blob: 7f8b3bd7d976196ffb447fa38a2e304eef3db2a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.view;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* An implementation of display list for OpenGL ES 2.0.
class GLES20DisplayList extends DisplayList {
private ArrayList<DisplayList> mChildDisplayLists;
private GLES20RecordingCanvas mCanvas;
private boolean mValid;
// Used for debugging
private final String mName;
// The native display list will be destroyed when this object dies.
// DO NOT overwrite this reference once it is set.
private DisplayListFinalizer mFinalizer;
GLES20DisplayList(String name) {
mName = name;
boolean hasNativeDisplayList() {
return mValid && mFinalizer != null;
long getNativeDisplayList() {
if (!mValid || mFinalizer == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The display list is not valid.");
return mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList;
public HardwareCanvas start(int width, int height) {
if (mCanvas != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Recording has already started");
mValid = false;
mCanvas = GLES20RecordingCanvas.obtain(this);
mCanvas.setViewport(width, height);
// The dirty rect should always be null for a display list
return mCanvas;
public void clear() {
if (mCanvas != null) {
mCanvas = null;
mValid = false;
void clearReferences() {
if (mChildDisplayLists != null) mChildDisplayLists.clear();
ArrayList<DisplayList> getChildDisplayLists() {
if (mChildDisplayLists == null) mChildDisplayLists = new ArrayList<DisplayList>();
return mChildDisplayLists;
public void reset() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
public boolean isValid() {
return mValid;
public void end() {
if (mCanvas != null) {
if (mFinalizer != null) {
} else {
mFinalizer = new DisplayListFinalizer(mCanvas.end(0));
nSetDisplayListName(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, mName);
mCanvas = null;
mValid = true;
public int getSize() {
if (mFinalizer == null) return 0;
return nGetDisplayListSize(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
private static native void nDestroyDisplayList(long displayList);
private static native int nGetDisplayListSize(long displayList);
private static native void nSetDisplayListName(long displayList, String name);
// Native View Properties
public void setCaching(boolean caching) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetCaching(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, caching);
public void setClipToBounds(boolean clipToBounds) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetClipToBounds(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, clipToBounds);
public void setMatrix(Matrix matrix) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetStaticMatrix(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, matrix.native_instance);
public Matrix getMatrix(Matrix matrix) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nGetMatrix(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, matrix.native_instance);
return matrix;
public void setAnimationMatrix(Matrix matrix) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
(matrix != null) ? matrix.native_instance : 0);
public void setAlpha(float alpha) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetAlpha(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, alpha);
public float getAlpha() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetAlpha(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 1.0f;
public void setHasOverlappingRendering(boolean hasOverlappingRendering) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetHasOverlappingRendering(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, hasOverlappingRendering);
public boolean hasOverlappingRendering() {
//noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nHasOverlappingRendering(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return true;
public void setTranslationX(float translationX) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetTranslationX(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, translationX);
public float getTranslationX() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetTranslationX(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setTranslationY(float translationY) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetTranslationY(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, translationY);
public float getTranslationY() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetTranslationY(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setRotation(float rotation) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetRotation(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, rotation);
public float getRotation() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetRotation(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setRotationX(float rotationX) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetRotationX(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, rotationX);
public float getRotationX() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetRotationX(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setRotationY(float rotationY) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetRotationY(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, rotationY);
public float getRotationY() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetRotationY(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setScaleX(float scaleX) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetScaleX(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, scaleX);
public float getScaleX() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetScaleX(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 1.0f;
public void setScaleY(float scaleY) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetScaleY(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, scaleY);
public float getScaleY() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetScaleY(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 1.0f;
public void setTransformationInfo(float alpha, float translationX, float translationY,
float rotation, float rotationX, float rotationY, float scaleX, float scaleY) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetTransformationInfo(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, alpha, translationX, translationY,
rotation, rotationX, rotationY, scaleX, scaleY);
public void setPivotX(float pivotX) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetPivotX(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, pivotX);
public float getPivotX() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetPivotX(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setPivotY(float pivotY) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetPivotY(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, pivotY);
public float getPivotY() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetPivotY(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setCameraDistance(float distance) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetCameraDistance(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, distance);
public float getCameraDistance() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetCameraDistance(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setLeft(int left) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetLeft(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, left);
public float getLeft() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetLeft(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setTop(int top) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetTop(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, top);
public float getTop() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetTop(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setRight(int right) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetRight(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, right);
public float getRight() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetRight(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setBottom(int bottom) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetBottom(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, bottom);
public float getBottom() {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
return nGetBottom(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList);
return 0.0f;
public void setLeftTopRightBottom(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nSetLeftTopRightBottom(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, left, top, right, bottom);
public void offsetLeftAndRight(float offset) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nOffsetLeftAndRight(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, offset);
public void offsetTopAndBottom(float offset) {
if (hasNativeDisplayList()) {
nOffsetTopAndBottom(mFinalizer.mNativeDisplayList, offset);
private static native void nReset(long displayList);
private static native void nOffsetTopAndBottom(long displayList, float offset);
private static native void nOffsetLeftAndRight(long displayList, float offset);
private static native void nSetLeftTopRightBottom(long displayList, int left, int top,
int right, int bottom);
private static native void nSetBottom(long displayList, int bottom);
private static native void nSetRight(long displayList, int right);
private static native void nSetTop(long displayList, int top);
private static native void nSetLeft(long displayList, int left);
private static native void nSetCameraDistance(long displayList, float distance);
private static native void nSetPivotY(long displayList, float pivotY);
private static native void nSetPivotX(long displayList, float pivotX);
private static native void nSetCaching(long displayList, boolean caching);
private static native void nSetClipToBounds(long displayList, boolean clipToBounds);
private static native void nSetAlpha(long displayList, float alpha);
private static native void nSetHasOverlappingRendering(long displayList,
boolean hasOverlappingRendering);
private static native void nSetTranslationX(long displayList, float translationX);
private static native void nSetTranslationY(long displayList, float translationY);
private static native void nSetRotation(long displayList, float rotation);
private static native void nSetRotationX(long displayList, float rotationX);
private static native void nSetRotationY(long displayList, float rotationY);
private static native void nSetScaleX(long displayList, float scaleX);
private static native void nSetScaleY(long displayList, float scaleY);
private static native void nSetTransformationInfo(long displayList, float alpha,
float translationX, float translationY, float rotation, float rotationX,
float rotationY, float scaleX, float scaleY);
private static native void nSetStaticMatrix(long displayList, long nativeMatrix);
private static native void nSetAnimationMatrix(long displayList, long animationMatrix);
private static native boolean nHasOverlappingRendering(long displayList);
private static native void nGetMatrix(long displayList, long matrix);
private static native float nGetAlpha(long displayList);
private static native float nGetLeft(long displayList);
private static native float nGetTop(long displayList);
private static native float nGetRight(long displayList);
private static native float nGetBottom(long displayList);
private static native float nGetCameraDistance(long displayList);
private static native float nGetScaleX(long displayList);
private static native float nGetScaleY(long displayList);
private static native float nGetTranslationX(long displayList);
private static native float nGetTranslationY(long displayList);
private static native float nGetRotation(long displayList);
private static native float nGetRotationX(long displayList);
private static native float nGetRotationY(long displayList);
private static native float nGetPivotX(long displayList);
private static native float nGetPivotY(long displayList);
// Finalization
private static class DisplayListFinalizer {
final long mNativeDisplayList;
public DisplayListFinalizer(long nativeDisplayList) {
mNativeDisplayList = nativeDisplayList;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
} finally {