blob: bdca9a452484d1567f5046e5f064b45bd5836db2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
* A helper class dealing with the alert interactions between {@link NotificationGroupManager} and
* {@link HeadsUpManager}. In particular, this class deals with keeping
* the correct notification in a group alerting based off the group suppression.
public class NotificationGroupAlertTransferHelper implements OnHeadsUpChangedListener,
StateListener {
private static final long ALERT_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT = 300;
* The list of entries containing group alert metadata for each group. Keyed by group key.
private final ArrayMap<String, GroupAlertEntry> mGroupAlertEntries = new ArrayMap<>();
* The list of entries currently inflating that should alert after inflation. Keyed by
* notification key.
private final ArrayMap<String, PendingAlertInfo> mPendingAlerts = new ArrayMap<>();
private HeadsUpManager mHeadsUpManager;
private final RowContentBindStage mRowContentBindStage;
private final NotificationGroupManager mGroupManager =
private NotificationEntryManager mEntryManager;
private boolean mIsDozing;
public NotificationGroupAlertTransferHelper(RowContentBindStage bindStage) {
mRowContentBindStage = bindStage;
/** Causes the TransferHelper to register itself as a listener to the appropriate classes. */
public void bind(NotificationEntryManager entryManager,
NotificationGroupManager groupManager) {
if (mEntryManager != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already bound.");
// TODO(b/119637830): It would be good if GroupManager already had all pending notifications
// as normal children (i.e. add notifications to GroupManager before inflation) so that we
// don't have to have this dependency. We'd also have to worry less about the suppression
// not being up to date.
mEntryManager = entryManager;
* Whether or not a notification has transferred its alert state to the notification and
* the notification should alert after inflating.
* @param entry notification to check
* @return true if the entry was transferred to and should inflate + alert
public boolean isAlertTransferPending(@NonNull NotificationEntry entry) {
PendingAlertInfo alertInfo = mPendingAlerts.get(entry.getKey());
return alertInfo != null && alertInfo.isStillValid();
public void setHeadsUpManager(HeadsUpManager headsUpManager) {
mHeadsUpManager = headsUpManager;
public void onStateChanged(int newState) {}
public void onDozingChanged(boolean isDozing) {
if (mIsDozing != isDozing) {
for (GroupAlertEntry groupAlertEntry : mGroupAlertEntries.values()) {
groupAlertEntry.mLastAlertTransferTime = 0;
groupAlertEntry.mAlertSummaryOnNextAddition = false;
mIsDozing = isDozing;
private final OnGroupChangeListener mOnGroupChangeListener = new OnGroupChangeListener() {
public void onGroupCreated(NotificationGroup group, String groupKey) {
mGroupAlertEntries.put(groupKey, new GroupAlertEntry(group));
public void onGroupRemoved(NotificationGroup group, String groupKey) {
public void onGroupSuppressionChanged(NotificationGroup group, boolean suppressed) {
if (suppressed) {
if (mHeadsUpManager.isAlerting(group.summary.getKey())) {
handleSuppressedSummaryAlerted(group.summary, mHeadsUpManager);
} else {
// Group summary can be null if we are no longer suppressed because the summary was
// removed. In that case, we don't need to alert the summary.
if (group.summary == null) {
GroupAlertEntry groupAlertEntry = mGroupAlertEntries.get(mGroupManager.getGroupKey(
// Group is no longer suppressed. We should check if we need to transfer the alert
// back to the summary now that it's no longer suppressed.
if (groupAlertEntry.mAlertSummaryOnNextAddition) {
if (!mHeadsUpManager.isAlerting(group.summary.getKey())) {
alertNotificationWhenPossible(group.summary, mHeadsUpManager);
groupAlertEntry.mAlertSummaryOnNextAddition = false;
} else {
public void onHeadsUpStateChanged(NotificationEntry entry, boolean isHeadsUp) {
onAlertStateChanged(entry, isHeadsUp, mHeadsUpManager);
private void onAlertStateChanged(NotificationEntry entry, boolean isAlerting,
AlertingNotificationManager alertManager) {
if (isAlerting && mGroupManager.isSummaryOfSuppressedGroup(entry.getSbn())) {
handleSuppressedSummaryAlerted(entry, alertManager);
private final NotificationEntryListener mNotificationEntryListener =
new NotificationEntryListener() {
// Called when a new notification has been posted but is not inflated yet. We use this to
// see as early as we can if we need to abort a transfer.
public void onPendingEntryAdded(NotificationEntry entry) {
String groupKey = mGroupManager.getGroupKey(entry.getSbn());
GroupAlertEntry groupAlertEntry = mGroupAlertEntries.get(groupKey);
if (groupAlertEntry != null) {
public void onEntryRemoved(
@Nullable NotificationEntry entry,
NotificationVisibility visibility,
boolean removedByUser) {
// Removes any alerts pending on this entry. Note that this will not stop any inflation
// tasks started by a transfer, so this should only be used as clean-up for when
// inflation is stopped and the pending alert no longer needs to happen.
* Gets the number of new notifications pending inflation that will be added to the group
* but currently aren't and should not alert.
* @param group group to check
* @return the number of new notifications that will be added to the group
private int getPendingChildrenNotAlerting(@NonNull NotificationGroup group) {
if (mEntryManager == null) {
return 0;
int number = 0;
Iterable<NotificationEntry> values = mEntryManager.getPendingNotificationsIterator();
for (NotificationEntry entry : values) {
if (isPendingNotificationInGroup(entry, group) && onlySummaryAlerts(entry)) {
return number;
* Checks if the pending inflations will add children to this group.
* @param group group to check
* @return true if a pending notification will add to this group
private boolean pendingInflationsWillAddChildren(@NonNull NotificationGroup group) {
if (mEntryManager == null) {
return false;
Iterable<NotificationEntry> values = mEntryManager.getPendingNotificationsIterator();
for (NotificationEntry entry : values) {
if (isPendingNotificationInGroup(entry, group)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if a new pending notification will be added to the group.
* @param entry pending notification
* @param group group to check
* @return true if the notification will add to the group, false o/w
private boolean isPendingNotificationInGroup(@NonNull NotificationEntry entry,
@NonNull NotificationGroup group) {
String groupKey = mGroupManager.getGroupKey(group.summary.getSbn());
return mGroupManager.isGroupChild(entry.getSbn())
&& Objects.equals(mGroupManager.getGroupKey(entry.getSbn()), groupKey)
&& !group.children.containsKey(entry.getKey());
* Handles the scenario where a summary that has been suppressed is alerted. A suppressed
* summary should for all intents and purposes be invisible to the user and as a result should
* not alert. When this is the case, it is our responsibility to pass the alert to the
* appropriate child which will be the representative notification alerting for the group.
* @param summary the summary that is suppressed and alerting
* @param alertManager the alert manager that manages the alerting summary
private void handleSuppressedSummaryAlerted(@NonNull NotificationEntry summary,
@NonNull AlertingNotificationManager alertManager) {
StatusBarNotification sbn = summary.getSbn();
GroupAlertEntry groupAlertEntry =
if (!mGroupManager.isSummaryOfSuppressedGroup(summary.getSbn())
|| !alertManager.isAlerting(sbn.getKey())
|| groupAlertEntry == null) {
if (pendingInflationsWillAddChildren(groupAlertEntry.mGroup)) {
// New children will actually be added to this group, let's not transfer the alert.
NotificationEntry child =
if (child != null) {
if (child.getRow().keepInParent()
|| child.isRowRemoved()
|| child.isRowDismissed()) {
// The notification is actually already removed. No need to alert it.
if (!alertManager.isAlerting(child.getKey()) && onlySummaryAlerts(summary)) {
groupAlertEntry.mLastAlertTransferTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
transferAlertState(summary, child, alertManager);
* Transfers the alert state one entry to another. We remove the alert from the first entry
* immediately to have the incorrect one up as short as possible. The second should alert
* when possible.
* @param fromEntry entry to transfer alert from
* @param toEntry entry to transfer to
* @param alertManager alert manager for the alert type
private void transferAlertState(@NonNull NotificationEntry fromEntry, @NonNull NotificationEntry toEntry,
@NonNull AlertingNotificationManager alertManager) {
alertManager.removeNotification(fromEntry.getKey(), true /* releaseImmediately */);
alertNotificationWhenPossible(toEntry, alertManager);
* Determines if we need to transfer the alert back to the summary from the child and does
* so if needed.
* This can happen since notification groups are not delivered as a whole unit and it is
* possible we erroneously transfer the alert from the summary to the child even though
* more children are coming. Thus, if a child is added within a certain timeframe after we
* transfer, we back out and alert the summary again.
* @param groupAlertEntry group alert entry to check
private void checkShouldTransferBack(@NonNull GroupAlertEntry groupAlertEntry) {
if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - groupAlertEntry.mLastAlertTransferTime
NotificationEntry summary = groupAlertEntry.mGroup.summary;
if (!onlySummaryAlerts(summary)) {
ArrayList<NotificationEntry> children = mGroupManager.getLogicalChildren(
int numChildren = children.size();
int numPendingChildren = getPendingChildrenNotAlerting(groupAlertEntry.mGroup);
numChildren += numPendingChildren;
if (numChildren <= 1) {
boolean releasedChild = false;
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
NotificationEntry entry = children.get(i);
if (onlySummaryAlerts(entry) && mHeadsUpManager.isAlerting(entry.getKey())) {
releasedChild = true;
entry.getKey(), true /* releaseImmediately */);
if (mPendingAlerts.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
// This is the child that would've been removed if it was inflated.
releasedChild = true;
mPendingAlerts.get(entry.getKey()).mAbortOnInflation = true;
if (releasedChild && !mHeadsUpManager.isAlerting(summary.getKey())) {
boolean notifyImmediately = (numChildren - numPendingChildren) > 1;
if (notifyImmediately) {
alertNotificationWhenPossible(summary, mHeadsUpManager);
} else {
// Should wait until the pending child inflates before alerting.
groupAlertEntry.mAlertSummaryOnNextAddition = true;
groupAlertEntry.mLastAlertTransferTime = 0;
* Tries to alert the notification. If its content view is not inflated, we inflate and continue
* when the entry finishes inflating the view.
* @param entry entry to show
* @param alertManager alert manager for the alert type
private void alertNotificationWhenPossible(@NonNull NotificationEntry entry,
@NonNull AlertingNotificationManager alertManager) {
@InflationFlag int contentFlag = alertManager.getContentFlag();
final RowContentBindParams params = mRowContentBindStage.getStageParams(entry);
if ((params.getContentViews() & contentFlag) == 0) {
mPendingAlerts.put(entry.getKey(), new PendingAlertInfo(entry));
mRowContentBindStage.requestRebind(entry, en -> {
PendingAlertInfo alertInfo = mPendingAlerts.remove(entry.getKey());
if (alertInfo != null) {
if (alertInfo.isStillValid()) {
alertNotificationWhenPossible(entry, mHeadsUpManager);
} else {
// The transfer is no longer valid. Free the content.
if (alertManager.isAlerting(entry.getKey())) {
alertManager.updateNotification(entry.getKey(), true /* alert */);
} else {
private boolean onlySummaryAlerts(NotificationEntry entry) {
return entry.getSbn().getNotification().getGroupAlertBehavior()
== Notification.GROUP_ALERT_SUMMARY;
* Information about a pending alert used to determine if the alert is still needed when
* inflation completes.
private class PendingAlertInfo {
* The original notification when the transfer is initiated. This is used to determine if
* the transfer is still valid if the notification is updated.
final StatusBarNotification mOriginalNotification;
final NotificationEntry mEntry;
* The notification is still pending inflation but we've decided that we no longer need
* the content view (e.g. suppression might have changed and we decided we need to transfer
* back).
* TODO: Replace this entire structure with {@link RowContentBindStage#requestRebind)}.
boolean mAbortOnInflation;
PendingAlertInfo(NotificationEntry entry) {
mOriginalNotification = entry.getSbn();
mEntry = entry;
* Whether or not the pending alert is still valid and should still alert after inflation.
* @return true if the pending alert should still occur, false o/w
private boolean isStillValid() {
if (mAbortOnInflation) {
// Notification is aborted due to the transfer being explicitly cancelled
return false;
if (mEntry.getSbn().getGroupKey() != mOriginalNotification.getGroupKey()) {
// Groups have changed
return false;
if (mEntry.getSbn().getNotification().isGroupSummary()
!= mOriginalNotification.getNotification().isGroupSummary()) {
// Notification has changed from group summary to not or vice versa
return false;
return true;
* Contains alert metadata for the notification group used to determine when/how the alert
* should be transferred.
private static class GroupAlertEntry {
* The time when the last alert transfer from summary to child happened.
long mLastAlertTransferTime;
boolean mAlertSummaryOnNextAddition;
final NotificationGroup mGroup;
GroupAlertEntry(NotificationGroup group) {
this.mGroup = group;