blob: f99a01dccb39d96faf1b3f69a3a664e52f882589 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiCec;
import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiCecDeviceInfo;
import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiCecMessage;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.util.SparseIntArray;
import libcore.util.EmptyArray;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Manages HDMI-CEC command and behaviors. It converts user's command into CEC command
* and pass it to CEC HAL so that it sends message to other device. For incoming
* message it translates the message and delegates it to proper module.
* <p>It can be created only by {@link HdmiCecController#create}
* <p>Declared as package-private, accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
final class HdmiCecController {
private static final String TAG = "HdmiCecController";
private static final byte[] EMPTY_BODY = EmptyArray.BYTE;
// A message to pass cec send command to IO looper.
private static final int MSG_SEND_CEC_COMMAND = 1;
// A message to delegate logical allocation to IO looper.
private static final int MSG_ALLOCATE_LOGICAL_ADDRESS = 2;
// Message types to handle incoming message in main service looper.
private final static int MSG_RECEIVE_CEC_COMMAND = 1;
// A message to report allocated logical address to main control looper.
private final static int MSG_REPORT_LOGICAL_ADDRESS = 2;
private static final int NUM_LOGICAL_ADDRESS = 16;
// TODO: define other constants for errors.
private static final int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;
// Handler instance to process synchronous I/O (mainly send) message.
private Handler mIoHandler;
// Handler instance to process various messages coming from other CEC
// device or issued by internal state change.
private Handler mControlHandler;
// Stores the pointer to the native implementation of the service that
// interacts with HAL.
private long mNativePtr;
private HdmiControlService mService;
// Map-like container of all cec devices. A logical address of device is
// used as key of container.
private final SparseArray<HdmiCecDeviceInfo> mDeviceInfos =
new SparseArray<HdmiCecDeviceInfo>();
// Set-like container for all local devices' logical address.
// Key and value are same.
private final SparseIntArray mLocalAddresses = new SparseIntArray();
// Private constructor. Use HdmiCecController.create().
private HdmiCecController() {
// TODO: Consider restoring the local device addresses from persistent storage
// to allocate the same addresses again if possible.
* A factory method to get {@link HdmiCecController}. If it fails to initialize
* inner device or has no device it will return {@code null}.
* <p>Declared as package-private, accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
* @param service {@link HdmiControlService} instance used to create internal handler
* and to pass callback for incoming message or event.
* @return {@link HdmiCecController} if device is initialized successfully. Otherwise,
* returns {@code null}.
static HdmiCecController create(HdmiControlService service) {
HdmiCecController handler = new HdmiCecController();
long nativePtr = nativeInit(handler);
if (nativePtr == 0L) {
handler = null;
return null;
handler.init(service, nativePtr);
return handler;
* Initialize {@link #mLocalAddresses} by allocating logical addresses for each hosted type.
* @param deviceTypes local device types
void initializeLocalDevices(int[] deviceTypes) {
for (int deviceType : deviceTypes) {
int preferred = getPreferredAddress(deviceType);
allocateLogicalAddress(deviceType, preferred, new AllocateLogicalAddressCallback() {
public void onAllocated(int deviceType, int logicalAddress) {
* Get the preferred address for a given type.
* @param deviceType logical device type to get the address for
* @return preferred address; {@link HdmiCec#ADDR_UNREGISTERED} if not available.
private int getPreferredAddress(int deviceType) {
// Uses the data restored from persistent memory at boot up if they are available.
// Otherwise we return UNREGISTERED indicating there is no preferred address.
// Note that for address SPECIFIC_USE(14), HdmiCec.getTypeFromAddress() returns DEVICE_TV,
// meaning that we do not support device type video processor yet.
for (int i = 0; i < mLocalAddresses.size(); ++i) {
int address = mLocalAddresses.keyAt(i);
int type = HdmiCec.getTypeFromAddress(address);
if (type == deviceType) {
return address;
* Interface to report allocated logical address.
interface AllocateLogicalAddressCallback {
* Called when a new logical address is allocated.
* @param deviceType requested device type to allocate logical address
* @param logicalAddress allocated logical address. If it is
* {@link HdmiCec#ADDR_UNREGISTERED}, it means that
* it failed to allocate logical address for the given device type
void onAllocated(int deviceType, int logicalAddress);
* Allocate a new logical address of the given device type. Allocated
* address will be reported through {@link AllocateLogicalAddressCallback}.
* <p> Declared as package-private, accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
* @param deviceType type of device to used to determine logical address
* @param preferredAddress a logical address preferred to be allocated.
* If sets {@link HdmiCec#ADDR_UNREGISTERED}, scans
* the smallest logical address matched with the given device type.
* Otherwise, scan address will start from {@code preferredAddress}
* @param callback callback interface to report allocated logical address to caller
void allocateLogicalAddress(int deviceType, int preferredAddress,
AllocateLogicalAddressCallback callback) {
Message msg = mIoHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_ALLOCATE_LOGICAL_ADDRESS);
msg.arg1 = deviceType;
msg.arg2 = preferredAddress;
msg.obj = callback;
private static byte[] buildBody(int opcode, byte[] params) {
byte[] body = new byte[params.length + 1];
body[0] = (byte) opcode;
System.arraycopy(params, 0, body, 1, params.length);
return body;
private final class IoHandler extends Handler {
private IoHandler(Looper looper) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
HdmiCecMessage cecMessage = (HdmiCecMessage) msg.obj;
byte[] body = buildBody(cecMessage.getOpcode(), cecMessage.getParams());
nativeSendCecCommand(mNativePtr, cecMessage.getSource(),
cecMessage.getDestination(), body);
int deviceType = msg.arg1;
int preferredAddress = msg.arg2;
AllocateLogicalAddressCallback callback =
(AllocateLogicalAddressCallback) msg.obj;
handleAllocateLogicalAddress(deviceType, preferredAddress, callback);
Slog.w(TAG, "Unsupported CEC Io request:" + msg.what);
private void handleAllocateLogicalAddress(int deviceType, int preferredAddress,
AllocateLogicalAddressCallback callback) {
int startAddress = preferredAddress;
// If preferred address is "unregistered", start_index will be the smallest
// address matched with the given device type.
if (preferredAddress == HdmiCec.ADDR_UNREGISTERED) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LOGICAL_ADDRESS; ++i) {
if (deviceType == HdmiCec.getTypeFromAddress(i)) {
startAddress = i;
int logcialAddress = HdmiCec.ADDR_UNREGISTERED;
// Iterates all possible addresses which has the same device type.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LOGICAL_ADDRESS; ++i) {
int curAddress = (startAddress + i) % NUM_LOGICAL_ADDRESS;
if (curAddress != HdmiCec.ADDR_UNREGISTERED
&& deviceType == HdmiCec.getTypeFromAddress(i)) {
// <Polling Message> is a message which has empty body and
// uses same address for both source and destination address.
// If sending <Polling Message> failed (NAK), it becomes
// new logical address for the device because no device uses
// it as logical address of the device.
int error = nativeSendCecCommand(mNativePtr, curAddress, curAddress,
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
logcialAddress = curAddress;
Message msg = mControlHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_REPORT_LOGICAL_ADDRESS);
msg.arg1 = deviceType;
msg.arg2 = logcialAddress;
msg.obj = callback;
private final class ControlHandler extends Handler {
private ControlHandler(Looper looper) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
// TODO: delegate it to HdmiControl service.
onReceiveCommand((HdmiCecMessage) msg.obj);
int deviceType = msg.arg1;
int logicalAddress = msg.arg2;
AllocateLogicalAddressCallback callback =
(AllocateLogicalAddressCallback) msg.obj;
callback.onAllocated(deviceType, logicalAddress);
Slog.i(TAG, "Unsupported message type:" + msg.what);
* Add a new {@link HdmiCecDeviceInfo}. It returns old device info which has the same
* logical address as new device info's.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
* @param deviceInfo a new {@link HdmiCecDeviceInfo} to be added.
* @return {@code null} if it is new device. Otherwise, returns old {@HdmiCecDeviceInfo}
* that has the same logical address as new one has.
HdmiCecDeviceInfo addDeviceInfo(HdmiCecDeviceInfo deviceInfo) {
HdmiCecDeviceInfo oldDeviceInfo = getDeviceInfo(deviceInfo.getLogicalAddress());
if (oldDeviceInfo != null) {
mDeviceInfos.append(deviceInfo.getLogicalAddress(), deviceInfo);
return oldDeviceInfo;
* Remove a device info corresponding to the given {@code logicalAddress}.
* It returns removed {@link HdmiCecDeviceInfo} if exists.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
* @param logicalAddress logical address of device to be removed
* @return removed {@link HdmiCecDeviceInfo} it exists. Otherwise, returns {@code null}
HdmiCecDeviceInfo removeDeviceInfo(int logicalAddress) {
HdmiCecDeviceInfo deviceInfo = mDeviceInfos.get(logicalAddress);
if (deviceInfo != null) {
return deviceInfo;
* Return a list of all {@HdmiCecDeviceInfo}.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
List<HdmiCecDeviceInfo> getDeviceInfoList() {
List<HdmiCecDeviceInfo> deviceInfoList = new ArrayList<HdmiCecDeviceInfo>(
for (int i = 0; i < mDeviceInfos.size(); ++i) {
return deviceInfoList;
* Return a {@link HdmiCecDeviceInfo} corresponding to the given {@code logicalAddress}.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
* @param logicalAddress logical address to be retrieved
* @return {@link HdmiCecDeviceInfo} matched with the given {@code logicalAddress}.
* Returns null if no logical address matched
HdmiCecDeviceInfo getDeviceInfo(int logicalAddress) {
return mDeviceInfos.get(logicalAddress);
* Add a new logical address to the device. Device's HW should be notified
* when a new logical address is assigned to a device, so that it can accept
* a command having available destinations.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
* @param newLogicalAddress a logical address to be added
* @return 0 on success. Otherwise, returns negative value
int addLogicalAddress(int newLogicalAddress) {
if (HdmiCec.isValidAddress(newLogicalAddress)) {
mLocalAddresses.put(newLogicalAddress, newLogicalAddress);
return nativeAddLogicalAddress(mNativePtr, newLogicalAddress);
} else {
return -1;
* Clear all logical addresses registered in the device.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
void clearLogicalAddress() {
// TODO: consider to backup logical address so that new logical address
// allocation can use it as preferred address.
* Return the physical address of the device.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
* @return CEC physical address of the device. The range of success address
* is between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF. If failed it returns -1
int getPhysicalAddress() {
return nativeGetPhysicalAddress(mNativePtr);
* Return CEC version of the device.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
int getVersion() {
return nativeGetVersion(mNativePtr);
* Return vendor id of the device.
* <p>Declared as package-private. accessed by {@link HdmiControlService} only.
int getVendorId() {
return nativeGetVendorId(mNativePtr);
private void init(HdmiControlService service, long nativePtr) {
mService = service;
mIoHandler = new IoHandler(service.getServiceLooper());
mControlHandler = new ControlHandler(service.getServiceLooper());
mNativePtr = nativePtr;
private boolean isAcceptableAddress(int address) {
// Can access command targeting devices available in local device or
// broadcast command.
return address == HdmiCec.ADDR_BROADCAST
|| mLocalAddresses.indexOfKey(address) < 0;
private void onReceiveCommand(HdmiCecMessage message) {
if (isAcceptableAddress(message.getDestination()) &&
mService.handleCecCommand(message)) {
// TODO: Use device's source address for broadcast message.
int sourceAddress = message.getDestination() != HdmiCec.ADDR_BROADCAST ?
message.getDestination() : 0;
// Reply <Feature Abort> to initiator (source) for all requests.
HdmiCecMessage cecMessage = HdmiCecMessageBuilder.buildFeatureAbortCommand
(sourceAddress, message.getSource(), message.getOpcode(),
boolean sendCommand(HdmiCecMessage cecMessage) {
Message message = mIoHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_SEND_CEC_COMMAND, cecMessage);
return mIoHandler.sendMessage(message);
* Called by native when incoming CEC message arrived.
private void handleIncomingCecCommand(int srcAddress, int dstAddress, byte[] body) {
byte opcode = body[0];
byte params[] = Arrays.copyOfRange(body, 1, body.length);
HdmiCecMessage cecMessage = new HdmiCecMessage(srcAddress, dstAddress, opcode, params);
// Delegate message to main handler so that it handles in main thread.
Message message = mControlHandler.obtainMessage(
* Called by native when a hotplug event issues.
private void handleHotplug(boolean connected) {
// TODO: once add port number to cec HAL interface, pass port number
// to the service.
mService.onHotplug(0, connected);
private static native long nativeInit(HdmiCecController handler);
private static native int nativeSendCecCommand(long controllerPtr, int srcAddress,
int dstAddress, byte[] body);
private static native int nativeAddLogicalAddress(long controllerPtr, int logicalAddress);
private static native void nativeClearLogicalAddress(long controllerPtr);
private static native int nativeGetPhysicalAddress(long controllerPtr);
private static native int nativeGetVersion(long controllerPtr);
private static native int nativeGetVendorId(long controllerPtr);