blob: 5e012447e9dd17ce313f595fa7ea89ec8239f834 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.BytesLong;
import android.annotation.CallbackExecutor;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
* This class is used to interact with hardware tuners devices.
* <p> Each TvInputService Session should create one instance of this class.
* <p> This class controls the TIS interaction with Tuner HAL.
* @hide
public class Tuner implements AutoCloseable {
private static final String TAG = "MediaTvTuner";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final int MSG_ON_FILTER_EVENT = 2;
private static final int MSG_ON_FILTER_STATUS = 3;
private static final int MSG_ON_LNB_EVENT = 4;
static {
private final Context mContext;
private List<Integer> mFrontendIds;
private Frontend mFrontend;
private EventHandler mHandler;
private List<Integer> mLnbIds;
private Lnb mLnb;
private OnTuneEventListener mOnTuneEventListener;
private Executor mOnTunerEventExecutor;
private ScanCallback mScanCallback;
private Executor mScanCallbackExecutor;
* Constructs a Tuner instance.
* @param context the context of the caller.
* @param tvInputSessionId the session ID of the TV input.
* @param useCase the use case of this Tuner instance.
public Tuner(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String tvInputSessionId,
@TvInputService.PriorityHintUseCaseType int useCase,
@Nullable OnResourceLostListener listener) {
mContext = context;
* Shares the frontend resource with another Tuner instance
* @param tuner the Tuner instance to share frontend resource with.
public void shareFrontendFromTuner(@NonNull Tuner tuner) {
// TODO: implementation.
* Updates client priority with an arbitrary value along with a nice value.
* <p>Tuner resource manager (TRM) uses the client priority value to decide whether it is able
* to reclaim insufficient resources from another client.
* <p>The nice value represents how much the client intends to give up the resource when an
* insufficient resource situation happens.
* @param priority the new priority.
* @param niceValue the nice value.
public void updateResourcePriority(int priority, int niceValue) {
// TODO: implementation.
private long mNativeContext; // used by native jMediaTuner
* Releases the Tuner instance.
public void close() {
// TODO: implementation.
* Native Initialization.
private static native void nativeInit();
* Native setup.
private native void nativeSetup();
* Native method to get all frontend IDs.
private native List<Integer> nativeGetFrontendIds();
* Native method to open frontend of the given ID.
private native Frontend nativeOpenFrontendById(int id);
private native int nativeTune(int type, FrontendSettings settings);
private native int nativeStopTune();
private native int nativeScan(int settingsType, FrontendSettings settings, int scanType);
private native int nativeStopScan();
private native int nativeSetLnb(int lnbId);
private native int nativeSetLna(boolean enable);
private native FrontendStatus nativeGetFrontendStatus(int[] statusTypes);
private native int nativeGetAvSyncHwId(Filter filter);
private native long nativeGetAvSyncTime(int avSyncId);
private native int nativeConnectCiCam(int ciCamId);
private native int nativeDisconnectCiCam();
private native FrontendInfo nativeGetFrontendInfo(int id);
private native Filter nativeOpenFilter(int type, int subType, long bufferSize);
private native TimeFilter nativeOpenTimeFilter();
private native List<Integer> nativeGetLnbIds();
private native Lnb nativeOpenLnbById(int id);
private native Descrambler nativeOpenDescrambler();
private native DvrRecorder nativeOpenDvrRecorder(long bufferSize);
private native DvrPlayback nativeOpenDvrPlayback(long bufferSize);
private static native DemuxCapabilities nativeGetDemuxCapabilities();
* Listener for resource lost.
* <p>Resource is reclaimed and tuner instance is forced to close.
public interface OnResourceLostListener {
* Invoked when resource lost.
* @param tuner the tuner instance whose resource is being reclaimed.
void onResourceLost(@NonNull Tuner tuner);
private EventHandler createEventHandler() {
Looper looper;
if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) != null) {
return new EventHandler(looper);
} else if ((looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) != null) {
return new EventHandler(looper);
return null;
private class EventHandler extends Handler {
private EventHandler(Looper looper) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
Filter filter = (Filter) msg.obj;
if (filter.getCallback() != null) {
filter.getCallback().onFilterStatusChanged(filter, msg.arg1);
// fall through
private class Frontend {
private int mId;
private Frontend(int id) {
mId = id;
* Listens for tune events.
* <p>
* Tuner events are started when {@link #tune(FrontendSettings)} is called and end when {@link
* #stopTune()} is called.
* @param eventListener receives tune events.
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have appropriate permissions.
* @see #tune(FrontendSettings)
public void setOnTuneEventListener(@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull OnTuneEventListener eventListener) {
mOnTuneEventListener = eventListener;
mOnTunerEventExecutor = executor;
* Clears the {@link OnTuneEventListener} and its associated {@link Executor}.
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have appropriate permissions.
* @see #setOnTuneEventListener(Executor, OnTuneEventListener)
public void clearOnTuneEventListener() {
mOnTuneEventListener = null;
mOnTunerEventExecutor = null;
* Tunes the frontend to using the settings given.
* <p>
* This locks the frontend to a frequency by providing signal
* delivery information. If previous tuning isn't completed, this stop the previous tuning, and
* start a new tuning.
* <p>
* Tune is an async call, with {@link OnTuneEventListener#SIGNAL_LOCKED} and {@link
* OnTuneEventListener#SIGNAL_NO_SIGNAL} events sent to the {@link OnTuneEventListener}
* specified in {@link #setOnTuneEventListener(Executor, OnTuneEventListener)}.
* @param settings Signal delivery information the frontend uses to
* search and lock the signal.
* @return result status of tune operation.
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have appropriate permissions.
* @see #setOnTuneEventListener(Executor, OnTuneEventListener)
public int tune(@NonNull FrontendSettings settings) {
return nativeTune(settings.getType(), settings);
* Stops a previous tuning.
* <p>If the method completes successfully, the frontend is no longer tuned and no data
* will be sent to attached filters.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int stopTune() {
return nativeStopTune();
* Scan for channels.
* <p>Details for channels found are returned via {@link ScanCallback}.
* @param settings A {@link FrontendSettings} to configure the frontend.
* @param scanType The scan type.
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have appropriate permissions.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code scan} is called again before {@link #stopScan()} is
* called.
public int scan(@NonNull FrontendSettings settings, @TunerConstants.ScanType int scanType,
@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor, @NonNull ScanCallback scanCallback) {
if (mScanCallback != null || mScanCallbackExecutor != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Scan already in progress. stopScan must be called before a new scan can be "
+ "started.");
mScanCallback = scanCallback;
mScanCallbackExecutor = executor;
return nativeScan(settings.getType(), settings, scanType);
* Stops a previous scanning.
* <p>
* The {@link ScanCallback} and it's {@link Executor} will be removed.
* <p>
* If the method completes successfully, the frontend stopped previous scanning.
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have appropriate permissions.
public int stopScan() {
int retVal = nativeStopScan();
mScanCallback = null;
mScanCallbackExecutor = null;
return retVal;
* Sets Low-Noise Block downconverter (LNB) for satellite frontend.
* <p>This assigns a hardware LNB resource to the satellite tuner. It can be
* called multiple times to update LNB assignment.
* @param lnb the LNB instance.
* @return result status of the operation.
private int setLnb(@NonNull Lnb lnb) {
return nativeSetLnb(lnb.mId);
* Enable or Disable Low Noise Amplifier (LNA).
* @param enable {@code true} to activate LNA module; {@code false} to deactivate LNA.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int setLna(boolean enable) {
return nativeSetLna(enable);
* Gets the statuses of the frontend.
* <p>This retrieve the statuses of the frontend for given status types.
* @param statusTypes an array of status types which the caller requests.
* @return statuses which response the caller's requests.
public FrontendStatus getFrontendStatus(@NonNull int[] statusTypes) {
return nativeGetFrontendStatus(statusTypes);
* Gets hardware sync ID for audio and video.
* @param filter the filter instance for the hardware sync ID.
* @return the id of hardware A/V sync.
public int getAvSyncHwId(@NonNull Filter filter) {
return nativeGetAvSyncHwId(filter);
* Gets the current timestamp for Audio/Video sync
* <p>The timestamp is maintained by hardware. The timestamp based on 90KHz, and it's format is
* the same as PTS (Presentation Time Stamp).
* @param avSyncHwId the hardware id of A/V sync.
* @return the current timestamp of hardware A/V sync.
public long getAvSyncTime(int avSyncHwId) {
return nativeGetAvSyncTime(avSyncHwId);
* Connects Conditional Access Modules (CAM) through Common Interface (CI)
* <p>The demux uses the output from the frontend as the input by default, and must change to
* use the output from CI-CAM as the input after this call.
* @param ciCamId specify CI-CAM Id to connect.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int connectCiCam(int ciCamId) {
return nativeConnectCiCam(ciCamId);
* Disconnects Conditional Access Modules (CAM)
* <p>The demux will use the output from the frontend as the input after this call.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int disconnectCiCam() {
return nativeDisconnectCiCam();
* Gets the frontend information.
* @return The frontend information. {@code null} if the operation failed.
public FrontendInfo getFrontendInfo() {
if (mFrontend == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("frontend is not initialized");
return nativeGetFrontendInfo(mFrontend.mId);
* Gets Demux capabilities.
public static DemuxCapabilities getDemuxCapabilities(@NonNull Context context) {
return nativeGetDemuxCapabilities();
private List<Integer> getFrontendIds() {
mFrontendIds = nativeGetFrontendIds();
return mFrontendIds;
private Frontend openFrontendById(int id) {
if (mFrontendIds == null) {
mFrontendIds = getFrontendIds();
if (!mFrontendIds.contains(id)) {
return null;
mFrontend = nativeOpenFrontendById(id);
return mFrontend;
private void onFrontendEvent(int eventType) {
if (mOnTunerEventExecutor != null && mOnTuneEventListener != null) {
mOnTunerEventExecutor.execute(() -> mOnTuneEventListener.onTuneEvent(eventType));
* Opens a filter object based on the given types and buffer size.
* @param mainType the main type of the filter.
* @param subType the subtype of the filter.
* @param bufferSize the buffer size of the filter to be opened in bytes. The buffer holds the
* data output from the filter.
* @param executor the executor on which callback will be invoked. The default event handler
* executor is used if it's {@code null}.
* @param cb the callback to receive notifications from filter.
* @return the opened filter. {@code null} if the operation failed.
public Filter openFilter(@Type int mainType, @Subtype int subType,
@BytesLong long bufferSize, @CallbackExecutor @Nullable Executor executor,
@Nullable FilterCallback cb) {
Filter filter = nativeOpenFilter(
mainType, TunerUtils.getFilterSubtype(mainType, subType), bufferSize);
if (filter != null) {
if (mHandler == null) {
mHandler = createEventHandler();
return filter;
* Opens an LNB (low-noise block downconverter) object.
* @param executor the executor on which callback will be invoked. The default event handler
* executor is used if it's {@code null}.
* @param cb the callback to receive notifications from LNB.
* @return the opened LNB object. {@code null} if the operation failed.
public Lnb openLnb(@CallbackExecutor @Nullable Executor executor, @Nullable LnbCallback cb) {
return openLnbByName(null, executor, cb);
* Opens an LNB (low-noise block downconverter) object.
* @param name the LNB name.
* @param executor the executor on which callback will be invoked. The default event handler
* executor is used if it's {@code null}.
* @param cb the callback to receive notifications from LNB.
* @return the opened LNB object. {@code null} if the operation failed.
public Lnb openLnbByName(@Nullable String name, @CallbackExecutor @Nullable Executor executor,
@NonNull LnbCallback cb) {
// TODO: use resource manager to get LNB ID.
return new Lnb(0);
* Open a time filter object.
* @return the opened time filter object. {@code null} if the operation failed.
public TimeFilter openTimeFilter() {
return nativeOpenTimeFilter();
private List<Integer> getLnbIds() {
mLnbIds = nativeGetLnbIds();
return mLnbIds;
private Lnb openLnbById(int id) {
if (mLnbIds == null) {
mLnbIds = getLnbIds();
if (!mLnbIds.contains(id)) {
return null;
mLnb = nativeOpenLnbById(id);
return mLnb;
private void onLnbEvent(int eventType) {
if (mHandler != null) {
mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_ON_LNB_EVENT, eventType, 0));
* Opens a Descrambler in tuner.
* @return a {@link Descrambler} object.
public Descrambler openDescrambler() {
return nativeOpenDescrambler();
* Open a DVR (Digital Video Record) recorder instance.
* @param bufferSize the buffer size of the output in bytes. It's used to hold output data of
* the attached filters.
* @param executor the executor on which callback will be invoked. The default event handler
* executor is used if it's {@code null}.
* @param l the listener to receive notifications from DVR recorder.
* @return the opened DVR recorder object. {@code null} if the operation failed.
public DvrRecorder openDvrRecorder(
@BytesLong long bufferSize,
@CallbackExecutor @Nullable Executor executor,
@Nullable OnRecordStatusChangedListener l) {
DvrRecorder dvr = nativeOpenDvrRecorder(bufferSize);
return dvr;
* Open a DVR (Digital Video Record) playback instance.
* @param bufferSize the buffer size of the output in bytes. It's used to hold output data of
* the attached filters.
* @param executor the executor on which callback will be invoked. The default event handler
* executor is used if it's {@code null}.
* @param l the listener to receive notifications from DVR recorder.
* @return the opened DVR playback object. {@code null} if the operation failed.
public DvrPlayback openDvrPlayback(
@BytesLong long bufferSize,
@CallbackExecutor @Nullable Executor executor,
@Nullable OnPlaybackStatusChangedListener l) {
DvrPlayback dvr = nativeOpenDvrPlayback(bufferSize);
return dvr;