blob: 6d06838cd24f4dab0f7a95be6aa4840e840715c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import android.util.Slog;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* This class keeps track of how dex files are used.
* Every time it gets a notification about a dex file being loaded it tracks
* its owning package and records it in PackageDexUsage (package-dex-usage.list).
* TODO(calin): Extract related dexopt functionality from PackageManagerService
* into this class.
public class DexManager {
private static final String TAG = "DexManager";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
// Maps package name to code locations.
// It caches the code locations for the installed packages. This allows for
// faster lookups (no locks) when finding what package owns the dex file.
private final Map<String, PackageCodeLocations> mPackageCodeLocationsCache;
// PackageDexUsage handles the actual I/O operations. It is responsible to
// encode and save the dex usage data.
private final PackageDexUsage mPackageDexUsage;
// Possible outcomes of a dex search.
private static int DEX_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND = 0; // dex file not found
private static int DEX_SEARCH_FOUND_PRIMARY = 1; // dex file is the primary/base apk
private static int DEX_SEARCH_FOUND_SPLIT = 2; // dex file is a split apk
private static int DEX_SEARCH_FOUND_SECONDARY = 3; // dex file is a secondary dex
public DexManager() {
mPackageCodeLocationsCache = new HashMap<>();
mPackageDexUsage = new PackageDexUsage();
* Notify about dex files loads.
* Note that this method is invoked when apps load dex files and it should
* return as fast as possible.
* @param loadingPackage the package performing the load
* @param dexPaths the list of dex files being loaded
* @param loaderIsa the ISA of the app loading the dex files
* @param loaderUserId the user id which runs the code loading the dex files
public void notifyDexLoad(ApplicationInfo loadingAppInfo, List<String> dexPaths,
String loaderIsa, int loaderUserId) {
try {
notifyDexLoadInternal(loadingAppInfo, dexPaths, loaderIsa, loaderUserId);
} catch (Exception e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Exception while notifying dex load for package " +
loadingAppInfo.packageName, e);
private void notifyDexLoadInternal(ApplicationInfo loadingAppInfo, List<String> dexPaths,
String loaderIsa, int loaderUserId) {
if (!PackageManagerServiceUtils.checkISA(loaderIsa)) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Loading dex files " + dexPaths + " in unsupported ISA: " +
loaderIsa + "?");
for (String dexPath : dexPaths) {
// Find the owning package name.
DexSearchResult searchResult = getDexPackage(loadingAppInfo, dexPath, loaderUserId);
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.i(TAG, loadingAppInfo.packageName
+ " loads from " + searchResult + " : " + loaderUserId + " : " + dexPath);
if (searchResult.mOutcome != DEX_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND) {
// TODO(calin): extend isUsedByOtherApps check to detect the cases where
// different apps share the same runtime. In that case we should not mark the dex
// file as isUsedByOtherApps. Currently this is a safe approximation.
boolean isUsedByOtherApps = !loadingAppInfo.packageName.equals(
boolean primaryOrSplit = searchResult.mOutcome == DEX_SEARCH_FOUND_PRIMARY ||
searchResult.mOutcome == DEX_SEARCH_FOUND_SPLIT;
if (primaryOrSplit && !isUsedByOtherApps) {
// If the dex file is the primary apk (or a split) and not isUsedByOtherApps
// do not record it. This case does not bring any new usable information
// and can be safely skipped.
// Record dex file usage. If the current usage is a new pattern (e.g. new secondary,
// or UsedBytOtherApps), record will return true and we trigger an async write
// to disk to make sure we don't loose the data in case of a reboot.
if (mPackageDexUsage.record(searchResult.mOwningPackageName,
dexPath, loaderUserId, loaderIsa, isUsedByOtherApps, primaryOrSplit)) {
} else {
// This can happen in a few situations:
// - bogus dex loads
// - recent installs/uninstalls that we didn't detect.
// - new installed splits
// If we can't find the owner of the dex we simply do not track it. The impact is
// that the dex file will not be considered for offline optimizations.
// TODO(calin): add hooks for install/uninstall notifications to
// capture new or obsolete packages.
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Could not find owning package for dex file: " + dexPath);
* Read the dex usage from disk and populate the code cache locations.
* @param existingPackages a map containing information about what packages
* are available to what users. Only packages in this list will be
* recognized during notifyDexLoad().
public void load(Map<Integer, List<PackageInfo>> existingPackages) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Exception while loading package dex usage. " +
"Starting with a fresh state.", e);
private void loadInternal(Map<Integer, List<PackageInfo>> existingPackages) {
Map<String, Set<Integer>> packageToUsersMap = new HashMap<>();
// Cache the code locations for the installed packages. This allows for
// faster lookups (no locks) when finding what package owns the dex file.
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<PackageInfo>> entry : existingPackages.entrySet()) {
List<PackageInfo> packageInfoList = entry.getValue();
int userId = entry.getKey();
for (PackageInfo pi : packageInfoList) {
// Cache the code locations.
PackageCodeLocations pcl = mPackageCodeLocationsCache.get(pi.packageName);
if (pcl != null) {
pcl.mergeAppDataDirs(pi.applicationInfo, userId);
} else {
new PackageCodeLocations(pi.applicationInfo, userId));
// Cache a map from package name to the set of user ids who installed the package.
// We will use it to sync the data and remove obsolete entries from
// mPackageDexUsage.
Set<Integer> users = putIfAbsent(
packageToUsersMap, pi.packageName, new HashSet<>());
* Get the package dex usage for the given package name.
* @return the package data or null if there is no data available for this package.
public PackageDexUsage.PackageUseInfo getPackageUseInfo(String packageName) {
return mPackageDexUsage.getPackageUseInfo(packageName);
* Retrieves the package which owns the given dexPath.
private DexSearchResult getDexPackage(
ApplicationInfo loadingAppInfo, String dexPath, int userId) {
// Ignore framework code.
// TODO(calin): is there a better way to detect it?
if (dexPath.startsWith("/system/framework/")) {
new DexSearchResult("framework", DEX_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND);
// First, check if the package which loads the dex file actually owns it.
// Most of the time this will be true and we can return early.
PackageCodeLocations loadingPackageCodeLocations =
new PackageCodeLocations(loadingAppInfo, userId);
int outcome = loadingPackageCodeLocations.searchDex(dexPath, userId);
if (outcome != DEX_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND) {
// TODO(calin): evaluate if we bother to detect symlinks at the dexPath level.
return new DexSearchResult(loadingPackageCodeLocations.mPackageName, outcome);
// The loadingPackage does not own the dex file.
// Perform a reverse look-up in the cache to detect if any package has ownership.
// Note that we can have false negatives if the cache falls out of date.
for (PackageCodeLocations pcl : mPackageCodeLocationsCache.values()) {
outcome = pcl.searchDex(dexPath, userId);
if (outcome != DEX_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND) {
return new DexSearchResult(pcl.mPackageName, outcome);
// Cache miss. Return not found for the moment.
// TODO(calin): this may be because of a newly installed package, an update
// or a new added user. We can either perform a full look up again or register
// observers to be notified of package/user updates.
return new DexSearchResult(null, DEX_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND);
private static <K,V> V putIfAbsent(Map<K,V> map, K key, V newValue) {
V existingValue = map.putIfAbsent(key, newValue);
return existingValue == null ? newValue : existingValue;
* Convenience class to store the different locations where a package might
* own code.
private static class PackageCodeLocations {
private final String mPackageName;
private final String mBaseCodePath;
private final Set<String> mSplitCodePaths;
// Maps user id to the application private directory.
private final Map<Integer, Set<String>> mAppDataDirs;
public PackageCodeLocations(ApplicationInfo ai, int userId) {
mPackageName = ai.packageName;
mBaseCodePath = ai.sourceDir;
mSplitCodePaths = new HashSet<>();
if (ai.splitSourceDirs != null) {
for (String split : ai.splitSourceDirs) {
mAppDataDirs = new HashMap<>();
mergeAppDataDirs(ai, userId);
public void mergeAppDataDirs(ApplicationInfo ai, int userId) {
Set<String> dataDirs = putIfAbsent(mAppDataDirs, userId, new HashSet<>());
public int searchDex(String dexPath, int userId) {
// First check that this package is installed or active for the given user.
// If we don't have a data dir it means this user is trying to load something
// unavailable for them.
Set<String> userDataDirs = mAppDataDirs.get(userId);
if (userDataDirs == null) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Trying to load a dex path which does not exist for the current " +
"user. dexPath=" + dexPath + ", userId=" + userId);
if (mBaseCodePath.equals(dexPath)) {
if (mSplitCodePaths.contains(dexPath)) {
for (String dataDir : userDataDirs) {
if (dexPath.startsWith(dataDir)) {
// TODO(calin): What if we get a symlink? e.g. data dir may be a symlink,
// /data/data/ -> /data/user/0/.
if (DEBUG) {
try {
String dexPathReal = PackageManagerServiceUtils.realpath(new File(dexPath));
if (dexPathReal != dexPath) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Dex loaded with symlink. dexPath=" +
dexPath + " dexPathReal=" + dexPathReal);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore
* Convenience class to store ownership search results.
private class DexSearchResult {
private String mOwningPackageName;
private int mOutcome;
public DexSearchResult(String owningPackageName, int outcome) {
this.mOwningPackageName = owningPackageName;
this.mOutcome = outcome;
public String toString() {
return mOwningPackageName + "-" + mOutcome;