blob: 2bcfa5fe085795e291aa933d6571c5bd7b375d5d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.text;
import android.annotation.FloatRange;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import dalvik.annotation.optimization.CriticalNative;
import dalvik.annotation.optimization.FastNative;
import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* A native implementation of the line breaker.
* TODO: Consider to make this class public.
* @hide
public class NativeLineBreaker {
@IntDef(prefix = { "BREAK_STRATEGY_" }, value = {
public @interface BreakStrategy {}
* Value for break strategy indicating simple line breaking. Automatic hyphens are not added
* (though soft hyphens are respected), and modifying text generally doesn't affect the layout
* before it (which yields a more consistent user experience when editing), but layout may not
* be the highest quality.
public static final int BREAK_STRATEGY_SIMPLE = 0;
* Value for break strategy indicating high quality line breaking, including automatic
* hyphenation and doing whole-paragraph optimization of line breaks.
public static final int BREAK_STRATEGY_HIGH_QUALITY = 1;
* Value for break strategy indicating balanced line breaking. The breaks are chosen to
* make all lines as close to the same length as possible, including automatic hyphenation.
public static final int BREAK_STRATEGY_BALANCED = 2;
@IntDef(prefix = { "HYPHENATION_FREQUENCY_" }, value = {
public @interface HyphenationFrequency {}
* Value for hyphenation frequency indicating no automatic hyphenation. Useful
* for backward compatibility, and for cases where the automatic hyphenation algorithm results
* in incorrect hyphenation. Mid-word breaks may still happen when a word is wider than the
* layout and there is otherwise no valid break. Soft hyphens are ignored and will not be used
* as suggestions for potential line breaks.
public static final int HYPHENATION_FREQUENCY_NONE = 0;
* Value for hyphenation frequency indicating a light amount of automatic hyphenation, which
* is a conservative default. Useful for informal cases, such as short sentences or chat
* messages.
public static final int HYPHENATION_FREQUENCY_NORMAL = 1;
* Value for hyphenation frequency indicating the full amount of automatic hyphenation, typical
* in typography. Useful for running text and where it's important to put the maximum amount of
* text in a screen with limited space.
public static final int HYPHENATION_FREQUENCY_FULL = 2;
@IntDef(prefix = { "JUSTIFICATION_MODE_" }, value = {
public @interface JustificationMode {}
* Value for justification mode indicating no justification.
public static final int JUSTIFICATION_MODE_NONE = 0;
* Value for justification mode indicating the text is justified by stretching word spacing.
public static final int JUSTIFICATION_MODE_INTER_WORD = 1;
* A builder class of NativeLineBreaker.
public static class Builder {
private @BreakStrategy int mBreakStrategy = BREAK_STRATEGY_SIMPLE;
private @HyphenationFrequency int mHyphenationFrequency = HYPHENATION_FREQUENCY_NONE;
private @JustificationMode int mJustified = JUSTIFICATION_MODE_NONE;
private @Nullable int[] mIndents = null;
* Construct a builder class.
public Builder() {}
* Set break strategy.
public Builder setBreakStrategy(@BreakStrategy int breakStrategy) {
mBreakStrategy = breakStrategy;
return this;
* Set hyphenation frequency.
public Builder setHyphenationFrequency(@HyphenationFrequency int hyphenationFrequency) {
mHyphenationFrequency = hyphenationFrequency;
return this;
* Set whether the text is justified.
public Builder setJustified(@JustificationMode int justified) {
mJustified = justified;
return this;
* Set indents for entire text.
* Sets the total (left + right) indents in pixel per lines.
public Builder setIndents(@Nullable int[] indents) {
mIndents = indents;
return this;
* Returns the NativeLineBreaker with given parameters.
NativeLineBreaker build() {
return new NativeLineBreaker(mBreakStrategy, mHyphenationFrequency, mJustified,
* Line breaking constraints for single paragraph.
public static class ParagraphConstraints {
private @FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float mWidth = 0;
private @FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float mFirstWidth = 0;
private @IntRange(from = 0) int mFirstWidthLineCount = 0;
private @Nullable int[] mVariableTabStops = null;
private @IntRange(from = 0) int mDefaultTabStop = 0;
public ParagraphConstraints() {}
* Set width for this paragraph.
public void setWidth(@FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float width) {
mWidth = width;
* Set indent for this paragraph.
* @param firstWidth the line width of the starting of the paragraph
* @param firstWidthLineCount the number of lines that applies the firstWidth
public void setIndent(@FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float firstWidth,
@IntRange(from = 0) int firstWidthLineCount) {
mFirstWidth = firstWidth;
mFirstWidthLineCount = firstWidthLineCount;
* Set tab stops for this paragraph.
* @param tabStops the array of pixels of tap stopping position
* @param defaultTabStop pixels of the default tab stopping position
public void setTabStops(@Nullable int[] tabStops, @IntRange(from = 0) int defaultTabStop) {
mVariableTabStops = tabStops;
mDefaultTabStop = defaultTabStop;
* Return the width for this paragraph in pixels.
public @FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float getWidth() {
return mWidth;
* Return the first line's width for this paragraph in pixel.
* @see #setIndent(float, int)
public @FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float getFirstWidth() {
return mFirstWidth;
* Return the number of lines to apply the first line's width.
* @see #setIndent(float, int)
public @IntRange(from = 0) int getFirstWidthLineCount() {
return mFirstWidthLineCount;
* Returns the array of tab stops in pixels.
* @see #setTabStops(int[], int)
public @Nullable int[] getTabStops() {
return mVariableTabStops;
* Returns the default tab stops in pixels.
* @see #setTabStop(int[], int)
public @IntRange(from = 0) int getDefaultTabStop() {
return mDefaultTabStop;
* A result object of a line breaking
public static class LineBreaks {
public int breakCount;
private static final int INITIAL_SIZE = 16;
public int[] breaks = new int[INITIAL_SIZE];
public float[] widths = new float[INITIAL_SIZE];
public float[] ascents = new float[INITIAL_SIZE];
public float[] descents = new float[INITIAL_SIZE];
// TODO: Introduce Hyphenator for explaining the meaning of flags.
public int[] flags = new int[INITIAL_SIZE];
// breaks, widths, and flags should all have the same length
private static final NativeAllocationRegistry sRegistry = new NativeAllocationRegistry(
NativeLineBreaker.class.getClassLoader(), nGetReleaseFunc(), 64);
private final long mNativePtr;
* Use Builder instead.
private NativeLineBreaker(@BreakStrategy int breakStrategy,
@HyphenationFrequency int hyphenationFrequency, @JustificationMode int justify,
@Nullable int[] indents) {
mNativePtr = nInit(breakStrategy, hyphenationFrequency,
sRegistry.registerNativeAllocation(this, mNativePtr);
* Break paragraph into lines.
* The result is filled to out param.
* @param measuredPara a result of the text measurement
* @param constraints for a single paragraph
* @param lineNumber a line number of this paragraph
* @param out object to set line break information for the given paragraph
public void computeLineBreaks(
@NonNull NativeMeasuredParagraph measuredPara,
@NonNull ParagraphConstraints constraints,
@IntRange(from = 0) int lineNumber,
@NonNull LineBreaks out) {
out.breakCount = nComputeLineBreaks(
// Inputs
// Outputs
private static native long nInit(@BreakStrategy int breakStrategy,
@HyphenationFrequency int hyphenationFrequency, boolean isJustified,
@Nullable int[] indents);
private static native long nGetReleaseFunc();
// populates LineBreaks and returns the number of breaks found
// the arrays inside the LineBreaks objects are passed in as well
// to reduce the number of JNI calls in the common case where the
// arrays do not have to be resized
// The individual character widths will be returned in charWidths. The length of
// charWidths must be at least the length of the text.
private static native int nComputeLineBreaks(
/* non zero */ long nativePtr,
// Inputs
@NonNull char[] text,
/* Non Zero */ long measuredTextPtr,
@IntRange(from = 0) int length,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float firstWidth,
@IntRange(from = 0) int firstWidthLineCount,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float restWidth,
@Nullable int[] variableTabStops,
int defaultTabStop,
@IntRange(from = 0) int indentsOffset,
// Outputs
@NonNull LineBreaks recycle,
@IntRange(from = 0) int recycleLength,
@NonNull int[] recycleBreaks,
@NonNull float[] recycleWidths,
@NonNull float[] recycleAscents,
@NonNull float[] recycleDescents,
@NonNull int[] recycleFlags);