blob: bfdccca2955bd87b4d7c6ae38845421c1ba96868 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.text;
import android.annotation.FloatRange;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import dalvik.annotation.optimization.CriticalNative;
import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry;
* A native implementation of measured paragraph.
* TODO: Consider to make this class public.
* @hide
public class NativeMeasuredParagraph {
private static final NativeAllocationRegistry sRegistry = new NativeAllocationRegistry(
NativeMeasuredParagraph.class.getClassLoader(), nGetReleaseFunc(), 1024);
private long mNativePtr;
private @NonNull char[] mChars;
// Use builder instead.
private NativeMeasuredParagraph(long ptr, @NonNull char[] chars) {
mNativePtr = ptr;
mChars = chars;
* Returns a characters of this paragraph.
public char[] getChars() {
return mChars;
* Returns a width of the given region
public float getWidth(int start, int end) {
return nGetWidth(mNativePtr, start, end);
* Returns a memory usage of the native object.
public int getMemoryUsage() {
return nGetMemoryUsage(mNativePtr);
* Fills the boundary box of the given region
public void getBounds(char[] buf, int start, int end, Rect rect) {
nGetBounds(mNativePtr, buf, start, end, rect);
* Returns the width of the character at the given offset
public float getCharWidthAt(int offset) {
return nGetCharWidthAt(mNativePtr, offset);
* Returns a native pointer of the underlying native object.
public long getNativePtr() {
return mNativePtr;
private static native float nGetWidth(/* Non Zero */ long nativePtr,
@IntRange(from = 0) int start,
@IntRange(from = 0) int end);
private static native /* Non Zero */ long nGetReleaseFunc();
private static native int nGetMemoryUsage(/* Non Zero */ long nativePtr);
private static native void nGetBounds(long nativePtr, char[] buf, int start, int end,
Rect rect);
private static native float nGetCharWidthAt(long nativePtr, int offset);
* A builder for the NativeMeasuredParagraph
public static class Builder {
private final long mNativePtr;
public Builder() {
mNativePtr = nInitBuilder();
* Apply styles to given range
public void addStyleRun(@NonNull Paint paint, int start, int end, boolean isRtl) {
nAddStyleRun(mNativePtr, paint.getNativeInstance(), start, end, isRtl);
* Tells native that the given range is replaced with the object of given width.
public void addReplacementRun(@NonNull Paint paint, int start, int end, float width) {
nAddReplacementRun(mNativePtr, paint.getNativeInstance(), start, end, width);
* Build the NativeMeasuredParagraph
public NativeMeasuredParagraph build(char[] text, boolean computeHyphenation,
boolean computeLayout) {
try {
long ptr = nBuildNativeMeasuredParagraph(mNativePtr, text, computeHyphenation,
NativeMeasuredParagraph res = new NativeMeasuredParagraph(ptr, text);
sRegistry.registerNativeAllocation(res, ptr);
return res;
} finally {
private static native /* Non Zero */ long nInitBuilder();
* Apply style to make native measured text.
* @param nativeBuilderPtr The native MeasuredParagraph builder pointer.
* @param paintPtr The native paint pointer to be applied.
* @param start The start offset in the copied buffer.
* @param end The end offset in the copied buffer.
* @param isRtl True if the text is RTL.
private static native void nAddStyleRun(/* Non Zero */ long nativeBuilderPtr,
/* Non Zero */ long paintPtr,
@IntRange(from = 0) int start,
@IntRange(from = 0) int end,
boolean isRtl);
* Apply ReplacementRun to make native measured text.
* @param nativeBuilderPtr The native MeasuredParagraph builder pointer.
* @param paintPtr The native paint pointer to be applied.
* @param start The start offset in the copied buffer.
* @param end The end offset in the copied buffer.
* @param width The width of the replacement.
private static native void nAddReplacementRun(/* Non Zero */ long nativeBuilderPtr,
/* Non Zero */ long paintPtr,
@IntRange(from = 0) int start,
@IntRange(from = 0) int end,
@FloatRange(from = 0) float width);
private static native long nBuildNativeMeasuredParagraph(
/* Non Zero */ long nativeBuilderPtr,
@NonNull char[] text,
boolean computeHyphenation,
boolean computeLayout);
private static native void nFreeBuilder(/* Non Zero */ long nativeBuilderPtr);