blob: 98fa574f076bac08df452b289a479cd57ef757e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.view.textclassifier;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.StringDef;
import android.annotation.WorkerThread;
import android.os.LocaleList;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.util.Linkify;
import android.text.util.Linkify.LinkifyMask;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Slog;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Interface for providing text classification related features.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Unless otherwise stated, methods of this interface are blocking
* operations. Call on a worker thread.
public interface TextClassifier {
/** @hide */
String DEFAULT_LOG_TAG = "androidtc";
/** @hide */
@IntDef(value = {LOCAL, SYSTEM})
@interface TextClassifierType {} // TODO: Expose as system APIs.
/** Specifies a TextClassifier that runs locally in the app's process. @hide */
int LOCAL = 0;
/** Specifies a TextClassifier that runs in the system process and serves all apps. @hide */
int SYSTEM = 1;
/** The TextClassifier failed to run. */
String TYPE_UNKNOWN = "";
/** The classifier ran, but didn't recognize a known entity. */
String TYPE_OTHER = "other";
/** E-mail address (e.g. ""). */
String TYPE_EMAIL = "email";
/** Phone number (e.g. "555-123 456"). */
String TYPE_PHONE = "phone";
/** Physical address. */
String TYPE_ADDRESS = "address";
/** Web URL. */
String TYPE_URL = "url";
/** Time reference that is no more specific than a date. May be absolute such as "01/01/2000" or
* relative like "tomorrow". **/
String TYPE_DATE = "date";
/** Time reference that includes a specific time. May be absolute such as "01/01/2000 5:30pm" or
* relative like "tomorrow at 5:30pm". **/
String TYPE_DATE_TIME = "datetime";
/** Flight number in IATA format. */
String TYPE_FLIGHT_NUMBER = "flight";
/** @hide */
@StringDef(prefix = { "TYPE_" }, value = {
@interface EntityType {}
/** Designates that the text in question is editable. **/
String HINT_TEXT_IS_EDITABLE = "android.text_is_editable";
/** Designates that the text in question is not editable. **/
String HINT_TEXT_IS_NOT_EDITABLE = "android.text_is_not_editable";
/** @hide */
@StringDef(prefix = { "HINT_" }, value = {HINT_TEXT_IS_EDITABLE, HINT_TEXT_IS_NOT_EDITABLE})
@interface Hints {}
* No-op TextClassifier.
* This may be used to turn off TextClassifier features.
TextClassifier NO_OP = new TextClassifier() {};
* Returns suggested text selection start and end indices, recognized entity types, and their
* associated confidence scores. The entity types are ordered from highest to lowest scoring.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Call on a worker thread.
* @param text text providing context for the selected text (which is specified
* by the sub sequence starting at selectionStartIndex and ending at selectionEndIndex)
* @param selectionStartIndex start index of the selected part of text
* @param selectionEndIndex end index of the selected part of text
* @param options optional input parameters
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null; selectionStartIndex is negative;
* selectionEndIndex is greater than text.length() or not greater than selectionStartIndex
* @see #suggestSelection(CharSequence, int, int)
default TextSelection suggestSelection(
@NonNull CharSequence text,
@IntRange(from = 0) int selectionStartIndex,
@IntRange(from = 0) int selectionEndIndex,
@Nullable TextSelection.Options options) {
Utils.validate(text, selectionStartIndex, selectionEndIndex, false);
return new TextSelection.Builder(selectionStartIndex, selectionEndIndex).build();
* Returns suggested text selection start and end indices, recognized entity types, and their
* associated confidence scores. The entity types are ordered from highest to lowest scoring.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> Do not implement. The default implementation of this method calls
* {@link #suggestSelection(CharSequence, int, int, TextSelection.Options)}. If that method
* calls this method, a stack overflow error will happen.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Call on a worker thread.
* @param text text providing context for the selected text (which is specified
* by the sub sequence starting at selectionStartIndex and ending at selectionEndIndex)
* @param selectionStartIndex start index of the selected part of text
* @param selectionEndIndex end index of the selected part of text
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null; selectionStartIndex is negative;
* selectionEndIndex is greater than text.length() or not greater than selectionStartIndex
* @see #suggestSelection(CharSequence, int, int, TextSelection.Options)
default TextSelection suggestSelection(
@NonNull CharSequence text,
@IntRange(from = 0) int selectionStartIndex,
@IntRange(from = 0) int selectionEndIndex) {
return suggestSelection(text, selectionStartIndex, selectionEndIndex,
(TextSelection.Options) null);
* See {@link #suggestSelection(CharSequence, int, int)} or
* {@link #suggestSelection(CharSequence, int, int, TextSelection.Options)}.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Call on a worker thread.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> Do not implement. The default implementation of this method calls
* {@link #suggestSelection(CharSequence, int, int, TextSelection.Options)}. If that method
* calls this method, a stack overflow error will happen.
default TextSelection suggestSelection(
@NonNull CharSequence text,
@IntRange(from = 0) int selectionStartIndex,
@IntRange(from = 0) int selectionEndIndex,
@Nullable LocaleList defaultLocales) {
final TextSelection.Options options = (defaultLocales != null)
? new TextSelection.Options().setDefaultLocales(defaultLocales)
: null;
return suggestSelection(text, selectionStartIndex, selectionEndIndex, options);
* Classifies the specified text and returns a {@link TextClassification} object that can be
* used to generate a widget for handling the classified text.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Call on a worker thread.
* @param text text providing context for the text to classify (which is specified
* by the sub sequence starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex)
* @param startIndex start index of the text to classify
* @param endIndex end index of the text to classify
* @param options optional input parameters
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null; startIndex is negative;
* endIndex is greater than text.length() or not greater than startIndex
* @see #classifyText(CharSequence, int, int)
default TextClassification classifyText(
@NonNull CharSequence text,
@IntRange(from = 0) int startIndex,
@IntRange(from = 0) int endIndex,
@Nullable TextClassification.Options options) {
Utils.validate(text, startIndex, endIndex, false);
return TextClassification.EMPTY;
* Classifies the specified text and returns a {@link TextClassification} object that can be
* used to generate a widget for handling the classified text.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Call on a worker thread.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> Do not implement. The default implementation of this method calls
* {@link #classifyText(CharSequence, int, int, TextClassification.Options)}. If that method
* calls this method, a stack overflow error will happen.
* @param text text providing context for the text to classify (which is specified
* by the sub sequence starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex)
* @param startIndex start index of the text to classify
* @param endIndex end index of the text to classify
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null; startIndex is negative;
* endIndex is greater than text.length() or not greater than startIndex
* @see #classifyText(CharSequence, int, int, TextClassification.Options)
default TextClassification classifyText(
@NonNull CharSequence text,
@IntRange(from = 0) int startIndex,
@IntRange(from = 0) int endIndex) {
return classifyText(text, startIndex, endIndex, (TextClassification.Options) null);
* See {@link #classifyText(CharSequence, int, int, TextClassification.Options)} or
* {@link #classifyText(CharSequence, int, int)}.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Call on a worker thread.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> Do not implement. The default implementation of this method calls
* {@link #classifyText(CharSequence, int, int, TextClassification.Options)}. If that method
* calls this method, a stack overflow error will happen.
default TextClassification classifyText(
@NonNull CharSequence text,
@IntRange(from = 0) int startIndex,
@IntRange(from = 0) int endIndex,
@Nullable LocaleList defaultLocales) {
final TextClassification.Options options = (defaultLocales != null)
? new TextClassification.Options().setDefaultLocales(defaultLocales)
: null;
return classifyText(text, startIndex, endIndex, options);
* Generates and returns a {@link TextLinks} that may be applied to the text to annotate it with
* links information.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Call on a worker thread.
* @param text the text to generate annotations for
* @param options configuration for link generation
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null or the text is too long for the
* TextClassifier implementation.
* @see #generateLinks(CharSequence)
* @see #getMaxGenerateLinksTextLength()
default TextLinks generateLinks(
@NonNull CharSequence text, @Nullable TextLinks.Options options) {
Utils.validate(text, false);
return new TextLinks.Builder(text.toString()).build();
* Generates and returns a {@link TextLinks} that may be applied to the text to annotate it with
* links information.
* <p><strong>NOTE: </strong>Call on a worker thread.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> Do not implement. The default implementation of this method calls
* {@link #generateLinks(CharSequence, TextLinks.Options)}. If that method calls this method,
* a stack overflow error will happen.
* @param text the text to generate annotations for
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null or the text is too long for the
* TextClassifier implementation.
* @see #generateLinks(CharSequence, TextLinks.Options)
* @see #getMaxGenerateLinksTextLength()
default TextLinks generateLinks(@NonNull CharSequence text) {
return generateLinks(text, null);
* Returns the maximal length of text that can be processed by generateLinks.
* @see #generateLinks(CharSequence)
* @see #generateLinks(CharSequence, TextLinks.Options)
default int getMaxGenerateLinksTextLength() {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Returns a helper for logging TextClassifier related events.
* @param config logger configuration
default Logger getLogger(@NonNull Logger.Config config) {
return Logger.DISABLED;
* Configuration object for specifying what entities to identify.
* Configs are initially based on a predefined preset, and can be modified from there.
final class EntityConfig implements Parcelable {
private final Collection<String> mHints;
private final Collection<String> mExcludedEntityTypes;
private final Collection<String> mIncludedEntityTypes;
private final boolean mUseHints;
private EntityConfig(boolean useHints, Collection<String> hints,
Collection<String> includedEntityTypes, Collection<String> excludedEntityTypes) {
mHints = hints == null
? Collections.EMPTY_LIST
: Collections.unmodifiableCollection(new ArraySet<>(hints));
mExcludedEntityTypes = excludedEntityTypes == null
? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : new ArraySet<>(excludedEntityTypes);
mIncludedEntityTypes = includedEntityTypes == null
? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : new ArraySet<>(includedEntityTypes);
mUseHints = useHints;
* Creates an EntityConfig.
* @param hints Hints for the TextClassifier to determine what types of entities to find.
public static EntityConfig create(@Nullable Collection<String> hints) {
return new EntityConfig(/* useHints */ true, hints,
/* includedEntityTypes */null, /* excludedEntityTypes */ null);
* Creates an EntityConfig.
* @param hints Hints for the TextClassifier to determine what types of entities to find
* @param includedEntityTypes Entity types, e.g. {@link #TYPE_EMAIL}, to explicitly include
* @param excludedEntityTypes Entity types, e.g. {@link #TYPE_PHONE}, to explicitly exclude
* Note that if an entity has been excluded, the exclusion will take precedence.
public static EntityConfig create(@Nullable Collection<String> hints,
@Nullable Collection<String> includedEntityTypes,
@Nullable Collection<String> excludedEntityTypes) {
return new EntityConfig(/* useHints */ true, hints,
includedEntityTypes, excludedEntityTypes);
* Creates an EntityConfig with an explicit entity list.
* @param entityTypes Complete set of entities, e.g. {@link #TYPE_URL} to find.
public static EntityConfig createWithEntityList(@Nullable Collection<String> entityTypes) {
return new EntityConfig(/* useHints */ false, /* hints */ null,
/* includedEntityTypes */ entityTypes, /* excludedEntityTypes */ null);
* Returns a list of the final set of entities to find.
* @param entities Entities we think should be found before factoring in includes/excludes
* This method is intended for use by TextClassifier implementations.
public List<String> resolveEntityListModifications(@NonNull Collection<String> entities) {
final ArrayList<String> finalList = new ArrayList<>();
if (mUseHints) {
for (String entity : entities) {
if (!mExcludedEntityTypes.contains(entity)) {
for (String entity : mIncludedEntityTypes) {
if (!mExcludedEntityTypes.contains(entity) && !finalList.contains(entity)) {
return finalList;
* Retrieves the list of hints.
* @return An unmodifiable collection of the hints.
public Collection<String> getHints() {
return mHints;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeStringList(new ArrayList<>(mHints));
dest.writeStringList(new ArrayList<>(mExcludedEntityTypes));
dest.writeStringList(new ArrayList<>(mIncludedEntityTypes));
dest.writeInt(mUseHints ? 1 : 0);
public static final Parcelable.Creator<EntityConfig> CREATOR =
new Parcelable.Creator<EntityConfig>() {
public EntityConfig createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new EntityConfig(in);
public EntityConfig[] newArray(int size) {
return new EntityConfig[size];
private EntityConfig(Parcel in) {
mHints = new ArraySet<>(in.createStringArrayList());
mExcludedEntityTypes = new ArraySet<>(in.createStringArrayList());
mIncludedEntityTypes = new ArraySet<>(in.createStringArrayList());
mUseHints = in.readInt() == 1;
* Utility functions for TextClassifier methods.
* <ul>
* <li>Provides validation of input parameters to TextClassifier methods
* </ul>
* Intended to be used only in this package.
* @hide
final class Utils {
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null; startIndex is negative;
* endIndex is greater than text.length() or is not greater than startIndex;
* options is null
public static void validate(
@NonNull CharSequence text, int startIndex, int endIndex,
boolean allowInMainThread) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(text != null);
Preconditions.checkArgument(startIndex >= 0);
Preconditions.checkArgument(endIndex <= text.length());
Preconditions.checkArgument(endIndex > startIndex);
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null or options is null
public static void validate(@NonNull CharSequence text, boolean allowInMainThread) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(text != null);
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if text is null; the text is too long or options is null
public static void validate(@NonNull CharSequence text, int maxLength,
boolean allowInMainThread) {
validate(text, allowInMainThread);
Preconditions.checkArgumentInRange(text.length(), 0, maxLength, "text.length()");
* Generates links using legacy {@link Linkify}.
public static TextLinks generateLegacyLinks(
@NonNull CharSequence text, @NonNull TextLinks.Options options) {
final String string = Preconditions.checkNotNull(text).toString();
final TextLinks.Builder links = new TextLinks.Builder(string);
final List<String> entities = Preconditions.checkNotNull(options).getEntityConfig()
if (entities.contains(TextClassifier.TYPE_URL)) {
addLinks(links, string, TextClassifier.TYPE_URL);
if (entities.contains(TextClassifier.TYPE_PHONE)) {
addLinks(links, string, TextClassifier.TYPE_PHONE);
if (entities.contains(TextClassifier.TYPE_EMAIL)) {
addLinks(links, string, TextClassifier.TYPE_EMAIL);
// NOTE: Do not support MAP_ADDRESSES. Legacy version does not work well.
private static void addLinks(
TextLinks.Builder links, String string, @EntityType String entityType) {
final Spannable spannable = new SpannableString(string);
if (Linkify.addLinks(spannable, linkMask(entityType))) {
final URLSpan[] spans = spannable.getSpans(0, spannable.length(), URLSpan.class);
for (URLSpan urlSpan : spans) {
private static int linkMask(@EntityType String entityType) {
switch (entityType) {
case TextClassifier.TYPE_URL:
return Linkify.WEB_URLS;
case TextClassifier.TYPE_PHONE:
return Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS;
case TextClassifier.TYPE_EMAIL:
return Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES;
// NOTE: Do not support MAP_ADDRESSES. Legacy version does not work well.
return 0;
private static Map<String, Float> entityScores(@EntityType String entityType) {
final Map<String, Float> scores = new ArrayMap<>();
scores.put(entityType, 1f);
return scores;
private static void checkMainThread(boolean allowInMainThread) {
if (!allowInMainThread && Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
Slog.w(DEFAULT_LOG_TAG, "TextClassifier called on main thread");