blob: 7135a33f637e6c624db4b985840a737aaa9fdad6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
namespace android {
class ICamera;
class IMemory;
class Camera;
class CameraSourceTimeLapse : public CameraSource {
static CameraSourceTimeLapse *Create(bool useStillCameraForTimeLapse,
int64_t timeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs,
int32_t width, int32_t height,
int32_t videoFrameRate);
static CameraSourceTimeLapse *CreateFromCamera(const sp<Camera> &camera,
bool useStillCameraForTimeLapse,
int64_t timeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs,
int32_t width, int32_t height,
int32_t videoFrameRate);
virtual ~CameraSourceTimeLapse();
// If true, will use still camera takePicture() for time lapse frames
// If false, will use the videocamera frames instead.
bool mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse;
// Size of picture taken from still camera. This may be larger than the size
// of the video, as still camera may not support the exact video resolution
// demanded. See setPictureSizeToClosestSupported().
int32_t mPictureWidth;
int32_t mPictureHeight;
// size of the encoded video.
int32_t mVideoWidth;
int32_t mVideoHeight;
// True if we need to crop the still camera image to get the video frame.
bool mNeedCropping;
// Start location of the cropping rectangle.
int32_t mCropRectStartX;
int32_t mCropRectStartY;
// Time between capture of two frames during time lapse recording
// Negative value indicates that timelapse is disabled.
int64_t mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs;
// Time between two frames in final video (1/frameRate)
int64_t mTimeBetweenTimeLapseVideoFramesUs;
// Real timestamp of the last encoded time lapse frame
int64_t mLastTimeLapseFrameRealTimestampUs;
// Thread id of thread which takes still picture and sleeps in a loop.
pthread_t mThreadTimeLapse;
// Variable set in dataCallbackTimestamp() to help skipCurrentFrame()
// to know if current frame needs to be skipped.
bool mSkipCurrentFrame;
// True if camera is in preview mode and ready for takePicture().
bool mCameraIdle;
CameraSourceTimeLapse(const sp<Camera> &camera,
bool useStillCameraForTimeLapse,
int64_t timeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs,
int32_t width, int32_t height,
int32_t videoFrameRate);
// For still camera case starts a thread which calls camera's takePicture()
// in a loop. For video camera case, just starts the camera's video recording.
virtual void startCameraRecording();
// For still camera case joins the thread created in startCameraRecording().
// For video camera case, just stops the camera's video recording.
virtual void stopCameraRecording();
// For still camera case don't need to do anything as memory is locally
// allocated with refcounting.
// For video camera case just tell the camera to release the frame.
virtual void releaseRecordingFrame(const sp<IMemory>& frame);
// mSkipCurrentFrame is set to true in dataCallbackTimestamp() if the current
// frame needs to be skipped and this function just returns the value of mSkipCurrentFrame.
virtual bool skipCurrentFrame(int64_t timestampUs);
// Handles the callback to handle raw frame data from the still camera.
// Creates a copy of the frame data as the camera can reuse the frame memory
// once this callback returns. The function also sets a new timstamp corresponding
// to one frame time ahead of the last encoded frame's time stamp. It then
// calls dataCallbackTimestamp() of the base class with the copied data and the
// modified timestamp, which will think that it recieved the frame from a video
// camera and proceed as usual.
virtual void dataCallback(int32_t msgType, const sp<IMemory> &data);
// In the video camera case calls skipFrameAndModifyTimeStamp() to modify
// timestamp and set mSkipCurrentFrame.
// Then it calls the base CameraSource::dataCallbackTimestamp()
virtual void dataCallbackTimestamp(int64_t timestampUs, int32_t msgType,
const sp<IMemory> &data);
// The still camera may not support the demanded video width and height.
// We look for the supported picture sizes from the still camera and
// choose the smallest one with either dimensions higher than the corresponding
// video dimensions. The still picture will be cropped to get the video frame.
// The function returns true if the camera supports picture sizes greater than
// or equal to the passed in width and height, and false otherwise.
bool setPictureSizeToClosestSupported(int32_t width, int32_t height);
// Computes the offset of the rectangle from where to start cropping the
// still image into the video frame. We choose the center of the image to be
// cropped. The offset is stored in (mCropRectStartX, mCropRectStartY).
bool computeCropRectangleOffset();
// Crops the source data into a smaller image starting at
// (mCropRectStartX, mCropRectStartY) and of the size of the video frame.
// The data is returned into a newly allocated IMemory.
sp<IMemory> cropYUVImage(const sp<IMemory> &source_data);
// When video camera is used for time lapse capture, returns true
// until enough time has passed for the next time lapse frame. When
// the frame needs to be encoded, it returns false and also modifies
// the time stamp to be one frame time ahead of the last encoded
// frame's time stamp.
bool skipFrameAndModifyTimeStamp(int64_t *timestampUs);
// Wrapper to enter threadTimeLapseEntry()
static void *ThreadTimeLapseWrapper(void *me);
// Runs a loop which sleeps until a still picture is required
// and then calls mCamera->takePicture() to take the still picture.
// Used only in the case mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse = true.
void threadTimeLapseEntry();
// Wrapper to enter threadStartPreview()
static void *ThreadStartPreviewWrapper(void *me);
// Starts the camera's preview.
void threadStartPreview();
// Starts thread ThreadStartPreviewWrapper() for restarting preview.
// Needs to be done in a thread so that dataCallback() which calls this function
// can return, and the camera can know that takePicture() is done.
void restartPreview();
// Creates a copy of source_data into a new memory of final type MemoryBase.
sp<IMemory> createIMemoryCopy(const sp<IMemory> &source_data);
CameraSourceTimeLapse(const CameraSourceTimeLapse &);
CameraSourceTimeLapse &operator=(const CameraSourceTimeLapse &);
} // namespace android