blob: e905e6772074145e03827ddc8526266ec028bdeb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.database.ContentObserver
import android.os.Handler
import android.os.UserHandle
import android.os.VibrationEffect
import android.os.Vibrator
import android.provider.Settings
import android.view.MotionEvent
import android.view.VelocityTracker
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewConfiguration
import androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.DynamicAnimation
import androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.FloatPropertyCompat
import androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.SpringForce
import kotlin.math.hypot
* Utility class for creating 'magnetized' objects that are attracted to one or more magnetic
* targets. Magnetic targets attract objects that are dragged near them, and hold them there unless
* they're moved away or released. Releasing objects inside a magnetic target typically performs an
* action on the object.
* MagnetizedObject also supports flinging to targets, which will result in the object being pulled
* into the target and released as if it was dragged into it.
* To use this class, either construct an instance with an object of arbitrary type, or use the
* [MagnetizedObject.magnetizeView] shortcut method if you're magnetizing a view. Then, set
* [magnetListener] to receive event callbacks. In your touch handler, pass all MotionEvents
* that move this object to [maybeConsumeMotionEvent]. If that method returns true, consider the
* event consumed by the MagnetizedObject and don't move the object unless it begins returning false
* again.
* @param context Context, used to retrieve a Vibrator instance for vibration effects.
* @param underlyingObject The actual object that we're magnetizing.
* @param xProperty Property that sets the x value of the object's position.
* @param yProperty Property that sets the y value of the object's position.
abstract class MagnetizedObject<T : Any>(
val context: Context,
/** The actual object that is animated. */
val underlyingObject: T,
/** Property that gets/sets the object's X value. */
val xProperty: FloatPropertyCompat<in T>,
/** Property that gets/sets the object's Y value. */
val yProperty: FloatPropertyCompat<in T>
) {
/** Return the width of the object. */
abstract fun getWidth(underlyingObject: T): Float
/** Return the height of the object. */
abstract fun getHeight(underlyingObject: T): Float
* Fill the provided array with the location of the top-left of the object, relative to the
* entire screen. Compare to [View.getLocationOnScreen].
abstract fun getLocationOnScreen(underlyingObject: T, loc: IntArray)
/** Methods for listening to events involving a magnetized object. */
interface MagnetListener {
* Called when touch events move within the magnetic field of a target, causing the
* object to animate to the target and become 'stuck' there. The animation happens
* automatically here - you should not move the object. You can, however, change its state
* to indicate to the user that it's inside the target and releasing it will have an effect.
* [maybeConsumeMotionEvent] is now returning true and will continue to do so until a call
* to [onUnstuckFromTarget] or [onReleasedInTarget].
* @param target The target that the object is now stuck to.
fun onStuckToTarget(target: MagneticTarget)
* Called when the object is no longer stuck to a target. This means that either touch
* events moved outside of the magnetic field radius, or that a forceful fling out of the
* target was detected.
* The object won't be automatically animated out of the target, since you're responsible
* for moving the object again. You should move it (or animate it) using your own
* movement/animation logic.
* Reverse any effects applied in [onStuckToTarget] here.
* If [wasFlungOut] is true, [maybeConsumeMotionEvent] returned true for the ACTION_UP event
* that concluded the fling. If [wasFlungOut] is false, that means a drag gesture is ongoing
* and [maybeConsumeMotionEvent] is now returning false.
* @param target The target that this object was just unstuck from.
* @param velX The X velocity of the touch gesture when it exited the magnetic field.
* @param velY The Y velocity of the touch gesture when it exited the magnetic field.
* @param wasFlungOut Whether the object was unstuck via a fling gesture. This means that
* an ACTION_UP event was received, and that the gesture velocity was sufficient to conclude
* that the user wants to un-stick the object despite no touch events occurring outside of
* the magnetic field radius.
fun onUnstuckFromTarget(
target: MagneticTarget,
velX: Float,
velY: Float,
wasFlungOut: Boolean
* Called when the object is released inside a target, or flung towards it with enough
* velocity to reach it.
* @param target The target that the object was released in.
fun onReleasedInTarget(target: MagneticTarget)
private val animator: PhysicsAnimator<T> = PhysicsAnimator.getInstance(underlyingObject)
private val objectLocationOnScreen = IntArray(2)
* Targets that have been added to this object. These will all be considered when determining
* magnetic fields and fling trajectories.
private val associatedTargets = ArrayList<MagneticTarget>()
private val velocityTracker: VelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain()
private val vibrator: Vibrator = context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE) as Vibrator
private var touchDown = PointF()
private var touchSlop = 0
private var movedBeyondSlop = false
/** Whether touch events are presently occurring within the magnetic field area of a target. */
val objectStuckToTarget: Boolean
get() = targetObjectIsStuckTo != null
/** The target the object is stuck to, or null if the object is not stuck to any target. */
private var targetObjectIsStuckTo: MagneticTarget? = null
* Sets the listener to receive events. This must be set, or [maybeConsumeMotionEvent]
* will always return false and no magnetic effects will occur.
lateinit var magnetListener: MagnetizedObject.MagnetListener
* Optional update listener to provide to the PhysicsAnimator that is used to spring the object
* into the target.
var physicsAnimatorUpdateListener: PhysicsAnimator.UpdateListener<T>? = null
* Optional end listener to provide to the PhysicsAnimator that is used to spring the object
* into the target.
var physicsAnimatorEndListener: PhysicsAnimator.EndListener<T>? = null
* Sets whether forcefully flinging the object vertically towards a target causes it to be
* attracted to the target and then released immediately, despite never being dragged within the
* magnetic field.
var flingToTargetEnabled = true
* If fling to target is enabled, forcefully flinging the object towards a target will cause
* it to be attracted to the target and then released immediately, despite never being dragged
* within the magnetic field.
* This sets the width of the area considered 'near' enough a target to be considered a fling,
* in terms of percent of the target view's width. For example, setting this to 3f means that
* flings towards a 100px-wide target will be considered 'near' enough if they're towards the
* 300px-wide area around the target.
* Flings whose trajectory intersects the area will be attracted and released - even if the
* target view itself isn't intersected:
* | |
* | 0 |
* | / |
* | / |
* | X / |
* |.....###.....|
* Flings towards the target whose trajectories do not intersect the area will be treated as
* normal flings and the magnet will leave the object alone:
* | |
* | |
* | 0 |
* | / |
* | / X |
* |.....###.....|
var flingToTargetWidthPercent = 3f
* Sets the minimum velocity (in pixels per second) required to fling an object to the target
* without dragging it into the magnetic field.
var flingToTargetMinVelocity = 4000f
* Sets the minimum velocity (in pixels per second) required to fling un-stuck an object stuck
* to the target. If this velocity is reached, the object will be freed even if it wasn't moved
* outside the magnetic field radius.
var flingUnstuckFromTargetMinVelocity = 1000f
* Sets the maximum velocity above which the object will not stick to the target. Even if the
* object is dragged through the magnetic field, it will not stick to the target until the
* velocity is below this value.
var stickToTargetMaxVelocity = 2000f
* Enable or disable haptic vibration effects when the object interacts with the magnetic field.
* If you're experiencing crashes when the object enters targets, ensure that you have the
* android.permission.VIBRATE permission!
var hapticsEnabled = true
/** Whether the HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED setting is true. */
private var systemHapticsEnabled = false
/** Default spring configuration to use for animating the object into a target. */
var springConfig = PhysicsAnimator.SpringConfig(
* Spring configuration to use to spring the object into a target specifically when it's flung
* towards (rather than dragged near) it.
var flungIntoTargetSpringConfig = springConfig
init {
val hapticSettingObserver =
object : ContentObserver(Handler.getMain()) {
override fun onChange(selfChange: Boolean) {
systemHapticsEnabled =
UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) != 0
true /* notifyForDescendants */, hapticSettingObserver)
// Trigger the observer once to initialize systemHapticsEnabled.
hapticSettingObserver.onChange(false /* selfChange */)
* Adds the provided MagneticTarget to this object. The object will now be attracted to the
* target if it strays within its magnetic field or is flung towards it.
* If this target (or its magnetic field) overlaps another target added to this object, the
* prior target will take priority.
fun addTarget(target: MagneticTarget) {
* Shortcut that accepts a View and a magnetic field radius and adds it as a magnetic target.
* @return The MagneticTarget instance for the given View. This can be used to change the
* target's magnetic field radius after it's been added. It can also be added to other
* magnetized objects.
fun addTarget(target: View, magneticFieldRadiusPx: Int): MagneticTarget {
return MagneticTarget(target, magneticFieldRadiusPx).also { addTarget(it) }
* Removes the given target from this object. The target will no longer attract the object.
fun removeTarget(target: MagneticTarget) {
* Provide this method with all motion events that move the magnetized object. If the
* location of the motion events moves within the magnetic field of a target, or indicate a
* fling-to-target gesture, this method will return true and you should not move the object
* yourself until it returns false again.
* Note that even when this method returns true, you should continue to pass along new motion
* events so that we know when the events move back outside the magnetic field area.
* This method will always return false if you haven't set a [magnetListener].
fun maybeConsumeMotionEvent(ev: MotionEvent): Boolean {
// Short-circuit if we don't have a listener or any targets, since those are required.
if (associatedTargets.size == 0) {
return false
// When a gesture begins, recalculate target views' positions on the screen in case they
// have changed. Also, clear state.
if (ev.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
// Clear the velocity tracker and stuck target.
targetObjectIsStuckTo = null
// Set the touch down coordinates and reset movedBeyondSlop.
touchDown.set(ev.rawX, ev.rawY)
movedBeyondSlop = false
// Always pass events to the VelocityTracker.
// If we haven't yet moved beyond the slop distance, check if we have.
if (!movedBeyondSlop) {
val dragDistance = hypot(ev.rawX - touchDown.x, ev.rawY - touchDown.y)
if (dragDistance > touchSlop) {
// If we're beyond the slop distance, save that and continue.
movedBeyondSlop = true
} else {
// Otherwise, don't do anything yet.
return false
val targetObjectIsInMagneticFieldOf = associatedTargets.firstOrNull { target ->
val distanceFromTargetCenter = hypot(
ev.rawX - target.centerOnScreen.x,
ev.rawY - target.centerOnScreen.y)
distanceFromTargetCenter < target.magneticFieldRadiusPx
// If we aren't currently stuck to a target, and we're in the magnetic field of a target,
// we're newly stuck.
val objectNewlyStuckToTarget =
!objectStuckToTarget && targetObjectIsInMagneticFieldOf != null
// If we are currently stuck to a target, we're in the magnetic field of a target, and that
// target isn't the one we're currently stuck to, then touch events have moved into a
// adjacent target's magnetic field.
val objectMovedIntoDifferentTarget =
objectStuckToTarget &&
targetObjectIsInMagneticFieldOf != null &&
targetObjectIsStuckTo != targetObjectIsInMagneticFieldOf
if (objectNewlyStuckToTarget || objectMovedIntoDifferentTarget) {
val velX = velocityTracker.xVelocity
val velY = velocityTracker.yVelocity
// If the object is moving too quickly within the magnetic field, do not stick it. This
// only applies to objects newly stuck to a target. If the object is moved into a new
// target, it wasn't moving at all (since it was stuck to the previous one).
if (objectNewlyStuckToTarget && hypot(velX, velY) > stickToTargetMaxVelocity) {
return false
// This touch event is newly within the magnetic field - let the listener know, and
// animate sticking to the magnet.
targetObjectIsStuckTo = targetObjectIsInMagneticFieldOf
animateStuckToTarget(targetObjectIsInMagneticFieldOf, velX, velY, false)
} else if (targetObjectIsInMagneticFieldOf == null && objectStuckToTarget) {
// This touch event is newly outside the magnetic field - let the listener know. It will
// move the object out of the target using its own movement logic.
targetObjectIsStuckTo!!, velocityTracker.xVelocity, velocityTracker.yVelocity,
wasFlungOut = false)
targetObjectIsStuckTo = null
// First, check for relevant gestures concluding with an ACTION_UP.
if (ev.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000 /* units */)
val velX = velocityTracker.xVelocity
val velY = velocityTracker.yVelocity
// Cancel the magnetic animation since we might still be springing into the magnetic
// target, but we're about to fling away or release.
if (objectStuckToTarget) {
if (hypot(velX, velY) > flingUnstuckFromTargetMinVelocity) {
// If the object is stuck, but it was forcefully flung away from the target,
// tell the listener so the object can be animated out of the target.
targetObjectIsStuckTo!!, velX, velY, wasFlungOut = true)
} else {
// If the object is stuck and not flung away, it was released inside the target.
// Either way, we're no longer stuck.
targetObjectIsStuckTo = null
return true
// The target we're flinging towards, or null if we're not flinging towards any target.
val flungToTarget = associatedTargets.firstOrNull { target ->
isForcefulFlingTowardsTarget(target, ev.rawX, ev.rawY, velX, velY)
if (flungToTarget != null) {
// If this is a fling-to-target, animate the object to the magnet and then release
// it.
targetObjectIsStuckTo = flungToTarget
animateStuckToTarget(flungToTarget, velX, velY, true) {
targetObjectIsStuckTo = null
return true
// If it's not either of those things, we are not interested.
return false
return objectStuckToTarget // Always consume touch events if the object is stuck.
/** Plays the given vibration effect if haptics are enabled. */
private fun vibrateIfEnabled(effect: Int) {
if (hapticsEnabled && systemHapticsEnabled) {
/** Adds the movement to the velocity tracker using raw coordinates. */
private fun addMovement(event: MotionEvent) {
// Add movement to velocity tracker using raw screen X and Y coordinates instead
// of window coordinates because the window frame may be moving at the same time.
val deltaX = event.rawX - event.x
val deltaY = event.rawY - event.y
event.offsetLocation(deltaX, deltaY)
event.offsetLocation(-deltaX, -deltaY)
/** Animates sticking the object to the provided target with the given start velocities. */
private fun animateStuckToTarget(
target: MagneticTarget,
velX: Float,
velY: Float,
flung: Boolean,
after: (() -> Unit)? = null
) {
getLocationOnScreen(underlyingObject, objectLocationOnScreen)
// Calculate the difference between the target's center coordinates and the object's.
// Animating the object's x/y properties by these values will center the object on top
// of the magnetic target.
val xDiff = target.centerOnScreen.x -
getWidth(underlyingObject) / 2f - objectLocationOnScreen[0]
val yDiff = target.centerOnScreen.y -
getHeight(underlyingObject) / 2f - objectLocationOnScreen[1]
val springConfig = if (flung) flungIntoTargetSpringConfig else springConfig
// Animate to the center of the target.
.spring(xProperty, xProperty.getValue(underlyingObject) + xDiff, velX,
.spring(yProperty, yProperty.getValue(underlyingObject) + yDiff, velY,
if (physicsAnimatorUpdateListener != null) {
if (physicsAnimatorEndListener != null) {
if (after != null) {
* Whether or not the provided values match a 'fast fling' towards the provided target. If it
* does, we consider it a fling-to-target gesture.
private fun isForcefulFlingTowardsTarget(
target: MagneticTarget,
rawX: Float,
rawY: Float,
velX: Float,
velY: Float
): Boolean {
if (!flingToTargetEnabled) {
return false
// Whether velocity is sufficient, depending on whether we're flinging into a target at the
// top or the bottom of the screen.
val velocitySufficient =
if (rawY < target.centerOnScreen.y) velY > flingToTargetMinVelocity
else velY < flingToTargetMinVelocity
if (!velocitySufficient) {
return false
// Whether the trajectory of the fling intersects the target area.
var targetCenterXIntercept = rawX
// Only do math if the X velocity is non-zero, otherwise X won't change.
if (velX != 0f) {
// Rise over run...
val slope = velY / velX
// ...y = mx + b, b = y / mx...
val yIntercept = rawY - slope * rawX
// ...calculate the x value when y = the target's y-coordinate.
targetCenterXIntercept = (target.centerOnScreen.y - yIntercept) / slope
// The width of the area we're looking for a fling towards.
val targetAreaWidth = target.targetView.width * flingToTargetWidthPercent
// Velocity was sufficient, so return true if the intercept is within the target area.
return targetCenterXIntercept > target.centerOnScreen.x - targetAreaWidth / 2 &&
targetCenterXIntercept < target.centerOnScreen.x + targetAreaWidth / 2
/** Cancel animations on this object's x/y properties. */
internal fun cancelAnimations() {
animator.cancel(xProperty, yProperty)
/** Updates the locations on screen of all of the [associatedTargets]. */
internal fun updateTargetViews() {
associatedTargets.forEach { it.updateLocationOnScreen() }
// Update the touch slop, since the configuration may have changed.
if (associatedTargets.size > 0) {
touchSlop =
* Represents a target view with a magnetic field radius and cached center-on-screen
* coordinates.
* Instances of MagneticTarget are passed to a MagnetizedObject's [addTarget], and can then
* attract the object if it's dragged near or flung towards it. MagneticTargets can be added to
* multiple objects.
class MagneticTarget(
internal val targetView: View,
var magneticFieldRadiusPx: Int
) {
internal val centerOnScreen = PointF()
private val tempLoc = IntArray(2)
fun updateLocationOnScreen() { {
// Add half of the target size to get the center, and subtract translation since the
// target could be animating in while we're doing this calculation.
tempLoc[0] + targetView.width / 2f - targetView.translationX,
tempLoc[1] + targetView.height / 2f - targetView.translationY)
companion object {
* Magnetizes the given view. Magnetized views are attracted to one or more magnetic
* targets. Magnetic targets attract objects that are dragged near them, and hold them there
* unless they're moved away or released. Releasing objects inside a magnetic target
* typically performs an action on the object.
* Magnetized views can also be flung to targets, which will result in the view being pulled
* into the target and released as if it was dragged into it.
* To use the returned MagnetizedObject<View> instance, first set [magnetListener] to
* receive event callbacks. In your touch handler, pass all MotionEvents that move this view
* to [maybeConsumeMotionEvent]. If that method returns true, consider the event consumed by
* MagnetizedObject and don't move the view unless it begins returning false again.
* The view will be moved via translationX/Y properties, and its
* width/height will be determined via getWidth()/getHeight(). If you are animating
* something other than a view, or want to position your view using properties other than
* translationX/Y, implement an instance of [MagnetizedObject].
* Note that the magnetic library can't re-order your view automatically. If the view
* renders on top of the target views, it will obscure the target when it sticks to it.
* You'll want to bring the view to the front in [MagnetListener.onStuckToTarget].
fun <T : View> magnetizeView(view: T): MagnetizedObject<T> {
return object : MagnetizedObject<T>(
DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_Y) {
override fun getWidth(underlyingObject: T): Float {
return underlyingObject.width.toFloat()
override fun getHeight(underlyingObject: T): Float {
return underlyingObject.height.toFloat() }
override fun getLocationOnScreen(underlyingObject: T, loc: IntArray) {