 2;
* Information about camera facing and API level usage.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/camera/
message CameraActionEvent {
// Camera session duration
optional int64 duration_millis = 1;
// Camera API level used
optional int32 api_level = 2;
// Name of client package
optional string package_name = 3;
// Camera facing
enum Facing {
BACK = 1;
FRONT = 2;
optional Facing facing = 4;
* Logs when a compatibility change is affecting an app.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ and
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/compat/
message AppCompatibilityChangeReported {
// The UID of the app being affected by the compatibilty change.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// The ID of the change affecting the app.
optional int64 change_id = 2;
enum State {
// The state of the change - if logged from gating whether it was enabled or disabled, or just
// logged otherwise.
optional State state = 3;
enum Source {
// Where it was logged from.
optional Source source = 4;
* Logged from
* external/perfetto/src/perfetto_cmd/
message PerfettoUploaded {
enum Event {
// Which stage of the pipeline we are reporting from.
optional Event event = 1;
// UUID matching the one set inside the SystemInfo trace packet.
optional int64 trace_uuid_lsb = 2;
optional int64 trace_uuid_msb = 3;
* Pulls client metrics on data transferred via Vehicle Maps Service.
* Metrics are keyed by uid + layer.
* Pulled from:
* packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/stats/
message VmsClientStats {
// UID of the VMS client app
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// VMS layer definition
optional int32 layer_type = 2;
optional int32 layer_channel = 3;
optional int32 layer_version = 4;
// Bytes and packets sent by the client for the layer
optional int64 tx_bytes = 5;
optional int64 tx_packets = 6;
// Bytes and packets received by the client for the layer
optional int64 rx_bytes = 7;
optional int64 rx_packets = 8;
// Bytes and packets dropped due to client error
optional int64 dropped_bytes = 9;
optional int64 dropped_packets = 10;
* State of a dangerous permission requested by a package - sampled
* Pulled from: with data obtained from PackageManager API
message DangerousPermissionStateSampled {
// Name of the permission
optional string permission_name = 1;
// Uid of the package
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
// If the permission is granted to the uid
optional bool is_granted = 3;
// Permission flags as per
optional int32 permission_flags = 4;
* HWUI stats for a given app.
message GraphicsStats {
// The package name of the app
optional string package_name = 1;
// The version code of the app
optional int64 version_code = 2;
// The start & end timestamps in UTC as
// milliseconds since January 1, 1970
// Compatible with java.util.Date#setTime()
optional int64 start_millis = 3;
optional int64 end_millis = 4;
// HWUI renders pipeline type: GL (1) or Vulkan (2).
enum PipelineType {
GL = 1;
// HWUI renders pipeline type: GL or Vulkan.
optional PipelineType pipeline = 5;
// Distinct frame count.
optional int32 total_frames = 6;
// Number of "missed vsync" events.
optional int32 missed_vsync_count = 7;
// Number of frames in triple-buffering scenario (high input latency)
optional int32 high_input_latency_count = 8;
// Number of "slow UI thread" events.
optional int32 slow_ui_thread_count = 9;
// Number of "slow bitmap upload" events.
optional int32 slow_bitmap_upload_count = 10;
// Number of "slow draw" events.
optional int32 slow_draw_count = 11;
// Number of frames that missed their deadline (aka, visibly janked)
optional int32 missed_deadline_count = 12;
// The frame time histogram for the package
optional FrameTimingHistogram cpu_histogram = 13
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// The gpu frame time histogram for the package
optional FrameTimingHistogram gpu_histogram = 14
[(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES];
// UI mainline module version.
optional int64 version_ui_module = 15;
// If true, these are HWUI stats for up to a 24h period for a given app from today.
// If false, these are HWUI stats for a 24h period for a given app from the last complete
// day (yesterday). Stats from yesterday stay constant, while stats from today may change as
// more apps are running / rendering.
optional bool is_today = 16;
* Message related to dangerous (runtime) app ops access
message RuntimeAppOpAccess {
// Uid of the package accessing app op
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Name of the package accessing app op
optional string package_name = 2;
// deprecated - set to empty string
optional string op_deprecated = 3 [deprecated = true];
// attribution_tag; provided by developer when accessing related API, limited at 50 chars by
// API. Attributions must be provided through manifest using <attribution> tag available in R
// and above.
optional string attribution_tag = 4;
// message related to app op access, limited to 600 chars by API
optional string message = 5;
enum SamplingStrategy {
// sampling strategy used to collect this message
optional SamplingStrategy sampling_strategy = 6;
// operation id
optional op = 7 [default = APP_OP_NONE];
* Logs userspace reboot outcome and duration.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/server/
message UserspaceRebootReported {
// Possible outcomes of userspace reboot.
enum Outcome {
// Default value in case platform failed to determine the outcome.
// Userspace reboot succeeded (i.e. boot completed without a fall back to hard reboot).
// Userspace reboot shutdown sequence was aborted.
// Remounting userdata into checkpointing mode failed.
// Device didn't finish booting before timeout and userspace reboot watchdog issued a hard
// reboot.
// Outcome of userspace reboot. Always set.
optional Outcome outcome = 1;
// Duration of userspace reboot in case it has a successful outcome.
// Duration is measured as time between userspace reboot was initiated and until boot completed
// (e.g. sys.boot_completed=1).
optional int64 duration_millis = 2;
// State of primary user's (user0) credential encryption storage.
enum UserEncryptionState {
// Default value.
// Credential encrypted storage is unlocked.
// Credential encrypted storage is locked.
// State of primary user's encryption storage at the moment boot completed. Always set.
optional UserEncryptionState user_encryption_state = 3;
* Logs integrity check information during each install.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/integrity/
message IntegrityCheckResultReported {
optional string package_name = 1;
optional string app_certificate_hash = 2;
optional int64 version_code = 3;
optional string installer_package_name = 4;
enum Response {
optional Response response = 5;
// An estimate on the cause of the response. This will only be populated for
optional bool caused_by_app_cert_rule = 6;
optional bool caused_by_installer_rule = 7;
* Logs the information about the rules and the provider whenever rules are
* pushed into AppIntegrityManager.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/integrity/
message IntegrityRulesPushed {
optional bool success = 1;
// Package name of the app that pushed the rules.
optional string rule_provider = 2;
// Version string of arbitrary format provided by the rule provider to
// identify the rules.
optional string rule_version = 3;
* Logs when a cell broadcast message is received on the device.
* Logged from Cell Broadcast module and platform:
* packages/modules/CellBroadcastService/src/com/android/cellbroadcastservice/
* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
* frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
message CellBroadcastMessageReported {
// The type of Cell Broadcast message
enum CbType {
GSM = 1;
CDMA = 2;
// The parts of the cell broadcast message pipeline
enum ReportSource {
optional CbType type = 1;
// The source of the report
optional ReportSource source = 2;
* Logs when a cell broadcast message is filtered out, or otherwise intentionally not sent to CBR.
* Logged from CellBroadcastService module:
* packages/modules/CellBroadcastService/src/com/android/cellbroadcastservice/
message CellBroadcastMessageFiltered {
enum FilterReason {
optional CellBroadcastMessageReported.CbType type = 1;
// The source of the report
optional FilterReason filter = 2;
* Logs when an error occurs while handling a cell broadcast message;
* Logged from CellBroadcastService module:
* packages/modules/CellBroadcastService/src/com/android/cellbroadcastservice/
message CellBroadcastMessageError {
// The type of error raised when trying to handle a cell broadcast message
enum ErrorType {
// What kind of error occurred
optional ErrorType type = 1;
// Exception message (or log message) associated with the error (max 1000 chars)
optional string exception_message = 2;
* Logs when a tune occurs through device's Frontend.
* This is atom ID 276.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/tv/tuner/
message TvTunerStateChanged {
enum State {
TUNING = 1; // Signal is tuned
LOCKED = 2; // the signal is locked
NOT_LOCKED = 3; // the signal isn’t locked.
SIGNAL_LOST = 4; // the signal was locked, but is lost now.
SCANNING = 5; // the signal is scanned
SCAN_STOPPED = 6; // the scan is stopped.
// The uid of the application that sent this custom atom.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// new state
optional State state = 2;
* Logs the status of a dvr playback or record.
* This is atom ID 279.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/tv/tuner/dvr
message TvTunerDvrStatus {
enum Type {
PLAYBACK = 1; // is a playback
RECORD = 2; // is a record
enum State {
STARTED = 1; // DVR is started
STOPPED = 2; // DVR is stopped
// The uid of the application that sent this custom atom.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// DVR type
optional Type type = 2;
// DVR state
optional State state = 3;
// Identify the segment of a record or playback
optional int32 segment_id = 4;
// indicate how many overflow or underflow happened between started to stopped
optional int32 overflow_underflow_count = 5;
* Logs when a cas session opened through MediaCas.
* This is atom ID 280.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/
message TvCasSessionOpenStatus {
enum State {
SUCCEEDED = 1; // indicate that the session is opened successfully.
FAILED = 2; // indicate that the session isn’t opened successfully.
// The uid of the application that sent this custom atom.
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Cas system Id
optional int32 cas_system_id = 2;
// State of the session
optional State state = 3;
* Logs for ContactsProvider general usage.
* This is atom ID 301.
* Logged from:
* packages/providers/ContactsProvider/src/com/android/providers/contacts/
message ContactsProviderStatusReported {
enum ApiType {
QUERY = 1;
// INSERT includes insert and bulkInsert, and inserts triggered by applyBatch.
// UPDATE and DELETE includes update/delete and the ones triggered by applyBatch.
enum ResultType {
FAIL = 2;
enum CallerType {
optional ApiType api_type = 1;
// Defined in
// packages/providers/ContactsProvider/src/com/android/providers/contacts/
optional int32 uri_type = 2;
optional CallerType caller_type = 3;
optional ResultType result_type = 4;
optional int32 result_count = 5;
optional int64 latency_micros = 6;
* Logs when an app is frozen or unfrozen.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message AppFreezeChanged {
// The type of event.
enum Action {
optional Action action = 1;
// Pid of the process being frozen.
optional int32 pid = 2;
// Name of the process being frozen.
optional string process_name = 3;
// Time since last unfrozen.
optional int64 time_unfrozen_millis = 4;
* Pulls information for a single voice call.
* Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each call. The sequence is randomized when pulled.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/
message VoiceCallSession {
// Bearer (IMS or CS) when the call started.
optional android.telephony.CallBearerEnum bearer_at_start = 1;
// Bearer (IMS or CS) when the call ended.
// The bearer may change during the call, e.g. due to SRVCC.
optional android.telephony.CallBearerEnum bearer_at_end = 2;
// Direction of the call (incoming or outgoing).
optional android.telephony.CallDirectionEnum direction = 3;
// Time spent setting up the call.
optional android.telephony.CallSetupDurationEnum setup_duration = 4;
// Whether the call ended before the setup was completed.
optional bool setup_failed = 5;
// IMS reason code or CS disconnect cause.
// For IMS, see: frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/
// For CS, see: frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/
optional int32 disconnect_reason_code = 6;
// IMS extra code or CS precise disconnect cause.
// For IMS, this code is vendor-specific
// For CS, see: frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/
optional int32 disconnect_extra_code = 7;
// IMS extra message or CS vendor cause.
optional string disconnect_extra_message = 8;
// Radio access technology (RAT) used when call started.
optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_start = 9;
// Radio access technology (RAT) used when call terminated.
optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_end = 10;
// Number of times RAT changed during the call.
optional int64 rat_switch_count = 11;
// A bitmask of all codecs used during the call.
// See: frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/
optional int64 codec_bitmask = 12;
// Number of other calls going on during call setup, for the same SIM slot.
optional int32 concurrent_call_count_at_start = 13;
// Number of other calls going on during call termination, for the same SIM slot.
optional int32 concurrent_call_count_at_end = 14;
// Index of the SIM is used, 0 for single-SIM devices.
optional int32 sim_slot_index = 15;
// Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles).
optional bool is_multi_sim = 16;
// Whether the call was made with an eSIM profile.
optional bool is_esim = 17;
// Carrier ID of the SIM card.
// See
optional int32 carrier_id = 18;
// Whether an SRVCC has been completed successfully for this call.
optional bool srvcc_completed = 19;
// Number of SRVCC failures.
optional int64 srvcc_failure_count = 20;
// Number of SRVCC cancellations.
optional int64 srvcc_cancellation_count = 21;
// Whether the Real-Time Text (RTT) was ever used in the call (rather than whether RTT was
// enabled in the dialer's settings).
optional bool rtt_enabled = 22;
// Whether this was an emergency call.
optional bool is_emergency = 23;
// Whether the call was performed while roaming.
optional bool is_roaming = 24;
// A random number used as the dimension field to pull multiple atoms.
optional int32 dimension = 25;
* Pulls voice call radio access technology (RAT) usage.
* Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each carrier/RAT, the order of which is irrelevant to
* time. The atom will be skipped if not enough data is available.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/
message VoiceCallRatUsage {
// Carrier ID (
optional int32 carrier_id = 1;
// Radio access technology.
optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat = 2;
// Total duration that voice calls spent on this carrier and RAT.
optional int64 total_duration_seconds = 3;
// Total number of calls using this carrier and RAT.
// A call is counted once even if it used the RAT multiple times.
optional int64 call_count = 4;
* Pulls the number of active SIM slots and SIMs/eSIM profiles.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/
message SimSlotState {
// Number of active SIM slots (both physical and eSIM profiles) in the device.
optional int32 active_slot_count = 1;
// Number of SIM cards (both physical and active eSIM profiles).
// This number is always equal to or less than the number of active SIM slots.
optional int32 sim_count = 2;
// Number of active eSIM profiles.
// This number is always equal to or less than the number of SIMs.
optional int32 esim_count = 3;
* Pulls supported cellular radio access technologies.
* This atom reports the capabilities of the device, rather than the network it has access to.
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/
message SupportedRadioAccessFamily {
// A bitmask of supported radio technologies.
// See android.telephony.TelephonyManager.NetworkTypeBitMask.
optional int64 network_type_bitmask = 1;
* Logs gnss stats from location service provider
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/base/location/java/com/android/internal/location/gnssmetrics/
message GnssStats {
// Number of location reports since boot
optional int64 location_reports = 1;
// Total pulled reports of Location failures since boot
optional int64 location_failure_reports = 2;
// Number of time to first fix reports since boot
optional int64 time_to_first_fix_reports = 3;
// Total pulled reported time to first fix (in milli-seconds) since boot
optional int64 time_to_first_fix_millis = 4;
// Number of position accuracy reports since boot
optional int64 position_accuracy_reports = 5;
// Total pulled reported position accuracy (in meters) since boot
optional int64 position_accuracy_meters = 6;
// Number of top 4 average CN0 reports since boot
optional int64 top_four_average_cn0_reports = 7;
// Total pulled reported of top 4 average CN0 (dB-mHz) since boot
optional int64 top_four_average_cn0_db_mhz = 8;
// Number of l5 top 4 average CN0 reports since boot
optional int64 l5_top_four_average_cn0_reports = 9;
// Total pulled reported of l5 top 4 average CN0 (dB-mHz) since boot
optional int64 l5_top_four_average_cn0_db_mhz = 10;
// Total number of sv status messages reports since boot
optional int64 sv_status_reports = 11;
// Total number of sv status messages reports, where sv is used in fix since boot
optional int64 sv_status_reports_used_in_fix = 12;
// Total number of L5 sv status messages reports since boot
optional int64 l5_sv_status_reports = 13;
// Total number of L5 sv status messages reports, where sv is used in fix since boot
optional int64 l5_sv_status_reports_used_in_fix = 14;
* Logs when an app is moved to a different standby bucket.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/apex/jobscheduler/service/java/com/android/server/usage/
message AppStandbyBucketChanged {
optional string package_name = 1;
// Should be 0, 10, 11, 12, etc. where 0 is the owner. See UserHandle for more documentation.
optional int32 user_id = 2;
// These enum values match the constants defined in
enum Bucket {
optional Bucket bucket = 3;
enum MainReason {
MAIN_DEFAULT = 0x0100;
MAIN_TIMEOUT = 0x0200;
MAIN_USAGE = 0x0300;
optional MainReason main_reason = 4;
// A more detailed reason for the standby bucket change. The sub reason name is dependent on
// the main reason. Values are one of the REASON_SUB_XXX constants defined in
optional int32 sub_reason = 5;
* Reports a started sharesheet transaction.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/app/
message SharesheetStarted {
// The event_id (as for UiEventReported).
optional int32 event_id = 1;
// The calling app's package name.
optional string package_name = 2;
// An identifier to tie together multiple logs relating to the same share event
optional int32 instance_id = 3;
// The mime type of the share
optional string mime_type = 4;
// The number of direct targets the calling app is providing that will be shown.
optional int32 num_app_provided_direct_targets = 5;
// The number of app targets the calling app is providing that will be shown.
optional int32 num_app_provided_app_targets = 6;
// True if the share originates from the workprofile
optional bool is_workprofile = 7;
enum SharesheetPreviewType { // Constants from
CONTENT_PREVIEW_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Default for proto 2 / 3 compatibility.
CONTENT_PREVIEW_IMAGE = 1; // The preview shown in the sharesheet is an image.
CONTENT_PREVIEW_FILE = 2; // The preview shown in the sharesheet is a file.
CONTENT_PREVIEW_TEXT = 3; // The preview shown in the sharesheet is text.
// How the sharesheet preview is presented.
optional SharesheetPreviewType preview_type = 8;
enum ResolverActivityIntent { // Intents handled by
// The intent being processed (only SEND and SEND_MULTIPLE are system sharesheet)
optional ResolverActivityIntent intent_type = 9;
* Reports a ranking selection event.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/app/ (sharesheet)
message RankingSelected {
// The event_id (as for UiEventReported).
optional int32 event_id = 1;
// The relevant app's package name (can be source or picked package).
optional string package_name = 2;
// An identifier to tie together multiple logs relating to the same share event.
optional int32 instance_id = 3;
// Which of the ranked targets got picked, default starting position 0.
optional int32 position_picked = 4;
* Logs when TvSettings UI is interacted at.
* Logged from: packages/apps/TvSettings
message TvSettingsUIInteracted {
/** The UI action category */
optional action = 1;
/** The ID of the entry that the users actioned on */
optional item_id = 2;
* Logs information about a package installation using package installer V2 APIs.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
message PackageInstallerV2Reported {
// Whether this installation uses Incremental File System
optional bool is_incremental = 1;
// Name of the package that is intended to be installed
optional string package_name = 2;
// The duration between when the install was requested to when the install has completed
optional int64 duration_millis = 3;
// Installation result in final integer, which are SystemApi's.
// Return_code 1 indicates success.
// For full list, see frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/pm/
optional int32 return_code = 4;
// Total size of the APKs installed for this package
optional int64 apks_size_bytes = 5;
* Logs settings provider values.
* Use DeviceConfig.getProperties to get a list Setting key, query the data from content provider,
* then write the value to proto.
message SettingSnapshot {
// Setting key
optional string name = 1;
enum SettingsValueType {
// Setting value type
optional SettingsValueType type = 2;
optional bool bool_value = 3;
optional int32 int_value = 4;
optional float float_value = 5;
optional string str_value = 6;
// Android user index. 0 for primary user, 10, 11 for secondary or profile user
optional int32 user_id = 7;
* An event logged to indicate that a user journey is about to be performed. This atom includes
* relevant information about the users involved in the journey. A UserLifecycleEventOccurred event
* will immediately follow this atom which will describe the event(s) and its state.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
message UserLifecycleJourneyReported {
// An identifier to track a chain of user lifecycle events occurring (referenced in the
// UserLifecycleEventOccurred atom)
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// Indicates what type of user journey this session is related to
enum Journey {
UNKNOWN = 0; // Undefined user lifecycle journey
USER_SWITCH_UI = 1; // A user switch journey where a UI is shown
USER_SWITCH_FG = 2; // A user switch journey without a UI shown
USER_START = 3; // A user start journey
USER_CREATE = 4; // A user creation journey
optional Journey journey = 2;
// Which user the journey is originating from - could be -1 for certain phases (eg USER_CREATE)
// This integer is a UserIdInt (eg 0 for the system user, 10 for secondary/guest)
optional int32 origin_user = 3;
// Which user the journey is targeting
// This integer is a UserIdInt (eg 0 for the system user, 10 for secondary/guest)
optional int32 target_user = 4;
// What is the user type of the target user
// These should be in sync with USER_TYPE_* flags defined in
enum UserType {
optional UserType user_type = 5;
// What are the flags attached to the target user
optional int32 user_flags = 6;
* An event logged when a specific user lifecycle event is performed. These events should be
* correlated with a UserLifecycleJourneyReported atom via the session_id.
* Note: journeys can span over multiple events, hence some events may share a single session id.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
message UserLifecycleEventOccurred {
// An id which links back to user details (reported in the UserLifecycleJourneyReported atom)
optional int64 session_id = 1;
// The target user for this event (same as target_user in the UserLifecycleJourneyReported atom)
// This integer is a UserIdInt (eg 0 for the system user, 10 for secondary/guest)
optional int32 user_id = 2;
enum Event {
UNKNOWN = 0; // Indicates that the associated user journey timed-out or resulted in an error
SWITCH_USER = 1; // Indicates that this is a user switch event
START_USER = 2; // Indicates that this is a user start event
CREATE_USER = 3; // Indicates that this is a user create event
USER_RUNNING_LOCKED = 4; // Indicates that user is running in locked state
UNLOCKING_USER = 5; // Indicates that this is a user unlocking event
UNLOCKED_USER = 6; // Indicates that this is a user unlocked event
optional Event event = 3;
enum State {
NONE = 0; // Indicates the associated event has no start/end defined
BEGIN = 1;
optional State state = 4; // Represents the state of an event (beginning/ending)
* Logs when accessibility shortcut clicked.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/accessibility/java/com/android/server/accessibility
message AccessibilityShortcutReported {
// The accessibility feature(including installed a11y service, framework a11y feature,
// and installed a11y activity) package name that is assigned to the accessibility shortcut.
optional string package_name = 1;
// The definition of the accessibility shortcut.
// From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto.
optional android.stats.accessibility.ShortcutType shortcut_type = 2;
// The definition of the service status.
// From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto.
optional android.stats.accessibility.ServiceStatus service_status = 3;
* Logs when accessibility service status changed.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/accessibility
message AccessibilityServiceReported {
// The accessibility service package name.
optional string package_name = 1;
// The definition of the service status.
// From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto.
optional android.stats.accessibility.ServiceStatus service_status = 2;
* Logs when display wake up.
* Logged from:
* services/core/java/com/android/server/power/
message DisplayWakeReported {
// Wake_up_reason code
// If LOWORD(wake_up_reason) = 0
// reference to HIWORD(wake_up_reason) PowerManager.WAKE_REASON_XXX
// else reference wake_up_reason to
// services/core/java/com/android/server/power/
optional int32 wake_up_reason = 1;
* Logs app usage events.
message AppUsageEventOccurred {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 2;
optional string class_name = 3;
enum EventType {
NONE = 0;
optional EventType event_type = 4;
* Quality metrics logged when EVS cameras are active.
* Logged from:
* packages/services/Car/evs/manager/1.1/Enumerator.cpp
message EvsUsageStatsReported {
// Camera identifier to distinguish the source camera device. This is not
// globally unique and therefore cannot be used to identify the user and/or
// the device.
optional int32 device_id = 1;
// Peak number of clients during the service
optional int32 peak_num_clients = 2;
// Number of erroneous events during the service
optional int32 num_errors = 3;
// Round trip latency of the very first frame
optional int64 first_latency_millis = 4;
// Average frame round trip latency
optional float avg_latency_millis = 5;
// Peak frame round trip latency
optional int64 peak_latency_millis = 6;
// Total number of frames received
optional int64 total_frames = 7;
// Number of frames ignored
optional int64 ignored_frames = 8;
// Number of dropped frames to synchronize camera devices
optional int64 dropped_frames_to_sync = 9;
// The duration of the service
optional int64 duration_millis = 10;
* Logs audio power usage stats.
* Pushed from:
* frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioPowerUsage.cpp
message AudioPowerUsageDataReported {
* Device used for input/output
* All audio devices please refer to below file:
* system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h
* Define our own enum values because we don't report all audio devices.
* Currently, we only report built-in audio devices such as handset, speaker,
* built-in mics, common audio devices such as wired headset, usb headset
* and bluetooth devices.
enum AudioDevice {
OUTPUT_EARPIECE = 0x1; // handset
OUTPUT_SPEAKER = 0x2; // dual speaker
OUTPUT_WIRED_HEADSET = 0x4; // 3.5mm headset
OUTPUT_USB_HEADSET = 0x8; // usb headset
OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO = 0x10; // bluetooth sco
OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP = 0x20; // a2dp
OUTPUT_SPEAKER_SAFE = 0x40; // bottom speaker
INPUT_DEVICE_BIT = 0x40000000; // non-negative positive int32.
INPUT_BUILTIN_MIC = 0x40000001; // buildin mic
INPUT_BUILTIN_BACK_MIC = 0x40000002; // buildin back mic
INPUT_WIRED_HEADSET_MIC = 0x40000004; // 3.5mm headset mic
INPUT_USB_HEADSET_MIC = 0x40000008; // usb headset mic
INPUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO = 0x40000010; // bluetooth sco mic
optional AudioDevice audio_device = 1;
// Duration of the audio in seconds
optional int32 duration_secs = 2;
// Average volume (0 ... 1.0)
optional float average_volume = 3;
enum AudioType {
VOICE_CALL_TYPE = 1; // voice call
VOIP_CALL_TYPE = 2; // voip call, including uplink and downlink
MEDIA_TYPE = 3; // music and system sound
RINGTONE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE = 4; // ringtone and notification
ALARM_TYPE = 5; // alarm type
// record type
CAMCORDER_TYPE = 6; // camcorder
RECORD_TYPE = 7; // other recording
optional AudioType type = 4;
* Pulls bytes transferred over WiFi and mobile networks sliced by uid, is_metered, and tag.
* Pulled from:
* StatsPullAtomService, which uses NetworkStatsService to query NetworkStats.
message BytesTransferByTagAndMetered {
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
optional bool is_metered = 2;
optional int32 tag = 3;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 4;
optional int64 rx_packets = 5;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 6;
optional int64 tx_packets = 7;
* Logs when the Media Output Switcher finishes a media switch operation.
* Logged from:
* packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/media/
message MediaOutputOpSwitchReported {
// Source medium type before switching.
optional source = 1;
// Target medium type after switching.
optional target = 2;
// The result of switching.
optional result = 3;
// The detail code of a switching result.
optional subresult = 4;
* The package name of a pre-installed app, whose media session is being switched.
optional string media_session_package_name = 5;
// The amount of available wired devices when a switching is being performed.
optional int32 available_wired_device_count = 6;
// The amount of available Bluetooth devices a switching is being performed.
optional int32 available_bt_device_count = 7;
// The amount of available remote devices when a switching is being performed.
optional int32 available_remote_device_count = 8;
// The amount of applied devices within a remote dynamic group after a switching is done.
optional int32 applied_device_count_within_remote_group = 9;
* Logs when the Assistant is invoked.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/assist/
message AssistantInvocationReported {
// The event_id (as for UiEventReported).
optional int32 event_id = 1;
// The registered Assistant's uid and package (as for UiEventReported).
optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true];
optional string package_name = 3;
// An identifier used to disambiguate which logs refer to a particular invocation of the
// Assistant (as for UiEventReported).
optional int32 instance_id = 4;
// The state of the device at the time of invocation.
enum DeviceState {
AOD1 = 1;
AOD2 = 2;
optional DeviceState device_state = 5;
// Whether the Assistant handles were showing at the time of invocation.
optional bool assistant_handles_showing = 6;
* Logs when an AudioRecord finishes running on an audio device
* Logged from:
* frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp
message MediametricsAudioRecordDeviceUsageReported {
// The devices connected to this AudioRecord.
// A string OR of various input device categories, e.g. "DEVICE1|DEVICE2".
// See lookup<INPUT_DEVICE>() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
// See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h
optional string devices = 1;
// The name of the remote device attached to the device, typically available for USB or BT.
// This may be empty for a fixed device, or separated by "|" if more than one.
optional string device_names = 2;
// The amount of time spent in the device as measured by the active track in AudioFlinger.
optional int64 device_time_nanos = 3;
// The audio data format used for encoding.
// An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_format_t
optional string encoding = 4;
// The client-server buffer framecount.
// The framecount is generally between 960 - 48000 for PCM encoding.
// The framecount represents raw buffer size in bytes for non-PCM encoding.
optional int32 frame_count = 5;
// The number of audio intervals (contiguous, continuous playbacks).
optional int32 interval_count = 6;
// The sample rate of the AudioRecord.
// A number generally between 8000-96000 (frames per second).
optional int32 sample_rate = 7;
// The audio input flags used to construct the AudioRecord.
// A string OR from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_input_flags_t
optional string flags = 8;
// The santized package name of the audio client associated with the AudioRecord.
// See getSanitizedPackageNameAndVersionCode() in
// frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/MediaMetricsService.cpp
optional string package_name = 9;
// The selected device id (nonzero if a non-default device is selected)
optional int32 selected_device_id = 10;
// The caller of the AudioRecord.
// See lookup<CALLER_NAME>() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
optional string caller = 11;
// The audio source for AudioRecord.
// An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_source_t
optional string source = 12;
* Logs when an AudioThread finishes running on an audio device
* Logged from:
* frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp
message MediametricsAudioThreadDeviceUsageReported {
// The devices connected to this audio thread.
// A string OR of various input device categories, e.g. "DEVICE1|DEVICE2".
// (for record threads):
// See lookup<INPUT_DEVICE> in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
// (for playback threads):
// See lookup<OUTPUT_DEVICE>() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
// See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h
optional string devices = 1;
// The name of the remote device attached to the device, typically available for USB or BT.
// This may be empty for a fixed device, or separated by "|" if more than one.
optional string device_names = 2;
// The amount of time spent in the device as measured by the active track in AudioFlinger.
optional int64 device_time_nanos = 3;
// The audio data format used for encoding.
// An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_format_t
optional string encoding = 4;
// The framecount of the buffer delivered to (or from) the HAL.
// The framecount is generally ~960 for PCM encoding.
// The framecount represents raw buffer size in bytes for non-PCM encoding.
optional int32 frame_count = 5;
// The number of audio intervals (contiguous, continuous playbacks).
optional int32 interval_count = 6;
// The sample rate of the audio thread.
// A number generally between 8000-96000 (frames per second).
optional int32 sample_rate = 7;
// The audio flags used to construct the thread
// (for record threads):
// A string OR from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_input_flags_t
// (for playback threads):
// A string OR from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_output_flags_t
optional string flags = 8;
// The number of underruns encountered for a playback thread or the
// number of overruns encountered for a capture thread.
optional int32 xruns = 9;
// The type of thread
// A thread type enumeration from
// frameworks/av/mediametrics/services/Translate.h
optional string type = 10;
* Logs when an AudioTrack finishes running on an audio device
* Logged from:
* frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp
message MediametricsAudioTrackDeviceUsageReported {
// The output devices connected to this AudioTrack.
// A string OR of various output device categories, e.g. "DEVICE1|DEVICE2".
// See lookup<OUTPUT_DEVICE>() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
// See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h
optional string devices = 1;
// The name of the remote device attached to the device, typically available for USB or BT.
// This may be empty for a fixed device, or separated by "|" if more than one.
optional string device_names = 2;
// The amount of time spent in the device as measured by the active track in AudioFlinger.
optional int64 device_time_nanos = 3;
// The audio data format used for encoding.
// An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_format_t
optional string encoding = 4;
// The client-server buffer framecount.
// The framecount is generally between 960 - 48000 for PCM encoding.
// The framecount represents raw buffer size in bytes for non-PCM encoding.
// A static track (see traits) may have a very large framecount.
optional int32 frame_count = 5;
// The number of audio intervals (contiguous, continuous playbacks).
optional int32 interval_count = 6;
// The sample rate of the AudioTrack.
// A number generally between 8000-96000 (frames per second).
optional int32 sample_rate = 7;
// The audio flags used to construct the AudioTrack.
// A string OR from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_output_flags_t
optional string flags = 8;
// The number of underruns encountered.
optional int32 xruns = 9;
// The santized package name of the audio client associated with the AudioTrack.
// See getSanitizedPackageNameAndVersionCode() in
// frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/MediaMetricsService.cpp
optional string package_name = 10;
// The latency of the last sample in the buffer in milliseconds.
optional float device_latency_millis = 11;
// The startup time in milliseconds from start() to sample played.
optional float device_startup_millis = 12;
// The average volume of the track on the device [ 0.f - 1.f ]
optional float device_volume = 13;
// The selected device id (nonzero if a non-default device is selected)
optional int32 selected_device_id = 14;
// The stream_type category for the AudioTrack.
// An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_stream_type_t
optional string stream_type = 15;
// The usage for the AudioTrack.
// An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_usage_t
optional string usage = 16;
// The content type of the AudioTrack.
// An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_content_type_t
optional string content_type = 17;
// The caller of the AudioTrack.
// See lookup<CALLER_NAME>() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
optional string caller = 18;
// The traits of the AudioTrack.
// A string OR of different traits, may be empty string.
// Only "static" is supported for R.
// See lookup<TRACK_TRAITS>() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
optional string traits = 19;
* Logs the status of an audio device connection attempt.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp
message MediametricsAudioDeviceConnectionReported {
// The input devices represented by this report.
// A string OR of various input device categories, e.g. "DEVICE1|DEVICE2".
// See lookup<INPUT_DEVICE>() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
// See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h
optional string input_devices = 1;
// The output devices represented by this report.
// A string OR of various output device categories.
// See lookup<OUTPUT_DEVICE>() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp
// See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h
optional string output_devices = 2;
// The name of the remote device attached to the device, typically available for USB or BT.
// This may be empty for a fixed device, or separated by "|" if more than one.
optional string device_names = 3;
// The result of the audio device connection.
// 0 indicates success: connection verified.
// 1 indicates unknown: connection not verified or not known if diverted properly.
// Other values indicate specific status.
// See DeviceConnectionResult in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.h
optional int32 result = 4;
// Average milliseconds of time to connect
optional float time_to_connect_millis = 5;
// Number of connections if aggregated statistics, otherwise 1.
optional int32 connection_count = 6;
* Logs: i) creation of different types of cryptographic keys in the keystore,
* ii) operations performed using the keys,
* iii) attestation of the keys
* Logged from: system/security/keystore/key_event_log_handler.cpp
message KeystoreKeyEventReported {
enum Algorithm {
/** Asymmetric algorithms. */
RSA = 1;
// 2 removed, do not reuse.
EC = 3;
/** Block cipher algorithms */
AES = 32;
/** MAC algorithms */
HMAC = 128;
/** Algorithm associated with the key */
optional Algorithm algorithm = 1;
/** Size of the key */
optional int32 key_size = 2;
enum KeyOrigin {
/** Generated in keymaster. Should not exist outside the TEE. */
/** Derived inside keymaster. Likely exists off-device. */
/** Imported into keymaster. Existed as cleartext in Android. */
/** Keymaster did not record origin. */
/** Securely imported into Keymaster. */
/* Logs whether the key was generated, imported, securely imported, or derived.*/
optional KeyOrigin key_origin = 3;
enum HardwareAuthenticatorType {
NONE = 0;
// Additional entries must be powers of 2.
* What auth types does this key require? If none,
* then no auth required.
optional HardwareAuthenticatorType user_auth_type = 4;
* If user authentication is required, is the requirement time based? If it
* is not time based then this field will not be used and the key is per
* operation. Per operation keys must be user authenticated on each usage.
optional int32 user_auth_key_timeout_secs = 5;
* padding mode, digest, block_mode and purpose should ideally be repeated
* fields. However, since statsd does not support repeated fields in
* pushed atoms, they are represented using bitmaps.
/** Track which padding mode is being used.*/
optional int32 padding_mode_bitmap = 6;
/** Track which digest is being used. */
optional int32 digest_bitmap = 7;
/** Track what block mode is being used (for encryption). */
optional int32 block_mode_bitmap = 8;
/** Track what purpose is this key serving. */
optional int32 purpose_bitmap = 9;
enum EcCurve {
P_224 = 0;
P_256 = 1;
P_384 = 2;
P_521 = 3;
/** Which ec curve was selected if elliptic curve cryptography is in use **/
optional EcCurve ec_curve = 10;
enum KeyBlobUsageRequirements {
/** Standalone or is a file system required */
optional KeyBlobUsageRequirements key_blob_usage_reqs = 11;
enum Type {
key_operation = 0;
key_creation = 1;
key_attestation = 2;
/** Key creation event, operation event or attestation event? */
optional Type type = 12;
/** Was the key creation, operation, or attestation successful? */
optional bool was_successful = 13;
/** Response code or error code */
optional int32 error_code = 14;
// Blob Committer stats
// Keep in sync between:
// frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto
// frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
message BlobCommitterProto {
// Committer app's uid
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Unix epoch timestamp of the commit in milliseconds
optional int64 commit_timestamp_millis = 2;
// Flags of what access types the committer has set for the Blob
optional int32 access_mode = 3;
// Number of packages that have been whitelisted for ACCESS_TYPE_WHITELIST
optional int32 num_whitelisted_package = 4;
// Blob Leasee stats
// Keep in sync between:
// frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto
// frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
message BlobLeaseeProto {
// Leasee app's uid
optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true];
// Unix epoch timestamp for lease expiration in milliseconds
optional int64 lease_expiry_timestamp_millis = 2;
// List of Blob Committers
// Keep in sync between:
// frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto
// frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
message BlobCommitterListProto {
repeated BlobCommitterProto committer = 1;
// List of Blob Leasees
// Keep in sync between:
// frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto
// frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto
message BlobLeaseeListProto {
repeated BlobLeaseeProto leasee = 1;
* Logs the current state of a Blob committed with BlobStoreManager
* Pulled from:
* frameworks/base/apex/blobstore/service/java/com/android/server/blob/
message BlobInfo {
// Id of the Blob
optional int64 blob_id = 1;
// Size of the Blob data
optional int64 size = 2;
// Unix epoch timestamp of the Blob's expiration in milliseconds
optional int64 expiry_timestamp_millis = 3;
// List of committers of this Blob
optional BlobCommitterListProto committers = 4;
// List of leasees of this Blob
optional BlobLeaseeListProto leasees = 5;