blob: 33aec5dfb8af7e983a2c283d74200f894ba69185 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package android.telephony.ims.internal.stub;
import android.os.RemoteCallbackList;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.telephony.ims.internal.aidl.IImsConfig;
import android.telephony.ims.internal.aidl.IImsConfigCallback;
* Controls the modification of IMS specific configurations. For more information on the supported
* IMS configuration constants, see {@link ImsConfig}.
* @hide
public class ImsConfigImplBase {
//TODO: Implement the Binder logic to call base APIs. Need to finish other ImsService Config
// work first.
private final IImsConfig mBinder = new IImsConfig.Stub() {
public void addImsConfigCallback(IImsConfigCallback c) throws RemoteException {
public void removeImsConfigCallback(IImsConfigCallback c) throws RemoteException {
public int getConfigInt(int item) throws RemoteException {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public String getConfigString(int item) throws RemoteException {
return null;
public int setConfigInt(int item, int value) throws RemoteException {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public int setConfigString(int item, String value) throws RemoteException {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public class Callback extends IImsConfigCallback.Stub {
public final void onIntConfigChanged(int item, int value) throws RemoteException {
onConfigChanged(item, value);
public final void onStringConfigChanged(int item, String value) throws RemoteException {
onConfigChanged(item, value);
* Called when the IMS configuration has changed.
* @param item the IMS configuration key constant, as defined in ImsConfig.
* @param value the new integer value of the IMS configuration constant.
public void onConfigChanged(int item, int value) {
// Base Implementation
* Called when the IMS configuration has changed.
* @param item the IMS configuration key constant, as defined in ImsConfig.
* @param value the new String value of the IMS configuration constant.
public void onConfigChanged(int item, String value) {
// Base Implementation
private final RemoteCallbackList<IImsConfigCallback> mCallbacks = new RemoteCallbackList<>();
* Adds a {@link Callback} to the list of callbacks notified when a value in the configuration
* changes.
* @param c callback to add.
private void addImsConfigCallback(IImsConfigCallback c) {
* Removes a {@link Callback} to the list of callbacks notified when a value in the
* configuration changes.
* @param c callback to remove.
private void removeImsConfigCallback(IImsConfigCallback c) {
public final IImsConfig getBinder() {
return mBinder;
* Sets the value for IMS service/capabilities parameters by the operator device
* management entity. It sets the config item value in the provisioned storage
* from which the master value is derived.
* @param item as defined in
* @param value in Integer format.
* @return as defined in
public int setConfig(int item, int value) {
// Base Implementation - To be overridden.
return ImsConfig.OperationStatusConstants.FAILED;
* Sets the value for IMS service/capabilities parameters by the operator device
* management entity. It sets the config item value in the provisioned storage
* from which the master value is derived.
* @param item as defined in
* @param value in String format.
* @return as defined in
public int setConfig(int item, String value) {
return ImsConfig.OperationStatusConstants.FAILED;
* Gets the value for ims service/capabilities parameters from the provisioned
* value storage.
* @param item as defined in
* @return value in Integer format.
public int getConfigInt(int item) {
return ImsConfig.OperationStatusConstants.FAILED;
* Gets the value for ims service/capabilities parameters from the provisioned
* value storage.
* @param item as defined in
* @return value in String format.
public String getConfigString(int item) {
return null;