blob: 9b9a6b4b13ab68ac44d751ef39827c2044805320 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.Context
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.GestureDetector
import android.view.MotionEvent
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.HorizontalScrollView
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import androidx.core.view.GestureDetectorCompat
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Provider
import javax.inject.Singleton
private const val FLING_SLOP = 1000000
* Class that is responsible for keeping the view carousel up to date.
* This also handles changes in state and applies them to the media carousel like the expansion.
class MediaViewManager @Inject constructor(
private val context: Context,
private val mediaControlPanelFactory: Provider<MediaControlPanel>,
private val visualStabilityManager: VisualStabilityManager,
private val mediaHostStatesManager: MediaHostStatesManager,
mediaManager: MediaDataCombineLatest
) {
* The desired location where we'll be at the end of the transformation. Usually this matches
* the end location, except when we're still waiting on a state update call.
private var desiredLocation: Int = -1
* The ending location of the view where it ends when all animations and transitions have
* finished
private var currentEndLocation: Int = -1
* The ending location of the view where it ends when all animations and transitions have
* finished
private var currentStartLocation: Int = -1
* The progress of the transition or 1.0 if there is no transition happening
private var currentTransitionProgress: Float = 1.0f
* The measured width of the carousel
private var carouselMeasureWidth: Int = 0
* The measured height of the carousel
private var carouselMeasureHeight: Int = 0
private var playerWidthPlusPadding: Int = 0
private var desiredHostState: MediaHostState? = null
private val mediaCarousel: HorizontalScrollView
val mediaFrame: ViewGroup
val mediaPlayers: MutableMap<String, MediaControlPanel> = mutableMapOf()
private val mediaContent: ViewGroup
private val pageIndicator: PageIndicator
private val gestureDetector: GestureDetectorCompat
private val visualStabilityCallback: VisualStabilityManager.Callback
private var activeMediaIndex: Int = 0
private var needsReordering: Boolean = false
private var scrollIntoCurrentMedia: Int = 0
private var currentlyExpanded = true
set(value) {
if (field != value) {
field = value
for (player in mediaPlayers.values) {
private val scrollChangedListener = object : View.OnScrollChangeListener {
override fun onScrollChange(
v: View?,
scrollX: Int,
scrollY: Int,
oldScrollX: Int,
oldScrollY: Int
) {
if (playerWidthPlusPadding == 0) {
onMediaScrollingChanged(scrollX / playerWidthPlusPadding,
scrollX % playerWidthPlusPadding)
private val gestureListener = object : GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
override fun onFling(
eStart: MotionEvent?,
eCurrent: MotionEvent?,
vX: Float,
vY: Float
): Boolean {
return this@MediaViewManager.onFling(eStart, eCurrent, vX, vY)
private val touchListener = object : View.OnTouchListener {
override fun onTouch(view: View, motionEvent: MotionEvent?): Boolean {
return this@MediaViewManager.onTouch(view, motionEvent)
init {
gestureDetector = GestureDetectorCompat(context, gestureListener)
mediaFrame = inflateMediaCarousel()
mediaCarousel = mediaFrame.requireViewById(
pageIndicator = mediaFrame.requireViewById(
mediaContent = mediaCarousel.requireViewById(
visualStabilityCallback = VisualStabilityManager.Callback {
if (needsReordering) {
needsReordering = false
// Let's reset our scroll position
mediaCarousel.scrollX = 0
true /* persistent */)
mediaManager.addListener(object : MediaDataManager.Listener {
override fun onMediaDataLoaded(key: String, oldKey: String?, data: MediaData) {
updateView(key, oldKey, data)
mediaCarousel.requiresRemeasuring = true
override fun onMediaDataRemoved(key: String) {
val removed = mediaPlayers.remove(key)
removed?.apply {
val beforeActive = mediaContent.indexOfChild(removed.view?.player) <=
if (beforeActive) {
// also update the index here since the scroll below might not always lead
// to a scrolling changed
activeMediaIndex = Math.max(0, activeMediaIndex - 1)
mediaCarousel.scrollX = Math.max(mediaCarousel.scrollX -
playerWidthPlusPadding, 0)
mediaHostStatesManager.addCallback(object : MediaHostStatesManager.Callback {
override fun onHostStateChanged(location: Int, mediaHostState: MediaHostState) {
if (location == desiredLocation) {
onDesiredLocationChanged(desiredLocation, mediaHostState, animate = false)
private fun inflateMediaCarousel(): ViewGroup {
return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.media_carousel,
UniqueObjectHostView(context), false) as ViewGroup
private fun reorderAllPlayers() {
for (mediaPlayer in mediaPlayers.values) {
val view = mediaPlayer.view?.player
if (mediaPlayer.isPlaying && mediaContent.indexOfChild(view) != 0) {
mediaContent.addView(view, 0)
private fun onMediaScrollingChanged(newIndex: Int, scrollInAmount: Int) {
val wasScrolledIn = scrollIntoCurrentMedia != 0
scrollIntoCurrentMedia = scrollInAmount
val nowScrolledIn = scrollIntoCurrentMedia != 0
if (newIndex != activeMediaIndex || wasScrolledIn != nowScrolledIn) {
activeMediaIndex = newIndex
val location = activeMediaIndex.toFloat() + if (playerWidthPlusPadding > 0)
scrollInAmount.toFloat() / playerWidthPlusPadding else 0f
private fun onTouch(view: View, motionEvent: MotionEvent?): Boolean {
if (gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(motionEvent)) {
return true
if (motionEvent?.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
val pos = mediaCarousel.scrollX % playerWidthPlusPadding
if (pos > playerWidthPlusPadding / 2) {
mediaCarousel.smoothScrollBy(playerWidthPlusPadding - pos, 0)
} else {
mediaCarousel.smoothScrollBy(-1 * pos, 0)
return true
return view.onTouchEvent(motionEvent)
private fun onFling(
eStart: MotionEvent?,
eCurrent: MotionEvent?,
vX: Float,
vY: Float
): Boolean {
if (vX * vX < 0.5 * vY * vY) {
return false
if (vX * vX < FLING_SLOP) {
return false
val pos = mediaCarousel.scrollX
val currentIndex = if (playerWidthPlusPadding > 0) pos / playerWidthPlusPadding else 0
var destIndex = if (vX <= 0) currentIndex + 1 else currentIndex
destIndex = Math.max(0, destIndex)
destIndex = Math.min(mediaContent.getChildCount() - 1, destIndex)
val view = mediaContent.getChildAt(destIndex)
mediaCarousel.smoothScrollTo(view.left, mediaCarousel.scrollY)
return true
private fun updatePlayerVisibilities() {
val scrolledIn = scrollIntoCurrentMedia != 0
for (i in 0 until mediaContent.childCount) {
val view = mediaContent.getChildAt(i)
val visible = (i == activeMediaIndex) || ((i == (activeMediaIndex + 1)) && scrolledIn)
view.visibility = if (visible) View.VISIBLE else View.INVISIBLE
private fun updateView(key: String, oldKey: String?, data: MediaData) {
// If the key was changed, update entry
val oldData = mediaPlayers[oldKey]
if (oldData != null) {
val oldData = mediaPlayers.remove(oldKey)
mediaPlayers.put(key, oldData!!)
var existingPlayer = mediaPlayers[key]
if (existingPlayer == null) {
existingPlayer = mediaControlPanelFactory.get()
mediaPlayers[key] = existingPlayer
val lp = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
updatePlayerToState(existingPlayer, noAnimation = true)
if (existingPlayer.isPlaying) {
mediaContent.addView(existingPlayer.view?.player, 0)
} else {
} else if (existingPlayer.isPlaying &&
mediaContent.indexOfChild(existingPlayer.view?.player) != 0) {
if (visualStabilityManager.isReorderingAllowed) {
mediaContent.addView(existingPlayer.view?.player, 0)
} else {
needsReordering = true
private fun updateMediaPaddings() {
val padding = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qs_media_padding)
val childCount = mediaContent.childCount
for (i in 0 until childCount) {
val mediaView = mediaContent.getChildAt(i)
val desiredPaddingEnd = if (i == childCount - 1) 0 else padding
val layoutParams = mediaView.layoutParams as ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
if (layoutParams.marginEnd != desiredPaddingEnd) {
layoutParams.marginEnd = desiredPaddingEnd
mediaView.layoutParams = layoutParams
private fun updatePageIndicator() {
val numPages = mediaContent.getChildCount()
pageIndicator.setNumPages(numPages, Color.WHITE)
if (numPages == 1) {
* Set a new interpolated state for all players. This is a state that is usually controlled
* by a finger movement where the user drags from one state to the next.
fun setCurrentState(
@MediaLocation startLocation: Int,
@MediaLocation endLocation: Int,
progress: Float,
immediately: Boolean
) {
// Hack: Since the indicator doesn't move with the player expansion, just make it disappear
// and then reappear at the end.
pageIndicator.alpha = if (progress == 1f || progress == 0f) 1f else 0f
if (startLocation != currentStartLocation ||
endLocation != currentEndLocation ||
progress != currentTransitionProgress ||
) {
currentStartLocation = startLocation
currentEndLocation = endLocation
currentTransitionProgress = progress
for (mediaPlayer in mediaPlayers.values) {
updatePlayerToState(mediaPlayer, immediately)
private fun updatePlayerToState(mediaPlayer: MediaControlPanel, noAnimation: Boolean) {
startLocation = currentStartLocation,
endLocation = currentEndLocation,
transitionProgress = currentTransitionProgress,
applyImmediately = noAnimation)
* The desired location of this view has changed. We should remeasure the view to match
* the new bounds and kick off bounds animations if necessary.
* If an animation is happening, an animation is kicked of externally, which sets a new
* current state until we reach the targetState.
* @param desiredLocation the location we're going to
* @param desiredHostState the target state we're transitioning to
* @param animate should this be animated
fun onDesiredLocationChanged(
desiredLocation: Int,
desiredHostState: MediaHostState?,
animate: Boolean,
duration: Long = 200,
startDelay: Long = 0
) {
desiredHostState?.let {
// This is a hosting view, let's remeasure our players
this.desiredLocation = desiredLocation
this.desiredHostState = it
currentlyExpanded = it.expansion > 0
for (mediaPlayer in mediaPlayers.values) {
if (animate) {
duration = duration,
delay = startDelay)
* Update the size of the carousel, remeasuring it if necessary.
private fun updateCarouselSize() {
val width = desiredHostState?.measurementInput?.width ?: 0
val height = desiredHostState?.measurementInput?.height ?: 0
if (width != carouselMeasureWidth && width != 0 ||
height != carouselMeasureWidth && height != 0) {
carouselMeasureWidth = width
carouselMeasureHeight = height
playerWidthPlusPadding = carouselMeasureWidth + context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(
// The player width has changed, let's update the scroll position to make sure
// it's still at the same place
var newScroll = activeMediaIndex * playerWidthPlusPadding
if (scrollIntoCurrentMedia > playerWidthPlusPadding) {
newScroll += playerWidthPlusPadding -
(scrollIntoCurrentMedia - playerWidthPlusPadding)
} else {
newScroll += scrollIntoCurrentMedia
mediaCarousel.scrollX = newScroll
// Let's remeasure the carousel
val widthSpec = desiredHostState?.measurementInput?.widthMeasureSpec ?: 0
val heightSpec = desiredHostState?.measurementInput?.heightMeasureSpec ?: 0
mediaCarousel.measure(widthSpec, heightSpec)
mediaCarousel.layout(0, 0, width, mediaCarousel.measuredHeight)