blob: 92478441aea30333c63c72ab7a0ffd1b70934403 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.camera2.utils;
import android.hardware.camera2.legacy.LegacyCameraDevice;
import android.hardware.camera2.legacy.LegacyExceptionUtils.BufferQueueAbandonedException;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap;
import android.util.Range;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Surface;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* Various Surface utilities.
public class SurfaceUtils {
* Check if a surface is for preview consumer based on consumer end point Gralloc usage flags.
* @param surface The surface to be checked.
* @return true if the surface is for preview consumer, false otherwise.
public static boolean isSurfaceForPreview(Surface surface) {
return LegacyCameraDevice.isPreviewConsumer(surface);
* Check if the surface is for hardware video encoder consumer based on consumer end point
* Gralloc usage flags.
* @param surface The surface to be checked.
* @return true if the surface is for hardware video encoder consumer, false otherwise.
public static boolean isSurfaceForHwVideoEncoder(Surface surface) {
return LegacyCameraDevice.isVideoEncoderConsumer(surface);
* Get the native object id of a surface.
* @param surface The surface to be checked.
* @return the native object id of the surface, 0 if surface is not backed by a native object.
public static long getSurfaceId(Surface surface) {
try {
return LegacyCameraDevice.getSurfaceId(surface);
} catch (BufferQueueAbandonedException e) {
return 0;
* Get the Surface size.
* @param surface The surface to be queried for size.
* @return Size of the surface.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the surface is already abandoned.
public static Size getSurfaceSize(Surface surface) {
try {
return LegacyCameraDevice.getSurfaceSize(surface);
} catch (BufferQueueAbandonedException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Surface was abandoned", e);
* Get the Surface format.
* @param surface The surface to be queried for format.
* @return format of the surface.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the surface is already abandoned.
public static int getSurfaceFormat(Surface surface) {
try {
return LegacyCameraDevice.detectSurfaceType(surface);
} catch (BufferQueueAbandonedException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Surface was abandoned", e);
* Get the Surface dataspace.
* @param surface The surface to be queried for dataspace.
* @return dataspace of the surface.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the surface is already abandoned.
public static int getSurfaceDataspace(Surface surface) {
try {
return LegacyCameraDevice.detectSurfaceDataspace(surface);
} catch (BufferQueueAbandonedException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Surface was abandoned", e);
* Return true is the consumer is one of the consumers that can accept
* producer overrides of the default dimensions and format.
public static boolean isFlexibleConsumer(Surface output) {
return LegacyCameraDevice.isFlexibleConsumer(output);
* A high speed output surface can only be preview or hardware encoder surface.
* @param surface The high speed output surface to be checked.
private static void checkHighSpeedSurfaceFormat(Surface surface) {
int surfaceFormat = SurfaceUtils.getSurfaceFormat(surface);
if (surfaceFormat != ImageFormat.PRIVATE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Surface format(" + surfaceFormat + ") is not"
+ " for preview or hardware video encoding!");
* Verify that that the surfaces are valid for high-speed recording mode,
* and that the FPS range is supported
* @param surfaces the surfaces to verify as valid in terms of size and format
* @param fpsRange the target high-speed FPS range to validate
* @param config The stream configuration map for the device in question
public static void checkConstrainedHighSpeedSurfaces(Collection<Surface> surfaces,
Range<Integer> fpsRange, StreamConfigurationMap config) {
if (surfaces == null || surfaces.size() == 0 || surfaces.size() > 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output target surface list must not be null and"
+ " the size must be 1 or 2");
List<Size> highSpeedSizes = null;
if (fpsRange == null) {
highSpeedSizes = Arrays.asList(config.getHighSpeedVideoSizes());
} else {
// Check the FPS range first if provided
Range<Integer>[] highSpeedFpsRanges = config.getHighSpeedVideoFpsRanges();
if(!Arrays.asList(highSpeedFpsRanges).contains(fpsRange)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fps range " + fpsRange.toString() + " in the"
+ " request is not a supported high speed fps range " +
highSpeedSizes = Arrays.asList(config.getHighSpeedVideoSizesFor(fpsRange));
for (Surface surface : surfaces) {
// Surface size must be supported high speed sizes.
Size surfaceSize = SurfaceUtils.getSurfaceSize(surface);
if (!highSpeedSizes.contains(surfaceSize)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Surface size " + surfaceSize.toString() + " is"
+ " not part of the high speed supported size list " +
// Each output surface must be either preview surface or recording surface.
if (!SurfaceUtils.isSurfaceForPreview(surface) &&
!SurfaceUtils.isSurfaceForHwVideoEncoder(surface)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This output surface is neither preview nor "
+ "hardware video encoding surface");
if (SurfaceUtils.isSurfaceForPreview(surface) &&
SurfaceUtils.isSurfaceForHwVideoEncoder(surface)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This output surface can not be both preview"
+ " and hardware video encoding surface");
// For 2 output surface case, they shouldn't be same type.
if (surfaces.size() == 2) {
// Up to here, each surface can only be either preview or recording.
Iterator<Surface> iterator = surfaces.iterator();
boolean isFirstSurfacePreview =
boolean isSecondSurfacePreview =
if (isFirstSurfacePreview == isSecondSurfacePreview) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The 2 output surfaces must have different"
+ " type");