blob: 8f25b8d6a734f2b49b5bb6a0f2b3b6fd6bd5da24 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* # idmap file format (current version)
* idmap := header data*
* header := magic version target_crc overlay_crc target_path overlay_path debug_info
* data := data_header data_block*
* data_header := target_package_id types_count
* data_block := target_type overlay_type entry_count entry_offset entry*
* overlay_path := string256
* target_path := string256
* debug_info := string
* string := <uint32_t> <uint8_t>+ '\0'+
* entry := <uint32_t>
* entry_count := <uint16_t>
* entry_offset := <uint16_t>
* magic := <uint32_t>
* overlay_crc := <uint32_t>
* overlay_type := <uint16_t>
* string256 := <uint8_t>[256]
* target_crc := <uint32_t>
* target_package_id := <uint16_t>
* target_type := <uint16_t>
* types_count := <uint16_t>
* version := <uint32_t>
* # idmap file format changelog
* ## v1
* - Identical to idmap v1.
* ## v2
* - Entries are no longer separated by type into type specific data blocks.
* - Added overlay-indexed target resource id lookup capabilities.
* - Target and overlay entries are stored as a sparse array in the data block. The target entries
* array maps from target resource id to overlay data type and value and the array is sorted by
* target resource id. The overlay entries array maps from overlay resource id to target resource
* id and the array is sorted by overlay resource id. It is important for both arrays to be sorted
* to allow for O(log(number_of_overlaid_resources)) performance when looking up resource
* mappings at runtime.
* - Idmap can now encode a type and value to override a resource without needing a table entry.
* - A string pool block is included to retrieve the value of strings that do not have a resource
* table entry.
* ## v3
* - Add 'debug' block to IdmapHeader.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "android-base/macros.h"
#include "androidfw/ApkAssets.h"
#include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
#include "idmap2/ResourceMapping.h"
#include "idmap2/ZipFile.h"
namespace android::idmap2 {
class Idmap;
class Visitor;
static constexpr const ResourceId kPadding = 0xffffffffu;
static constexpr const EntryId kNoEntry = 0xffffu;
// magic number: all idmap files start with this
static constexpr const uint32_t kIdmapMagic = android::kIdmapMagic;
// current version of the idmap binary format; must be incremented when the format is changed
static constexpr const uint32_t kIdmapCurrentVersion = android::kIdmapCurrentVersion;
// strings in the idmap are encoded char arrays of length 'kIdmapStringLength' (including mandatory
// terminating null)
static constexpr const size_t kIdmapStringLength = 256;
// Retrieves a crc generated using all of the files within the zip that can affect idmap generation.
Result<uint32_t> GetPackageCrc(const ZipFile& zip_info);
class IdmapHeader {
static std::unique_ptr<const IdmapHeader> FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream);
inline uint32_t GetMagic() const {
return magic_;
inline uint32_t GetVersion() const {
return version_;
inline uint32_t GetTargetCrc() const {
return target_crc_;
inline uint32_t GetOverlayCrc() const {
return overlay_crc_;
inline uint32_t GetFulfilledPolicies() const {
return fulfilled_policies_;
bool GetEnforceOverlayable() const {
return enforce_overlayable_;
inline StringPiece GetTargetPath() const {
return StringPiece(target_path_);
inline StringPiece GetOverlayPath() const {
return StringPiece(overlay_path_);
inline const std::string& GetDebugInfo() const {
return debug_info_;
// Invariant: anytime the idmap data encoding is changed, the idmap version
// field *must* be incremented. Because of this, we know that if the idmap
// header is up-to-date the entire file is up-to-date.
Result<Unit> IsUpToDate(const char* target_path, const char* overlay_path,
uint32_t fulfilled_policies, bool enforce_overlayable) const;
Result<Unit> IsUpToDate(const char* target_path, const char* overlay_path, uint32_t target_crc,
uint32_t overlay_crc, uint32_t fulfilled_policies,
bool enforce_overlayable) const;
void accept(Visitor* v) const;
IdmapHeader() {
uint32_t magic_;
uint32_t version_;
uint32_t target_crc_;
uint32_t overlay_crc_;
uint32_t fulfilled_policies_;
bool enforce_overlayable_;
char target_path_[kIdmapStringLength];
char overlay_path_[kIdmapStringLength];
std::string debug_info_;
friend Idmap;
class IdmapData {
class Header {
static std::unique_ptr<const Header> FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream);
inline PackageId GetTargetPackageId() const {
return target_package_id_;
inline PackageId GetOverlayPackageId() const {
return overlay_package_id_;
inline uint32_t GetTargetEntryCount() const {
return target_entry_count;
inline uint32_t GetOverlayEntryCount() const {
return overlay_entry_count;
inline uint32_t GetStringPoolIndexOffset() const {
return string_pool_index_offset;
inline uint32_t GetStringPoolLength() const {
return string_pool_len;
void accept(Visitor* v) const;
PackageId target_package_id_;
PackageId overlay_package_id_;
uint32_t target_entry_count;
uint32_t overlay_entry_count;
uint32_t string_pool_index_offset;
uint32_t string_pool_len;
Header() = default;
friend Idmap;
friend IdmapData;
struct TargetEntry {
ResourceId target_id;
TargetValue::DataType data_type;
TargetValue::DataValue data_value;
struct OverlayEntry {
ResourceId overlay_id;
ResourceId target_id;
static std::unique_ptr<const IdmapData> FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream);
static Result<std::unique_ptr<const IdmapData>> FromResourceMapping(
const ResourceMapping& resource_mapping);
inline const std::unique_ptr<const Header>& GetHeader() const {
return header_;
inline const std::vector<TargetEntry>& GetTargetEntries() const {
return target_entries_;
inline const std::vector<OverlayEntry>& GetOverlayEntries() const {
return overlay_entries_;
inline const void* GetStringPoolData() const {
return string_pool_.get();
void accept(Visitor* v) const;
IdmapData() {
std::unique_ptr<const Header> header_;
std::vector<TargetEntry> target_entries_;
std::vector<OverlayEntry> overlay_entries_;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> string_pool_;
friend Idmap;
class Idmap {
static std::string CanonicalIdmapPathFor(const std::string& absolute_dir,
const std::string& absolute_apk_path);
static Result<std::unique_ptr<const Idmap>> FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream);
// In the current version of idmap, the first package in each resources.arsc
// file is used; change this in the next version of idmap to use a named
// package instead; also update FromApkAssets to take additional parameters:
// the target and overlay package names
static Result<std::unique_ptr<const Idmap>> FromApkAssets(const ApkAssets& target_apk_assets,
const ApkAssets& overlay_apk_assets,
const PolicyBitmask& fulfilled_policies,
bool enforce_overlayable);
inline const std::unique_ptr<const IdmapHeader>& GetHeader() const {
return header_;
inline const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const IdmapData>>& GetData() const {
return data_;
void accept(Visitor* v) const;
Idmap() {
std::unique_ptr<const IdmapHeader> header_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const IdmapData>> data_;
class Visitor {
virtual ~Visitor() {
virtual void visit(const Idmap& idmap) = 0;
virtual void visit(const IdmapHeader& header) = 0;
virtual void visit(const IdmapData& data) = 0;
virtual void visit(const IdmapData::Header& header) = 0;
} // namespace android::idmap2