blob: 0c6e48314c4889dc94099aa9e4810955375a3fd6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY;
import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicyConstants.APPLICATION_LAYER;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* A builder for instantiating a complex {@link DisplayAreaPolicy}
* <p>Given a set of features (that each target a set of window types), it builds the necessary
* DisplayArea hierarchy.
* <p>Example: <br />
* <pre>
* // Feature for targeting everything below the magnification overlay:
* new DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder(...)
* .addFeature(new Feature.Builder(..., "Magnification")
* .build())
* .build(...)
* // Builds a policy with the following hierarchy:
* - DisplayArea.Root
* - Magnification
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (Wallpapers are attached here)
* - TaskContainers
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (windows above Tasks up to IME are attached here)
* - ImeContainers
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (windows above IME up to TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_OVERLAY attached here)
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY and up are attached here)
* </pre>
* // TODO(display-area): document more complex scenarios where we need multiple areas per feature.
class DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder {
private final ArrayList<Feature> mFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
* A feature that requires {@link DisplayArea DisplayArea(s)}.
static class Feature {
private final String mName;
private final int mId;
private final boolean[] mWindowLayers;
private Feature(String name, int id, boolean[] windowLayers) {
mName = name;
mId = id;
mWindowLayers = windowLayers;
* Returns the id of the feature.
* Must be unique among the features added to a {@link DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder}.
* @see android.window.WindowOrganizer.DisplayAreaOrganizer#FEATURE_SYSTEM_FIRST
* @see android.window.WindowOrganizer.DisplayAreaOrganizer#FEATURE_VENDOR_FIRST
public int getId() {
return mId;
public String toString() {
return "Feature(\"" + mName + "\", " + mId + '}';
static class Builder {
private final WindowManagerPolicy mPolicy;
private final String mName;
private final int mId;
private final boolean[] mLayers;
* Build a new feature that applies to a set of window types as specified by the builder
* methods.
* <p>The set of types is updated iteratively in the order of the method invocations.
* For example, {@code all().except(TYPE_STATUS_BAR)} expresses that a feature should
* apply to all types except TYPE_STATUS_BAR.
* The builder starts out with the feature not applying to any types.
* @param name the name of the feature.
* @param id of the feature. {@see Feature#getId}
Builder(WindowManagerPolicy policy, String name, int id) {
mPolicy = policy;
mName = name;
mId = id;
mLayers = new boolean[mPolicy.getMaxWindowLayer()];
* Set that the feature applies to all window types.
Builder all() {
Arrays.fill(mLayers, true);
return this;
* Set that the feature applies to the given window types.
Builder and(int... types) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
int type = types[i];
set(type, true);
return this;
* Set that the feature does not apply to the given window types.
Builder except(int... types) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
int type = types[i];
set(type, false);
return this;
* Set that the feature applies window types that are layerd at or below the layer of
* the given window type.
Builder upTo(int typeInclusive) {
final int max = layerFromType(typeInclusive, false);
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
mLayers[i] = true;
set(typeInclusive, true);
return this;
Feature build() {
return new Feature(mName, mId, mLayers.clone());
private void set(int type, boolean value) {
mLayers[layerFromType(type, true)] = value;
mLayers[layerFromType(type, true)] = value;
mLayers[layerFromType(TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, false)] = value;
mLayers[layerFromType(TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY, false)] = value;
mLayers[layerFromType(TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR, false)] = value;
private int layerFromType(int type, boolean internalWindows) {
return mPolicy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(type, internalWindows);
static class Result extends DisplayAreaPolicy {
private static final int LEAF_TYPE_TASK_CONTAINERS = 1;
private static final int LEAF_TYPE_IME_CONTAINERS = 2;
private static final int LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS = 0;
private final int mMaxWindowLayer = mWmService.mPolicy.getMaxWindowLayer();
private final ArrayList<Feature> mFeatures;
private final Map<Feature, List<DisplayArea<? extends WindowContainer>>> mAreas;
private final DisplayArea.Tokens[] mAreaForLayer = new DisplayArea.Tokens[mMaxWindowLayer];
Result(WindowManagerService wmService, DisplayContent content, DisplayArea.Root root,
DisplayArea<? extends WindowContainer> imeContainer,
DisplayArea<? extends ActivityStack> taskStacks, ArrayList<Feature> features) {
super(wmService, content, root, imeContainer, taskStacks);
mFeatures = features;
mAreas = new HashMap<>(features.size());
for (int i = 0; i < mFeatures.size(); i++) {
mAreas.put(mFeatures.get(i), new ArrayList<>());
public void attachDisplayAreas() {
// This method constructs the layer hierarchy with the following properties:
// (1) Every feature maps to a set of DisplayAreas
// (2) After adding a window, for every feature the window's type belongs to,
// it is a descendant of one of the corresponding DisplayAreas of the feature.
// (3) Z-order is maintained, i.e. if z-range(area) denotes the set of layers of windows
// within a DisplayArea:
// for every pair of DisplayArea siblings (a,b), where a is below b, it holds that
// max(z-range(a)) <= min(z-range(b))
// The algorithm below iteratively creates such a hierarchy:
// - Initially, all windows are attached to the root.
// - For each feature we create a set of DisplayAreas, by looping over the layers
// - if the feature does apply to the current layer, we need to find a DisplayArea
// for it to satisfy (2)
// - we can re-use the previous layer's area if:
// the current feature also applies to the previous layer, (to satisfy (3))
// and the last feature that applied to the previous layer is the same as
// the last feature that applied to the current layer (to satisfy (2))
// - otherwise we create a new DisplayArea below the last feature that applied
// to the current layer
PendingArea[] areaForLayer = new PendingArea[mMaxWindowLayer];
final PendingArea root = new PendingArea(null, 0, null);
Arrays.fill(areaForLayer, root);
final int size = mFeatures.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
PendingArea featureArea = null;
for (int layer = 0; layer < mMaxWindowLayer; layer++) {
final Feature feature = mFeatures.get(i);
if (feature.mWindowLayers[layer]) {
if (featureArea == null || featureArea.mParent != areaForLayer[layer]) {
// No suitable DisplayArea - create a new one under the previous area
// for this layer.
featureArea = new PendingArea(feature, layer, areaForLayer[layer]);
areaForLayer[layer] = featureArea;
} else {
featureArea = null;
PendingArea leafArea = null;
int leafType = LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS;
for (int layer = 0; layer < mMaxWindowLayer; layer++) {
int type = typeOfLayer(mWmService.mPolicy, layer);
if (leafArea == null || leafArea.mParent != areaForLayer[layer]
|| type != leafType) {
leafArea = new PendingArea(null, layer, areaForLayer[layer]);
leafType = type;
leafArea.mExisting = mTaskContainers;
} else if (leafType == LEAF_TYPE_IME_CONTAINERS) {
leafArea.mExisting = mImeContainer;
leafArea.mMaxLayer = layer;
root.instantiateChildren(mRoot, mAreaForLayer, 0, mAreas);
public void addWindow(WindowToken token) {
DisplayArea.Tokens area = findAreaForToken(token);
DisplayArea.Tokens findAreaForToken(WindowToken token) {
int windowLayerFromType = token.getWindowLayerFromType();
if (windowLayerFromType == APPLICATION_LAYER) {
// TODO(display-area): Better handle AboveAppWindows in APPLICATION_LAYER
windowLayerFromType += 1;
} else if (token.mRoundedCornerOverlay) {
windowLayerFromType = mMaxWindowLayer - 1;
return mAreaForLayer[windowLayerFromType];
public List<DisplayArea<? extends WindowContainer>> getDisplayAreas(Feature feature) {
return mAreas.get(feature);
private static int typeOfLayer(WindowManagerPolicy policy, int layer) {
if (layer == APPLICATION_LAYER) {
} else if (layer == policy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(TYPE_INPUT_METHOD)
|| layer == policy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG)) {
} else {
DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder addFeature(Feature feature) {
return this;
Result build(WindowManagerService wmService,
DisplayContent content, DisplayArea.Root root,
DisplayArea<? extends WindowContainer> imeContainer,
DisplayArea<? extends ActivityStack> taskContainers) {
return new Result(wmService, content, root, imeContainer, taskContainers, new ArrayList<>(
static class PendingArea {
final int mMinLayer;
final ArrayList<PendingArea> mChildren = new ArrayList<>();
final Feature mFeature;
final PendingArea mParent;
int mMaxLayer;
DisplayArea mExisting;
PendingArea(Feature feature,
int minLayer,
PendingArea parent) {
mMinLayer = minLayer;
mFeature = feature;
mParent = parent;
int computeMaxLayer() {
for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++) {
mMaxLayer = Math.max(mMaxLayer, mChildren.get(i).computeMaxLayer());
return mMaxLayer;
void instantiateChildren(DisplayArea<DisplayArea> parent,
DisplayArea.Tokens[] areaForLayer, int level, Map<Feature, List<DisplayArea<?
extends WindowContainer>>> areas) {
mChildren.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(pendingArea -> pendingArea.mMinLayer));
for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++) {
final PendingArea child = mChildren.get(i);
final DisplayArea area = child.createArea(parent, areaForLayer);
parent.addChild(area, WindowContainer.POSITION_TOP);
if (mFeature != null) {
child.instantiateChildren(area, areaForLayer, level + 1, areas);
private DisplayArea createArea(DisplayArea<DisplayArea> parent,
DisplayArea.Tokens[] areaForLayer) {
if (mExisting != null) {
return mExisting;
DisplayArea.Type type;
if (mMinLayer > APPLICATION_LAYER) {
type = DisplayArea.Type.ABOVE_TASKS;
} else if (mMaxLayer < APPLICATION_LAYER) {
type = DisplayArea.Type.BELOW_TASKS;
} else {
type = DisplayArea.Type.ANY;
if (mFeature == null) {
final DisplayArea.Tokens leaf = new DisplayArea.Tokens(parent.mWmService, type,
"Leaf:" + mMinLayer + ":" + mMaxLayer);
for (int i = mMinLayer; i <= mMaxLayer; i++) {
areaForLayer[i] = leaf;
return leaf;
} else {
return new DisplayArea(parent.mWmService, type, mFeature.mName + ":"
+ mMinLayer + ":" + mMaxLayer, mFeature.mId);