blob: 0baf73cc024aa21b375edd44cf009867704cd518 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
import android.os.BatteryStats.Uid;
import java.util.List;
* Contains power usage of an application, system service, or hardware type.
public class BatterySipper implements Comparable<BatterySipper> {
public int userId;
public Uid uidObj;
public DrainType drainType;
* Smeared power from screen usage.
* We split the screen usage power and smear them among apps, based on activity time.
public double screenPowerMah;
* Smeared power using proportional method.
* we smear power usage from hidden sippers to all apps proportionally.(except for screen usage)
* @see BatteryStatsHelper#shouldHideSipper(BatterySipper)
* @see BatteryStatsHelper#removeHiddenBatterySippers(List)
public double proportionalSmearMah;
* Total power that adding the smeared power.
* @see #sumPower()
public double totalSmearedPowerMah;
* Total power before smearing
public double totalPowerMah;
* Whether we should hide this sipper
* @see BatteryStatsHelper#shouldHideSipper(BatterySipper)
public boolean shouldHide;
* Generic usage time in milliseconds.
public long usageTimeMs;
* Generic power usage in mAh.
public double usagePowerMah;
// Subsystem usage times.
public long audioTimeMs;
public long bluetoothRunningTimeMs;
public long cameraTimeMs;
public long cpuFgTimeMs;
public long cpuTimeMs;
public long flashlightTimeMs;
public long gpsTimeMs;
public long videoTimeMs;
public long wakeLockTimeMs;
public long wifiRunningTimeMs;
public long mobileRxPackets;
public long mobileTxPackets;
public long mobileActive;
public int mobileActiveCount;
public double mobilemspp; // milliseconds per packet
public long wifiRxPackets;
public long wifiTxPackets;
public long mobileRxBytes;
public long mobileTxBytes;
public long wifiRxBytes;
public long wifiTxBytes;
public long btRxBytes;
public long btTxBytes;
public double percent;
public double noCoveragePercent;
public String[] mPackages;
public String packageWithHighestDrain;
// Measured in mAh (milli-ampere per hour).
// These are included when summed.
public double audioPowerMah;
public double bluetoothPowerMah;
public double cameraPowerMah;
public double cpuPowerMah;
public double flashlightPowerMah;
public double gpsPowerMah;
public double mobileRadioPowerMah;
public double sensorPowerMah;
public double videoPowerMah;
public double wakeLockPowerMah;
public double wifiPowerMah;
public enum DrainType {
public BatterySipper(DrainType drainType, Uid uid, double value) {
this.totalPowerMah = value;
this.drainType = drainType;
uidObj = uid;
public void computeMobilemspp() {
long packets = mobileRxPackets + mobileTxPackets;
mobilemspp = packets > 0 ? (mobileActive / (double) packets) : 0;
public int compareTo(BatterySipper other) {
// Over-counted always goes to the bottom.
if (drainType != other.drainType) {
if (drainType == DrainType.OVERCOUNTED) {
// This is "larger"
return 1;
} else if (other.drainType == DrainType.OVERCOUNTED) {
return -1;
// Return the flipped value because we want the items in descending order
return, totalPowerMah);
* Gets a list of packages associated with the current user
public String[] getPackages() {
return mPackages;
public int getUid() {
// Bail out if the current sipper is not an App sipper.
if (uidObj == null) {
return 0;
return uidObj.getUid();
* Add stats from other to this BatterySipper.
public void add(BatterySipper other) {
totalPowerMah += other.totalPowerMah;
usageTimeMs += other.usageTimeMs;
usagePowerMah += other.usagePowerMah;
audioTimeMs += other.audioTimeMs;
cpuTimeMs += other.cpuTimeMs;
gpsTimeMs += other.gpsTimeMs;
wifiRunningTimeMs += other.wifiRunningTimeMs;
cpuFgTimeMs += other.cpuFgTimeMs;
videoTimeMs += other.videoTimeMs;
wakeLockTimeMs += other.wakeLockTimeMs;
cameraTimeMs += other.cameraTimeMs;
flashlightTimeMs += other.flashlightTimeMs;
bluetoothRunningTimeMs += other.bluetoothRunningTimeMs;
mobileRxPackets += other.mobileRxPackets;
mobileTxPackets += other.mobileTxPackets;
mobileActive += other.mobileActive;
mobileActiveCount += other.mobileActiveCount;
wifiRxPackets += other.wifiRxPackets;
wifiTxPackets += other.wifiTxPackets;
mobileRxBytes += other.mobileRxBytes;
mobileTxBytes += other.mobileTxBytes;
wifiRxBytes += other.wifiRxBytes;
wifiTxBytes += other.wifiTxBytes;
btRxBytes += other.btRxBytes;
btTxBytes += other.btTxBytes;
audioPowerMah += other.audioPowerMah;
wifiPowerMah += other.wifiPowerMah;
gpsPowerMah += other.gpsPowerMah;
cpuPowerMah += other.cpuPowerMah;
sensorPowerMah += other.sensorPowerMah;
mobileRadioPowerMah += other.mobileRadioPowerMah;
wakeLockPowerMah += other.wakeLockPowerMah;
cameraPowerMah += other.cameraPowerMah;
flashlightPowerMah += other.flashlightPowerMah;
bluetoothPowerMah += other.bluetoothPowerMah;
screenPowerMah += other.screenPowerMah;
videoPowerMah += other.videoPowerMah;
proportionalSmearMah += other.proportionalSmearMah;
totalSmearedPowerMah += other.totalSmearedPowerMah;
* Sum all the powers and store the value into `value`.
* Also sum the {@code smearedTotalPowerMah} by adding smeared powerMah.
* @return the sum of all the power in this BatterySipper.
public double sumPower() {
totalPowerMah = usagePowerMah + wifiPowerMah + gpsPowerMah + cpuPowerMah +
sensorPowerMah + mobileRadioPowerMah + wakeLockPowerMah + cameraPowerMah +
flashlightPowerMah + bluetoothPowerMah + audioPowerMah + videoPowerMah;
totalSmearedPowerMah = totalPowerMah + screenPowerMah + proportionalSmearMah;
return totalPowerMah;