blob: c1c6c624454e57b528e6e48d4e8c84b3a1979687 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.BytesLong;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
* Digital Video Record (DVR) recorder class which provides record control on Demux's output buffer.
* @hide
public class DvrRecorder implements AutoCloseable {
long mNativeContext;
private native int nativeAttachFilter(Filter filter);
private native int nativeDetachFilter(Filter filter);
private native int nativeConfigureDvr(DvrSettings settings);
private native int nativeStartDvr();
private native int nativeStopDvr();
private native int nativeFlushDvr();
private native int nativeClose();
private native void nativeSetFileDescriptor(int fd);
private native long nativeWrite(long size);
private native long nativeWrite(byte[] bytes, long offset, long size);
private DvrRecorder() {
* Attaches a filter to DVR interface for recording.
* <p>There can be multiple filters attached. Attached filters are independent, so the order
* doesn't matter.
* @param filter the filter to be attached.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int attachFilter(@NonNull Filter filter) {
return nativeAttachFilter(filter);
* Detaches a filter from DVR interface.
* @param filter the filter to be detached.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int detachFilter(@NonNull Filter filter) {
return nativeDetachFilter(filter);
* Configures the DVR.
* @param settings the settings of the DVR interface.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int configure(@NonNull DvrSettings settings) {
return nativeConfigureDvr(settings);
* Starts DVR.
* <p>Starts consuming playback data or producing data for recording.
* <p>Does nothing if the filter is stopped or not started.</p>
* @return result status of the operation.
public int start() {
return nativeStartDvr();
* Stops DVR.
* <p>Stops consuming playback data or producing data for recording.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int stop() {
return nativeStopDvr();
* Flushed DVR data.
* <p>The data in DVR buffer is cleared.
* @return result status of the operation.
public int flush() {
return nativeFlushDvr();
* Closes the DVR instance to release resources.
public void close() {
* Sets file descriptor to write data.
* <p>When a write operation of the filter object is happening, this method should not be
* called.
* @param fd the file descriptor to write data.
* @see #write(long)
* @see #write(byte[], long, long)
public void setFileDescriptor(@NonNull ParcelFileDescriptor fd) {
* Writes recording data to file.
* @param size the maximum number of bytes to write.
* @return the number of bytes written.
public long write(@BytesLong long size) {
return nativeWrite(size);
* Writes recording data to buffer.
* @param bytes the byte array stores the data to be written to DVR.
* @param offset the index of the first byte in {@code bytes} to be written to DVR.
* @param size the maximum number of bytes to write.
* @return the number of bytes written.
public long write(@NonNull byte[] bytes, @BytesLong long offset, @BytesLong long size) {
return nativeWrite(bytes, offset, size);