blob: 496ca8076b6a014c38d56df3b29a5b5867cfb405 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* File: q_pulse.c *
* *
* Description: Coding and decoding of algebraic codebook *
* *
#include <stdio.h>
#include "typedef.h"
#include "basic_op.h"
#include "q_pulse.h"
#define NB_POS 16 /* pos in track, mask for sign bit */
Word32 quant_1p_N1( /* (o) return N+1 bits */
Word16 pos, /* (i) position of the pulse */
Word16 N) /* (i) number of bits for position */
Word16 mask;
Word32 index;
mask = (1 << N) - 1; /* mask = ((1<<N)-1); */
* Quantization of 1 pulse with N+1 bits: *
index = L_deposit_l((Word16) (pos & mask));
if ((pos & NB_POS) != 0)
index = vo_L_add(index, L_deposit_l(1 << N)); /* index += 1 << N; */
return (index);
Word32 quant_2p_2N1( /* (o) return (2*N)+1 bits */
Word16 pos1, /* (i) position of the pulse 1 */
Word16 pos2, /* (i) position of the pulse 2 */
Word16 N) /* (i) number of bits for position */
Word16 mask, tmp;
Word32 index;
mask = (1 << N) - 1; /* mask = ((1<<N)-1); */
* Quantization of 2 pulses with 2*N+1 bits: *
if (((pos2 ^ pos1) & NB_POS) == 0)
/* sign of 1st pulse == sign of 2th pulse */
if(pos1 <= pos2) /* ((pos1 - pos2) <= 0) */
/* index = ((pos1 & mask) << N) + (pos2 & mask); */
index = L_deposit_l(add1((((Word16) (pos1 & mask)) << N), ((Word16) (pos2 & mask))));
} else
/* ((pos2 & mask) << N) + (pos1 & mask); */
index = L_deposit_l(add1((((Word16) (pos2 & mask)) << N), ((Word16) (pos1 & mask))));
if ((pos1 & NB_POS) != 0)
tmp = (N << 1);
index = vo_L_add(index, (1L << tmp)); /* index += 1 << (2*N); */
} else
/* sign of 1st pulse != sign of 2th pulse */
if (vo_sub((Word16) (pos1 & mask), (Word16) (pos2 & mask)) <= 0)
/* index = ((pos2 & mask) << N) + (pos1 & mask); */
index = L_deposit_l(add1((((Word16) (pos2 & mask)) << N), ((Word16) (pos1 & mask))));
if ((pos2 & NB_POS) != 0)
tmp = (N << 1); /* index += 1 << (2*N); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (1L << tmp));
} else
/* index = ((pos1 & mask) << N) + (pos2 & mask); */
index = L_deposit_l(add1((((Word16) (pos1 & mask)) << N), ((Word16) (pos2 & mask))));
if ((pos1 & NB_POS) != 0)
tmp = (N << 1);
index = vo_L_add(index, (1 << tmp)); /* index += 1 << (2*N); */
return (index);
Word32 quant_3p_3N1( /* (o) return (3*N)+1 bits */
Word16 pos1, /* (i) position of the pulse 1 */
Word16 pos2, /* (i) position of the pulse 2 */
Word16 pos3, /* (i) position of the pulse 3 */
Word16 N) /* (i) number of bits for position */
Word16 nb_pos;
Word32 index;
nb_pos =(1 <<(N - 1)); /* nb_pos = (1<<(N-1)); */
* Quantization of 3 pulses with 3*N+1 bits: *
if (((pos1 ^ pos2) & nb_pos) == 0)
index = quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos2, sub(N, 1)); /* index = quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos2, (N-1)); */
/* index += (pos1 & nb_pos) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, (L_deposit_l((Word16) (pos1 & nb_pos)) << N));
/* index += quant_1p_N1(pos3, N) << (2*N); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_1p_N1(pos3, N)<<(N << 1)));
} else if (((pos1 ^ pos3) & nb_pos) == 0)
index = quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos3, sub(N, 1)); /* index = quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos3, (N-1)); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (L_deposit_l((Word16) (pos1 & nb_pos)) << N));
/* index += (pos1 & nb_pos) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_1p_N1(pos2, N) << (N << 1)));
/* index += quant_1p_N1(pos2, N) <<
* (2*N); */
} else
index = quant_2p_2N1(pos2, pos3, (N - 1)); /* index = quant_2p_2N1(pos2, pos3, (N-1)); */
/* index += (pos2 & nb_pos) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, (L_deposit_l((Word16) (pos2 & nb_pos)) << N));
/* index += quant_1p_N1(pos1, N) << (2*N); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_1p_N1(pos1, N) << (N << 1)));
return (index);
Word32 quant_4p_4N1( /* (o) return (4*N)+1 bits */
Word16 pos1, /* (i) position of the pulse 1 */
Word16 pos2, /* (i) position of the pulse 2 */
Word16 pos3, /* (i) position of the pulse 3 */
Word16 pos4, /* (i) position of the pulse 4 */
Word16 N) /* (i) number of bits for position */
Word16 nb_pos;
Word32 index;
nb_pos = 1 << (N - 1); /* nb_pos = (1<<(N-1)); */
* Quantization of 4 pulses with 4*N+1 bits: *
if (((pos1 ^ pos2) & nb_pos) == 0)
index = quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos2, sub(N, 1)); /* index = quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos2, (N-1)); */
/* index += (pos1 & nb_pos) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, (L_deposit_l((Word16) (pos1 & nb_pos)) << N));
/* index += quant_2p_2N1(pos3, pos4, N) << (2*N); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_2p_2N1(pos3, pos4, N) << (N << 1)));
} else if (((pos1 ^ pos3) & nb_pos) == 0)
index = quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos3, (N - 1));
/* index += (pos1 & nb_pos) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, (L_deposit_l((Word16) (pos1 & nb_pos)) << N));
/* index += quant_2p_2N1(pos2, pos4, N) << (2*N); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_2p_2N1(pos2, pos4, N) << (N << 1)));
} else
index = quant_2p_2N1(pos2, pos3, (N - 1));
/* index += (pos2 & nb_pos) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, (L_deposit_l((Word16) (pos2 & nb_pos)) << N));
/* index += quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos4, N) << (2*N); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_2p_2N1(pos1, pos4, N) << (N << 1)));
return (index);
Word32 quant_4p_4N( /* (o) return 4*N bits */
Word16 pos[], /* (i) position of the pulse 1..4 */
Word16 N) /* (i) number of bits for position */
Word16 nb_pos, mask, n_1, tmp;
Word16 posA[4], posB[4];
Word32 i, j, k, index;
n_1 = (Word16) (N - 1);
nb_pos = (1 << n_1); /* nb_pos = (1<<n_1); */
mask = vo_sub((1 << N), 1); /* mask = ((1<<N)-1); */
i = 0;
j = 0;
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if ((pos[k] & nb_pos) == 0)
posA[i++] = pos[k];
} else
posB[j++] = pos[k];
switch (i)
case 0:
tmp = vo_sub((N << 2), 3); /* index = 1 << ((4*N)-3); */
index = (1L << tmp);
/* index += quant_4p_4N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], posB[3], n_1); */
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_4p_4N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], posB[3], n_1));
case 1:
/* index = quant_1p_N1(posA[0], n_1) << ((3*n_1)+1); */
tmp = add1((Word16)((vo_L_mult(3, n_1) >> 1)), 1);
index = L_shl(quant_1p_N1(posA[0], n_1), tmp);
/* index += quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1); */
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1));
case 2:
tmp = ((n_1 << 1) + 1); /* index = quant_2p_2N1(posA[0], posA[1], n_1) << ((2*n_1)+1); */
index = L_shl(quant_2p_2N1(posA[0], posA[1], n_1), tmp);
/* index += quant_2p_2N1(posB[0], posB[1], n_1); */
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posB[0], posB[1], n_1));
case 3:
/* index = quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1) << N; */
index = L_shl(quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1), N);
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_1p_N1(posB[0], n_1)); /* index += quant_1p_N1(posB[0], n_1); */
case 4:
index = quant_4p_4N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], posA[3], n_1);
index = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Error in function quant_4p_4N\n");
tmp = ((N << 2) - 2); /* index += (i & 3) << ((4*N)-2); */
index = vo_L_add(index, L_shl((L_deposit_l(i) & (3L)), tmp));
return (index);
Word32 quant_5p_5N( /* (o) return 5*N bits */
Word16 pos[], /* (i) position of the pulse 1..5 */
Word16 N) /* (i) number of bits for position */
Word16 nb_pos, n_1, tmp;
Word16 posA[5], posB[5];
Word32 i, j, k, index, tmp2;
n_1 = (Word16) (N - 1);
nb_pos = (1 << n_1); /* nb_pos = (1<<n_1); */
i = 0;
j = 0;
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++)
if ((pos[k] & nb_pos) == 0)
posA[i++] = pos[k];
} else
posB[j++] = pos[k];
switch (i)
case 0:
tmp = vo_sub((Word16)((vo_L_mult(5, N) >> 1)), 1); /* ((5*N)-1)) */
index = L_shl(1L, tmp); /* index = 1 << ((5*N)-1); */
tmp = add1((N << 1), 1); /* index += quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1) << ((2*N)+1);*/
tmp2 = L_shl(quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1), tmp);
index = vo_L_add(index, tmp2);
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posB[3], posB[4], N)); /* index += quant_2p_2N1(posB[3], posB[4], N); */
case 1:
tmp = vo_sub((Word16)((vo_L_mult(5, N) >> 1)), 1); /* index = 1 << ((5*N)-1); */
index = L_shl(1L, tmp);
tmp = add1((N << 1), 1); /* index += quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1) <<((2*N)+1); */
tmp2 = L_shl(quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1), tmp);
index = vo_L_add(index, tmp2);
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posB[3], posA[0], N)); /* index += quant_2p_2N1(posB[3], posA[0], N); */
case 2:
tmp = vo_sub((Word16)((vo_L_mult(5, N) >> 1)), 1); /* ((5*N)-1)) */
index = L_shl(1L, tmp); /* index = 1 << ((5*N)-1); */
tmp = add1((N << 1), 1); /* index += quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1) << ((2*N)+1); */
tmp2 = L_shl(quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1), tmp);
index = vo_L_add(index, tmp2);
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posA[0], posA[1], N)); /* index += quant_2p_2N1(posA[0], posA[1], N); */
case 3:
tmp = add1((N << 1), 1); /* index = quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1) << ((2*N)+1); */
index = L_shl(quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1), tmp);
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posB[0], posB[1], N)); /* index += quant_2p_2N1(posB[0], posB[1], N); */
case 4:
tmp = add1((N << 1), 1); /* index = quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1) << ((2*N)+1); */
index = L_shl(quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1), tmp);
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posA[3], posB[0], N)); /* index += quant_2p_2N1(posA[3], posB[0], N); */
case 5:
tmp = add1((N << 1), 1); /* index = quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1) << ((2*N)+1); */
index = L_shl(quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1), tmp);
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posA[3], posA[4], N)); /* index += quant_2p_2N1(posA[3], posA[4], N); */
index = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Error in function quant_5p_5N\n");
return (index);
Word32 quant_6p_6N_2( /* (o) return (6*N)-2 bits */
Word16 pos[], /* (i) position of the pulse 1..6 */
Word16 N) /* (i) number of bits for position */
Word16 nb_pos, n_1;
Word16 posA[6], posB[6];
Word32 i, j, k, index;
/* !! N and n_1 are constants -> it doesn't need to be operated by Basic Operators */
n_1 = (Word16) (N - 1);
nb_pos = (1 << n_1); /* nb_pos = (1<<n_1); */
i = 0;
j = 0;
for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
if ((pos[k] & nb_pos) == 0)
posA[i++] = pos[k];
} else
posB[j++] = pos[k];
switch (i)
case 0:
index = (1 << (Word16) (6 * N - 5)); /* index = 1 << ((6*N)-5); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_5p_5N(posB, n_1) << N)); /* index += quant_5p_5N(posB, n_1) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_1p_N1(posB[5], n_1)); /* index += quant_1p_N1(posB[5], n_1); */
case 1:
index = (1L << (Word16) (6 * N - 5)); /* index = 1 << ((6*N)-5); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_5p_5N(posB, n_1) << N)); /* index += quant_5p_5N(posB, n_1) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_1p_N1(posA[0], n_1)); /* index += quant_1p_N1(posA[0], n_1); */
case 2:
index = (1L << (Word16) (6 * N - 5)); /* index = 1 << ((6*N)-5); */
/* index += quant_4p_4N(posB, n_1) << ((2*n_1)+1); */
index = vo_L_add(index, (quant_4p_4N(posB, n_1) << (Word16) (2 * n_1 + 1)));
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posA[0], posA[1], n_1)); /* index += quant_2p_2N1(posA[0], posA[1], n_1); */
case 3:
index = (quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1) << (Word16) (3 * n_1 + 1));
/* index = quant_3p_3N1(posA[0], posA[1], posA[2], n_1) << ((3*n_1)+1); */
index =vo_L_add(index, quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1));
/* index += quant_3p_3N1(posB[0], posB[1], posB[2], n_1); */
case 4:
i = 2;
index = (quant_4p_4N(posA, n_1) << (Word16) (2 * n_1 + 1)); /* index = quant_4p_4N(posA, n_1) << ((2*n_1)+1); */
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_2p_2N1(posB[0], posB[1], n_1)); /* index += quant_2p_2N1(posB[0], posB[1], n_1); */
case 5:
i = 1;
index = (quant_5p_5N(posA, n_1) << N); /* index = quant_5p_5N(posA, n_1) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_1p_N1(posB[0], n_1)); /* index += quant_1p_N1(posB[0], n_1); */
case 6:
i = 0;
index = (quant_5p_5N(posA, n_1) << N); /* index = quant_5p_5N(posA, n_1) << N; */
index = vo_L_add(index, quant_1p_N1(posA[5], n_1)); /* index += quant_1p_N1(posA[5], n_1); */
index = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Error in function quant_6p_6N_2\n");
index = vo_L_add(index, ((L_deposit_l(i) & 3L) << (Word16) (6 * N - 4))); /* index += (i & 3) << ((6*N)-4); */
return (index);