blob: 8b2b05958b6fa7cfedc9d89cca6601c1ac9c1a83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
java_defaults {
name: "mimemap-defaults",
srcs: [
sdk_version: "core_platform",
java_library {
name: "mimemap",
defaults: ["mimemap-defaults"],
static_libs: ["mimemap-res.jar"],
visibility: [
java_library {
name: "mimemap-testing",
defaults: ["mimemap-defaults"],
static_libs: ["mimemap-testing-res.jar"],
jarjar_rules: "jarjar-rules.txt",
visibility: [
// The mimemap-res.jar and mimemap-testing-res.jar genrules produce a .jar that
// has the resource file in a subdirectory res/ and testres/, respectively.
// They need to be in different paths because one of them ends up in a
// bootclasspath jar whereas the other one ends up in a test jar. Bootclasspath
// resources hide test or application resources under the same path because
// ClassLoader.getResource(String) consults the parent ClassLoader first.
// Further notes:
// - the "cp" command will flatten any directory paths that occur in $(in),
// but here they happen to already be in the root directory. If we needed
// to preserve sub paths then we might want to zip the files first and then
// unzip them below the new parent directory.
// - the path names "res/" and "testres/" and duplicated in .java source files
// ( and, as of October 2019).
java_genrule {
name: "mimemap-res.jar",
tools: [
srcs: [":mime.types"],
out: ["mimemap-res.jar"],
cmd: "mkdir $(genDir)/res/ && cp $(in) $(genDir)/res/ && $(location soong_zip) -C $(genDir) -o $(out) -D $(genDir)/res/",
// The same as mimemap-res.jar except that the resources are placed in a different directory.
// They get bundled with CTS so that CTS can compare a device's MimeMap implementation vs.
// the stock Android one from when CTS was built.
java_genrule {
name: "mimemap-testing-res.jar",
tools: [
srcs: [":mime.types"],
out: ["mimemap-testing-res.jar"],
cmd: "mkdir $(genDir)/testres/ && cp $(in) $(genDir)/testres/ && $(location soong_zip) -C $(genDir) -o $(out) -D $(genDir)/testres/",
// Combination of all *mime.types resources.
filegroup {
name: "mime.types",
visibility: [
srcs: [
filegroup {
name: "android.mime.types",
visibility: [
path: "java-res/",
srcs: [
filegroup {
name: "vendor.mime.types",
visibility: [
path: "java-res/",
srcs: [