blob: 7a807c4cf949b156eafd2b94bfba2f05e1038c40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
// TODO Enhance javadoc
* Represents a shortcut from an application.
* <p>Notes about icons:
* <ul>
* <li>If an {@link Icon} is a resource, the system keeps the package name and the resource ID.
* Otherwise, the bitmap is fetched when it's registered to ShortcutManager,
* then shrunk if necessary, and persisted.
* <li>The system disallows byte[] icons, because they can easily go over the binder size limit.
* </ul>
* @see {@link ShortcutManager}.
public final class ShortcutInfo implements Parcelable {
/* @hide */
public static final int FLAG_DYNAMIC = 1 << 0;
/* @hide */
public static final int FLAG_PINNED = 1 << 1;
/* @hide */
public static final int FLAG_HAS_ICON_RES = 1 << 2;
/* @hide */
public static final int FLAG_HAS_ICON_FILE = 1 << 3;
/* @hide */
public static final int FLAG_KEY_FIELDS_ONLY = 1 << 4;
/** @hide */
@IntDef(flag = true,
value = {
public @interface ShortcutFlags {}
// Cloning options.
/* @hide */
private static final int CLONE_REMOVE_ICON = 1 << 0;
/* @hide */
private static final int CLONE_REMOVE_INTENT = 1 << 1;
/* @hide */
public static final int CLONE_REMOVE_NON_KEY_INFO = 1 << 2;
/* @hide */
/* @hide */
/** @hide */
@IntDef(flag = true,
value = {
public @interface CloneFlags {}
private final String mId;
private final String mPackageName;
private ComponentName mActivityComponent;
private Icon mIcon;
private String mTitle;
private String mText;
* Intent *with extras removed*.
private Intent mIntent;
* Extras for the intent.
private PersistableBundle mIntentPersistableExtras;
private int mWeight;
private PersistableBundle mExtras;
private long mLastChangedTimestamp;
// Internal use only.
private int mFlags;
// Internal use only.
private int mIconResourceId;
// Internal use only.
private String mBitmapPath;
private final int mUserId;
private ShortcutInfo(Builder b) {
mUserId = b.mContext.getUserId();
mId = Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(b.mId, "Shortcut ID must be provided");
// Note we can't do other null checks here because SM.updateShortcuts() takes partial
// information.
mPackageName = b.mContext.getPackageName();
mActivityComponent = b.mActivityComponent;
mIcon = b.mIcon;
mTitle = b.mTitle;
mText = b.mText;
mIntent = b.mIntent;
if (mIntent != null) {
final Bundle intentExtras = mIntent.getExtras();
if (intentExtras != null) {
mIntent.replaceExtras((Bundle) null);
mIntentPersistableExtras = new PersistableBundle(intentExtras);
mWeight = b.mWeight;
mExtras = b.mExtras;
* Throws if any of the mandatory fields is not set.
* @hide
public void enforceMandatoryFields() {
Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(mId, "Shortcut ID must be provided");
Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(mTitle, "Shortcut title must be provided");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(mIntent, "Shortcut Intent must be provided");
* Copy constructor.
private ShortcutInfo(ShortcutInfo source, @CloneFlags int cloneFlags) {
mUserId = source.mUserId;
mId = source.mId;
mPackageName = source.mPackageName;
mFlags = source.mFlags;
mLastChangedTimestamp = source.mLastChangedTimestamp;
if ((cloneFlags & CLONE_REMOVE_NON_KEY_INFO) == 0) {
mActivityComponent = source.mActivityComponent;
if ((cloneFlags & CLONE_REMOVE_ICON) == 0) {
mIcon = source.mIcon;
mBitmapPath = source.mBitmapPath;
mIconResourceId = source.mIconResourceId;
mTitle = source.mTitle;
mText = source.mText;
if ((cloneFlags & CLONE_REMOVE_INTENT) == 0) {
mIntent = source.mIntent;
mIntentPersistableExtras = source.mIntentPersistableExtras;
mWeight = source.mWeight;
mExtras = source.mExtras;
} else {
// Set this bit.
* Copy a {@link ShortcutInfo}, optionally removing fields.
* @hide
public ShortcutInfo clone(@CloneFlags int cloneFlags) {
return new ShortcutInfo(this, cloneFlags);
* Copy non-null/zero fields from another {@link ShortcutInfo}. Only "public" information
* will be overwritten. The timestamp will be updated.
* - Flags will not change
* - mBitmapPath will not change
* - Current time will be set to timestamp
* @hide
public void copyNonNullFieldsFrom(ShortcutInfo source) {
Preconditions.checkState(mUserId == source.mUserId, "Owner User ID must match");
Preconditions.checkState(mId.equals(source.mId), "ID must match");
"Package name must match");
if (source.mActivityComponent != null) {
mActivityComponent = source.mActivityComponent;
if (source.mIcon != null) {
mIcon = source.mIcon;
if (source.mTitle != null) {
mTitle = source.mTitle;
if (source.mText != null) {
mText = source.mText;
if (source.mIntent != null) {
mIntent = source.mIntent;
mIntentPersistableExtras = source.mIntentPersistableExtras;
if (source.mWeight != 0) {
mWeight = source.mWeight;
if (source.mExtras != null) {
mExtras = source.mExtras;
* @hide
public static Icon validateIcon(Icon icon) {
switch (icon.getType()) {
case Icon.TYPE_BITMAP:
break; // OK
case Icon.TYPE_URI:
if (ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(icon.getUri().getScheme())) {
// Note "file:" is not supported, because depending on the path, system server
// cannot access it. // TODO Revisit "file:" icon support
// fall through
throw getInvalidIconException();
if (icon.hasTint()) {
// TODO support it
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Icons with tints are not supported");
return icon;
/** @hide */
public static IllegalArgumentException getInvalidIconException() {
return new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported icon type:"
+" only bitmap, resource and content URI are supported");
* Builder class for {@link ShortcutInfo} objects.
public static class Builder {
private final Context mContext;
private String mId;
private ComponentName mActivityComponent;
private Icon mIcon;
private String mTitle;
private String mText;
private Intent mIntent;
private int mWeight;
private PersistableBundle mExtras;
/** Constructor. */
public Builder(Context context) {
mContext = context;
* Sets the ID of the shortcut. This is a mandatory field.
public Builder setId(@NonNull String id) {
mId = Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(id, "id");
return this;
* Optionally sets the target activity. If it's not set, and if the caller application
* has multiple launcher icons, this shortcut will be shown on all those icons.
* If it's set, this shortcut will be only shown on this activity.
public Builder setActivityComponent(@NonNull ComponentName activityComponent) {
mActivityComponent = Preconditions.checkNotNull(activityComponent, "activityComponent");
return this;
* Optionally sets an icon.
* <ul>
* <li>Tints are not supported.
* <li>Bitmaps, resources and "content:" URIs are supported.
* <li>"content:" URI will be fetched when a shortcut is registered to
* {@link ShortcutManager}. Changing the content from the same URI later will
* not be reflected to launcher icons.
* </ul>
* <p>For performance reasons, icons will <b>NOT</b> be available on instances
* returned by {@link ShortcutManager} or {@link LauncherApps}. Launcher applications
* need to use {@link LauncherApps#getShortcutIconFd(ShortcutInfo)}
* and {@link LauncherApps#getShortcutIconResId(ShortcutInfo)}.
public Builder setIcon(Icon icon) {
mIcon = validateIcon(icon);
return this;
* Sets the title of a shortcut. This is a mandatory field.
* <p>This field is intended for a concise description of a shortcut displayed under
* an icon. The recommend max length is 10 characters.
public Builder setTitle(@NonNull String title) {
mTitle = Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(title, "title");
return this;
* Sets the text of a shortcut. This is an optional field.
* <p>This field is intended to be more descriptive than the shortcut title.
* The recommend max length is 25 characters.
public Builder setText(@NonNull String text) {
mText = Preconditions.checkStringNotEmpty(text, "text");
return this;
* Sets the intent of a shortcut. This is a mandatory field. The extras must only contain
* persistable information. (See {@link PersistableBundle}).
public Builder setIntent(@NonNull Intent intent) {
mIntent = Preconditions.checkNotNull(intent, "intent");
return this;
* Optionally sets the weight of a shortcut, which will be used by the launcher for sorting.
* The larger the weight, the more "important" a shortcut is.
public Builder setWeight(int weight) {
mWeight = weight;
return this;
* Optional values that applications can set. Applications can store any meta-data of
* shortcuts in this, and retrieve later from {@link ShortcutInfo#getExtras()}.
public Builder setExtras(@NonNull PersistableBundle extras) {
mExtras = extras;
return this;
* Creates a {@link ShortcutInfo} instance.
public ShortcutInfo build() {
return new ShortcutInfo(this);
* Return the ID of the shortcut.
public String getId() {
return mId;
* Return the package name of the creator application.
public String getPackageName() {
return mPackageName;
* Return the target activity, which may be null, in which case the shortcut is not associated
* with a specific activity.
public ComponentName getActivityComponent() {
return mActivityComponent;
* Icon.
* For performance reasons, this will <b>NOT</b> be available when an instance is returned
* by {@link ShortcutManager} or {@link LauncherApps}. A launcher application needs to use
* other APIs in LauncherApps to fetch the bitmap.
* @hide
public Icon getIcon() {
return mIcon;
* Return the shortcut title.
* <p>All shortcuts must have a non-empty title, but this method will return null when
* {@link #hasKeyFieldsOnly()} is true.
public String getTitle() {
return mTitle;
* Return the shortcut text.
public String getText() {
return mText;
* Return the intent.
* <p>All shortcuts must have an intent, but this method will return null when
* {@link #hasKeyFieldsOnly()} is true.
public Intent getIntent() {
if (mIntent == null) {
return null;
final Intent intent = new Intent(mIntent);
mIntentPersistableExtras != null ? new Bundle(mIntentPersistableExtras) : null);
return intent;
* Return "raw" intent, which is the original intent without the extras.
* @hide
public Intent getIntentNoExtras() {
return mIntent;
* The extras in the intent. We convert extras into {@link PersistableBundle} so we can
* persist them.
* @hide
public PersistableBundle getIntentPersistableExtras() {
return mIntentPersistableExtras;
* Return the weight of a shortcut, which will be used by Launcher for sorting.
* The larger the weight, the more "important" a shortcut is.
public int getWeight() {
return mWeight;
* Optional values that application can set.
public PersistableBundle getExtras() {
return mExtras;
/** @hide */
public int getUserId() {
return mUserId;
* {@link UserHandle} on which the publisher created shortcuts.
public UserHandle getUserHandle() {
return UserHandle.of(mUserId);
* Last time when any of the fields was updated.
public long getLastChangedTimestamp() {
return mLastChangedTimestamp;
/** @hide */
public int getFlags() {
return mFlags;
/** @hide*/
public void replaceFlags(@ShortcutFlags int flags) {
mFlags = flags;
/** @hide*/
public void addFlags(@ShortcutFlags int flags) {
mFlags |= flags;
/** @hide*/
public void clearFlags(@ShortcutFlags int flags) {
mFlags &= ~flags;
/** @hide*/
public boolean hasFlags(@ShortcutFlags int flags) {
return (mFlags & flags) == flags;
/** Return whether a shortcut is dynamic. */
public boolean isDynamic() {
return hasFlags(FLAG_DYNAMIC);
/** Return whether a shortcut is pinned. */
public boolean isPinned() {
return hasFlags(FLAG_PINNED);
* Return whether a shortcut's icon is a resource in the owning package.
* @see LauncherApps#getShortcutIconResId(ShortcutInfo)
public boolean hasIconResource() {
return hasFlags(FLAG_HAS_ICON_RES);
* Return whether a shortcut's icon is stored as a file.
* @see LauncherApps#getShortcutIconFd(ShortcutInfo)
public boolean hasIconFile() {
return hasFlags(FLAG_HAS_ICON_FILE);
* Return whether a shortcut only contains "key" information only or not. If true, only the
* following fields are available.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getId()}
* <li>{@link #getPackageName()}
* <li>{@link #getLastChangedTimestamp()}
* <li>{@link #isDynamic()}
* <li>{@link #isPinned()}
* <li>{@link #hasIconResource()}
* <li>{@link #hasIconFile()}
* </ul>
public boolean hasKeyFieldsOnly() {
return hasFlags(FLAG_KEY_FIELDS_ONLY);
/** @hide */
public void updateTimestamp() {
mLastChangedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
/** @hide */
// VisibleForTesting
public void setTimestamp(long value) {
mLastChangedTimestamp = value;
/** @hide */
public void clearIcon() {
mIcon = null;
/** @hide */
public void setIconResourceId(int iconResourceId) {
mIconResourceId = iconResourceId;
/** @hide */
public int getIconResourceId() {
return mIconResourceId;
/** @hide */
public String getBitmapPath() {
return mBitmapPath;
/** @hide */
public void setBitmapPath(String bitmapPath) {
mBitmapPath = bitmapPath;
private ShortcutInfo(Parcel source) {
final ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader();
mUserId = source.readInt();
mId = source.readString();
mPackageName = source.readString();
mActivityComponent = source.readParcelable(cl);
mIcon = source.readParcelable(cl);
mTitle = source.readString();
mText = source.readString();
mIntent = source.readParcelable(cl);
mIntentPersistableExtras = source.readParcelable(cl);
mWeight = source.readInt();
mExtras = source.readParcelable(cl);
mLastChangedTimestamp = source.readLong();
mFlags = source.readInt();
mIconResourceId = source.readInt();
mBitmapPath = source.readString();
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeParcelable(mActivityComponent, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(mIcon, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(mIntent, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(mIntentPersistableExtras, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(mExtras, flags);
public static final Creator<ShortcutInfo> CREATOR =
new Creator<ShortcutInfo>() {
public ShortcutInfo createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
return new ShortcutInfo(source);
public ShortcutInfo[] newArray(int size) {
return new ShortcutInfo[size];
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
* Return a string representation, intended for logging. Some fields will be retracted.
public String toString() {
return toStringInner(/* secure =*/ true, /* includeInternalData =*/ false);
/** @hide */
public String toInsecureString() {
return toStringInner(/* secure =*/ false, /* includeInternalData =*/ true);
private String toStringInner(boolean secure, boolean includeInternalData) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("ShortcutInfo {");
sb.append(secure ? "***" : mId);
sb.append(", packageName=");
if (isDynamic()) {
sb.append(", dynamic");
if (isPinned()) {
sb.append(", pinned");
sb.append(", activity=");
sb.append(", title=");
sb.append(secure ? "***" : mTitle);
sb.append(", text=");
sb.append(secure ? "***" : mText);
sb.append(", icon=");
sb.append(", weight=");
sb.append(", timestamp=");
sb.append(", intent=");
sb.append(", intentExtras=");
sb.append(secure ? "***" : mIntentPersistableExtras);
sb.append(", extras=");
sb.append(", flags=");
if (includeInternalData) {
sb.append(", iconRes=");
sb.append(", bitmapPath=");
return sb.toString();
/** @hide */
public ShortcutInfo(
@UserIdInt int userId, String id, String packageName, ComponentName activityComponent,
Icon icon, String title, String text, Intent intent,
PersistableBundle intentPersistableExtras,
int weight, PersistableBundle extras, long lastChangedTimestamp,
int flags, int iconResId, String bitmapPath) {
mUserId = userId;
mId = id;
mPackageName = packageName;
mActivityComponent = activityComponent;
mIcon = icon;
mTitle = title;
mText = text;
mIntent = intent;
mIntentPersistableExtras = intentPersistableExtras;
mWeight = weight;
mExtras = extras;
mLastChangedTimestamp = lastChangedTimestamp;
mFlags = flags;
mIconResourceId = iconResId;
mBitmapPath = bitmapPath;