blob: 3689557bbf927df1d428772056fc98f9f4eddb8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "CameraSourceTimeLapse"
#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <binder/MemoryBase.h>
#include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h>
#include <media/stagefright/CameraSource.h>
#include <media/stagefright/CameraSourceTimeLapse.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaDebug.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MetaData.h>
#include <media/stagefright/YUVImage.h>
#include <media/stagefright/YUVCanvas.h>
#include <camera/Camera.h>
#include <camera/CameraParameters.h>
#include <ui/Rect.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include "OMX_Video.h"
#include <limits.h>
namespace android {
// static
CameraSourceTimeLapse *CameraSourceTimeLapse::CreateFromCamera(
const sp<ICamera> &camera,
int32_t cameraId,
Size videoSize,
int32_t videoFrameRate,
const sp<Surface>& surface,
int64_t timeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs) {
CameraSourceTimeLapse *source = new
CameraSourceTimeLapse(camera, cameraId,
videoSize, videoFrameRate, surface,
if (source != NULL) {
if (source->initCheck() != OK) {
delete source;
return NULL;
return source;
const sp<ICamera>& camera,
int32_t cameraId,
Size videoSize,
int32_t videoFrameRate,
const sp<Surface>& surface,
int64_t timeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs)
: CameraSource(camera, cameraId, videoSize, videoFrameRate, surface, true),
mSkipCurrentFrame(false) {
LOGD("starting time lapse mode: %lld us", mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs);
mVideoWidth = videoSize.width;
mVideoHeight = videoSize.height;
if (trySettingVideoSize(videoSize.width, videoSize.height)) {
mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse = false;
} else {
// TODO: Add a check to see that mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs is greater
// than the fastest rate at which the still camera can take pictures.
mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse = true;
CHECK(setPictureSizeToClosestSupported(videoSize.width, videoSize.height));
mNeedCropping = computeCropRectangleOffset();
mMeta->setInt32(kKeyWidth, videoSize.width);
mMeta->setInt32(kKeyHeight, videoSize.height);
// Initialize quick stop variables.
mQuickStop = false;
mForceRead = false;
mLastReadBufferCopy = NULL;
mStopWaitingForIdleCamera = false;
CameraSourceTimeLapse::~CameraSourceTimeLapse() {
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::startQuickReadReturns() {
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mQuickStopLock);
LOGV("Enabling quick read returns");
// Enable quick stop mode.
mQuickStop = true;
if (mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse) {
// wake up the thread right away.
} else {
// Force dataCallbackTimestamp() coming from the video camera to not skip the
// next frame as we want read() to get a get a frame right away.
mForceRead = true;
bool CameraSourceTimeLapse::trySettingVideoSize(int32_t width, int32_t height) {
LOGV("trySettingVideoSize: %dx%d", width, height);
int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity();
String8 s = mCamera->getParameters();
CameraParameters params(s);
Vector<Size> supportedSizes;
bool videoOutputSupported = false;
if (supportedSizes.size() == 0) {
} else {
videoOutputSupported = true;
bool videoSizeSupported = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < supportedSizes.size(); ++i) {
int32_t pictureWidth = supportedSizes[i].width;
int32_t pictureHeight = supportedSizes[i].height;
if ((pictureWidth == width) && (pictureHeight == height)) {
videoSizeSupported = true;
bool isSuccessful = false;
if (videoSizeSupported) {
LOGV("Video size (%d, %d) is supported", width, height);
if (videoOutputSupported) {
params.setVideoSize(width, height);
} else {
params.setPreviewSize(width, height);
if (mCamera->setParameters(params.flatten()) == OK) {
isSuccessful = true;
} else {
LOGE("Failed to set preview size to %dx%d", width, height);
isSuccessful = false;
return isSuccessful;
bool CameraSourceTimeLapse::setPictureSizeToClosestSupported(int32_t width, int32_t height) {
LOGV("setPictureSizeToClosestSupported: %dx%d", width, height);
int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity();
String8 s = mCamera->getParameters();
CameraParameters params(s);
Vector<Size> supportedSizes;
int32_t minPictureSize = INT_MAX;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < supportedSizes.size(); ++i) {
int32_t pictureWidth = supportedSizes[i].width;
int32_t pictureHeight = supportedSizes[i].height;
if ((pictureWidth >= width) && (pictureHeight >= height)) {
int32_t pictureSize = pictureWidth*pictureHeight;
if (pictureSize < minPictureSize) {
minPictureSize = pictureSize;
mPictureWidth = pictureWidth;
mPictureHeight = pictureHeight;
LOGV("Picture size = (%d, %d)", mPictureWidth, mPictureHeight);
return (minPictureSize != INT_MAX);
bool CameraSourceTimeLapse::computeCropRectangleOffset() {
if ((mPictureWidth == mVideoWidth) && (mPictureHeight == mVideoHeight)) {
return false;
CHECK((mPictureWidth > mVideoWidth) && (mPictureHeight > mVideoHeight));
int32_t widthDifference = mPictureWidth - mVideoWidth;
int32_t heightDifference = mPictureHeight - mVideoHeight;
mCropRectStartX = widthDifference/2;
mCropRectStartY = heightDifference/2;
LOGV("setting crop rectangle offset to (%d, %d)", mCropRectStartX, mCropRectStartY);
return true;
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::signalBufferReturned(MediaBuffer* buffer) {
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mQuickStopLock);
if (mQuickStop && (buffer == mLastReadBufferCopy)) {
} else {
return CameraSource::signalBufferReturned(buffer);
void createMediaBufferCopy(const MediaBuffer& sourceBuffer, int64_t frameTime, MediaBuffer **newBuffer) {
size_t sourceSize = sourceBuffer.size();
void* sourcePointer =;
(*newBuffer) = new MediaBuffer(sourceSize);
memcpy((*newBuffer)->data(), sourcePointer, sourceSize);
(*newBuffer)->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, frameTime);
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::fillLastReadBufferCopy(MediaBuffer& sourceBuffer) {
int64_t frameTime;
CHECK(sourceBuffer.meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &frameTime));
createMediaBufferCopy(sourceBuffer, frameTime, &mLastReadBufferCopy);
status_t CameraSourceTimeLapse::read(
MediaBuffer **buffer, const ReadOptions *options) {
if (mLastReadBufferCopy == NULL) {
mLastReadStatus = CameraSource::read(buffer, options);
// mQuickStop may have turned to true while read was blocked. Make a copy of
// the buffer in that case.
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mQuickStopLock);
if (mQuickStop && *buffer) {
return mLastReadStatus;
} else {
(*buffer) = mLastReadBufferCopy;
return mLastReadStatus;
// static
void *CameraSourceTimeLapse::ThreadTimeLapseWrapper(void *me) {
CameraSourceTimeLapse *source = static_cast<CameraSourceTimeLapse *>(me);
return NULL;
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::threadTimeLapseEntry() {
while (mStarted) {
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mCameraIdleLock);
if (!mCameraIdle) {
mCameraIdle = false;
// Even if mQuickStop == true we need to take one more picture
// as a read() may be blocked, waiting for a frame to get available.
// After this takePicture, if mQuickStop == true, we can safely exit
// this thread as read() will make a copy of this last frame and keep
// returning it in the quick stop mode.
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mQuickStopLock);
CHECK_EQ(OK, mCamera->takePicture(CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE));
if (mQuickStop) {
LOGV("threadTimeLapseEntry: Exiting due to mQuickStop = true");
mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs * 1000);
LOGV("threadTimeLapseEntry: Exiting due to mStarted = false");
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::startCameraRecording() {
if (mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse) {
LOGV("start time lapse recording using still camera");
int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity();
String8 s = mCamera->getParameters();
CameraParameters params(s);
params.setPictureSize(mPictureWidth, mPictureHeight);
mCameraIdle = true;
mStopWaitingForIdleCamera = false;
// disable shutter sound and play the recording sound.
mCamera->sendCommand(CAMERA_CMD_ENABLE_SHUTTER_SOUND, 0, 0);
mCamera->sendCommand(CAMERA_CMD_PLAY_RECORDING_SOUND, 0, 0);
// create a thread which takes pictures in a loop
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
pthread_create(&mThreadTimeLapse, &attr, ThreadTimeLapseWrapper, this);
} else {
LOGV("start time lapse recording using video camera");
CHECK_EQ(OK, mCamera->startRecording());
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::stopCameraRecording() {
if (mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse) {
void *dummy;
pthread_join(mThreadTimeLapse, &dummy);
// Last takePicture may still be underway. Wait for the camera to get
// idle.
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mCameraIdleLock);
mStopWaitingForIdleCamera = true;
if (!mCameraIdle) {
// play the recording sound.
mCamera->sendCommand(CAMERA_CMD_PLAY_RECORDING_SOUND, 0, 0);
} else {
if (mLastReadBufferCopy) {
mLastReadBufferCopy = NULL;
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::releaseRecordingFrame(const sp<IMemory>& frame) {
if (!mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse &&
mCamera != NULL) {
sp<IMemory> CameraSourceTimeLapse::createIMemoryCopy(const sp<IMemory> &source_data) {
size_t source_size = source_data->size();
void* source_pointer = source_data->pointer();
sp<MemoryHeapBase> newMemoryHeap = new MemoryHeapBase(source_size);
sp<MemoryBase> newMemory = new MemoryBase(newMemoryHeap, 0, source_size);
memcpy(newMemory->pointer(), source_pointer, source_size);
return newMemory;
// Allocates IMemory of final type MemoryBase with the given size.
sp<IMemory> allocateIMemory(size_t size) {
sp<MemoryHeapBase> newMemoryHeap = new MemoryHeapBase(size);
sp<MemoryBase> newMemory = new MemoryBase(newMemoryHeap, 0, size);
return newMemory;
// static
void *CameraSourceTimeLapse::ThreadStartPreviewWrapper(void *me) {
CameraSourceTimeLapse *source = static_cast<CameraSourceTimeLapse *>(me);
return NULL;
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::threadStartPreview() {
CHECK_EQ(OK, mCamera->startPreview());
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mCameraIdleLock);
mCameraIdle = true;
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::restartPreview() {
// Start this in a different thread, so that the dataCallback can return
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
pthread_t threadPreview;
pthread_create(&threadPreview, &attr, ThreadStartPreviewWrapper, this);
sp<IMemory> CameraSourceTimeLapse::cropYUVImage(const sp<IMemory> &source_data) {
// find the YUV format
int32_t srcFormat;
CHECK(mMeta->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &srcFormat));
YUVImage::YUVFormat yuvFormat;
if (srcFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar) {
yuvFormat = YUVImage::YUV420SemiPlanar;
} else {
CHECK_EQ(srcFormat, OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar);
yuvFormat = YUVImage::YUV420Planar;
// allocate memory for cropped image and setup a canvas using it.
sp<IMemory> croppedImageMemory = allocateIMemory(
YUVImage::bufferSize(yuvFormat, mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight));
YUVImage yuvImageCropped(yuvFormat,
mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight,
(uint8_t *)croppedImageMemory->pointer());
YUVCanvas yuvCanvasCrop(yuvImageCropped);
YUVImage yuvImageSource(yuvFormat,
mPictureWidth, mPictureHeight,
(uint8_t *)source_data->pointer());
Rect(mCropRectStartX, mCropRectStartY,
mCropRectStartX + mVideoWidth,
mCropRectStartY + mVideoHeight),
0, 0,
return croppedImageMemory;
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::dataCallback(int32_t msgType, const sp<IMemory> &data) {
// takePicture will complete after this callback, so restart preview.
if (msgType != CAMERA_MSG_RAW_IMAGE) {
LOGV("dataCallback for timelapse still frame");
CHECK_EQ(true, mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse);
int64_t timestampUs;
if (mNumFramesReceived == 0) {
timestampUs = mStartTimeUs;
} else {
timestampUs = mLastFrameTimestampUs + mTimeBetweenTimeLapseVideoFramesUs;
if (mNeedCropping) {
sp<IMemory> croppedImageData = cropYUVImage(data);
dataCallbackTimestamp(timestampUs, msgType, croppedImageData);
} else {
sp<IMemory> dataCopy = createIMemoryCopy(data);
dataCallbackTimestamp(timestampUs, msgType, dataCopy);
bool CameraSourceTimeLapse::skipCurrentFrame(int64_t timestampUs) {
if (mSkipCurrentFrame) {
mSkipCurrentFrame = false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool CameraSourceTimeLapse::skipFrameAndModifyTimeStamp(int64_t *timestampUs) {
if (!mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse) {
if (mLastTimeLapseFrameRealTimestampUs == 0) {
// First time lapse frame. Initialize mLastTimeLapseFrameRealTimestampUs
// to current time (timestampUs) and save frame data.
LOGV("dataCallbackTimestamp timelapse: initial frame");
mLastTimeLapseFrameRealTimestampUs = *timestampUs;
return false;
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mQuickStopLock);
// mForceRead may be set to true by startQuickReadReturns(). In that
// case don't skip this frame.
if (mForceRead) {
LOGV("dataCallbackTimestamp timelapse: forced read");
mForceRead = false;
*timestampUs = mLastFrameTimestampUs;
return false;
// Workaround to bypass the first 2 input frames for skipping.
// The first 2 output frames from the encoder are: decoder specific info and
// the compressed video frame data for the first input video frame.
if (mNumFramesEncoded >= 1 && *timestampUs <
(mLastTimeLapseFrameRealTimestampUs + mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs)) {
// Skip all frames from last encoded frame until
// sufficient time (mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs) has passed.
// Tell the camera to release its recording frame and return.
LOGV("dataCallbackTimestamp timelapse: skipping intermediate frame");
return true;
} else {
// Desired frame has arrived after mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureUs time:
// - Reset mLastTimeLapseFrameRealTimestampUs to current time.
// - Artificially modify timestampUs to be one frame time (1/framerate) ahead
// of the last encoded frame's time stamp.
LOGV("dataCallbackTimestamp timelapse: got timelapse frame");
mLastTimeLapseFrameRealTimestampUs = *timestampUs;
*timestampUs = mLastFrameTimestampUs + mTimeBetweenTimeLapseVideoFramesUs;
return false;
return false;
void CameraSourceTimeLapse::dataCallbackTimestamp(int64_t timestampUs, int32_t msgType,
const sp<IMemory> &data) {
if (!mUseStillCameraForTimeLapse) {
mSkipCurrentFrame = skipFrameAndModifyTimeStamp(&timestampUs);
} else {
Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mCameraIdleLock);
// If we are using the still camera and stop() has been called, it may
// be waiting for the camera to get idle. In that case return
// immediately. Calling CameraSource::dataCallbackTimestamp() will lead
// to a deadlock since it tries to access CameraSource::mLock which in
// this case is held by CameraSource::stop() currently waiting for the
// camera to get idle. And camera will not get idle until this call
// returns.
if (mStopWaitingForIdleCamera) {
CameraSource::dataCallbackTimestamp(timestampUs, msgType, data);
} // namespace android