blob: b2200c3002627e2c21e087e914438c94b1f4a305 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package android.telephony.mbms.vendor;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.telephony.mbms.IMbmsStreamingManagerCallback;
import android.telephony.mbms.IStreamingServiceCallback;
import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsException;
import android.telephony.mbms.MbmsStreamingManagerCallback;
import android.telephony.mbms.StreamingService;
import android.telephony.mbms.StreamingServiceCallback;
import android.telephony.mbms.StreamingServiceInfo;
import java.util.List;
* @hide
public class MbmsStreamingServiceBase extends IMbmsStreamingService.Stub {
* Initialize streaming service for this app and subId, registering the listener.
* May throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} or an {@link IllegalStateException}, which
* will be intercepted and passed to the app as
* {@link android.telephony.mbms.MbmsException.InitializationErrors#ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE}
* May return any value from {@link android.telephony.mbms.MbmsException.InitializationErrors}
* or {@link MbmsException#SUCCESS}. Non-successful error codes will be passed to the app via
* {@link IMbmsStreamingManagerCallback#error(int, String)}.
* @param listener The callback to use to communicate with the app.
* @param subscriptionId The subscription ID to use.
public int initialize(MbmsStreamingManagerCallback listener, int subscriptionId)
throws RemoteException {
return 0;
* Actual AIDL implementation that hides the callback AIDL from the middleware.
* @hide
public final int initialize(IMbmsStreamingManagerCallback listener, int subscriptionId)
throws RemoteException {
return initialize(new MbmsStreamingManagerCallback() {
public void error(int errorCode, String message) throws RemoteException {
listener.error(errorCode, message);
public void streamingServicesUpdated(List<StreamingServiceInfo> services) throws
RemoteException {
public void middlewareReady() throws RemoteException {
}, subscriptionId);
* Registers serviceClasses of interest with the appName/subId key.
* Starts async fetching data on streaming services of matching classes to be reported
* later via {@link IMbmsStreamingManagerCallback#streamingServicesUpdated(List)}
* Note that subsequent calls with the same uid and subId will replace
* the service class list.
* May throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} or an {@link IllegalStateException}
* @param subscriptionId The subscription id to use.
* @param serviceClasses The service classes that the app wishes to get info on. The strings
* may contain arbitrary data as negotiated between the app and the
* carrier.
* @return {@link MbmsException#SUCCESS} or any of the errors in
* {@link android.telephony.mbms.MbmsException.GeneralErrors}
public int getStreamingServices(int subscriptionId,
List<String> serviceClasses) throws RemoteException {
return 0;
* Starts streaming on a particular service. This method may perform asynchronous work. When
* the middleware is ready to send bits to the frontend, it should inform the app via
* {@link IStreamingServiceCallback#streamStateUpdated(int, int)}.
* May throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} or an {@link IllegalStateException}
* @param subscriptionId The subscription id to use.
* @param serviceId The ID of the streaming service that the app has requested.
* @param listener The listener object on which the app wishes to receive updates.
* @return Any error in {@link android.telephony.mbms.MbmsException.GeneralErrors}
public int startStreaming(int subscriptionId, String serviceId,
StreamingServiceCallback listener) throws RemoteException {
return 0;
* Actual AIDL implementation of startStreaming that hides the callback AIDL from the
* middleware.
* @hide
public int startStreaming(int subscriptionId, String serviceId,
IStreamingServiceCallback listener) throws RemoteException {
return startStreaming(subscriptionId, serviceId, new StreamingServiceCallback() {
public void error(int errorCode, String message) throws RemoteException {
listener.error(errorCode, message);
public void streamStateUpdated(@StreamingService.StreamingState int state,
@StreamingService.StreamingStateChangeReason int reason)
throws RemoteException {
listener.streamStateUpdated(state, reason);
public void mediaDescriptionUpdated() throws RemoteException {
public void broadcastSignalStrengthUpdated(int signalStrength) throws RemoteException {
public void streamMethodUpdated(int methodType) throws RemoteException {
* Retrieves the streaming URI for a particular service. If the middleware is not yet ready to
* stream the service, this method may return null.
* May throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} or an {@link IllegalStateException}
* @param subscriptionId The subscription id to use.
* @param serviceId The ID of the streaming service that the app has requested.
* @return An opaque {@link Uri} to be passed to a video player that understands the format.
public @Nullable Uri getPlaybackUri(int subscriptionId, String serviceId)
throws RemoteException {
return null;
* Stop streaming the stream identified by {@code serviceId}. Notification of the resulting
* stream state change should be reported to the app via
* {@link IStreamingServiceCallback#streamStateUpdated(int, int)}.
* May throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} or an {@link IllegalStateException}
* @param subscriptionId The subscription id to use.
* @param serviceId The ID of the streaming service that the app wishes to stop.
public void stopStreaming(int subscriptionId, String serviceId)
throws RemoteException {
* Dispose of the stream identified by {@code serviceId} for the app identified by the
* {@code appName} and {@code subscriptionId} arguments along with the caller's uid.
* No notification back to the app is required for this operation, and the callback provided via
* {@link #startStreaming(int, String, IStreamingServiceCallback)} should no longer be
* used after this method has called by the app.
* May throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} or an {@link IllegalStateException}
* @param subscriptionId The subscription id to use.
* @param serviceId The ID of the streaming service that the app wishes to dispose of.
public void disposeStream(int subscriptionId, String serviceId)
throws RemoteException {
* Signals that the app wishes to dispose of the session identified by the
* {@code subscriptionId} argument and the caller's uid. No notification back to the
* app is required for this operation, and the corresponding callback provided via
* {@link #initialize(IMbmsStreamingManagerCallback, int)} should no longer be used
* after this method has been called by the app.
* May throw an {@link IllegalStateException}
* @param subscriptionId The subscription id to use.
public void dispose(int subscriptionId) throws RemoteException {