blob: 2263795f94421105e66cf3380f91d0e3994c408e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.IIntentSender;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.CompatibilityInfo;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.service.voice.IVoiceInteractionSession;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Activity Task manager local system service interface.
* @hide Only for use within system server
public abstract class ActivityTaskManagerInternal {
* Type for {@link #notifyAppTransitionStarting}: The transition was started because we drew
* the splash screen.
public static final int APP_TRANSITION_SPLASH_SCREEN =
* Type for {@link #notifyAppTransitionStarting}: The transition was started because we all
* app windows were drawn
public static final int APP_TRANSITION_WINDOWS_DRAWN =
* Type for {@link #notifyAppTransitionStarting}: The transition was started because of a
* timeout.
public static final int APP_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT =
* Type for {@link #notifyAppTransitionStarting}: The transition was started because of a
* we drew a task snapshot.
public static final int APP_TRANSITION_SNAPSHOT =
* Type for {@link #notifyAppTransitionStarting}: The transition was started because it was a
* recents animation and we only needed to wait on the wallpaper.
public static final int APP_TRANSITION_RECENTS_ANIM =
* The id of the task source of assist state.
public static final String ASSIST_TASK_ID = "taskId";
* The id of the activity source of assist state.
public static final String ASSIST_ACTIVITY_ID = "activityId";
* The bundle key to extract the assist data.
public static final String ASSIST_KEY_DATA = "data";
* The bundle key to extract the assist structure.
public static final String ASSIST_KEY_STRUCTURE = "structure";
* The bundle key to extract the assist content.
public static final String ASSIST_KEY_CONTENT = "content";
* The bundle key to extract the assist receiver extras.
public static final String ASSIST_KEY_RECEIVER_EXTRAS = "receiverExtras";
public interface ScreenObserver {
void onAwakeStateChanged(boolean isAwake);
void onKeyguardStateChanged(boolean isShowing);
* Sleep tokens cause the activity manager to put the top activity to sleep.
* They are used by components such as dreams that may hide and block interaction
* with underlying activities.
public static abstract class SleepToken {
/** Releases the sleep token. */
public abstract void release();
* Acquires a sleep token for the specified display with the specified tag.
* @param tag A string identifying the purpose of the token (eg. "Dream").
* @param displayId The display to apply the sleep token to.
public abstract SleepToken acquireSleepToken(@NonNull String tag, int displayId);
* Returns home activity for the specified user.
* @param userId ID of the user or {@link android.os.UserHandle#USER_ALL}
public abstract ComponentName getHomeActivityForUser(int userId);
public abstract void onLocalVoiceInteractionStarted(IBinder callingActivity,
IVoiceInteractionSession mSession,
IVoiceInteractor mInteractor);
* Callback for window manager to let activity manager know that the app transition was
* cancelled.
public abstract void notifyAppTransitionCancelled();
* Callback for window manager to let activity manager know that the app transition is finished.
public abstract void notifyAppTransitionFinished();
* Returns the top activity from each of the currently visible stacks. The first entry will be
* the focused activity.
public abstract List<IBinder> getTopVisibleActivities();
* Returns whether {@code uid} has any resumed activity.
public abstract boolean hasResumedActivity(int uid);
* Notify listeners that contents are drawn for the first time on a single task display.
* @param displayId An ID of the display on which contents are drawn.
public abstract void notifySingleTaskDisplayDrawn(int displayId);
* Start activity {@code intents} as if {@code packageName/featureId} on user {@code userId} did
* it.
* - DO NOT call it with the calling UID cleared.
* - All the necessary caller permission checks must be done at callsites.
* @return error codes used by {@link IActivityManager#startActivity} and its siblings.
public abstract int startActivitiesAsPackage(String packageName, String featureId,
int userId, Intent[] intents, Bundle bOptions);
* Start intents as a package.
* @param uid Make a call as if this UID did.
* @param realCallingPid PID of the real caller.
* @param realCallingUid UID of the real caller.
* @param callingPackage Make a call as if this package did.
* @param callingFeatureId Make a call as if this feature in the package did.
* @param intents Intents to start.
* @param userId Start the intents on this user.
* @param validateIncomingUser Set true to skip checking {@code userId} with the calling UID.
* @param originatingPendingIntent PendingIntentRecord that originated this activity start or
* null if not originated by PendingIntent
* @param allowBackgroundActivityStart Whether the background activity start should be allowed
* from originatingPendingIntent
public abstract int startActivitiesInPackage(int uid, int realCallingPid, int realCallingUid,
String callingPackage, @Nullable String callingFeatureId, Intent[] intents,
String[] resolvedTypes, IBinder resultTo, SafeActivityOptions options, int userId,
boolean validateIncomingUser, PendingIntentRecord originatingPendingIntent,
boolean allowBackgroundActivityStart);
public abstract int startActivityInPackage(int uid, int realCallingPid, int realCallingUid,
String callingPackage, @Nullable String callingFeaturId, Intent intent,
String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode,
int startFlags, SafeActivityOptions options, int userId, Task inTask, String reason,
boolean validateIncomingUser, PendingIntentRecord originatingPendingIntent,
boolean allowBackgroundActivityStart);
* Start activity {@code intent} without calling user-id check.
* - DO NOT call it with the calling UID cleared.
* - The caller must do the calling user ID check.
* @return error codes used by {@link IActivityManager#startActivity} and its siblings.
public abstract int startActivityAsUser(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage,
@Nullable String callingFeatureId, Intent intent, @Nullable IBinder resultTo,
int startFlags, @Nullable Bundle options, int userId);
* Called when Keyguard flags might have changed.
* @param callback Callback to run after activity visibilities have been reevaluated. This can
* be used from window manager so that when the callback is called, it's
* guaranteed that all apps have their visibility updated accordingly.
* @param displayId The id of the display where the keyguard flags changed.
public abstract void notifyKeyguardFlagsChanged(@Nullable Runnable callback, int displayId);
* Called when the trusted state of Keyguard has changed.
public abstract void notifyKeyguardTrustedChanged();
* Called after virtual display Id is updated by
* {@link} with a specific
* {@param vr2dDisplayId}.
public abstract void setVr2dDisplayId(int vr2dDisplayId);
* Set focus on an activity.
* @param token The IApplicationToken for the activity
public abstract void setFocusedActivity(IBinder token);
public abstract void registerScreenObserver(ScreenObserver observer);
* Returns is the caller has the same uid as the Recents component
public abstract boolean isCallerRecents(int callingUid);
* Returns whether the recents component is the home activity for the given user.
public abstract boolean isRecentsComponentHomeActivity(int userId);
* Cancels any currently running recents animation.
public abstract void cancelRecentsAnimation(boolean restoreHomeStackPosition);
* This enforces {@code func} can only be called if either the caller is Recents activity or
* has {@code permission}.
public abstract void enforceCallerIsRecentsOrHasPermission(String permission, String func);
* Called after the voice interaction service has changed.
public abstract void notifyActiveVoiceInteractionServiceChanged(ComponentName component);
* Set a uid that is allowed to bypass stopped app switches, launching an app
* whenever it wants.
* @param type Type of the caller -- unique string the caller supplies to identify itself
* and disambiguate with other calles.
* @param uid The uid of the app to be allowed, or -1 to clear the uid for this type.
* @param userId The user it is allowed for.
public abstract void setAllowAppSwitches(@NonNull String type, int uid, int userId);
* Called when a user has been deleted. This can happen during normal device usage
* or just at startup, when partially removed users are purged. Any state persisted by the
* ActivityManager should be purged now.
* @param userId The user being cleaned up.
public abstract void onUserStopped(int userId);
public abstract boolean isGetTasksAllowed(String caller, int callingPid, int callingUid);
public abstract void onProcessAdded(WindowProcessController proc);
public abstract void onProcessRemoved(String name, int uid);
public abstract void onCleanUpApplicationRecord(WindowProcessController proc);
public abstract int getTopProcessState();
public abstract boolean isHeavyWeightProcess(WindowProcessController proc);
public abstract void clearHeavyWeightProcessIfEquals(WindowProcessController proc);
public abstract void finishHeavyWeightApp();
public abstract boolean isSleeping();
public abstract boolean isShuttingDown();
public abstract boolean shuttingDown(boolean booted, int timeout);
public abstract void enableScreenAfterBoot(boolean booted);
public abstract boolean showStrictModeViolationDialog();
public abstract void showSystemReadyErrorDialogsIfNeeded();
public abstract void onProcessMapped(int pid, WindowProcessController proc);
public abstract void onProcessUnMapped(int pid);
public abstract void onPackageDataCleared(String name);
public abstract void onPackageUninstalled(String name);
public abstract void onPackageAdded(String name, boolean replacing);
public abstract void onPackageReplaced(ApplicationInfo aInfo);
public abstract CompatibilityInfo compatibilityInfoForPackage(ApplicationInfo ai);
public final class ActivityTokens {
private final @NonNull IBinder mActivityToken;
private final @NonNull IBinder mAssistToken;
private final @NonNull IApplicationThread mAppThread;
public ActivityTokens(@NonNull IBinder activityToken,
@NonNull IBinder assistToken, @NonNull IApplicationThread appThread) {
mActivityToken = activityToken;
mAssistToken = assistToken;
mAppThread = appThread;
* @return The activity token.
public @NonNull IBinder getActivityToken() {
return mActivityToken;
* @return The assist token.
public @NonNull IBinder getAssistToken() {
return mAssistToken;
* @return The assist token.
public @NonNull IApplicationThread getApplicationThread() {
return mAppThread;
* Set the corresponding display information for the process global configuration. To be called
* when we need to show IME on a different display.
* @param pid The process id associated with the IME window.
* @param displayId The ID of the display showing the IME.
public abstract void onImeWindowSetOnDisplay(int pid, int displayId);
public abstract void sendActivityResult(int callingUid, IBinder activityToken,
String resultWho, int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data);
public abstract void clearPendingResultForActivity(
IBinder activityToken, WeakReference<PendingIntentRecord> pir);
* @return the activity token and IApplicationThread for the top activity in the task or null
* if there isn't a top activity with a valid process.
public abstract ActivityTokens getTopActivityForTask(int taskId);
public abstract IIntentSender getIntentSender(int type, String packageName,
@Nullable String featureId, int callingUid, int userId, IBinder token, String resultWho,
int requestCode, Intent[] intents, String[] resolvedTypes, int flags,
Bundle bOptions);
/** @return the service connection holder for a given activity token. */
public abstract ActivityServiceConnectionsHolder getServiceConnectionsHolder(IBinder token);
/** @return The intent used to launch the home activity. */
public abstract Intent getHomeIntent();
public abstract boolean startHomeActivity(int userId, String reason);
* This starts home activity on displays that can have system decorations based on displayId -
* Default display always use primary home component.
* For Secondary displays, the home activity must have category SECONDARY_HOME and then resolves
* according to the priorities listed below.
* - If default home is not set, always use the secondary home defined in the config.
* - Use currently selected primary home activity.
* - Use the activity in the same package as currently selected primary home activity.
* If there are multiple activities matched, use first one.
* - Use the secondary home defined in the config.
public abstract boolean startHomeOnDisplay(int userId, String reason, int displayId,
boolean allowInstrumenting, boolean fromHomeKey);
/** Start home activities on all displays that support system decorations. */
public abstract boolean startHomeOnAllDisplays(int userId, String reason);
/** @return true if the given process is the factory test process. */
public abstract boolean isFactoryTestProcess(WindowProcessController wpc);
public abstract void updateTopComponentForFactoryTest();
public abstract void handleAppDied(WindowProcessController wpc, boolean restarting,
Runnable finishInstrumentationCallback);
public abstract void closeSystemDialogs(String reason);
/** Removes all components (e.g. activities, recents, ...) belonging to a disabled package. */
public abstract void cleanupDisabledPackageComponents(
String packageName, Set<String> disabledClasses, int userId, boolean booted);
/** Called whenever AM force stops a package. */
public abstract boolean onForceStopPackage(String packageName, boolean doit,
boolean evenPersistent, int userId);
* Resumes all top activities in the system if they aren't resumed already.
* @param scheduleIdle If the idle message should be schedule after the top activities are
* resumed.
public abstract void resumeTopActivities(boolean scheduleIdle);
/** Called by AM just before it binds to an application process. */
public abstract void preBindApplication(WindowProcessController wpc);
/** Called by AM when an application process attaches. */
public abstract boolean attachApplication(WindowProcessController wpc) throws RemoteException;
/** @see IActivityManager#notifyLockedProfile(int) */
public abstract void notifyLockedProfile(@UserIdInt int userId, int currentUserId);
/** @see IActivityManager#startConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(Intent, Bundle) */
public abstract void startConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(Intent intent, Bundle options);
/** Writes current activity states to the proto stream. */
public abstract void writeActivitiesToProto(ProtoOutputStream proto);
* Saves the current activity manager state and includes the saved state in the next dump of
* activity manager.
public abstract void saveANRState(String reason);
/** Clears the previously saved activity manager ANR state. */
public abstract void clearSavedANRState();
/** Dump the current state based on the command. */
public abstract void dump(String cmd, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args,
int opti, boolean dumpAll, boolean dumpClient, String dumpPackage);
/** Dump the current state for inclusion in process dump. */
public abstract boolean dumpForProcesses(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, boolean dumpAll,
String dumpPackage, int dumpAppId, boolean needSep, boolean testPssMode,
int wakefulness);
/** Writes the current window process states to the proto stream. */
public abstract void writeProcessesToProto(ProtoOutputStream proto, String dumpPackage,
int wakeFullness, boolean testPssMode);
/** Dump the current activities state. */
public abstract boolean dumpActivity(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String name,
String[] args, int opti, boolean dumpAll, boolean dumpVisibleStacksOnly,
boolean dumpFocusedStackOnly);
/** Dump the current state for inclusion in oom dump. */
public abstract void dumpForOom(PrintWriter pw);
/** @return true if it the activity management system is okay with GC running now. */
public abstract boolean canGcNow();
/** @return the process for the top-most resumed activity in the system. */
public abstract WindowProcessController getTopApp();
/** Generate oom-score-adjustment rank for all tasks in the system based on z-order. */
public abstract void rankTaskLayersIfNeeded();
/** Destroy all activities. */
public abstract void scheduleDestroyAllActivities(String reason);
/** Remove user association with activities. */
public abstract void removeUser(int userId);
/** Switch current focused user for activities. */
public abstract boolean switchUser(int userId, UserState userState);
/** Called whenever an app crashes. */
public abstract void onHandleAppCrash(WindowProcessController wpc);
* Finish the topmost activities in all stacks that belong to the crashed app.
* @param crashedApp The app that crashed.
* @param reason Reason to perform this action.
* @return The task id that was finished in this stack, or INVALID_TASK_ID if none was finished.
public abstract int finishTopCrashedActivities(
WindowProcessController crashedApp, String reason);
public abstract void onUidActive(int uid, int procState);
public abstract void onUidInactive(int uid);
public abstract void onActiveUidsCleared();
public abstract void onUidProcStateChanged(int uid, int procState);
public abstract void onUidAddedToPendingTempWhitelist(int uid, String tag);
public abstract void onUidRemovedFromPendingTempWhitelist(int uid);
/** Handle app crash event in {@link} if there is one. */
public abstract boolean handleAppCrashInActivityController(String processName, int pid,
String shortMsg, String longMsg, long timeMillis, String stackTrace,
Runnable killCrashingAppCallback);
public abstract void removeRecentTasksByPackageName(String packageName, int userId);
public abstract void cleanupRecentTasksForUser(int userId);
public abstract void loadRecentTasksForUser(int userId);
public abstract void onPackagesSuspendedChanged(String[] packages, boolean suspended,
int userId);
/** Flush recent tasks to disk. */
public abstract void flushRecentTasks();
public abstract WindowProcessController getHomeProcess();
public abstract WindowProcessController getPreviousProcess();
public abstract void clearLockedTasks(String reason);
public abstract void updateUserConfiguration();
public abstract boolean canShowErrorDialogs();
public abstract void setProfileApp(String profileApp);
public abstract void setProfileProc(WindowProcessController wpc);
public abstract void setProfilerInfo(ProfilerInfo profilerInfo);
public abstract ActivityMetricsLaunchObserverRegistry getLaunchObserverRegistry();
* Gets bitmap snapshot of the provided task id.
* <p>Warning! this may restore the snapshot from disk so can block, don't call in a latency
* sensitive environment.
public abstract ActivityManager.TaskSnapshot getTaskSnapshotBlocking(int taskId,
boolean isLowResolution);
/** Returns true if uid is considered foreground for activity start purposes. */
public abstract boolean isUidForeground(int uid);
* Called by DevicePolicyManagerService to set the uid of the device owner.
public abstract void setDeviceOwnerUid(int uid);
/** Set all associated companion app that belongs to an userId. */
public abstract void setCompanionAppPackages(int userId, Set<String> companionAppPackages);