blob: bb76d28b8f1f913b5ad077b0ce07105e5071582e [file] [log] [blame]
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<div id="mainBodyLeft">
<div id="homeMiddle">
<div id="topAnnouncement">
<div id="homeTitle">
<h2>Developer Announcements</h2>
</div><!-- end homeTitle -->
<div id="announcement-block">
<!-- total max width is 520px -->
<img src="{@docRoot}images/home/io-logo.png" alt="Google IO
2010" width="200" height="41" style="padding:22px 12px;"/>
<div id="announcement" style="width:295px">
<p>Google I/O is happening now! To those of you with us, welcome! If you couldn't make it to the
event, stay tuned for videos and slides from the Android sessions, which will be posted at the
Google I/O web site.</p><p><a
href="">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
</div> <!-- end annoucement -->
</div> <!-- end annoucement-block -->
</div><!-- end topAnnouncement -->
<div id="carouselMain" style="height:200px"> <!-- this height can be
adjusted based on the content height -->
<div class="clearer"></div>
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<a href="javascript:{}" id="arrow-left" onclick="" class="arrow-left-off"></a>
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<a href="javascript:{ page_right(); }" id="arrow-right" onclick="" class="arrow-right-on"></a>
<div class="clearer"></div>
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</div><!-- end homeMiddle -->
<div style="clear:both">&nbsp;</div>
</div><!-- end mainBodyLeft -->
<div id="mainBodyRight">
<table id="rightColumn">
<td class="imageCell"><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/index.html"><img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_download.jpg" style="padding:0" /></a></td>
<h2 class="green">Download</h2>
<p>The Android SDK has the tools, sample code, and docs you need to create great apps.</p>
<p><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/index.html">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
<td colspan="2"><div class="seperator">&nbsp;</div></td>
<td class="imageCell"><a href=""><img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_market.jpg" style="padding:0" /></a></td>
<h2 class="green">Publish</h2>
<p>Android Market is an open service that lets you distribute your apps to handsets.</p>
<p><a href="">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
<td colspan="2"><div class="seperator">&nbsp;</div></td>
<td class="imageCell"><a href=""><img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_contribute.jpg" style="padding:0" /></a></td>
<h2 class="green">Contribute</h2>
<p>Android Open Source Project gives you access to the entire platform source.</p>
<p><a href="">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
<td colspan="2"><div class="seperator">&nbsp;</div></td>
<td class="imageCell"><a
src="{@docRoot}images/icon_dashboard.png" style="padding:0" /></a></td>
<h2 class="green">Target Devices</h2>
<p>The Device Dashboard
provides information about deployed Android devices to
help you target suitable device configurations as you build and update your
href="{@docRoot}resources/dashboard/platform-versions.html">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
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// * -- carousel dictionary -- * //
/* layout: imgLeft, imgRight, imgTop
icon: image for carousel entry. cropped (height:70px, width:90px)
name: string for carousel entry
img: image for bulletin post. cropped (height: 170, width:230px)
title: header for bulletin (optional, insert "" value to skip
desc: the bulletin post. must include html tags.
var droidList = {
'sdk': {
'name':"Android 2.2",
'title':"Get Android 2.2!",
'desc': "<p>The Android 2.2 platform is now available for the Android SDK, along with new "
+ "tools, documentation, and a new NDK. "
+ "For information about new features and APIs, read the "
+ "<a href='{@docRoot}sdk/android-2.2.html'>version notes</a>.</p>"
+ "<p>If you have an existing SDK, add Android 2.2 as an "
+ "<a href='{@docRoot}sdk/adding-components.html'>SDK "
+ "component</a>. If you're new to Android, install the "
+ "<a href='{@docRoot}sdk/index.html'>SDK starter package</a>."
'adc2': {
'name':"ADC 2",
'title':"Android Developer Challenge 2",
'desc': "<p>We're pleased to announce the "
+ "<a href=''>winners "
+ "of the Android Developer Challenge 2</a>! Please see our "
+ "<a href=''>blog post</a> "
+ "for full information. Thanks to everyone who participated by submitting an application or judging!</p>"
+ "<p><a href=''>Learn more about ADC 2 &raquo;</a></p>"
'devphone': {
'name':"Dev Phones",
'title':"Android Dev Phones",
'desc': "<p>Run and debug your Android applications directly on one of these "
+ "device. Modify and rebuild the Android operating system, and flash it onto "
+ "the phone. The Android Dev Phones are carrier independent, and available for "
+ "purchase by any developer registered with <a "
+ "href=''>Android Market</a>.</p><p><a "
+ "href='/guide/developing/device.html#dev-phone-1'>Learn more about the "
+ "Android Dev Phones &raquo;</a></p>"
'mapskey': {
'name':"Maps API Key",
'title':"Maps API Key",
'desc':"<p>If you're writing an Android application that uses Google Maps (with MapView), you must register your application to obtain a Maps API Key. Without the key, your maps application will not work on Android devices. Obtaining a key requires just a couple of steps.</p><p><a href=''>Learn more &raquo;</a></p>"
'io': {
'name':"Google I/O '09'",
'title':"2009 Google I/O Developer Conference",
'desc': "<p>The 2009 Google I/O developer conference took place May 27-28, 2009, in San Francisco. If you missed the conference, you can experience the Android sessions by viewing YouTube videos.</p><p><a href='{@docRoot}videos/index.html'>See the sessions from Google I/O &raquo;</a></p>"
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