blob: 0634281293a3d5d448b332fc7035663d3386bb1e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.system.OsConstants;
import android.util.Log;
import libcore.util.HexEncoding;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class RtNetlinkNeighborMessageTest extends TestCase {
private final String TAG = "RtNetlinkNeighborMessageTest";
// Hexadecimal representation of packet capture.
public static final String RTM_DELNEIGH_HEX =
// struct nlmsghdr
"4c000000" + // length = 76
"1d00" + // type = 29 (RTM_DELNEIGH)
"0000" + // flags
"00000000" + // seqno
"00000000" + // pid (0 == kernel)
// struct ndmsg
"02" + // family
"00" + // pad1
"0000" + // pad2
"15000000" + // interface index (21 == wlan0, on test device)
"0400" + // NUD state (0x04 == NUD_STALE)
"00" + // flags
"01" + // type
// struct nlattr: NDA_DST
"0800" + // length = 8
"0100" + // type (1 == NDA_DST, for neighbor messages)
"c0a89ffe" + // IPv4 address (==
// struct nlattr: NDA_LLADDR
"0a00" + // length = 10
"0200" + // type (2 == NDA_LLADDR, for neighbor messages)
"00005e000164" + // MAC Address (== 00:00:5e:00:01:64)
"0000" + // padding, for 4 byte alignment
// struct nlattr: NDA_PROBES
"0800" + // length = 8
"0400" + // type (4 == NDA_PROBES, for neighbor messages)
"01000000" + // number of probes
// struct nlattr: NDA_CACHEINFO
"1400" + // length = 20
"0300" + // type (3 == NDA_CACHEINFO, for neighbor messages)
"05190000" + // ndm_used, as "clock ticks ago"
"05190000" + // ndm_confirmed, as "clock ticks ago"
"190d0000" + // ndm_updated, as "clock ticks ago"
"00000000"; // ndm_refcnt
public static final byte[] RTM_DELNEIGH =
HexEncoding.decode(RTM_DELNEIGH_HEX.toCharArray(), false);
// Hexadecimal representation of packet capture.
public static final String RTM_NEWNEIGH_HEX =
// struct nlmsghdr
"58000000" + // length = 88
"1c00" + // type = 28 (RTM_NEWNEIGH)
"0000" + // flags
"00000000" + // seqno
"00000000" + // pid (0 == kernel)
// struct ndmsg
"0a" + // family
"00" + // pad1
"0000" + // pad2
"15000000" + // interface index (21 == wlan0, on test device)
"0400" + // NUD state (0x04 == NUD_STALE)
"80" + // flags
"01" + // type
// struct nlattr: NDA_DST
"1400" + // length = 20
"0100" + // type (1 == NDA_DST, for neighbor messages)
"fe8000000000000086c9b2fffe6aed4b" + // IPv6 address (== fe80::86c9:b2ff:fe6a:ed4b)
// struct nlattr: NDA_LLADDR
"0a00" + // length = 10
"0200" + // type (2 == NDA_LLADDR, for neighbor messages)
"84c9b26aed4b" + // MAC Address (== 84:c9:b2:6a:ed:4b)
"0000" + // padding, for 4 byte alignment
// struct nlattr: NDA_PROBES
"0800" + // length = 8
"0400" + // type (4 == NDA_PROBES, for neighbor messages)
"01000000" + // number of probes
// struct nlattr: NDA_CACHEINFO
"1400" + // length = 20
"0300" + // type (3 == NDA_CACHEINFO, for neighbor messages)
"eb0e0000" + // ndm_used, as "clock ticks ago"
"861f0000" + // ndm_confirmed, as "clock ticks ago"
"00000000" + // ndm_updated, as "clock ticks ago"
"05000000"; // ndm_refcnt
public static final byte[] RTM_NEWNEIGH =
HexEncoding.decode(RTM_NEWNEIGH_HEX.toCharArray(), false);
// An example of the full response from an RTM_GETNEIGH query.
private static final String RTM_GETNEIGH_RESPONSE_HEX =
// <-- struct nlmsghr -->|<-- struct ndmsg -->|<-- struct nlattr: NDA_DST -->|<-- NDA_LLADDR -->|<-- NDA_PROBES -->|<-- NDA_CACHEINFO -->|
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff020000000000000000000000000001 0a00 0200 333300000001 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 a2280000 32110000 32110000 01000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff0200000000000000000001ff000001 0a00 0200 3333ff000001 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 0d280000 9d100000 9d100000 00000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 0400 80 01 1400 0100 20010db800040ca00000000000000001 0a00 0200 84c9b26aed4b 0000 0800 0400 04000000 1400 0300 90100000 90100000 90080000 01000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff0200000000000000000001ff47da19 0a00 0200 3333ff47da19 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 a1280000 31110000 31110000 01000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 14000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff020000000000000000000000000016 0a00 0200 333300000016 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 912a0000 21130000 21130000 00000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 14000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff0200000000000000000001ffeace3b 0a00 0200 3333ffeace3b 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 922a0000 22130000 22130000 00000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff0200000000000000000001ff5c2a83 0a00 0200 3333ff5c2a83 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 391c0000 c9040000 c9040000 01000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 01000000 4000 00 02 1400 0100 00000000000000000000000000000000 0a00 0200 000000000000 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 cd180200 5d010200 5d010200 08000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff020000000000000000000000000002 0a00 0200 333300000002 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 352a0000 c5120000 c5120000 00000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff020000000000000000000000000016 0a00 0200 333300000016 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 982a0000 28130000 28130000 00000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 0800 80 01 1400 0100 fe8000000000000086c9b2fffe6aed4b 0a00 0200 84c9b26aed4b 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 23000000 24000000 57000000 13000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 15000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff0200000000000000000001ffeace3b 0a00 0200 3333ffeace3b 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 992a0000 29130000 29130000 01000000" +
"58000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 0a 00 0000 14000000 4000 00 05 1400 0100 ff020000000000000000000000000002 0a00 0200 333300000002 0000 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 2e2a0000 be120000 be120000 00000000" +
"44000000 1c00 0200 00000000 3e2b0000 02 00 0000 18000000 4000 00 03 0800 0100 00000000 0400 0200 0800 0400 00000000 1400 0300 75280000 05110000 05110000 22000000";
public static final byte[] RTM_GETNEIGH_RESPONSE =
HexEncoding.decode(RTM_GETNEIGH_RESPONSE_HEX.replaceAll(" ", "").toCharArray(), false);
public void testParseRtNetlinkNeighborRtmDelNeigh() {
final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(RTM_DELNEIGH);
byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // For testing.
final NetlinkMessage msg = NetlinkMessage.parse(byteBuffer);
assertTrue(msg instanceof RtNetlinkNeighborMessage);
final RtNetlinkNeighborMessage neighMsg = (RtNetlinkNeighborMessage) msg;
final StructNlMsgHdr hdr = neighMsg.getHeader();
assertEquals(76, hdr.nlmsg_len);
assertEquals(NetlinkConstants.RTM_DELNEIGH, hdr.nlmsg_type);
assertEquals(0, hdr.nlmsg_flags);
assertEquals(0, hdr.nlmsg_seq);
assertEquals(0, hdr.nlmsg_pid);
final StructNdMsg ndmsgHdr = neighMsg.getNdHeader();
assertEquals((byte) OsConstants.AF_INET, ndmsgHdr.ndm_family);
assertEquals(21, ndmsgHdr.ndm_ifindex);
assertEquals(StructNdMsg.NUD_STALE, ndmsgHdr.ndm_state);
final InetAddress destination = neighMsg.getDestination();
assertEquals(InetAddress.parseNumericAddress(""), destination);
public void testParseRtNetlinkNeighborRtmNewNeigh() {
final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(RTM_NEWNEIGH);
byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // For testing.
final NetlinkMessage msg = NetlinkMessage.parse(byteBuffer);
assertTrue(msg instanceof RtNetlinkNeighborMessage);
final RtNetlinkNeighborMessage neighMsg = (RtNetlinkNeighborMessage) msg;
final StructNlMsgHdr hdr = neighMsg.getHeader();
assertEquals(88, hdr.nlmsg_len);
assertEquals(NetlinkConstants.RTM_NEWNEIGH, hdr.nlmsg_type);
assertEquals(0, hdr.nlmsg_flags);
assertEquals(0, hdr.nlmsg_seq);
assertEquals(0, hdr.nlmsg_pid);
final StructNdMsg ndmsgHdr = neighMsg.getNdHeader();
assertEquals((byte) OsConstants.AF_INET6, ndmsgHdr.ndm_family);
assertEquals(21, ndmsgHdr.ndm_ifindex);
assertEquals(StructNdMsg.NUD_STALE, ndmsgHdr.ndm_state);
final InetAddress destination = neighMsg.getDestination();
assertEquals(InetAddress.parseNumericAddress("fe80::86c9:b2ff:fe6a:ed4b"), destination);
public void testParseRtNetlinkNeighborRtmGetNeighResponse() {
final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(RTM_GETNEIGH_RESPONSE);
byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // For testing.
int messageCount = 0;
while (byteBuffer.remaining() > 0) {
final NetlinkMessage msg = NetlinkMessage.parse(byteBuffer);
assertTrue(msg instanceof RtNetlinkNeighborMessage);
final RtNetlinkNeighborMessage neighMsg = (RtNetlinkNeighborMessage) msg;
final StructNlMsgHdr hdr = neighMsg.getHeader();
assertEquals(NetlinkConstants.RTM_NEWNEIGH, hdr.nlmsg_type);
assertEquals(StructNlMsgHdr.NLM_F_MULTI, hdr.nlmsg_flags);
assertEquals(0, hdr.nlmsg_seq);
assertEquals(11070, hdr.nlmsg_pid);
// TODO: add more detailed spot checks.
assertEquals(14, messageCount);