blob: 4b0d507d4527ef8e47fbdcdea3d2539f1ffe7ec3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.renderscript;
* Intrinsic for applying a color matrix to allocations.
* If the element type is {@link Element.DataType#UNSIGNED_8},
* it is converted to {@link Element.DataType#FLOAT_32} and
* normalized from (0-255) to (0-1). If the incoming vector size
* is less than four, a {@link Element#F32_4} is created by
* filling the missing vector channels with zero. This value is
* then multiplied by the 4x4 color matrix as performed by
* rsMatrixMultiply(), adding a {@link Element#F32_4}, and then
* writing it to the output {@link Allocation}.
* If the ouptut type is unsigned, the value is normalized from
* (0-1) to (0-255) and converted. If the output vector size is
* less than four, the unused channels are discarded.
* Supported elements types are {@link Element#U8}, {@link
* Element#U8_2}, {@link Element#U8_3}, {@link Element#U8_4},
* {@link Element#F32}, {@link Element#F32_2}, {@link
* Element#F32_3}, and {@link Element#F32_4}.
public final class ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix extends ScriptIntrinsic {
private final Matrix4f mMatrix = new Matrix4f();
private final Float4 mAdd = new Float4();
private ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix(long id, RenderScript rs) {
super(id, rs);
* Create an intrinsic for applying a color matrix to an
* allocation.
* @param rs The RenderScript context
* @param e Element type for inputs and outputs, As of API 19,
* this parameter is ignored. The Element type check is
* performed in the kernel launch.
* @deprecated Use the single argument version as Element is now
* ignored.
* @return ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix
public static ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix create(RenderScript rs, Element e) {
return create(rs);
* Create an intrinsic for applying a color matrix to an
* allocation.
* @param rs The RenderScript context
* @return ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix
public static ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix create(RenderScript rs) {
long id = rs.nScriptIntrinsicCreate(2, 0);
return new ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix(id, rs);
private void setMatrix() {
FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(16*4);
setVar(0, fp);
* Set the color matrix which will be applied to each cell of
* the image.
* @param m The 4x4 matrix to set.
public void setColorMatrix(Matrix4f m) {
* Set the color matrix which will be applied to each cell of the image.
* This will set the alpha channel to be a copy.
* @param m The 3x3 matrix to set.
public void setColorMatrix(Matrix3f m) {
* Set the value to be added after the color matrix has been
* applied. The default value is {0, 0, 0, 0}
* @param f The float4 value to be added.
public void setAdd(Float4 f) {
mAdd.x = f.x;
mAdd.y = f.y;
mAdd.z = f.z;
mAdd.w = f.w;
FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(4*4);
setVar(1, fp);
* Set the value to be added after the color matrix has been
* applied. The default value is {0, 0, 0, 0}
* @param r The red add value.
* @param g The green add value.
* @param b The blue add value.
* @param a The alpha add value.
public void setAdd(float r, float g, float b, float a) {
mAdd.x = r;
mAdd.y = g;
mAdd.z = b;
mAdd.w = a;
FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(4*4);
setVar(1, fp);
* Set a color matrix to convert from RGB to luminance. The alpha channel
* will be a copy.
public void setGreyscale() {
mMatrix.set(0, 0, 0.299f);
mMatrix.set(1, 0, 0.587f);
mMatrix.set(2, 0, 0.114f);
mMatrix.set(0, 1, 0.299f);
mMatrix.set(1, 1, 0.587f);
mMatrix.set(2, 1, 0.114f);
mMatrix.set(0, 2, 0.299f);
mMatrix.set(1, 2, 0.587f);
mMatrix.set(2, 2, 0.114f);
* Set the matrix to convert from YUV to RGB with a direct copy of the 4th
* channel.
public void setYUVtoRGB() {
mMatrix.set(0, 0, 1.f);
mMatrix.set(1, 0, 0.f);
mMatrix.set(2, 0, 1.13983f);
mMatrix.set(0, 1, 1.f);
mMatrix.set(1, 1, -0.39465f);
mMatrix.set(2, 1, -0.5806f);
mMatrix.set(0, 2, 1.f);
mMatrix.set(1, 2, 2.03211f);
mMatrix.set(2, 2, 0.f);
* Set the matrix to convert from RGB to YUV with a direct copy of the 4th
* channel.
public void setRGBtoYUV() {
mMatrix.set(0, 0, 0.299f);
mMatrix.set(1, 0, 0.587f);
mMatrix.set(2, 0, 0.114f);
mMatrix.set(0, 1, -0.14713f);
mMatrix.set(1, 1, -0.28886f);
mMatrix.set(2, 1, 0.436f);
mMatrix.set(0, 2, 0.615f);
mMatrix.set(1, 2, -0.51499f);
mMatrix.set(2, 2, -0.10001f);
* Invoke the kernel and apply the matrix to each cell of input
* {@link Allocation} and copy to the output {@link Allocation}.
* If the vector size of the input is less than four, the
* remaining components are treated as zero for the matrix
* multiply.
* If the output vector size is less than four, the unused
* vector components are discarded.
* @param ain Input allocation
* @param aout Output allocation
public void forEach(Allocation ain, Allocation aout) {
if (!ain.getElement().isCompatible(Element.U8(mRS)) &&
!ain.getElement().isCompatible(Element.U8_2(mRS)) &&
!ain.getElement().isCompatible(Element.U8_3(mRS)) &&
!ain.getElement().isCompatible(Element.U8_4(mRS)) &&
!ain.getElement().isCompatible(Element.F32(mRS)) &&
!ain.getElement().isCompatible(Element.F32_2(mRS)) &&
!ain.getElement().isCompatible(Element.F32_3(mRS)) &&
!ain.getElement().isCompatible(Element.F32_4(mRS))) {
throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Unsuported element type.");
if (!aout.getElement().isCompatible(Element.U8(mRS)) &&
!aout.getElement().isCompatible(Element.U8_2(mRS)) &&
!aout.getElement().isCompatible(Element.U8_3(mRS)) &&
!aout.getElement().isCompatible(Element.U8_4(mRS)) &&
!aout.getElement().isCompatible(Element.F32(mRS)) &&
!aout.getElement().isCompatible(Element.F32_2(mRS)) &&
!aout.getElement().isCompatible(Element.F32_3(mRS)) &&
!aout.getElement().isCompatible(Element.F32_4(mRS))) {
throw new RSIllegalArgumentException("Unsuported element type.");
forEach(0, ain, aout, null);
* Get a KernelID for this intrinsic kernel.
* @return Script.KernelID The KernelID object.
public Script.KernelID getKernelID() {
return createKernelID(0, 3, null, null);