blob: 8249239e3602e9b21c72629d2387c1394e83bef9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.view.MotionEvent.INVALID_POINTER_ID;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
* This class is responsible for matching one-finger swipe gestures. Each instance matches one swipe
* gesture. A swipe is specified as a series of one or more directions e.g. left, left and up, etc.
* At this time swipes with more than two directions are not supported.
class MultiFingerSwipe extends GestureMatcher {
// Direction constants.
public static final int LEFT = 0;
public static final int RIGHT = 1;
public static final int UP = 2;
public static final int DOWN = 3;
// This is the calculated movement threshold used track if the user is still
// moving their finger.
private final float mGestureDetectionThresholdPixels;
// Buffer for storing points for gesture detection.
private final ArrayList<PointF>[] mStrokeBuffers;
// The swipe direction for this matcher.
private int mDirection;
private int[] mPointerIds;
// The starting point of each finger's path in the gesture.
private PointF[] mBase;
// The most recent entry in each finger's gesture path.
private PointF[] mPreviousGesturePoint;
private int mTargetFingerCount;
private int mCurrentFingerCount;
// Whether the appropriate number of fingers have gone down at some point. This is reset only on
// clear.
private boolean mTargetFingerCountReached = false;
// Constants for sampling motion event points.
// We sample based on a minimum distance between points, primarily to improve accuracy by
// reducing noisy minor changes in direction.
private static final float MIN_CM_BETWEEN_SAMPLES = 0.25f;
private final float mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesX;
private final float mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesY;
// The minmimum distance the finger must travel before we evaluate the initial direction of the
// swipe.
// Anything less is still considered a touch.
private int mTouchSlop;
Context context,
int fingerCount,
int direction,
int gesture,
GestureMatcher.StateChangeListener listener) {
super(gesture, new Handler(context.getMainLooper()), listener);
mTargetFingerCount = fingerCount;
mPointerIds = new int[mTargetFingerCount];
mBase = new PointF[mTargetFingerCount];
mPreviousGesturePoint = new PointF[mTargetFingerCount];
mStrokeBuffers = new ArrayList[mTargetFingerCount];
mDirection = direction;
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
mGestureDetectionThresholdPixels =
TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MM, MM_PER_CM, displayMetrics)
// Calculate minimum gesture velocity
final float pixelsPerCmX = displayMetrics.xdpi / GestureUtils.CM_PER_INCH;
final float pixelsPerCmY = displayMetrics.ydpi / GestureUtils.CM_PER_INCH;
mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesX = MIN_CM_BETWEEN_SAMPLES * pixelsPerCmX;
mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesY = MIN_CM_BETWEEN_SAMPLES * pixelsPerCmY;
mTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop();
protected void clear() {
mTargetFingerCountReached = false;
mCurrentFingerCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mTargetFingerCount; ++i) {
mPointerIds[i] = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
if (mBase[i] == null) {
mBase[i] = new PointF();
mBase[i].x = Float.NaN;
mBase[i].y = Float.NaN;
if (mPreviousGesturePoint[i] == null) {
mPreviousGesturePoint[i] = new PointF();
mPreviousGesturePoint[i].x = Float.NaN;
mPreviousGesturePoint[i].y = Float.NaN;
if (mStrokeBuffers[i] == null) {
mStrokeBuffers[i] = new ArrayList<>(100);
protected void onDown(MotionEvent event, MotionEvent rawEvent, int policyFlags) {
if (mCurrentFingerCount > 0) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
mCurrentFingerCount = 1;
final int actionIndex = getActionIndex(rawEvent);
final int pointerId = rawEvent.getPointerId(actionIndex);
int pointerIndex = rawEvent.getPointerCount() - 1;
if (pointerId < 0 || pointerId > rawEvent.getPointerCount() - 1) {
// Nonsensical pointer id.
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
if (mPointerIds[pointerIndex] != INVALID_POINTER_ID) {
// Inconsistent event stream.
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
mPointerIds[pointerIndex] = pointerId;
cancelAfterPauseThreshold(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
if (Float.isNaN(mBase[pointerIndex].x) && Float.isNaN(mBase[pointerIndex].y)) {
final float x = rawEvent.getX(actionIndex);
final float y = rawEvent.getY(actionIndex);
if (x < 0f || y < 0f) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
mBase[pointerIndex].x = x;
mBase[pointerIndex].y = y;
mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].x = x;
mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].y = y;
} else {
// This event doesn't make sense in the middle of a gesture.
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
protected void onPointerDown(MotionEvent event, MotionEvent rawEvent, int policyFlags) {
if (event.getPointerCount() > mTargetFingerCount) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
mCurrentFingerCount += 1;
if (mCurrentFingerCount != rawEvent.getPointerCount()) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
if (mCurrentFingerCount == mTargetFingerCount) {
mTargetFingerCountReached = true;
final int actionIndex = getActionIndex(rawEvent);
final int pointerId = rawEvent.getPointerId(actionIndex);
if (pointerId < 0 || pointerId > rawEvent.getPointerCount() - 1) {
// Nonsensical pointer id.
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
int pointerIndex = mCurrentFingerCount - 1;
if (mPointerIds[pointerIndex] != INVALID_POINTER_ID) {
// Inconsistent event stream.
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
mPointerIds[pointerIndex] = pointerId;
cancelAfterPauseThreshold(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
if (Float.isNaN(mBase[pointerIndex].x) && Float.isNaN(mBase[pointerIndex].y)) {
final float x = rawEvent.getX(actionIndex);
final float y = rawEvent.getY(actionIndex);
if (x < 0f || y < 0f) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
mBase[pointerIndex].x = x;
mBase[pointerIndex].y = y;
mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].x = x;
mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].y = y;
} else {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
protected void onPointerUp(MotionEvent event, MotionEvent rawEvent, int policyFlags) {
if (!mTargetFingerCountReached) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
mCurrentFingerCount -= 1;
final int actionIndex = getActionIndex(event);
final int pointerId = event.getPointerId(actionIndex);
if (pointerId < 0 || pointerId > rawEvent.getPointerCount() - 1) {
// Nonsensical pointer id.
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
final int pointerIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(mPointerIds, pointerId);
if (pointerIndex < 0) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
final float x = rawEvent.getX(actionIndex);
final float y = rawEvent.getY(actionIndex);
if (x < 0f || y < 0f) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
final float dX = Math.abs(x - mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].x);
final float dY = Math.abs(y - mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].y);
if (dX >= mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesX || dY >= mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesY) {
mStrokeBuffers[pointerIndex].add(new PointF(x, y));
// We will evaluate all the paths on ACTION_UP.
protected void onMove(MotionEvent event, MotionEvent rawEvent, int policyFlags) {
for (int pointerIndex = 0; pointerIndex < rawEvent.getPointerCount(); ++pointerIndex) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(getGestureName(), "Processing move on finger " + pointerIndex);
int index = rawEvent.findPointerIndex(mPointerIds[pointerIndex]);
final float x = rawEvent.getX(index);
final float y = rawEvent.getY(index);
if (x < 0f || y < 0f) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
final float dX = Math.abs(x - mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].x);
final float dY = Math.abs(y - mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].y);
final double moveDelta =
Math.abs(x - mBase[pointerIndex].x),
Math.abs(y - mBase[pointerIndex].y));
if (DEBUG) {
+ Double.toString(moveDelta)
+ " mGestureDetectionThreshold: "
+ Float.toString(mGestureDetectionThresholdPixels));
if (getState() == STATE_CLEAR) {
if (moveDelta < mTouchSlop) {
// This still counts as a touch not a swipe.
} else if (mStrokeBuffers[pointerIndex].size() == 0) {
// First, make sure we have the right number of fingers down.
if (mCurrentFingerCount != mTargetFingerCount) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
// Then, make sure the pointer is going in the right direction.
int direction =
toDirection(x - mBase[pointerIndex].x, y - mBase[pointerIndex].y);
if (direction != mDirection) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
} else {
// This is confirmed to be some kind of swipe so start tracking points.
cancelAfterPauseThreshold(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
for (int i = 0; i < mTargetFingerCount; ++i) {
mStrokeBuffers[i].add(new PointF(mBase[i]));
if (moveDelta > mGestureDetectionThresholdPixels) {
// Try to cancel if the finger starts to go the wrong way.
// Note that this only works because this matcher assumes one direction.
int direction =
toDirection(x - mBase[pointerIndex].x, y - mBase[pointerIndex].y);
if (direction != mDirection) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
// If the pointer has moved more than the threshold,
// update the stored values.
mBase[pointerIndex].x = x;
mBase[pointerIndex].y = y;
mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].x = x;
mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].y = y;
if (getState() == STATE_CLEAR) {
startGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
cancelAfterPauseThreshold(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
if (getState() == STATE_GESTURE_STARTED) {
if (dX >= mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesX || dY >= mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesY) {
// Sample every 2.5 MM in order to guard against minor variations in path.
mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].x = x;
mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].y = y;
mStrokeBuffers[pointerIndex].add(new PointF(x, y));
cancelAfterPauseThreshold(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
protected void onUp(MotionEvent event, MotionEvent rawEvent, int policyFlags) {
if (getState() != STATE_GESTURE_STARTED) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
mCurrentFingerCount = 0;
final int actionIndex = getActionIndex(event);
final int pointerId = event.getPointerId(actionIndex);
final int pointerIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(mPointerIds, pointerId);
if (pointerIndex < 0) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
final float x = rawEvent.getX(actionIndex);
final float y = rawEvent.getY(actionIndex);
if (x < 0f || y < 0f) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
final float dX = Math.abs(x - mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].x);
final float dY = Math.abs(y - mPreviousGesturePoint[pointerIndex].y);
if (dX >= mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesX || dY >= mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesY) {
mStrokeBuffers[pointerIndex].add(new PointF(x, y));
recognizeGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
* queues a transition to STATE_GESTURE_CANCEL based on the current state. If we have
* transitioned to STATE_GESTURE_STARTED the delay is longer.
private void cancelAfterPauseThreshold(
MotionEvent event, MotionEvent rawEvent, int policyFlags) {
switch (getState()) {
cancelAfter(CANCEL_ON_PAUSE_THRESHOLD_NOT_STARTED_MS, event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
cancelAfter(CANCEL_ON_PAUSE_THRESHOLD_STARTED_MS, event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
* Looks at the sequence of motions in mStrokeBuffer, classifies the gesture, then transitions
* to the complete or cancel state depending on the result.
private void recognizeGesture(MotionEvent event, MotionEvent rawEvent, int policyFlags) {
// Check the path of each finger against the specified direction.
// Note that we sample every 2.5 MMm, and the direction matching is extremely tolerant (each
// direction has a 90-degree arch of tolerance) meaning that minor perpendicular movements
// should not create false negatives.
for (int i = 0; i < mTargetFingerCount; ++i) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(getGestureName(), "Recognizing finger: " + i);
if (mStrokeBuffers[i].size() < 2) {
Slog.d(getGestureName(), "Too few points.");
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
ArrayList<PointF> path = mStrokeBuffers[i];
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(getGestureName(), "path=" + path.toString());
// Classify line segments, and call Listener callbacks.
if (!recognizeGesturePath(event, rawEvent, policyFlags, path)) {
cancelGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
// If we reach this point then all paths match.
completeGesture(event, rawEvent, policyFlags);
* Tests the path of a given finger against the direction specified in this matcher.
* @return True if the path matches the specified direction for this matcher, otherwise false.
private boolean recognizeGesturePath(
MotionEvent event, MotionEvent rawEvent, int policyFlags, ArrayList<PointF> path) {
final int displayId = event.getDisplayId();
for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; ++i) {
PointF start = path.get(i);
PointF end = path.get(i + 1);
float dX = end.x - start.x;
float dY = end.y - start.y;
int direction = toDirection(dX, dY);
if (direction != mDirection) {
if (DEBUG) {
"Found direction "
+ directionToString(direction)
+ " when expecting "
+ directionToString(mDirection));
return false;
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(getGestureName(), "Completed.");
return true;
private static int toDirection(float dX, float dY) {
if (Math.abs(dX) > Math.abs(dY)) {
// Horizontal
return (dX < 0) ? LEFT : RIGHT;
} else {
// Vertical
return (dY < 0) ? UP : DOWN;
public static String directionToString(int direction) {
switch (direction) {
case LEFT:
return "left";
case RIGHT:
return "right";
case UP:
return "up";
case DOWN:
return "down";
return "Unknown Direction";
String getGestureName() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(mTargetFingerCount).append("-finger ");
builder.append("Swipe ").append(directionToString(mDirection));
return builder.toString();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(super.toString());
if (getState() != STATE_GESTURE_CANCELED) {
builder.append(", mBase: ")
.append(", mGestureDetectionThreshold:")
.append(", mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesX:")
.append(", mMinPixelsBetweenSamplesY:")
return builder.toString();