blob: 535a597f5e1eb148e4082e8e91501eb1e59f4b6d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.telephony.ims;
import android.annotation.CheckResult;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* The parameters to pass into
* {@link RcsMessageStore#getRcsMessages(RcsMessageQueryParams)} in order to select a
* subset of {@link RcsMessage}s present in the message store.
public final class RcsMessageQueryParams implements Parcelable {
* @hide - not meant for public use
public static final int THREAD_ID_NOT_SET = -1;
* Flag to be used with {@link Builder#setSortProperty(int)} to denote that the results should
* be sorted in the same order of {@link RcsMessage}s that got persisted into storage for faster
* results.
public static final int SORT_BY_CREATION_ORDER = 0;
* Flag to be used with {@link Builder#setSortProperty(int)} to denote that the results should
* be sorted according to the timestamp of {@link RcsMessage#getOriginationTimestamp()}
public static final int SORT_BY_TIMESTAMP = 1;
public @interface SortingProperty {
* Bitmask flag to be used with {@link Builder#setMessageType(int)} to make
* {@link RcsMessageStore#getRcsMessages(RcsMessageQueryParams)} return
* {@link RcsIncomingMessage}s.
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_INCOMING = 0x0001;
* Bitmask flag to be used with {@link Builder#setMessageType(int)} to make
* {@link RcsMessageStore#getRcsMessages(RcsMessageQueryParams)} return
* {@link RcsOutgoingMessage}s.
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTGOING = 0x0002;
* Bitmask flag to be used with {@link Builder#setFileTransferPresence(int)} to make
* {@link RcsMessageStore#getRcsMessages(RcsMessageQueryParams)} return {@link RcsMessage}s
* that have an {@link RcsFileTransferPart} attached.
public static final int MESSAGES_WITH_FILE_TRANSFERS = 0x0004;
* Bitmask flag to be used with {@link Builder#setFileTransferPresence(int)} to make
* {@link RcsMessageStore#getRcsMessages(RcsMessageQueryParams)} return {@link RcsMessage}s
* that don't have an {@link RcsFileTransferPart} attached.
public static final int MESSAGES_WITHOUT_FILE_TRANSFERS = 0x0008;
* @hide - not meant for public use
public static final String MESSAGE_QUERY_PARAMETERS_KEY = "message_query_parameters";
// Whether the result should be filtered against incoming or outgoing messages
private int mMessageType;
// Whether the result should have file transfer messages attached or not
private int mFileTransferPresence;
// The SQL "Like" clause to filter messages
private String mMessageLike;
// The property the messages should be sorted against
private @SortingProperty int mSortingProperty;
// Whether the messages should be sorted in ascending order
private boolean mIsAscending;
// The number of results that should be returned with this query
private int mLimit;
// The thread that the results should be limited to
private int mThreadId;
RcsMessageQueryParams(int messageType, int fileTransferPresence, String messageLike,
int threadId, @SortingProperty int sortingProperty, boolean isAscending, int limit) {
mMessageType = messageType;
mFileTransferPresence = fileTransferPresence;
mMessageLike = messageLike;
mSortingProperty = sortingProperty;
mIsAscending = isAscending;
mLimit = limit;
mThreadId = threadId;
* @return Returns the type of {@link RcsMessage}s that this {@link RcsMessageQueryParams}
* is set to query for.
public int getMessageType() {
return mMessageType;
* @return Returns whether the result query should return {@link RcsMessage}s with
* {@link RcsFileTransferPart}s or not
public int getFileTransferPresence() {
return mFileTransferPresence;
* @return Returns the SQL-inspired "LIKE" clause that will be used to match {@link RcsMessage}s
public String getMessageLike() {
return mMessageLike;
* @return Returns the number of {@link RcsThread}s to be returned from the query. A value of
* 0 means there is no set limit.
public int getLimit() {
return mLimit;
* @return Returns the property that will be used to sort the result against.
* @see SortingProperty
public @SortingProperty int getSortingProperty() {
return mSortingProperty;
* @return Returns {@code true} if the result set will be sorted in ascending order,
* {@code false} if it will be sorted in descending order.
public boolean getSortDirection() {
return mIsAscending;
* This is used in {@link} to get
* the thread that the result query should be limited to.
* As we do not expose any sort of integer ID's to public usage, this should be hidden.
* @hide - not meant for public use
public int getThreadId() {
return mThreadId;
* A helper class to build the {@link RcsMessageQueryParams}.
public static class Builder {
private @SortingProperty int mSortingProperty;
private int mMessageType;
private int mFileTransferPresence;
private String mMessageLike;
private boolean mIsAscending;
private int mLimit = 100;
private int mThreadId = THREAD_ID_NOT_SET;
* Creates a new builder for {@link RcsMessageQueryParams} to be used in
* {@link RcsMessageStore#getRcsMessages(RcsMessageQueryParams)}
public Builder() {
// empty implementation
* Desired number of threads to be returned from the query. Passing in 0 will return all
* existing threads at once. The limit defaults to 100.
* @param limit The number to limit the query result to.
* @return The same instance of the builder to chain parameters.
* @throws InvalidParameterException If the given limit is negative.
public Builder setResultLimit(@IntRange(from = 0) int limit)
throws InvalidParameterException {
if (limit < 0) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("The query limit must be non-negative");
mLimit = limit;
return this;
* Sets the type of messages to be returned from the query.
* @param messageType The type of message to be returned.
* @return The same instance of the builder to chain parameters.
* @see RcsMessageQueryParams#MESSAGE_TYPE_INCOMING
* @see RcsMessageQueryParams#MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTGOING
public Builder setMessageType(int messageType) {
mMessageType = messageType;
return this;
* Sets whether file transfer messages should be included in the query result or not.
* @param fileTransferPresence Whether file transfers should be included in the result
* @return The same instance of the builder to chain parameters.
public Builder setFileTransferPresence(int fileTransferPresence) {
mFileTransferPresence = fileTransferPresence;
return this;
* Sets an SQL-inspired "like" clause to match with messages. Using a percent sign ('%')
* wildcard matches any sequence of zero or more characters. Using an underscore ('_')
* wildcard matches any single character. Not using any wildcards would only perform a
* string match. The input string is case-insensitive.
* The input "Wh%" would match messages "who", "where" and "what", while the input "Wh_"
* would only match "who"
* @param messageLike The "like" clause for matching {@link RcsMessage}s.
* @return The same instance of the builder to chain parameters.
public Builder setMessageLike(String messageLike) {
mMessageLike = messageLike;
return this;
* Sets the property where the results should be sorted against. Defaults to
* {@link RcsMessageQueryParams.SortingProperty#SORT_BY_CREATION_ORDER}
* @param sortingProperty against which property the results should be sorted
* @return The same instance of the builder to chain parameters.
public Builder setSortProperty(@SortingProperty int sortingProperty) {
mSortingProperty = sortingProperty;
return this;
* Sets whether the results should be sorted ascending or descending
* @param isAscending whether the results should be sorted ascending
* @return The same instance of the builder to chain parameters.
public Builder setSortDirection(boolean isAscending) {
mIsAscending = isAscending;
return this;
* Limits the results to the given thread.
* @param thread the {@link RcsThread} that results should be limited to. If set to
* {@code null}, messages on all threads will be queried
* @return The same instance of the builder to chain parameters.
public Builder setThread(@Nullable RcsThread thread) {
if (thread == null) {
} else {
mThreadId = thread.getThreadId();
return this;
* Builds the {@link RcsMessageQueryParams} to use in
* {@link RcsMessageStore#getRcsMessages(RcsMessageQueryParams)}
* @return An instance of {@link RcsMessageQueryParams} to use with the message
* query.
public RcsMessageQueryParams build() {
return new RcsMessageQueryParams(mMessageType, mFileTransferPresence, mMessageLike,
mThreadId, mSortingProperty, mIsAscending, mLimit);
* Parcelable boilerplate below.
private RcsMessageQueryParams(Parcel in) {
mMessageType = in.readInt();
mFileTransferPresence = in.readInt();
mMessageLike = in.readString();
mSortingProperty = in.readInt();
mIsAscending = in.readBoolean();
mLimit = in.readInt();
mThreadId = in.readInt();
public static final Creator<RcsMessageQueryParams> CREATOR =
new Creator<RcsMessageQueryParams>() {
public RcsMessageQueryParams createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new RcsMessageQueryParams(in);
public RcsMessageQueryParams[] newArray(int size) {
return new RcsMessageQueryParams[size];
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {