| // |
| // Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| // |
| |
| // ========================================================== |
| // Build the library for use on the host |
| // ========================================================== |
| cc_library_host_shared { |
| name: "libstats_proto_host", |
| srcs: [ |
| "src/atoms.proto", |
| "src/atom_field_options.proto", |
| ], |
| |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "libplatformprotos", |
| ], |
| |
| proto: { |
| type: "full", |
| export_proto_headers: true, |
| include_dirs: [ |
| "external/protobuf/src", |
| ], |
| }, |
| |
| export_shared_lib_headers: [ |
| "libplatformprotos", |
| ] |
| |
| } |
| |
| cc_defaults { |
| name: "statsd_defaults", |
| aidl: { |
| include_dirs: ["frameworks/base/core/java"], |
| }, |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| ":statsd_aidl", |
| ":ICarStatsService.aidl", |
| "src/active_config_list.proto", |
| "src/anomaly/AlarmMonitor.cpp", |
| "src/anomaly/AlarmTracker.cpp", |
| "src/anomaly/AnomalyTracker.cpp", |
| "src/anomaly/DurationAnomalyTracker.cpp", |
| "src/anomaly/subscriber_util.cpp", |
| "src/condition/CombinationConditionTracker.cpp", |
| "src/condition/condition_util.cpp", |
| "src/condition/ConditionWizard.cpp", |
| "src/condition/SimpleConditionTracker.cpp", |
| "src/condition/StateConditionTracker.cpp", |
| "src/config/ConfigKey.cpp", |
| "src/config/ConfigListener.cpp", |
| "src/config/ConfigManager.cpp", |
| "src/external/CarStatsPuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/GpuStatsPuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/Perfetto.cpp", |
| "src/external/PowerStatsPuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/PullResultReceiver.cpp", |
| "src/external/puller_util.cpp", |
| "src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/StatsCallbackPuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/StatsCallbackPullerDeprecated.cpp", |
| "src/external/StatsCompanionServicePuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/StatsPuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/StatsPullerManager.cpp", |
| "src/external/SubsystemSleepStatePuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/SurfaceflingerStatsPuller.cpp", |
| "src/external/TrainInfoPuller.cpp", |
| "src/FieldValue.cpp", |
| "src/guardrail/StatsdStats.cpp", |
| "src/hash.cpp", |
| "src/HashableDimensionKey.cpp", |
| "src/logd/LogEvent.cpp", |
| "src/logd/LogEventQueue.cpp", |
| "src/matchers/CombinationLogMatchingTracker.cpp", |
| "src/matchers/EventMatcherWizard.cpp", |
| "src/matchers/matcher_util.cpp", |
| "src/matchers/SimpleLogMatchingTracker.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/CountMetricProducer.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/duration_helper/MaxDurationTracker.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/duration_helper/OringDurationTracker.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/DurationMetricProducer.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/EventMetricProducer.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/GaugeMetricProducer.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/MetricProducer.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/metrics_manager_util.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/MetricsManager.cpp", |
| "src/metrics/ValueMetricProducer.cpp", |
| "src/packages/UidMap.cpp", |
| "src/shell/shell_config.proto", |
| "src/shell/ShellSubscriber.cpp", |
| "src/socket/StatsSocketListener.cpp", |
| "src/state/StateManager.cpp", |
| "src/state/StateTracker.cpp", |
| "src/stats_log_util.cpp", |
| "src/statscompanion_util.cpp", |
| "src/statsd_config.proto", |
| "src/StatsLogProcessor.cpp", |
| "src/StatsService.cpp", |
| "src/storage/StorageManager.cpp", |
| "src/subscriber/IncidentdReporter.cpp", |
| "src/subscriber/SubscriberReporter.cpp", |
| "src/uid_data.proto", |
| ], |
| |
| cflags: [ |
| ], |
| |
| local_include_dirs: [ |
| "src", |
| ], |
| |
| static_libs: [ |
| "libhealthhalutils", |
| "libplatformprotos", |
| ], |
| |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "android.frameworks.stats@1.0", |
| "android.hardware.health@2.0", |
| "android.hardware.power.stats@1.0", |
| "android.hardware.power@1.0", |
| "android.hardware.power@1.1", |
| "libbase", |
| "libbinder", |
| "libcutils", |
| "libgraphicsenv", |
| "libhidlbase", |
| "libincident", |
| "liblog", |
| "libprotoutil", |
| "libservices", |
| "libstatslog", |
| "libstatssocket", |
| "libsysutils", |
| "libtimestats_proto", |
| "libutils", |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| // ========= |
| // statsd |
| // ========= |
| |
| cc_binary { |
| name: "statsd", |
| defaults: ["statsd_defaults"], |
| |
| srcs: ["src/main.cpp"], |
| |
| cflags: [ |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Wextra", |
| "-Werror", |
| "-Wno-unused-parameter", |
| // optimize for size (protobuf glop can get big) |
| "-Os", |
| // "-g", |
| // "-O0", |
| ], |
| |
| product_variables: { |
| eng: { |
| // Enable sanitizer ONLY on eng builds |
| //sanitize: { |
| // address: true, |
| //}, |
| }, |
| debuggable: { |
| // Add a flag to enable stats log printing from statsd on debug builds. |
| cflags: ["-DVERY_VERBOSE_PRINTING"], |
| }, |
| }, |
| |
| proto: { |
| type: "lite", |
| }, |
| |
| shared_libs: ["libgtest_prod"], |
| |
| vintf_fragments: ["android.frameworks.stats@1.0-service.xml"], |
| |
| init_rc: ["statsd.rc"], |
| } |
| |
| // ============== |
| // statsd_test |
| // ============== |
| |
| cc_test { |
| name: "statsd_test", |
| defaults: ["statsd_defaults"], |
| test_suites: ["device-tests"], |
| |
| cflags: [ |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Werror", |
| "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", |
| "-Wno-unused-variable", |
| "-Wno-unused-function", |
| "-Wno-unused-parameter", |
| ], |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| // atom_field_options.proto needs field_options.proto, but that is |
| // not included in libprotobuf-cpp-lite, so compile it here. |
| ":libprotobuf-internal-protos", |
| |
| "src/atom_field_options.proto", |
| "src/atoms.proto", |
| "src/shell/shell_data.proto", |
| "src/stats_log.proto", |
| "tests/AlarmMonitor_test.cpp", |
| "tests/anomaly/AlarmTracker_test.cpp", |
| "tests/anomaly/AnomalyTracker_test.cpp", |
| "tests/condition/CombinationConditionTracker_test.cpp", |
| "tests/condition/ConditionTimer_test.cpp", |
| "tests/condition/SimpleConditionTracker_test.cpp", |
| "tests/condition/StateConditionTracker_test.cpp", |
| "tests/ConfigManager_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/Alarm_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/Anomaly_count_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/Anomaly_duration_sum_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/Attribution_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/ConfigTtl_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/CountMetric_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/DurationMetric_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/GaugeMetric_e2e_pull_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/GaugeMetric_e2e_push_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/MetricActivation_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/MetricConditionLink_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/PartialBucket_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/ValueMetric_pull_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/e2e/WakelockDuration_e2e_test.cpp", |
| "tests/external/GpuStatsPuller_test.cpp", |
| "tests/external/IncidentReportArgs_test.cpp", |
| "tests/external/puller_util_test.cpp", |
| "tests/external/StatsPuller_test.cpp", |
| "tests/external/SurfaceflingerStatsPuller_test.cpp", |
| "tests/FieldValue_test.cpp", |
| "tests/guardrail/StatsdStats_test.cpp", |
| "tests/indexed_priority_queue_test.cpp", |
| "tests/log_event/LogEventQueue_test.cpp", |
| "tests/LogEntryMatcher_test.cpp", |
| "tests/LogEvent_test.cpp", |
| "tests/metrics/CountMetricProducer_test.cpp", |
| "tests/metrics/DurationMetricProducer_test.cpp", |
| "tests/metrics/EventMetricProducer_test.cpp", |
| "tests/metrics/GaugeMetricProducer_test.cpp", |
| "tests/metrics/MaxDurationTracker_test.cpp", |
| "tests/metrics/metrics_test_helper.cpp", |
| "tests/metrics/OringDurationTracker_test.cpp", |
| "tests/metrics/ValueMetricProducer_test.cpp", |
| "tests/MetricsManager_test.cpp", |
| "tests/shell/ShellSubscriber_test.cpp", |
| "tests/state/StateTracker_test.cpp", |
| "tests/statsd_test_util.cpp", |
| "tests/StatsLogProcessor_test.cpp", |
| "tests/StatsService_test.cpp", |
| "tests/storage/StorageManager_test.cpp", |
| "tests/UidMap_test.cpp", |
| ], |
| |
| static_libs: [ |
| "libgmock", |
| "libplatformprotos", |
| ], |
| |
| proto: { |
| type: "lite", |
| include_dirs: ["external/protobuf/src"], |
| }, |
| |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", |
| "libstatssocket" |
| ], |
| |
| } |
| |
| //############################# |
| // statsd micro benchmark |
| //############################# |
| |
| cc_benchmark { |
| name: "statsd_benchmark", |
| defaults: ["statsd_defaults"], |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| // atom_field_options.proto needs field_options.proto, but that is |
| // not included in libprotobuf-cpp-lite, so compile it here. |
| ":libprotobuf-internal-protos", |
| |
| "benchmark/duration_metric_benchmark.cpp", |
| "benchmark/filter_value_benchmark.cpp", |
| "benchmark/get_dimensions_for_condition_benchmark.cpp", |
| "benchmark/hello_world_benchmark.cpp", |
| "benchmark/log_event_benchmark.cpp", |
| "benchmark/main.cpp", |
| "benchmark/metric_util.cpp", |
| "benchmark/stats_write_benchmark.cpp", |
| "src/atom_field_options.proto", |
| "src/atoms.proto", |
| "src/stats_log.proto", |
| ], |
| |
| proto: { |
| type: "lite", |
| include_dirs: ["external/protobuf/src"], |
| }, |
| |
| cflags: [ |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Werror", |
| "-Wno-unused-parameter", |
| "-Wno-unused-variable", |
| "-Wno-unused-function", |
| |
| // Bug: http://b/29823425 Disable -Wvarargs for Clang update to r271374 |
| "-Wno-varargs", |
| ], |
| |
| static_libs: [ |
| "libplatformprotos", |
| ], |
| |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "libgtest_prod", |
| "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", |
| "libstatslog", |
| "libstatssocket", |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| // ==== java proto device library (for test only) ============================== |
| java_library { |
| name: "statsdprotolite", |
| sdk_version: "core_platform", |
| proto: { |
| type: "lite", |
| include_dirs: ["external/protobuf/src"], |
| }, |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| "src/atoms.proto", |
| "src/shell/shell_config.proto", |
| "src/shell/shell_data.proto", |
| "src/stats_log.proto", |
| "src/statsd_config.proto", |
| ], |
| |
| static_libs: [ |
| "platformprotoslite", |
| ], |
| // Protos have lots of MissingOverride and similar. |
| errorprone: { |
| javacflags: ["-XepDisableAllChecks"], |
| }, |
| } |
| |
| // Filegroup for statsd config proto definition. |
| filegroup { |
| name: "statsd-config-proto-def", |
| srcs: ["src/statsd_config.proto"], |
| } |