blob: 61cd88aac92117a13003ceded69fcb3fd8291c53 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
* Callbacks for handling IpClient events.
* This is a convenience class to allow clients not to override all methods of IIpClientCallbacks,
* and avoid unparceling arguments.
* These methods are called asynchronously on a Binder thread, as IpClient lives in a different
* process.
* @hide
public class IpClientCallbacks {
* Callback called upon IpClient creation.
* @param ipClient The Binder token to communicate with IpClient.
public void onIpClientCreated(IIpClient ipClient) {}
* Callback called prior to DHCP discovery/renewal.
* <p>In order to receive onPreDhcpAction(), call #withPreDhcpAction() when constructing a
* ProvisioningConfiguration.
* <p>Implementations of onPreDhcpAction() must call IpClient#completedPreDhcpAction() to
* indicate that DHCP is clear to proceed.
public void onPreDhcpAction() {}
* Callback called after DHCP discovery/renewal.
public void onPostDhcpAction() {}
* Callback called when new DHCP results are available.
* <p>This is purely advisory and not an indication of provisioning success or failure. This is
* only here for callers that want to expose DHCPv4 results to other APIs
* (e.g., WifiInfo#setInetAddress).
* <p>DHCPv4 or static IPv4 configuration failure or success can be determined by whether or not
* the passed-in DhcpResults object is null.
public void onNewDhcpResults(DhcpResults dhcpResults) {}
* Indicates that provisioning was successful.
public void onProvisioningSuccess(LinkProperties newLp) {}
* Indicates that provisioning failed.
public void onProvisioningFailure(LinkProperties newLp) {}
* Invoked on LinkProperties changes.
public void onLinkPropertiesChange(LinkProperties newLp) {}
/**Called when the internal IpReachabilityMonitor (if enabled) has
* detected the loss of a critical number of required neighbors.
public void onReachabilityLost(String logMsg) {}
* Called when the IpClient state machine terminates.
public void onQuit() {}
* Called to indicate that a new APF program must be installed to filter incoming packets.
public void installPacketFilter(byte[] filter) {}
* Called to indicate that the APF Program & data buffer must be read asynchronously from the
* wifi driver.
* <p>Due to Wifi HAL limitations, the current implementation only supports dumping the entire
* buffer. In response to this request, the driver returns the data buffer asynchronously
* by sending an IpClient#EVENT_READ_PACKET_FILTER_COMPLETE message.
public void startReadPacketFilter() {}
* If multicast filtering cannot be accomplished with APF, this function will be called to
* actuate multicast filtering using another means.
public void setFallbackMulticastFilter(boolean enabled) {}
* Enabled/disable Neighbor Discover offload functionality. This is called, for example,
* whenever 464xlat is being started or stopped.
public void setNeighborDiscoveryOffload(boolean enable) {}
* Invoked on starting preconnection process.
public void onPreconnectionStart(List<Layer2PacketParcelable> packets) {}