blob: 021e23e190b3da817d0b9d2c58b0afabf80bc1b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* Describes the properties of a route.
public final class MediaRoute2Info implements Parcelable {
public static final Creator<MediaRoute2Info> CREATOR = new Creator<MediaRoute2Info>() {
public MediaRoute2Info createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new MediaRoute2Info(in);
public MediaRoute2Info[] newArray(int size) {
return new MediaRoute2Info[size];
/** @hide */
public @interface ConnectionState {}
* The default connection state indicating the route is disconnected.
* @see #getConnectionState
public static final int CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0;
* A connection state indicating the route is in the process of connecting and is not yet
* ready for use.
* @see #getConnectionState
public static final int CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTING = 1;
* A connection state indicating the route is connected.
* @see #getConnectionState
public static final int CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED = 2;
* Playback information indicating the playback volume is fixed, i&#46;e&#46; it cannot be
* controlled from this object. An example of fixed playback volume is a remote player,
* playing over HDMI where the user prefers to control the volume on the HDMI sink, rather
* than attenuate at the source.
* @see #getVolumeHandling()
public static final int PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED = 0;
* Playback information indicating the playback volume is variable and can be controlled
* from this object.
* @see #getVolumeHandling()
public static final int PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE = 1;
/** @hide */
public @interface DeviceType {}
* The default receiver device type of the route indicating the type is unknown.
* @see #getDeviceType
public static final int DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
* A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening
* on a TV.
* @see #getDeviceType
public static final int DEVICE_TYPE_REMOTE_TV = 1;
* A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening
* on a speaker.
* @see #getDeviceType
public static final int DEVICE_TYPE_REMOTE_SPEAKER = 2;
* A receiver device type of the route indicating the presentation of the media is happening
* on a bluetooth device such as a bluetooth speaker.
* @see #getDeviceType
public static final int DEVICE_TYPE_BLUETOOTH = 3;
final String mId;
final String mProviderId;
final CharSequence mName;
final CharSequence mDescription;
final @ConnectionState int mConnectionState;
final Uri mIconUri;
final String mClientPackageName;
final List<String> mFeatures;
final int mVolume;
final int mVolumeMax;
final int mVolumeHandling;
final @DeviceType int mDeviceType;
final Bundle mExtras;
MediaRoute2Info(@NonNull Builder builder) {
mId = builder.mId;
mProviderId = builder.mProviderId;
mName = builder.mName;
mDescription = builder.mDescription;
mConnectionState = builder.mConnectionState;
mIconUri = builder.mIconUri;
mClientPackageName = builder.mClientPackageName;
mFeatures = builder.mFeatures;
mVolume = builder.mVolume;
mVolumeMax = builder.mVolumeMax;
mVolumeHandling = builder.mVolumeHandling;
mDeviceType = builder.mDeviceType;
mExtras = builder.mExtras;
MediaRoute2Info(@NonNull Parcel in) {
mId = in.readString();
mProviderId = in.readString();
mName = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
mDescription = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
mConnectionState = in.readInt();
mIconUri = in.readParcelable(null);
mClientPackageName = in.readString();
mFeatures = in.createStringArrayList();
mVolume = in.readInt();
mVolumeMax = in.readInt();
mVolumeHandling = in.readInt();
mDeviceType = in.readInt();
mExtras = in.readBundle();
* Returns true if the route info has all of the required field.
* A route info only obtained from {@link}
* is valid.
* @hide
//TODO: Reconsider the validity of a route info when fields are added.
public boolean isValid() {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(getId()) || TextUtils.isEmpty(getName())
|| TextUtils.isEmpty(getProviderId())) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof MediaRoute2Info)) {
return false;
MediaRoute2Info other = (MediaRoute2Info) obj;
return Objects.equals(mId, other.mId)
&& Objects.equals(mProviderId, other.mProviderId)
&& Objects.equals(mName, other.mName)
&& Objects.equals(mDescription, other.mDescription)
&& (mConnectionState == other.mConnectionState)
&& Objects.equals(mIconUri, other.mIconUri)
&& Objects.equals(mClientPackageName, other.mClientPackageName)
&& Objects.equals(mFeatures, other.mFeatures)
&& (mVolume == other.mVolume)
&& (mVolumeMax == other.mVolumeMax)
&& (mVolumeHandling == other.mVolumeHandling)
&& (mDeviceType == other.mDeviceType)
//TODO: This will be evaluated as false in most cases. Try not to.
&& Objects.equals(mExtras, other.mExtras);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(mId, mName, mDescription, mConnectionState, mIconUri,
mFeatures, mVolume, mVolumeMax, mVolumeHandling, mDeviceType);
* Gets the id of the route. The routes which are given by {@link MediaRouter2} will have
* unique IDs.
* <p>
* In order to ensure uniqueness in {@link MediaRouter2} side, the value of this method
* can be different from what was set in {@link MediaRoute2ProviderService}.
* @see Builder#Builder(String, CharSequence)
public String getId() {
if (mProviderId != null) {
return toUniqueId(mProviderId, mId);
} else {
return mId;
* Gets the original id set by {@link Builder#Builder(String, CharSequence)}.
* @hide
public String getOriginalId() {
return mId;
* Gets the provider id of the route. It is assigned automatically by
* {@link}.
* @return provider id of the route or null if it's not set.
* @hide
public String getProviderId() {
return mProviderId;
public CharSequence getName() {
return mName;
public CharSequence getDescription() {
return mDescription;
* Gets the connection state of the route.
* @return The connection state of this route: {@link #CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED},
public int getConnectionState() {
return mConnectionState;
* Gets the URI of the icon representing this route.
* <p>
* This icon will be used in picker UIs if available.
* @return The URI of the icon representing this route, or null if none.
public Uri getIconUri() {
return mIconUri;
* Gets the package name of the client that uses the route.
* Returns null if no clients use this.
* @hide
public String getClientPackageName() {
return mClientPackageName;
* Gets the supported categories of the route.
public List<String> getFeatures() {
return mFeatures;
* Gets the type of the receiver device associated with this route.
* @return The type of the receiver device associated with this route:
public int getDeviceType() {
return mDeviceType;
* Gets the current volume of the route. This may be invalid if the route is not selected.
public int getVolume() {
return mVolume;
* Gets the maximum volume of the route.
public int getVolumeMax() {
return mVolumeMax;
* Gets information about how volume is handled on the route.
public int getVolumeHandling() {
return mVolumeHandling;
public Bundle getExtras() {
return mExtras;
* Returns if the route has at least one of the specified route features.
* @param features the list of route features to consider
* @return true if the route has at least one feature in the list
public boolean hasAnyFeatures(@NonNull Collection<String> features) {
Objects.requireNonNull(features, "features must not be null");
for (String feature : features) {
if (getFeatures().contains(feature)) {
return true;
return false;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mName, dest, flags);
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mDescription, dest, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(mIconUri, flags);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder()
.append("MediaRouteInfo{ ")
.append(", name=").append(getName())
.append(", description=").append(getDescription())
.append(", connectionState=").append(getConnectionState())
.append(", iconUri=").append(getIconUri())
.append(", volume=").append(getVolume())
.append(", volumeMax=").append(getVolumeMax())
.append(", volumeHandling=").append(getVolumeHandling())
.append(", deviceType=").append(getDeviceType())
.append(", providerId=").append(getProviderId())
.append(" }");
return result.toString();
* Builder for {@link MediaRoute2Info media route info}.
public static final class Builder {
final String mId;
String mProviderId;
final CharSequence mName;
CharSequence mDescription;
int mConnectionState;
Uri mIconUri;
String mClientPackageName;
List<String> mFeatures;
int mVolume;
int mVolumeMax;
int mVolumeHandling = PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED;
int mDeviceType = DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
Bundle mExtras;
* Constructor for builder to create {@link MediaRoute2Info}.
* <p>
* In order to ensure ID uniqueness, the {@link MediaRoute2Info#getId() ID} of a route info
* obtained from {@link MediaRouter2} can be different from what was set in
* {@link MediaRoute2ProviderService}.
* </p>
* @param id
* @param name
public Builder(@NonNull String id, @NonNull CharSequence name) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(id)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("id must not be empty");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name must not be empty");
mId = id;
mName = name;
mFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
public Builder(@NonNull MediaRoute2Info routeInfo) {
if (routeInfo == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("route info must not be null");
mId = routeInfo.mId;
mName = routeInfo.mName;
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(routeInfo.mProviderId)) {
mDescription = routeInfo.mDescription;
mConnectionState = routeInfo.mConnectionState;
mIconUri = routeInfo.mIconUri;
mFeatures = new ArrayList<>(routeInfo.mFeatures);
if (routeInfo.mExtras != null) {
mExtras = new Bundle(routeInfo.mExtras);
* Sets the provider id of the route.
* @hide
public Builder setProviderId(@NonNull String providerId) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(providerId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("providerId must not be null or empty");
mProviderId = providerId;
return this;
* Sets the user-visible description of the route.
public Builder setDescription(@Nullable CharSequence description) {
mDescription = description;
return this;
* Sets the route's connection state.
public Builder setConnectionState(@ConnectionState int connectionState) {
mConnectionState = connectionState;
return this;
* Sets the URI of the icon representing this route.
* <p>
* This icon will be used in picker UIs if available.
* </p><p>
* The URI must be one of the following formats:
* <ul>
* <li>content ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_CONTENT})</li>
* <li>android.resource ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE})
* </li>
* <li>file ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_FILE})</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
public Builder setIconUri(@Nullable Uri iconUri) {
mIconUri = iconUri;
return this;
* Sets the package name of the app using the route.
public Builder setClientPackageName(@Nullable String packageName) {
mClientPackageName = packageName;
return this;
* Clears the features of the route.
public Builder clearFeatures() {
mFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
return this;
* Adds features for the route.
public Builder addFeatures(@NonNull Collection<String> features) {
Objects.requireNonNull(features, "features must not be null");
for (String feature : features) {
return this;
* Adds a feature for the route.
public Builder addFeature(@NonNull String feature) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(feature)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("feature must not be null or empty");
return this;
* Sets the route's current volume, or 0 if unknown.
public Builder setVolume(int volume) {
mVolume = volume;
return this;
* Sets the route's maximum volume, or 0 if unknown.
public Builder setVolumeMax(int volumeMax) {
mVolumeMax = volumeMax;
return this;
* Sets the route's volume handling.
public Builder setVolumeHandling(int volumeHandling) {
mVolumeHandling = volumeHandling;
return this;
* Sets the route's device type.
public Builder setDeviceType(@DeviceType int deviceType) {
mDeviceType = deviceType;
return this;
* Sets a bundle of extras for the route.
public Builder setExtras(@Nullable Bundle extras) {
mExtras = new Bundle(extras);
return this;
* Builds the {@link MediaRoute2Info media route info}.
public MediaRoute2Info build() {
return new MediaRoute2Info(this);