blob: d80735326568adc74d7b2e89f583061568007319 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.view;
import static android.view.DisplayCutout.NO_CUTOUT;
import static android.view.DisplayCutout.fromBoundingRect;
import static android.view.DisplayCutout.fromSpec;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.sameInstance;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.platform.test.annotations.Presubmit;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.DisplayCutout.ParcelableWrapper;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class DisplayCutoutTest {
/** This is not a consistent cutout. Useful for verifying insets in one go though. */
final DisplayCutout mCutoutNumbers = new DisplayCutout(
new Rect(1, 2, 3, 4),
new Region(5, 6, 7, 8), new Size(9, 10));
final DisplayCutout mCutoutTop = createCutoutTop();
public void hasCutout() throws Exception {
public void getSafeInsets() throws Exception {
assertEquals(1, mCutoutNumbers.getSafeInsetLeft());
assertEquals(2, mCutoutNumbers.getSafeInsetTop());
assertEquals(3, mCutoutNumbers.getSafeInsetRight());
assertEquals(4, mCutoutNumbers.getSafeInsetBottom());
assertEquals(new Rect(1, 2, 3, 4), mCutoutNumbers.getSafeInsets());
public void getBoundingRect() throws Exception {
assertEquals(new Rect(50, 0, 75, 100), mCutoutTop.getBoundingRect());
public void testHashCode() throws Exception {
assertEquals(mCutoutTop.hashCode(), createCutoutTop().hashCode());
assertNotEquals(mCutoutTop.hashCode(), mCutoutNumbers.hashCode());
public void testEquals() throws Exception {
assertEquals(mCutoutTop, createCutoutTop());
assertNotEquals(mCutoutTop, mCutoutNumbers);
public void testToString() throws Exception {
public void inset_immutable() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = mCutoutTop.inset(1, 2, 3, 4);
assertEquals("original instance must not be mutated", createCutoutTop(), mCutoutTop);
public void inset_insets_withLeftCutout() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = createCutoutWithInsets(100, 0, 0, 0).inset(1, 2, 3, 4);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetLeft(), 99);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetTop(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetRight(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetBottom(), 0);
public void inset_insets_withTopCutout() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = mCutoutTop.inset(1, 2, 3, 4);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetLeft(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetTop(), 98);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetRight(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetBottom(), 0);
public void inset_insets_withRightCutout() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = createCutoutWithInsets(0, 0, 100, 0).inset(1, 2, 3, 4);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetLeft(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetTop(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetRight(), 97);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetBottom(), 0);
public void inset_insets_withBottomCutout() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = createCutoutWithInsets(0, 0, 0, 100).inset(1, 2, 3, 4);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetLeft(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetTop(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetRight(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetBottom(), 96);
public void inset_insets_consumeInset() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = mCutoutTop.inset(0, 1000, 0, 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetLeft(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetTop(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetRight(), 0);
assertEquals(cutout.getSafeInsetBottom(), 0);
public void inset_bounds() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = mCutoutTop.inset(1, 2, 3, 4);
assertEquals(new Rect(49, -2, 74, 98), cutout.getBoundingRect());
public void computeSafeInsets_top() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(0, 0, 100, 20)
.computeSafeInsets(200, 400);
assertEquals(new Rect(0, 20, 0, 0), cutout.getSafeInsets());
public void computeSafeInsets_left() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(0, 0, 20, 100)
.computeSafeInsets(400, 200);
assertEquals(new Rect(20, 0, 0, 0), cutout.getSafeInsets());
public void computeSafeInsets_bottom() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(0, 180, 100, 200)
.computeSafeInsets(100, 200);
assertEquals(new Rect(0, 0, 0, 20), cutout.getSafeInsets());
public void computeSafeInsets_right() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(180, 0, 200, 100)
.computeSafeInsets(200, 100);
assertEquals(new Rect(0, 0, 20, 0), cutout.getSafeInsets());
public void computeSafeInsets_bounds() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = mCutoutTop.computeSafeInsets(1000, 2000);
assertEquals(mCutoutTop.getBoundingRect(), cutout.getBounds().getBounds());
public void calculateRelativeTo_top() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(0, 0, 100, 20)
.computeSafeInsets(200, 400)
.calculateRelativeTo(new Rect(5, 5, 95, 195));
assertEquals(new Rect(0, 15, 0, 0), cutout.getSafeInsets());
public void calculateRelativeTo_left() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(0, 0, 20, 100)
.computeSafeInsets(400, 200)
.calculateRelativeTo(new Rect(5, 5, 195, 95));
assertEquals(new Rect(15, 0, 0, 0), cutout.getSafeInsets());
public void calculateRelativeTo_bottom() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(0, 180, 100, 200)
.computeSafeInsets(100, 200)
.calculateRelativeTo(new Rect(5, 5, 95, 195));
assertEquals(new Rect(0, 0, 0, 15), cutout.getSafeInsets());
public void calculateRelativeTo_right() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(180, 0, 200, 100)
.computeSafeInsets(200, 100)
.calculateRelativeTo(new Rect(5, 5, 195, 95));
assertEquals(new Rect(0, 0, 15, 0), cutout.getSafeInsets());
public void calculateRelativeTo_bounds() throws Exception {
DisplayCutout cutout = fromBoundingRect(0, 0, 100, 20)
.computeSafeInsets(200, 400)
.calculateRelativeTo(new Rect(5, 10, 95, 180));
assertEquals(new Rect(-5, -10, 95, 10), cutout.getBounds().getBounds());
public void fromBoundingPolygon() throws Exception {
new Rect(50, 0, 75, 100),
DisplayCutout.fromBoundingRect(50, 0, 75, 100).getBounds().getBounds());
public void parcel_unparcel_regular() {
Parcel p = Parcel.obtain();
new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutTop).writeToParcel(p, 0);
int posAfterWrite = p.dataPosition();
assertEquals(mCutoutTop, ParcelableWrapper.CREATOR.createFromParcel(p).get());
assertEquals(posAfterWrite, p.dataPosition());
public void parcel_unparcel_withFrame() {
Parcel p = Parcel.obtain();
new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutNumbers).writeToParcel(p, 0);
int posAfterWrite = p.dataPosition();
assertEquals(mCutoutNumbers, ParcelableWrapper.CREATOR.createFromParcel(p).get());
assertEquals(posAfterWrite, p.dataPosition());
public void fromSpec_caches() {
DisplayCutout cached = fromSpec("L1,0 L1,1 L0,1 z", 200, 1f);
assertThat(fromSpec("L1,0 L1,1 L0,1 z", 200, 1f), sameInstance(cached));
public void fromSpec_wontCacheIfSpecChanges() {
DisplayCutout cached = fromSpec("L1,0 L1000,1000 L0,1 z", 200, 1f);
assertThat(fromSpec("L1,0 L1,1 L0,1 z", 200, 1f), not(sameInstance(cached)));
public void fromSpec_wontCacheIfScreenWidthChanges() {
DisplayCutout cached = fromSpec("L1,0 L1,1 L0,1 z", 2000, 1f);
assertThat(fromSpec("L1,0 L1,1 L0,1 z", 200, 1f), not(sameInstance(cached)));
public void fromSpec_wontCacheIfDensityChanges() {
DisplayCutout cached = fromSpec("L1,0 L1,1 L0,1 z", 200, 2f);
assertThat(fromSpec("L1,0 L1,1 L0,1 z", 200, 1f), not(sameInstance(cached)));
public void parcel_unparcel_nocutout() {
Parcel p = Parcel.obtain();
new ParcelableWrapper(NO_CUTOUT).writeToParcel(p, 0);
int posAfterWrite = p.dataPosition();
assertEquals(NO_CUTOUT, ParcelableWrapper.CREATOR.createFromParcel(p).get());
assertEquals(posAfterWrite, p.dataPosition());
public void parcel_unparcel_inplace() {
Parcel p = Parcel.obtain();
new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutTop).writeToParcel(p, 0);
int posAfterWrite = p.dataPosition();
ParcelableWrapper wrapper = new ParcelableWrapper();
assertEquals(mCutoutTop, wrapper.get());
assertEquals(posAfterWrite, p.dataPosition());
public void wrapper_hashcode() throws Exception {
assertEquals(new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutTop).hashCode(),
new ParcelableWrapper(createCutoutTop()).hashCode());
assertNotEquals(new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutTop).hashCode(),
new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutNumbers).hashCode());
public void wrapper_equals() throws Exception {
assertEquals(new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutTop), new ParcelableWrapper(createCutoutTop()));
assertNotEquals(new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutTop), new ParcelableWrapper(mCutoutNumbers));
private static DisplayCutout createCutoutTop() {
return createCutoutWithInsets(0, 100, 0, 0);
private static DisplayCutout createCutoutWithInsets(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
return new DisplayCutout(
new Rect(left, top, right, bottom),
new Region(50, 0, 75, 100),